Bright Era

Chapter 313: Entrust

While Lin Qi was soaking in the blood of the rock lizard, Blackbeard was sitting in a box in the old rooster shop with a cigar in his mouth.

Stan, dressed in casual clothes with a **** smell, sat across from the black beard, carefully tasting a cup of coffee from the elven continent. This kind of thing has become popular in the western continent in recent years, and it is said to have a miraculous tonic effect.

"It's terrible! Only for this small cup, ten gold coins, are those elves crazy?" Stern drank the coffee in one gulp, and then placed the cup heavily on the table. He also took out a cigar, and slowly began to vomit.

Two old smoke guns slowly spit out smoke here, and the box was soon filled with smoke. The two sat facing each other, and it was rare to see each other's faces. A suffocating atmosphere reverberated here, and Stein's brows were constantly beating.

"Just killed someone? Every time you kill someone, the eyebrows always jump. So you can't mess with me, because you can't hide it when you commit an offence. You can only be bluffed by the group of copper hats in the Security Department. Can ask for a confession." Black Beard looked at Stan with his brows jumping, and couldn't help but laughed lowly.

Touching his eyebrows with his hand, Stan nodded in a bit annoyed manner: "The problems left over when I was a child have never been corrected. Fortunately, I am legal to kill. Unlike you, I always carry a little... Sheng Hui Da You do the church things? Don't tell me it's not!"

Blackbeard straightened his chest, he put one leg on the sofa with a stern grin, and snorted smoke rings triumphantly: "Of course it was me. They killed my son. I always charge some interest! You don't know. , I put a fake pope’s official document in front of them, and these gods’ sticks were obediently slaughtered by me like little chickens. It couldn’t be more enjoyable!"

Stan's brows jumped up again, he lowered his voice, and said Alpha's reaction and the emperor's response.

Blackbeard was dumbfounded. He didn't even dream that there were so many twists and turns inside. The bloodbath of Shenghui Cathedral was just to breathe out a bad breath. He never expected that he would accidentally hit the dead spot of internal struggle in the church! It seems that he killed not only the clergy in Shenghui Cathedral this time, but more likely to cause a **** storm inside the church.

Stein tapped the table with his fingers lightly, and said thoughtfully: "The church court and the penal institution have always been, at least before the Hundred-Year Land Island War, the court was mainly external and the penal institution was mainly internal, and their internal and external responsibilities were distinct. The court judges the heretics outside, and the punishment house punishes the traitors inside!"

Blackbeard frowned, and he nodded seriously.

"But at the beginning of the Hundred Years Land Island War, the major temples that controlled the court were greatly worn out in the war with the Odin Temple. The correctional center began to invade with its huge force and... and their power to punish internal traitors. The rights of the court."

"In the early days of the church, although the church punishment knights frightened the mainland, it was the ruling pastors of the court that really ruled those heretics. But now, the punishment center has taken away almost all the rights of the court. "

Blackbeard stared at Stan with eager eyes: "So, they are also starting to grab each other's territory!"

Stan smiled, and he poured himself another cup of coffee, slowly savoring it in small sips.

"According to the secret information obtained by Your Majesty, this time the matter concerning Lin Qi, and even the movement of the main force of the Knights of Punishment, did not go through the Pope's Hall, but was a move made by the Temple of Punishment arbitrarily. So this has already triggered the entire church. Dissatisfaction!"

"So, the case of Shenghui Cathedral must have been done by their insiders, just to plant the archbishop Alpha Church!"

Stan's words received strong support from Blackbeard, and he applauded vigorously: "Of course, of course, this kind of harm is not done by themselves, and who is it? It must be Alpha's opponent. Hey, everyone. Kill them all clean, Alpha, as the highest priest in the imperial capital at the time of the crime, must be responsible for this matter!"

Stan smiled and glanced at Blackbeard: "He was killed by you!"

Blackbeard spread his hands, squinted his eyes and smiled grimly: "But my son was also killed by them!"

There was a silence for a while, and Stein shook his head slightly: "Didn't you mean, isn't it that bad?"

Blackbeard frowned, then sighed heavily, "Who knows where the Heiyuan Hell is?"

It seemed that Blackbeard had such a problem for a long time, and Stern took out a document from his chest pocket and placed it in front of Blackbeard. Blackbeard snatched the file and quickly glanced at it after opening it. Then he was extremely disappointed and crushed the file to pieces.

The document only explains the basic information of the three major gods of the church. The Black Abyss is the most secretive and the most dense of the three major gods of the church. All heresies with unforgivable sins or heretics with extremely powerful personal strength Will be sent to the Black Abyss God Prison.

Among the three known prisons of God, the Temple God Hell is inside the Holy Mountain, which is the headquarters of the church. Unless the entire church can be destroyed, it is impossible to successfully rob the prison. The prison of penance is on a small island in the west of the western continent. The island is hundreds of miles away from the mainland. It is surrounded by reefs and complicated ocean currents. It is impossible for ordinary ships to approach it. Heavy troops are stationed above. The Prison of Repentance is not only a stronghold for the church to imprison heretics, but also a bridgehead for the church to monitor the goblin continent and the elven continent.

As for the Black Abyss Divine Prison, not even a few people in the church knew where the Black Abyss Divine Prison was. Except for the high-ranking clergy of the temple of punishment, no one even the three popes today knows the details of the Black Abyss Hell. Moreover, even the high-level officials of the punishment temple used the teleportation array to enter and exit the Black Abyss God Prison, and no one knew how to enter the Black Abyss in a normal way.

"Can't find out the location?" Blackbeard looked at Stan depressed.

Stan spread his hands and gestured that he could not imagine. The temple’s deity’s prisons are all relatively mild heretics, such as historians who study the history of the forbidden mainland, scholars who study all kinds of knowledge that are regarded as sidetracks, or spread some that have been destroyed. The missionaries of the doctrines of small religions are all heresy of some moderates.

The Confession Hell is more of a war fortress, and most of the prisoners are the hapless people of the Goblin and Elf Continent. These people can't be said to be heretics. For example, the pirates of the Goblin Continent, the bandits of the Elf Continent, who pass by the Hell of Repentance and want to get close to the Western Continent, are often captured alive and thrown into the Hell of God.

Only the Heiyuan Divine Prison is a place dedicated to detaining repeat offenders! Repeat offenders, and most of them are violent offenders, and a small part of them are extremely dangerous heretics. These people are all imprisoned in Black Abyss God Prison. For example, a Necromancer who devotes himself to the study of the deadly plague, intends to dig a tunnel to cause **** lava to destroy a city's demons, and slaughters the entire city just to bathe evil creatures in blood, etc., these things will be thrown into the Black Abyss God Hell.

Therefore, the density of Heiyuan Divine Prison is so high that it is impossible for outsiders to know where Heiyuan Divine Prison is.

"Try to find out for me, just mention what you need!" Blackbeard frowned and handed a stack of ten golden tickets to Stan: "Those **** clubs are very greedy for money, so use these things to make them good!"

Stern sighed, he glanced at Blackbeard, and then took the golden ticket: "I don't recommend you to do this. Even if I find out the exact location of the Heiyuan Hell, you will not be able to save people from it. . Find another good woman and have a few children!"

Blackbeard glared at Stein, and he hugged his arms around his chest arrogantly: "Stop talking nonsense, give me twenty years. If there is no movement from Lin Qi in twenty years, I will look for it completely. A new woman gave birth to a group of children. Anyway, I'm still young and can still have children!"

The eyes flickered, and the black beard was covered with a black halo, but his two eyes became sharp, which was a hundred times sharper than a blade and a hundred times colder than frost. The white light full of killing intent and destruction.

Stan was shocked: "You... have a breakthrough?"

Blackbeard condensed the abnormality on his body, and he sighed heavily, "Breakthrough. I have been very sad these days and blamed myself, so I thought about a lot of things, unconsciously figured it out, and then broke through. So I can live more than a thousand years old now. I am not a hundred years old. Give me twenty years. If there is no news from Lin Qi, I will find a group of **** women and give birth to a hundred. A thousand children!"

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, Black Beard sneered, "They killed one of my sons. When my newborn child grows up, I have to ask them... Hey, church, I won't die with them! I use eight. In a hundred years, I have been desperately giving birth to children, and children can have children. There are endless descendants and grandchildren. I and their church have spared no effort."

Looking triumphantly at Stein with a dumb face, Blackbeard said almost shamelessly: "The goddess family is difficult to have children. This is known to all people in the world. I don't compare them with others, I will compete with them to have children. It’s a big deal. I’ll exchange three or five children for one of them. Sooner or later, I can kill them all!"

Stan patted his forehead heavily, and he quickly changed the subject: "Then, you go back to Dunelker now, is your mayor still doing it?"

Blackbeard stood up with a smile, dropped his cigarette **** and walked out.

"Being a fart, I cut Arthur's **** into a meatball, and the people behind him must take revenge! I have to arrange things in the house, give them something good, and let them suffer!"

With a strange laugh, Blackbeard strode out of the box.

"I beg you for the matter of Heiyuan Divine Prison, don't let me down, old lion!"

A month later, a secret army of the church raided Dunelker. However, he was surprised to find that the entire Dun Erqian was empty and there was no one.

Then a terrible explosion completely destroyed the secret church troops with more than 20,000 people.

The official explanation given by the Gaul Empire was-'Meteor Disaster', a large meteorite fell near Dun'erker.

As for why none of the people in Dunerke died and the church’s army was dead and wounded, the Gaul Empire did not explain, and the church never admitted that they had secretly sent troops to infiltrate the Gaul Empire. This matter became an unsolved case on the mainland. one! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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