Seeing Barrett, Li Yunlong seemed to have seen something good baby, directly put down the telescope, approached Barrett and took a closer look, with a curious baby look.

“Brother Ye Ming, this is planning to show a hand.”

Ye Ming looked at Li Yunlong who seemed to be scratched like a cat in his heart, and said, “Captain Li, you determine a target. ”

When Li Yunlong heard this, he was not polite at all, and directly picked up the telescope and aimed it at the little devil who was building a defensive position.

Zhang Dabiao repeatedly assured before, and Ye Ming looked calm, Li Yunlong basically believed that Ye Ming had the ability to accurately kill the little devil two kilometers away.

It’s just that he still wants to see it for himself.

If Ye Ming has such ability, then in Li Yunlong’s opinion, he is definitely a super baby, the kind that does not change for a division commander.

Soon, Li Yunlong found a target for attack.

In the position of the little devil opposite, the young man of the little devil was standing on the position with a saber, urging the soldiers to speed up the construction of the offensive position.

“Brother Ye, in the direction of twelve o’clock, there is a little devil officer with a saber, but the distance is a little far, I am afraid it is more than two thousand meters.”

Li Yunlong’s telescope is also not very good, although you can see the officer of the little devil opposite, but you can’t see the specific rank, but it is always an officer of the little devil.

At this time, Ye Ming had already set up Barrett, and immediately found the little devil officer that Li Yunlong saw, and while aiming, Ye Ming also said: “That is the young Zuo of a little devil, and the distance is 2,930 meters. ”

“It’s almost three thousand meters, then forget it, find another one!” When Li Yunlong heard this, although he didn’t know how Ye Ming knew such a precise distance, he also felt that the little devil officer on the opposite side was indeed far enough.

In fact, Ye Ming, as a supergod-level sniper, can see the distance between the target and himself with his eyes even if he does not use a scope.

Hearing that Li Yunlong was going to look for the target again, Ye Ming shook his head and said: “No need, that’s it, you guys pay attention, the gunshot is a little loud.” ”

Barrett’s intelligent sight directly provides Ye Ming with detailed information such as wind speed and humidity, and the scope will also intelligently adjust the alignment according to the information data obtained by the intelligent sensor of the scope.

While speaking, the smart sight had already adjusted the cross-alignment.

Just as Li Yunlong picked up the telescope and looked at the young devil three thousand meters away, Ye Ming had already loaded the bullet, locked the target, and pulled the trigger.

A huge gunshot was heard at the moment of shooting, and Barrett’s muzzle spewed fire, and the sub ejected the chamber.

Li Yunlong was not frightened by the gunshot under Ye Ming’s reminder, and when two seconds after the shot, the head of the little devil Shaozu in the telescope instantly disappeared from his neck.

Through the telescope, Li Yunlong saw a little vaguely that the little devil Shaozu had turned into a headless corpse, and a lot of learning was sprayed around.

This scene really scared Li Yunlong.

Although Li Yunlong was prepared in his heart when Ye Ming confidently said that he did not need to change the target, he still looked incredible when he really saw this scene with his own eyes.

“Zhente Niang’s fight is too good, three thousand meters, Lao Tzu feels the neck cold!” Li Yunlong couldn’t help but sigh.

And Ye Ming, who had already opened the killing ring, did not heed Li Yunlong’s emotion, and continued to shoot accurately at the little devil position in front.

Suddenly, the little devil’s position was chaotic, and in addition to the first young man, there were several little devil officers armed with sabers, who were accurately shot by Ye Ming, and each of them was a bloody headshot.

For a time, the entire little devil was building a position, and there was basically no figure walking around.

And the machine gun position that the little devil had already built also began to shoot towards the Cangyunling position of the Eighth Route Army.

However, this did not affect Ye Ming’s attack, the little devil’s forward position was nearly two kilometers away from the main peak of Cangyunling, and the little devil’s machine gun was not a threat at all.

And Li Yunlong, who was in the forward headquarters of the main peak, saw that the little devil’s machine gun was firing, so he immediately gave the order to prepare for battle.

At this moment, Ye Ming also stopped, because he saw the location of the little devil’s headquarters.

The headquarters of the Little Devil Wing is about three thousand meters away from the main peak position of Cangyunling, but there is a line of sight block, and there is no direct attack trajectory.

If Ye Ming hadn’t discovered the signal pole erected by the headquarters of the Little Devil Wing, it would be difficult to find out at once.


At the same time, the little devil Sakata United Command inside.

Wing Commander Nobutetsu Sakata lay on the edge of the headquarters and looked at the new position on the opposite Cangyunling with a telescope.

Wing Chief of Staff Ura Yu Nakasa hurriedly came in and reported: “Your Excellency, the squadron leader of the fifth squadron reported that the gunshots just now were exactly the same as the sniper guns they encountered yesterday in pursuit of the Eighth Route Army, and it can be determined that it is the sniper that the fifth squadron encountered yesterday. ”

“Youxi, order the fifth squadron, prepare to launch an attack and wash away yesterday’s shame.”

Sakata Shin-tetsu ordered with an expressionless face.

Pursuing the Eighth Route Army along the way, the Sakata United finally found the main force of the Eighth Route Army, just a sniper, in Sakata Nobutetsu’s opinion, it was just a somewhat interesting episode, and it was not worth his attention.

As an elite field wing, Sakata Nobutetsu’s eyes are only on the main forces of the Eighth Route Army, and the rest is not important at all.

Even if that sniper has already taken out the lives of many officers of the Sakata United and more than a dozen imperial soldiers.

In fact, compared to the presence of snipers, what really interested Sakata Nobutetsu was the commander of the Eighth Route Army opposite.

The troops of the Eighth Route Army defending Cangyunling could not only quickly build defensive positions from the pursuit of the Sakata Wing, but also the fortification branch was very scientific, and the foxholes and position gatherings were also very methodical.

This made Sakata Nobutetsu very concerned, after all, only by breaking through the opponent’s position could he annihilate the main force of the Eighth Route Army in front of him.

“Order, artillery brigade, immediately open fire and cover the attack of the fifth squadron.”

The order to attack was quickly conveyed, and the artillery brigade to which the Sakata Wing belonged immediately launched an attack on Cangyunling.

At the same time, mortars placed behind the offensive positions simultaneously launched shelling of the positions of the new regiment.

For a time, the entire Cangyunling position was covered by a large number of artillery fire.

At the same time, under the cover of artillery fire, the 5th Squadron of Little Devils, which had been prepared on the offensive forward position, also began to approach the forward position of the new regiment.

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