Bright Era

Chapter 619: Giant Purple Widow

Without making a sound, the group walked across this weird metal platform holding their breath.

Lin Qi looked back with lingering fears at these metal giants that had stood in the wind and sand for an unknown number of years. The thunder light hit him just now. Based on Lin Qi’s tyrannical cultivation of the high-ranking saints, he did not know how much he had strengthened He was so powerful that he directly felt the breath of death madly surrounding him.

The electric current almost burned Lin Qi's body into coke.

Fortunately, Lin Qi merged with the tattered heart of the **** of desert, which brought Lin Qi nearly infinite vitality far beyond ordinary people. Huge vitality aura constantly gushes out of Lin Qi's body, and accurately input all parts of the body under the precise mobilization of the life wheel. Every part of the body is damaged, and the vitality breath quickly replenishes the consumption there. This is an extremely hard way to survive. This disaster.

Don't say that Sha Xinyue even scolded Lin Qi, even if Sha Xinyue didn't speak, Lin Qi didn't dare to touch the things here.

While in the Heiyuan Divine Prison, the young man once mentioned to Lin Qi about some ancient ruins. At that time, Lin Qi just listened to it as a legend. But this time, Lin Qi finally understood what is called ancient ruins and what is called a forbidden place for life!

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead vigorously, Lin Qi tugged at his clothes with a trace of doubt. The thunder light just now was so powerful that Lin Qi was almost smashed to death, and the sand was melted into a big hole, but his clothes were not damaged at all. I really don't know what happened.

The donkey who followed Lin Qi sneakily looked around, then spoke in a low voice.

"Lin Qi, boy, don't you think these metal bumps are good things? The goblin grandmaster can't get a little bit of debris. The material is no different from the legendary artifact."

Lin Qi's eyes flickered for a while, and the donkey was right. As expected, these metal platforms were all good things. Maybe in the ancient times, these metal platforms were powerful magic devices. But things that the goblin master can't get away, what can Lin Qi do?

Regardless of the magic heavy crossbow, including the widely used magic furnaces, or even the magic explosive bombs used by the super large catapults, these technologies were first developed by the dwarf goblins of the goblin continent, and then slowly spread. To all continents. The guru among the goblins has a much higher gold content than those in the tower of the Gaul Empire. What the goblin master can't handle, let alone Lin Qi?

Shaking his head heavily, Lin Qi patted the donkey on the head, frowning and striding behind Sha Xinyue.

Tucker walked beside Lin Qi with a huge heavy shield that was a bit taller than him. He grinned at Lin Qi and said, "I was carrying the lightning magic just now. Can't help it. Brother Lin Qi can withstand such an attack, your strength is much stronger than mine!"

Lin Qi gave a dry laugh, and was about to speak, when Sha Xinyue had softly yelled "quiet".

They have come to the entrance of the ruins, which is an entrance excavated on the edge of the desert and above the mountain. The entrance is twenty meters high and ten meters wide. Judging from the remaining traces on both sides and above the entrance, a very heavy portal was originally installed here, but now the portal has disappeared without a trace, only some messy metal components suddenly stretch out from the mountain.

These metal parts, which are as hideous as the claws of evil spirits, make a low buzzing sound in the strong wind. Just like those metal platforms, I don’t know how many years have passed. These metal parts, large or small, are covered with a layer. Thick sand and rust, but still maintain the general appearance.

"When we get here, even if we officially step into the dangerous zone." Sha Xinyue turned her head and told everyone: "Be fully guarded, we will stay here if we are not careful. Lin Qi, you bring silver and copper coins to explore the way ahead. ."

Glancing at Lin Qi, Sha Xinyue warned word by word: "But without my permission, don't touch anything here! Including silver and copper coins, don't think you are top thieves. You can be negligent, the danger here is something you have never encountered before!"

Lin Qi and the thieves brothers responded at the same time, and then the two thieves carefully drew out their daggers, and walked towards the entrance with small broken steps. Lin Qi greeted, and Bilibili and the wine barrel followed Lin Qi at the same time. Bilibili hides behind Lin Qi sneakily, while the keg is holding a large shield in one hand and a huge warhammer in the other, while the two big eyeballs gurgling around.

Exploring the ancient ruins is a new thing for everyone present, no one dares to neglect.

Only the nonchalant man walked right away, muttering in his mouth not knowing what was muttering. He himself is an old antique excavated from the ancient ruins by the ancestors of the tiger tribe. Naturally, he doesn't think that an ancient ruins will be much threatening.

Two heavy armored warriors clasped their long swords to protect Sha Xinyue from the left, Tucker held the heavy shield in his hands and firmly guarded Sha Xinyue, taking care of several fragile wizards. Security. The shield in Tucker's hand is basically a wall, as long as it is placed at will, it can definitely protect Sha Xinyue and the others.

The elven sisters lightly followed the middle and rear of the team. They held the longbow tightly, and the long arrow had been placed on the bowstring. The arrows of the sisters have a faint cyan color. This is the special luster of wind magic arrows. The wind magic arrows are extremely fast and have strong penetrating power. They are the best choice for long-range sniping; and the other's arrow The arrow reveals a hint of white luster. This is the characteristic of ice magic arrows. Ice magic arrows have a slower flight speed, but they have a large range after the explosion. They have special effects of freezing and slowing down. They are the best auxiliary. Magic arrow.

The group made no sound, but walked forward cautiously.

After they walked into the ruins about 20 meters, a mage next to Sha Xinyue shook his staff, and a light group the size of a human head rose slowly, illuminating a radius of 100 meters. This is an advanced "constant light technique". The intensity of the light within the firelight coverage area is equal, and the light will not be too strong because of the short distance, and it will not be too weak because of the distance.

Lin Qi raised his head and looked at the scene inside the ruins by the light group's shining.

This is a corridor with a height of 20 meters and a width of about 10 meters, the size of the entrance gate. The entire corridor extends slightly downwards. The corridors are all made of metal. A large amount of dust and sand are piled up on the ground, but the walls and ceilings still faintly show the luster of metal reflection.

"No matter who built this ruin, that person must be very rich!" The silver coin sighed faintly: "Paving such a tunnel with pure metal is too costly."

Lin Qi and Copper Coin nodded again and again, and even Xiong Wanjin's eyes glowed with faint green light.

I walked forward cautiously for a while, and entered the ruins for more than three hundred meters, and a fragmented door frame structure appeared on the walls and floor of the corridor. But here there is still a half-zipped door hanging diagonally on the door frame. Lin Qi and the Copper Coin brothers leaned over and took a look. The ten-meter-thick door was clearly torn open by a sharp claw with one hand.

Lin Qi couldn't help grinning, the deep paw prints on the half-drawn door were so clear, a fierce breath still remained on the half-drawn door, as if the terrifying creature that had torn the door still remained here. The group of people stared blankly at the few meters of paw prints, and they remained silent for a long while.

After a moment of silence, Sha Xinyue looked at Lin Qi: "Try the strength of this portal! This door has been destroyed, and even if there are some magic traps, it should have been triggered, and there will be no other dangers. ."

Lin Qi nodded heavily. He stood solemnly in front of the broken half-brazed door, and a loud noise came from all the acupuncture points in his body at the same time. Accompanied by the piercing sound of gold and iron, Lin Qi clenched his right fist and struck the door with all his strength.

With this punch, Lin Qi had already used his full strength to raise him to the high rank of a saint. The white light leaked from under his skin, making his skin and flesh become transparent, revealing the pale color and lustre like an alloy cast. Bones.

With a muffled sound of ‘boom’, Lin Qi’s fist hit the gate in full view, and then the gate did not react at all.

Except for the dust on the gate that was shaken and dropped a little, the gate itself did not even show any marks. Lin Qi's right fist was smashed into a ball, and the broken door was so strong that he wanted to vomit blood, and his metacarpal bones almost smashed against the door. Waves of severe pain rushed up, Lin Qi slowly retracted his fist, and then tightly covered his right fist with his left hand, and grinned out a long cold air.

Everyone was silent, and the group looked at each other for a while, Alda squinted his eyes, and suddenly a purple dagger phantom entangled from his eyebrows. "Perhaps, physical attacks cannot break it. Then, let me try it with the greatest and most sacred soul magic!"

The soul secret curse ‘Reaper’s Knife’ shot out, bringing a circle of black ripples and stabbing it heavily on the door. With a ‘pop’, the black smoke-filled Reaper’s Knife exploded into countless fine smoke and dust.

Arda's body shook suddenly, and blood spurted out of the seven orifices at the same time. He cried and bounced around and almost fell to the ground. The Reaper's Knife shattered, and Arda was backlashed by magic, and immediately fainted.

Alda's blood spurted all over the ground, and a faint smell of blood echoed in the air.

The ground shook lightly, and a long roar came from the depths of the tunnel. Without waiting for a group of people to take precautions, a huge purple-black spider rushed out of the tunnel - obviously, this spider was attracted by the smell of blood.

Sha Xinyue changed her color and exclaimed, "This is the Purple Widow... But how come there is such a big Purple Widow?"

Before the words came to an end, the purple widow, who was five meters away, had already raised her head, and a sticky purple poisonous syrup sprayed out of her mouthparts. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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