Bright Era

Chapter 531: Doubt, Lin Qi's guess

The mansion rented by Xiong Wanjin was on the edge of Malun Town, with a small hill behind it, and a small **** in front of it was Lake Saint Luen. Surrounded by mountains and rivers, with fresh air, it is a good place to recuperate.

When Lin Qi brought people in, Bilibili was lying on a bench in the middle of the courtyard, and the two little maids were obediently feeding the cleanly washed grapes into his mouth one by one. . Bilibili did not spit out the skins or seeds when he ate the grapes. He heard a chuckle in his mouth, and he quickly ate a small basket of grapes.

I haven't seen him for a few days, but Bilibili's skin has turned a lot whiter, and there is more flesh on his face. Obviously, when he was'taking care of' Xiong Wanjin, because Lin Qi did not desperately squeeze his labor force, he took care of his body very well. In front of Lin Qi, he was the coolie after running, and in Xiong Wanjin's place, he was the uncle who was carefully served by the maid. Comparing the two, the life of the uncle is naturally much more moisturizing than the coolie.

Xiong Wanjin slowly strolled around the corridor of the house with the support of several other maids.

Jiawu didn't know what method he used to make Xiong Wanjin lose two hundred catties in just a quarter of an hour, which caused great damage to Xiong Wanjin's body. But after these few days, Xiong Wanjin gradually recovered a little energy through continuous eating. In other words, his body is gradually developing towards the original spherical body.

Lin Qi remembered that when he saw Xiong Wanjin three days ago, there was still no flesh on his face. But today, his kind of melon seed face has changed from sunflower seeds to pumpkin seeds, and the whole face has been rounded more than three times.

Suddenly losing weight, and then suddenly gaining weight, I really don't know how Xiong Wanjin's body can withstand such huge changes. With the help of the maid, he walked slowly ‘huh huh’, and from time to time he took a piece of fat with dripping sauce from the hand of the maid and stuffed it into his mouth. His forehead was covered with oil and sweat, and Lin Qi even felt that as he walked, his body was gradually plumping up.

"Really, it's amazing!" Faced with such an incredible scene, Lin Qi could only marvel at Xiong Wanjin's amazing vitality. What else can he say? This guy is recovering his original posture at a speed of tens of thousands of miles. I really don't know how such a top product was made.

Seeing Lin Qi walking into his house with a person and a donkey, the little maids screamed in surprise.

But before they rushed to ask about his origin, Alda had already clapped his hands softly and mumbled ‘forgotten’ in a low voice. Circles of faint blue soul fluctuations spouted from Alda's palm, quickly enshrouding several little maids. These beautiful girls suddenly stiffened, smiling like puppets and walked into their bedroom, and then fell asleep deeply.

The donkey looked at Alda with a weird look, and he whispered: "Fuck you, I should abolish you bastard! Damn the gods, how many big breasted girls have you harmed with this trick? Oh, those lovely **** are all your scourge!"

Arda's face suddenly stiffened, he bent down and smiled at the donkey extremely flatly. Arda's eyes were so pure and kind, and he seemed to want to tell the donkey through his eyes that he was such a pure and innocent gentleman.

Bilibili jumped up from the bench stubbornly, he leaped up to the old high, ran up to Lin Qi, hugged Lin Qi's calf and fell to the ground: "Oh. , Great and terrifying master, your most loyal servant has finally seen your majestic and extraordinary appearance! Bilibili is very obedient, this big fat guy is here, and no one's attention!"

Lin Qi shook his legs, letting his nose and tears cloud his face, Bilibili left his body at the fastest speed. He nodded to Xiong Wanjin: "Brother Xiong, your body seems to be getting better these days? Haha, I will do something if I borrow your place!"

Xiong Wanjin hugged a large earthen jar of sauce and walked over, with a bright smile on his oval face: "Brother Lin is polite, in order not to cause those People’s attention, we are also extremely boring to avoid here. Brother Lin came here today, but have all those eyes and ears gone?"

Lin Qi nodded, and talked about the incidents of the Assassin's Union and the Killing Hand Association's eyes and ears who had been sent and received by the Assassin's Union and the Killing Hand Association a few days ago, and then they were pretended to be fooled by him. Then he pointed to the donkey and smiled: "My father sent someone to meet me, I will take this to say something!"

Xiong Wanjin's big face became extremely wonderful. He looked down at the donkey, which was only a little bit taller than his knees. He grinned and showed a weird smile: "Your father, the one sent to meet you is this Bit... Xiongtai?"

The donkey was very upset and straightened up slowly. The human donkey hugged its two front hooves in front of his chest, and opened his mouth with a rascal tone: "If I **** you, don't the donkey can't do human affairs? You? What does this mean? Are you discriminating against the donkey?"

Xiong Wanjin was stunned. He stared at the donkey, and didn't say a word for a while.

The donkey danced its thin tail triumphantly: "Where did this fat pig come from? It's really just a talking donkey who has never seen the world, hasn't he seen it before? Look at him stunned. Stupid, I don’t even bother to pay attention to him. Lin Qi boy, hurry up and do serious things, the guy with the black beard said, if I don’t teach you the Xuanhu divine change scripture of your family as quickly as possible, he will Beat me to death!"

Lin Qi squinted at this nonsense donkey. He just said that Black Beard was kneeling in front of him and crying and begging him to come out and look for Lin Qi. Why did he change his tone now? Don't have to teach Lin Qi the Xuanhu God Change Scripture as quickly as possible, and Blackbeard will beat him to death? Hehe!

Then Lin Qi's heart twitched suddenly, and Xuanhu changed his mind! Hell, the Lin family's body-building exercise at the bottom of the box?

Lin Qi grabbed the donkey, took him to the nearest empty room, and then placed the donkey heavily on the ground: "Daddy asked you to bring the Xuanhu Shen Jing? Hurry up and hand it over. Give it to me! Ha, I have already practiced the Three Seas and Seven Meridians, plus the Xuanhu Shenchang Jing..."

The donkey rolled his eyes and interrupted Lin Qi's words: "Three seas and seven meridians? Have you encountered a metamorphosis of the Yunlong clan? Three seas and seven meridians? Ah, ah, haha, haha, hahahaha!" The donkey was suddenly cramping. He burst into laughter on the ground, he was so breathless, the little donkey's tail pointed to the air in a daze.

Lin Qi's face turned black, he gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "What's so funny? Hurry up and be serious!"

The donkey's body became stiff, and he exhaled heavily with all four hoofs, and then climbed up on his feet.

"It's really nothing funny. It's just that the Three Seas and Seven Meridians... Ever since a pervert of the Yunlong clan who was born with a lack of pain cultivated it outside of the Mahayana, no normal person did it. I just I admire your perseverance very much, oh **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho **** ho no wonder you can cultivate to the heavenly position, it is really... I was so touched and so surprised!"

A hoof hit Lin Qi’s knee, and the pain caused Lin Qi to sit on the ground. The donkey’s two front hooves were placed on top of Lin Qi’s head, and he rolled his lips and muttered: “Then, let’s pass this thing to You, this thing stays with me, I am also afraid that apart from any mistakes, the old perverts and violent gangs in your family will make me spiced donkey meat!"

The body shivered violently, and the donkey suddenly looked at Lin Qi in surprise: "You were injured by a member of the Yunlong clan? My life Qinglongsuo•Tenlong trapped **** formation... Fortunately, he has stopped, otherwise, you Boy is in trouble!"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes, and he snorted coldly: "It's not that he's reluctant, but I used three space annihilation bombs to force him to retreat. Otherwise, with his offensive at that time, I and the people around me would have been Broken to pieces!"

With a sneer, Lin Qi said gloomily: "The Yunjun of the Acacia family of the Haran Empire, he is also a member of the Yunlong clan!"

The donkey was dumbfounded, and his two long ears suddenly flicked: "Jun Yun? The Royal Dragon Prince of the Holy Dragon Court? When the Holy Dragon Court Empire was raided and destroyed by the church, I led the line of Lin Hu to rescue. Man, isn't that kid dead? We only rescued his elder brother Yundi, and Yunjun that kid was collapsed into the ground along with his Prince's Mansion. His bones must be ashes!"

Lin Qi looked at the donkey in amazement. When the Holy Dragon Court Empire was destroyed, the Black Tiger family was the one that the donkey led to rescue?

Lin Qi suddenly felt dizzy. How old is this **** donkey? What the **** is he? But he said Jun Yun should have died back then? They only rescued Emperor Yun and others? Well. . . Jun Yun has been doing the same thing with the Yun family led by Emperor Yun for so many years?

Frowning, Lin Qi began to analyze Yun Jun's possible actions using the emperor's heart skills taught by the young man.

The aptitude is not worse than that of his elder brother, but he was born a few minutes later and he became the prince Yunjun from the royal brother. After the disaster of the country, if he has a group of **** supporters around him, if he still has some wealth in his hands, maybe he. . .

When the sacred Longting Empire existed, Jun Yun could not resist the authority of Emperor Yun. But after the demise of the empire, this matter is hard to say.

Perhaps, it should be, Yun Jun is just like Lin Qi guessed in his heart, this guy is plotting wrong. If Emperor Yun really wanted to swallow the huge wealth in Lin Qi's hands, he would have 10,000 chances to leave Lin Qi silently in the cloud collar. Even the Black Tiger family would not be able to find any evidence to prove it was. What he did.

In this way, hey, Jun Yun, you, the old immortal, hide so deeply!

The thin donkey's tail shook, and the donkey's hoof lightly hit Lin Qi's head.

"Stop thinking about it, get ready to do serious things! My life Azure Dragon Lock • Ten Dragons Divine Formation, I just promised your old man to help you quickly form the foundation stone of the Black Tiger Divine Change Sutra. I took the opportunity to go. This Azure Dragon is the best The pure breath of life is a great tonic for you!"

With the strange laughter of "Jie Jie", the donkey spit out a fist-sized seven-color jade sculpture, and a heavy hoof slapped the jade sculpture on Lin Qi's forehead. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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