Bright Era

Chapter 562: The true strength of the law

Jun Yun Li has faintly suppressed Jun Xiao Yun, but he did not dare to kill him!

Their father Yun Jun felt that many rich and nobles in history had collapsed due to civil strife, so he bought a blood vows from a certain archaic relic. All the direct descendants of the Acacia family swear on this blood oath roll, vowing that their hands will never be stained with the blood of the same tribe.

Jun Li can kill Jun Xiao Yun, but if he really kills Jun Xiao Yun, he will also be sworn back by his soul. Therefore, he could only suppress Monarch Yunxiao and try his best to delay the time waiting for Li to come to'manslaughter' Yunxiaojun.

The spear twisted and tossed in the air like a poisonous snake, and Jun Yun Li expressionlessly weaved the spear into a large net, which firmly blocked Jun Xiao's figure. The gun wind brought a low whistling sound, like a rope, lashing Yunxiao Jun, constantly consuming his grudge.

Slowly wear away Yun Xiaojun's strength, and when De Li arrives, he will be able to kill him with one blow!

But it didn't take long for Jun Lijun's dream to be made, Lin Qi broke into their battle group abruptly and blasted his face with a punch. Jun Yun Li was startled by surprise. He stabbed Lin Qi's heart with a shot, and then looked around hurriedly-what he saw was the corpse of his most dependent subordinate who had been divided into two halves. What I saw were those **** henchmen who flee in panic.

Jun Yun Li hissed with anger, "Are you not caring about your family's lives?"

The escaped killers slowed down, and of course they understood what Yun Lijun's words meant!

Lin Qi hit Yun Lijun’s gun with a loud noise. Yun Lijun was forced back by Lin Qi’s tremendous force for more than ten steps, but Lin Qi only felt like he was hitting with a punch. On an iron mountain, his fist was sore, his phalanx almost shattered.

The holy weapon, after all, is the holy weapon, although Lin Qi's fist is powerful, his body can now ignore the attacks of ordinary magic weapons. But facing the holy artifact, Lin Qi's body was still too weak, not enough to cause any substantial damage to the holy artifact.

"Kill them and redeem the merits, I will not blame it!" Yun Lijun screamed and brought a cold light to Lin Qi, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Kill this kid, you don't want a reward of 100 million gold coins? In addition, I will add a reward of 100 million gold coins, as long as I kill them, I will add another 100 million gold coins!"

Yun Xiaojun smiled and greeted him with a little halberd, and the cold light from the spear suddenly dissipated. Jun Xiaojun's body trembled, and he sneered: "Mr. Yunli, you really did not hesitate to kill me in order to kill me! You all listen carefully, if you dare to kill me, don't you be afraid that my father will know about this and will fill you up? Is it extinct?"

Lin Qi followed Yun Xiaojun and rushed up. He slammed Yun Li's gun with several heavy fists, causing Yun Li to tremble and almost couldn't hold the weapon. Arda's figure suddenly appeared close to Jun Yun Li, and a stabbing sword stabbed at the most inconspicuous place on his body strangely.

Arda's tricks are very nasty. He doesn't pierce Yun Li Jun's vitals, and specifically pokes Yun Li Jun's earlobes, fingers, toes and other improperly guarded places. Jun Li was hit hard by Lin Qi and was involved in Jun Xiao. It was really powerless to guard against these inconspicuous places. If he was not careful, Arda stabbed Jun Li's earlobe with a sword, and a faint numbness spread from the earlobe to the rest of his body.

Jun Li Jun's heart violently pumped, and Alda's stabbing sword was poisoned! He hurriedly shouted: "Do you really want to die? Help me kill them, so you have a way to survive! Otherwise, if I win today, you will all have to die! If Yun Xiaojun wins, you still die! Help me Kill them, this is your only way out!"

Because the heavy-loaded soldiers were killed by Lin Qi with cruel methods, the assassins who were so scared out of the sky hesitated for a while, they all yelled and turned to Lin Qi and the others to kill. As Yun Lijun said, helping Yun Lijun kill Lin Qi and others is their only way to survive.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and with a flick of the five fingers of his left hand, the two mass attack soul spells on the World Ring were activated simultaneously. A terrifying soul impact swept the surroundings, and the assassins who rushed to the front stood froze, blood dripping from the seven orifices, and the assassins rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

Jun Yun Li retreated in a panic, and the spear turned into a green snake in front of him, firmly blocking the possible pursuit of Lin Qi and others. But Yun Lijun just stepped back, and there was a sudden fierce pain in his ass-Bilibili suddenly emerged from Yun Lijun’s shadow, and the knife fell on his ass. Stabbed seven times.

Like Alda's stabbing sword, Bilibili's dagger was poisoned.

Jun Yun Li only felt that half of his cheeks had lost the slightest sensation, and an itchy and crisp pleasure was constantly spreading from his gluteus maximus. He himself mingled with the killer day and night, naturally knowing that the more powerful the poison, the more refreshing and comfortable it felt. He yelled in panic: "Master Li, Your Excellency, help, help!"

Jun Yun Li regretted suddenly, he shouldn't be so arrogant that he appeared so early. He thought that with the help of Li, he could easily suppress Lin Qi and his party, but he never dreamed that Li would be entangled by a donkey, but he himself was affected by three holy realms and a heavenly assassin. attack.

What he brought out this time was all the elite of the killer camp, and that heavy armored warrior was even the number one strong under his command. According to common sense, it is only possible to kill a holy realm unless ten or more people of equal strength join hands to encircle and annihilate it, but Lin Qi actually killed his opponent by force. This caused Yun Lijun's plan to have a great omission, and even plunged him into a dangerous situation.

Jun Yun issued a killing order to his children and grandchildren, Yun Jun asked his children and grandchildren to use all their power to investigate the whereabouts of Lin Qi and others, but Yun Jun did not let his children and grandchildren rush to take action-Yun Jun wants to kill Lin Qi and others by himself!

However, Yun Lijun, who was greedy for merit, misassessed the strength of Lin Qi and others.

"Liu, Lv! Your Excellency, I can give you 60% of the benefits of this kid!"

Jun Yun Li couldn't care about his screaming. In just a few breaths, Lin Qi had knocked his spear to the ground, although Lin Qi's fist was also shocked with blood everywhere. But after the spear landed, Jun Yun Li no longer had the power to stop Lin Qi and the others from attacking.

Arda flapped his huge fleshy wings and flew over Yun Lijun's head, and the poisoned stinging sword kept sending out strange blows at him. Both of Yun Lijun's thighs began to soften and sore, and the poison on Bilibili's dagger had already caused a great burden on his actions. Fortunately, Mr. Yun Xiao still had a little jealousy in his heart. Although his halberd danced like a beautiful flower, it didn't really hurt Yun Li, otherwise Yun Li would really cry.

At the juncture of life and death, Jun Yun Li couldn't care about other things, so he asked Li for help hoarsely.

The donkey hugged the big rock and beat Li's body fiercely. The donkey violently rammed the ground seven or eight meters deep into the ground. The wound on the donkey's body is slowly healing, and the divine flame of punishment on his body is being sucked into his body. The donkey's body seemed to be able to swallow everything, and even the extreme divine power of disciplinary **** flame was swallowed and absorbed by him.

The donkey greeted Li's male and female ancestors cursingly, with his tail cocked and slammed the boulder down.

"Asshole, you stabbed me very well, didn't you?"

"Grandson, you stabbed more than a hundred holes in me!"

"Fuck your uncle, how dare you stab me?"

"I'll **** you, uncle, I must let you understand that you can't touch the **** of a donkey!"

The donkey's eyes turned red. He grinned and beat Li. The huge rock had been shattered by three pieces. Now the big rock he was carrying on his hoof was a huge rock about ten meters in diameter. How did the little hoof of his body pick up this big rock.

Li was beaten with a blue nose and swollen face, and his whole body sank into the ground, but he still kept his eyes wide open, staring at the donkey.

Even the long sword in Li's hand didn't let go, the holy cross in his eyes was slowly spraying out a dazzling flame. He muttered in a low voice: "What kind of existence is it! Even the blood sinners who claim to have eternal life, when their hearts are pierced, they will fall. But I just pierced you at least three times. Heart, why are you still alive?"

"What kind of evil are you? The evil spirit from ancient times, who are you in the legend?"

"I can't even see the guilt on you! Is it because your sin is too heavy or because of you... No, it is impossible. How can you be innocent and pure with such an evil existence? It must be your sin. It's too heavy, so I can't see your guilt clearly!"

In Li's self-talk, Jun Li's tragic howl came from afar.

"Liu, help! Lord Bishop, help! We are friends, we are old friends for so many years!"

Li's face twitched, and he laughed in a deep smile: "Weak humans shouldn't exist in this world! It's a waste, so many people can't clean up a few ants... Then, my lord, my god, I Founder of the blood you have, unlock my shackles and let me have my true power!"

A deep voice floated out of Li's body. The donkey lifted a large rock and slammed it down, but Li lightly stretched out a finger and slowly tapped it on the rock.

With a ‘pop’, the big stone turned into a wisp of blue smoke under the cover of golden flames.

Li's body abruptly disappeared from the big pit, and the donkey violently turned his head to look behind him, but Li was already close to the donkey's body from behind. He grabbed the donkey's neck and turned the donkey's head 360 degrees with a ‘click’.

The golden long sword brought a cold light into the center of the donkey's eyebrows, and pierced out from the root of his tail.

"Aren't you still alive?" Li threw down the donkey's small body with a suffocating and terrifying power from all over his body. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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