Bright Era

Chapter 1795: The Gods Strike (3)

"Offensive, dear General Ente Marte!" Buffy Jinwei looked at Enzo pitifully: "You know, we paid you a huge amount of military salary and bonuses. If you don’t take the initiative to attack, our It's too expensive!"

Enzo gave Buffy Jinwei a cold eye, and said lightly: "It is not the best time for a decisive battle. Please be patient! By the way, according to the contract signed between your country and our two empires, you should tell us Provide enough rations, but in the past few days, all our soldiers eat are the food we bring!"

Gently patted the lower table, Enzo shook his head unhappily: "Without enough food, without reliable logistics supplies, I will never attack blindly!"

Almu and Buffy looked at each other sadly. They wanted to say something, but they didn't know how to speak.

When escaping from Black Pearl Harbor, they packed up the most valuable batch of rare and exotic treasures in the treasury and their own treasury, including a large number of magic metal ingots, etc. All they took away were these things. As for the grain reserves in Black Pearl Harbor, they have built dozens of large and small basements in hidden places near the port, burying those grains and piles of ordinary metal ingots.

What’s terrible is that when they found out that the reinforcements of the Longshan Empire arrived and they returned to Black Pearl Harbor with great interest, it was not just the Provisional Military Control Commission of the Longshan Empire that replaced the power of the powerful and powerful in the Black Spirit Empire. The food and baggage they had stored are gone!

The warehouse was clean and there was not a single grain of rice left. Even if a group of mice ran in, they would come out with tears in their eyes!

Someone robbed them of their food, robbed the huge amount of materials stored by the Black Spirit Empire over the years, enough for any empire in the Western Continent to squander the huge materials for decades! And the only suspect is standing in front of them!

However, they dare not speak! Even if they knew Enzo was the only suspect, they didn't dare to speak. They could only pitifully run over to beg Enzo every day, begging him to dispatch troops to get rid of those black spirits, and return them to the black spirit empire.

But the time for Enzo's left sentence has not arrived, and the right sentence has insufficient food and grass supply, and he refuses to go out of the city to fight!

This made the emperor of the Black Spirit Empire and the Speaker almost gray-haired. You must know that they promised that every soldier of the Longshan Empire would get huge rewards from them every month! If Enzo delays sending troops for a day, they will spend hundreds of thousands of gold coins!

Reminiscing about the huge pension, compensation, bonus and other figures in the treaty that they personally signed with Enzo, Almu and Buffy can't wait to draw out their weapons, forcing Enzo to order a decisive battle now!

At this moment, Lin Qi walked into the tower, and then he coughed softly.

Enzo raised his head and leaned back to Lin Qi with an open eyebrow, "Dear Wan En? Your Excellency Longshan, did you think you came in person?"

Lin Qi nodded and waved his hand majesticly: "Your Majesty is not worried about the situation here, and he is even more afraid that General Ente Malte will be too upright and will be calculated by some people's conspiracy, so let me come here to take a look. , By the way, give you some advice. Who are these two?"

Almu hurriedly bowed to Lin Qi and saluted: "Dear Lord Wanen Longshan, your name has spread all over the world. I am Almu Golden Oar, and I am the emperor of the Black Spirit Empire. I urgently ask you. Order an attack on those black-skinned monkeys!"

Buffy Jinwei could not wait to bow to Lin Qi again and again: "Aha, Lord Wan En Longshan, I am Buffy Jinwei, the speaker of the Black Spirit Empire. I have long admired you, and I am so honored to see you today. To you, this is really my luck. I deeply feel that those black-skinned monkeys must be severely punished. What do you think of my opinion?"

Lin Qi calmly walked to Enzo's side, glanced at the battle map on the table, and then spoke slowly: "But, you will die in battle! The soldiers who came to rescue your country are the elites of our Longshan Empire. The elite of China, even if a soldier is killed or injured, we will feel heartache. And their family burden is very heavy, they..."

Almu took a deep breath. He and Buffy looked at each other, gritted their teeth and yelled: "Your Excellency Wann? Your Excellency Longshan, if you can order troops, the Longshan Empire will import from the Black Spirit continent in the next ten years. We swear to supply all of the ore at 50% of the market price."

Lin Qi was taken aback, it seemed that Enzo hadn't moved, and had already pushed these two people into a hurry.

Before the large fleet at the rear arrives, let's keep these two. Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders, showing a weird smile. The greatest value of these two has not yet been manifested. Their greatest value is to calm the anger of the black spirits, and use them as a bargaining chip to let the black spirits sit quietly at the negotiating table.

Of course, before that, a certain amount of force to show off is still needed.

But as Lin Qi said, even if a soldier died in battle, he would still feel heartache, but when Wang Zong arrived with the main force of the black spirit native army, Lin Qi was confident to persuade Wang Zong to cooperate with him in a play, and then the soldiers would not be **** Forcing the Heiling people to cooperate with themselves obediently.

At this moment, the city wall shivered suddenly.

With a muffled sound of'bang', a wall that was 100 meters long, 20 meters high, and 10 meters thick outside the tower was shattered by a terrifying force, and the sentry standing on the wall screamed that it was huge The power of blast flew, and his body disintegrated into a mist of blood in mid-air.

"Believers of Azer, make atonement!" A hard, hoarse voice came from outside the city: "You are unforgivable. You have betrayed your blood. You have betrayed your roots. You foolishly treat your enemies as enemies. Faith, you foolishly replaced your ideals with faith."

"You sinful, stupid little creatures, what qualifications do you have to live in this world? So, redeem it! Cry, scream, shit, and finally, let me all die!"

The tower where Lin Qi and others were located also began to collapse due to the destruction of the city wall. Lin Qi waved to the surroundings coldly, waves of gray-white crystal-like ripples slowly flowed out, Lin Qi only felt that the source of energy in his body was suddenly drawn out. It was clean, and there was even an uncomfortable feeling that the flesh and blood had to be drawn away from the body.

What Lin Qi used was the law of time plundered from him after refining the God of Seasons the other day.

The wonderful law of time is extremely powerful. Time and space are one of the most important laws of a universe. With space, there is a foundation for the existence of everything; and with time, everything will develop and evolve. Therefore, the law of time is definitely an extremely profound, terrifying, and infinite power of law.

Just because the law of time was so terrifying, Lin Qi had just used a little bit of the power of time that he had just realized, and the source of power in his body was completely drawn. Fortunately, the immortal moon wheel madly extracted a kind of wonderful original power from the surrounding void, and continuously injected them into the origin of Lin Qi's body, and a large amount of source power continued to grow, which satisfied Lin Qi's need for this trick.

Time, backward, three seconds.

The collapsing tower was restored to its original shape in an instant, the shattered city wall stood on the ground again like a dream, and the soldiers who had been bombarded on the city wall appeared intact in front of everyone. Those sentinels also let out a scream dumbly. They clearly remembered that they had been blown to pieces?

At that moment, their souls clearly saw their bodies shattered and the city walls collapsed.

But at this time, why did they stand in place safe and sound?

Enzo looked at Lin Qi in horror. Enzo couldn't see through this ‘boss’. If Lin Qi’s strength could be estimated in the human category when everyone reunited back then, now this is the method of the gods to let the destroyed things reappear out of thin air, right?

Almu and Buffy looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes in a daze. They couldn't understand the origin of Lin Qi's hand, but this did not prevent them from having various guesses about it. They are instinctively aware that they seem to have seen something extraordinary.

Lin Qi glanced at them, and then a powerful mental shock blasted over. A majesty and a speaker fell to the ground without a grunt. All their memories of this period were erased.

Several tiger kill camp soldiers guarding the entrance of the tower have already pulled out their weapons, and a bald man holding a giant red copper totem pole has soared into the air without a word. The red one with a length of more than three meters and thin thighs in his hand The copper totem pole made a low roar of tigers, and brought a dazzling fire light to the King Scorpion who was covered in gold and blue armor outside the city wall.

"Sad human beings! You used to be so noble and glorious, but now you are so weak and pitiful!" King Scorpion looked at the totem pole slamming on his head with disdain: "You don't even know. The right enemy is..."

With a loud noise, the totem pole slammed heavily on King Jin Scorpion’s forehead. King Jin Xie let out a stern cry of pain, and opened his mouth a burst of golden plasma, his entire body was blasted to the ground. The surrounding ground was tossing up like water waves, and the slick earth waves quickly spread to the surroundings, and the earth waves as high as several meters contained devastating lethality.

If this circle of earth waves are allowed to spread, the entire Black Pearl Harbor will be over. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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