Bright Era

Chapter 575: A single order

About revenge!

Everyone wants to kill Arthur, kill Li, and kill all Lin Qi's enemies!

It's not that Lin Qi can't kill them, but he doesn't want to kill them ‘easy’!

Oh, an enemy who has made you miserable for years and almost made you desperate for a lifetime, did you kill him with a single blow? When you are struggling on the verge of life and death through hardships and dangers, he enjoys countless glory and wealth, he is delicious and spicy, and different beauties are happy every day. You suffer there, and he enjoys happiness here!

Such an enemy, is it enough for you to kill him easily?

How he deprives you of your happiness, how to deprive him of happiness in the same way!

How he makes you desperate, you make him desperate!

Is the destruction of the body just satisfying?

The torment of the endless soul, the infinite psychological hell, the pain that never exceeds life, this is the real revenge!

Anyway, Dutou thought so. Even if he wanted to kill Arthur, he had to turn him from the North Sea prince into a North Sea beggar, then stand upright in front of him and cut him with thousands of swords. Now he killed him with a single knife. There is really no pleasure! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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