Bright Era

Chapter 1876: Alliance (4)

Lightly patted her chest, Mu Wei smiled so that her eyes narrowed into a line: "Although my body is a little weaker now, it is probably only a divine body equivalent to an ordinary lower-level god, but protected by the sky of rage and thunder. , Unless more than ten main gods join forces to attack me, who can hurt my hair?"

Lin Qi blinked desperately, and Mu Wei, the goddess of war, abruptly gave up her body!

Hu Xinzhu also widened his eyes in astonishment. He admired Mu Wei with a thumbs up: "Mu Wei, you are so wise and wise! You are so smart! These idiots are still working hard. You’ve wasted double the resources to repair the soul and body, and you have already solved all the problems, I really can’t describe your wisdom!"

Mu Wei smiled more and more brilliantly. She looked at Lu Sijia triumphantly. Lu Sijia hesitated for a moment, and then approached Mu Wei with a flowery smile, lowering her voice and whispering to her. sentence. Mu Wei's smile became brighter and brighter, and she intimately grasped Lu Sijia's hand.

Lin Qi squinted his eyes. Does this represent a complete alliance between the Goddess of War and the Moon God? In this alliance, Mu Wei obviously has the absolute upper hand! Obviously, the sky rage thunder that Mu Wei took out has completely suppressed any careful thoughts of Lu Sijia.

The war spirit roared to the sky with annoyance, golden light shot out from the void, and continuously poured into his body. His breath quickly recovered, and his originally hazy, dim, loss, and collapsed body quickly returned to its normal state. .

Angrily grabbing his weapon, the **** of war yelled at the guards and believers behind him: "If anyone dares to disclose the things here, I will take them off!"

After yelling, the God of War turned his head to look at Mu Wei, and grunted: "Okay, Mu Wei, although I always thought that you are not much smarter than me, but, well, good Well, this time you have done a smart thing! From now on, you will have the final say in the Temple of War! But next time I have a conflict with whom, you have to help me!"

Mu Wei waved her hand triumphantly: "You obediently listen to me, I will help you naturally!"

The **** of war muttered depressed a few times, then sat down on the ground with his chin in his hands, and looked at the ground blankly. Obviously, he was depressed by the blow just now, and now he was full of grievances, but he couldn't find a person to vent. Besides being in a daze, he couldn't find any other good way.

Lin Qi walked to Mu Wei who was talking to Lu Sijia in a low voice, and he also lowered his voice.

"Respected goddess, I think, since the great moon **** is already our ally, then we can have some good cooperation in the ground world. For example, the Longshan Empire will provide sufficient funds for the formation of the moon temple A Knights of the Moon Temple?"

Hu Xinzhu slapped a fan on the side, and incomparably agreed with Lin Qi's suggestion: "This is an extremely wise plan. Mu Wei, of course, my respected Moon God, my words may be a bit presumptuous, but it is precisely because the current Moon Temple is so weak. , The glory of the Moon God Temple has been completely forgotten by the gods. Therefore, even if the Moon God Temple makes greater movements in the world, no one will pay attention."

"With the Longshan Empire funded for military expenses and ordnance, the Moon Temple can completely form a Moon God Knight Order that is larger than the Longshan Empire. Under the leadership of the saint Sha Xinyue, with our help, the Longshan Empire and the Moon Temple In the western continent, the south and the north echo each other, and the Great Yan Dynasty originally belonged to the Temple of War."

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Qi's eyes: "To be precise, from the moment the Moon Temple and the War God Temple formed an alliance, the entire Western Continent fell into our grasp. Now in the ground world, besides the Dawn Temple, it also controls Part of the territory of the Gaul Empire, other lands and people are under our control."

Mu Wei's eyes widened and looked at Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu puzzledly: "What are the benefits of doing this?"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes, and Hu Xinzhu looked at Mu Wei in surprise: "Didn’t the gods agree to divide the final interests based on the final results of their respective legions? If we can monopolize the Odin Icefield alien race and the east Wouldn’t all the benefits of the nomads of the Great Plains ultimately fall into our hands?"

Mu Wei nodded suddenly: "It sounds reasonable! But in addition to our two temples, other temples will also send their own troops to fight, can we monopolize all the results of the battle?"

The furry-faced **** of war also approached him. He clicked his mouth, and his eyes showed a fierce light: "Owning all the spoils? I like this kind of thing, for example, connecting the mainland bridge to a part of the eastern continent. , Has also become our place of faith. I like this kind of good thing! But the Knights of Dawn and the Knights of Retribution are not weak!"

Lin Qi gave a dry cough, and he cautiously suggested: "Of course, we can find a way to prevent them from getting enough results."

Hu Xinzhu was eager to see, and said straightforwardly: "We can stab the knife in the back, so that the so-called Knights of Dawn and the Knights of Retribution, as well as the Knights of the Temple of other gods, will be wiped out, and at least we will lose them. For the most part, in this case, our results will be very brilliant! When people lose their troops, if only the Moon Temple and the War God Temple are constantly gaining victories, are the other gods embarrassed to **** the final benefits from us?"

"What should I do?" Mu Wei, the God of War, and the Moon God looked at Hu Xinzhu at the same time.

"Well!" Lin Qi laughed: "As long as the three respected gods are willing to support all of our actions, we have many ways to realize these plans. For example, now gathered in the Norman Fort in the Western Continent, In addition to the ordinary legions of the Gaul Empire, the Longshan Empire, and the Great Yan Dynasty, there are also a part of the temple knights reinforced by the major temples."

With a light cough, Hu Xinzhu's expression became extremely sinister and hideous: "If a hole suddenly appeared on the defense line of the Norman Fort, and let those alien chiefs drive straight in, the Templar Knights who were caught off guard would suffer severely. Right?"

Lin Qi smiled faintly: "For another example, in a certain knights of the temple, let me make an analogy. When the main force of the knights of the dawn is besieged by the enemy and is about to be wiped out, they ask us for reinforcements, and Our reinforcements went one or two days late due to some obstruction, which caused them to be completely wiped out. This is also very refreshing!"

Hu Xinzhu continued to add: "Or, when the help of the Knights of Punishment and the nomads was in full swing, their food supply suddenly went wrong-in the Eastern Great Plains, all food supplies today belong to the Longshan Empire. And the Great Yan Dynasty came to provide it, and we seem to be in control of these two empires."

Lin Qi sneered: "As long as the connection between the Knights of Retribution and the Holy Mountain of the Church is isolated, and when they are besieged by heavy soldiers, there is a sudden food problem. At most three days, their legion will be completely destroyed, right?"

Mu Wei hesitated and patted her head: "But if we deliberately refuse to give them food, the **** of punishment will go crazy, right?"

Lin Qi blinked his eyes quickly: "Respected goddess Mu Wei, your kindness and kindness shock me! Of course, we will send them grain, but if our grain warehouse is attacked by nomads, If the fire burns all the strategic reserve grain, isn't it impossible for us to send them grain?"

"I burn my own food, and then starve to death to punish the knights on the front line?" Mu Wei, the **** of war and the moon **** all suddenly lit up.

Suddenly, the face of the **** of war became extremely ugly, he turned his head fiercely to look at Mu Wei, lowered his voice and snarled in incomparably angrily: "Mu Wei, think about it, what these two guys said, Seems familiar? Back then, the army commanded by you and me seemed, seemed, seemed..."

The faces of Mu Wei and Moon God also became extremely ugly, and Mu Wei was so angry that her eyes turned green: "Yes, when the army commanded by the roaring thunder was besieged by the angel army, a large group of the **** of dawn The army of **** servants is less than a day away from the roaring thunder! But the **** of dawn said that his army was also attacked by the demon army!"

The moon god’s body was trembling: "Damn, shameless **** of dawn! Before I broke into the moon palace, he excused that he was going to fight the dragon army, and borrowed my natal artifact, the night **** armor, if not like this If so, maybe I won't have such a serious injury!"

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu glanced at each other, their expressions became very strange.

"In other words, among the gods, the God of Dawn has the highest status, right?" Hu Xinzhu coughed dryly: "Although the Temple of Dawn stands side by side with the Temple of War and the Temple of Retribution, it seems that he actually already possesses something close to God. The position of the king!"

Mu Wei snorted coldly: "Also, I remember that the God of Dawn was in that battle, he... Do you still remember how several of our leaders fell? Why did they get caught by those Damn heresy trap ambush?"

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu did not say a word. Obviously, the matter has entered a virtuous circle stage, and there is no need for them to say anything. The three gods have already begun to actively'search for doubts in history'.

In fact, Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu only offered some conspiracies and tricks to harm others and themselves, purely to weaken the strength of the church and at the same time cause conflicts between the gods. But they really didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected effect. The three gods began to be suspicious, so what else could they say?

The three main gods got together and kept mumbling, Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu from time to time next to them to'analyze the real situation at the time'. After a busy session, the hands of the three gods were tightly held together. .

"Then, let's form an alliance! Let's advance and retreat together, let the **** of dawn see the dead!"

The **** of war roared in a low voice, his eyes filled with crazy fierce light. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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