Brain Storm

Chapter 663: Dream power

"Of course it is dangerous, but if it can be avoided, is it still dangerous?"

"That's amazing." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Using scientific methods, breaking the rules of the universe, mastering the rules of the universe, and creating rules beyond the rules of the universe, this is exactly what human beings are doing."

"And for our abilities, it is even more necessary to be the current player in this field. Many scientists are not good at doing things. With our abilities, it is like science has wings. It is easy to break the rules. "

"There are many scientists in this galaxy hub who have transformed themselves into the main brain. You should already know this."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Although the initial wisdom is not human, the ultimate wisdom must be human."

"Why?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.

"People were born after the four major races merged. This is the inevitable result of intelligent evolution."

"Earth, fire, water, wind, and nature are natural. These human bodies are all contained in ancient times and were called Taoism."

"Two hands allow us to be creative, two eyes allow us to see the world, and two eyes allow us to listen to the world. Two feet allow us to travel around the world and so on ... all of this stems from the evolution of rules."

"Some rules are natural, but some are supernatural. Supernatural is generally human-centered. The supernatural power released by people actually contains a wide range." Several people around me listened to what Xiao Changyun said. Did not answer.

"Human existence is an accidental product of heaven and earth. Just like our elemental abilities, we occasionally create some creatures somehow."

"But it's not the first person. People always move forward on the evolutionary path."

"One day when people are no longer human, the world will no longer belong to you."

"Father, are you talking about higher latitudes?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Don't dare to say it, but there does exist such a world, but it is based on energy. Such a world has a single manager."

"It can also be called the kingdom of God."

"But these are the products of ancient ancestors. This civilization is not so important in modern times, especially in our country. We believe in the concept of equality for all. In my mind, we human beings are the most amazing creation in this universe. As long as wisdom continues to evolve, infinite magic can be created, and sometimes I even think that the world exists because of people. "

"Father, have you found anything?" Xiao Yi listened attentively at this moment.

"Cosmic brain, the understanding of the rules of time allowed me to obtain information that most people do not have, but the content of these information is basically a projection of some information that will happen in the future, but it is said that the law of time, he can encounter something, But the law of time is multifaceted and affected by various angles. At this time, I have to judge that those consultations are closer to me. "

"Father, is the information you said controlled by your consciousness? Or do you choose to receive those consultations before those things happen?"

"Smart boy, that's what you said."

"What's that?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Dream! A magical and great power. Once you are devout enough to your dreams, you will pursue a path that belongs to you."

"Uncle, what you said, I have felt this kind of power before, but what I feel is very simple, for example, I want to eat, I am hungry, I will think about it, then I think about it, is it right? Is it also the most basic form of dream? "

"Yes, the main measure of the universe by human beings is to have a ruler of heaven and earth. This rule of heaven and earth is actually our own human beings, and our own self is united by all things. As you said, I am hungry. This is a very Simple thoughts, but this is also a small dream. It may be simple for you, but it may be more difficult for you to be weak, and you may pay the price of your life. "

"So, our starting point is high, which allows us to see more of the truth about the universe, because we can not be controlled by realistic thinking."

"Explore this world with our current strength, and look for the truth that the universe has hidden behind." Hearing here, Xiao Yi had already thought of something at this moment.

"Father, we have come into contact with the spirit now, but we only know that this spirit will condense the spirit body, and the combination of the spirit body and the elements will release various kinds of radiation. It is because of the spiritual body radiation that this universe has With all kinds of power, all kinds of substances have condensed. "

"I want to know, is there power beyond this spirit?"

"Existence is truth. Just like before, we all lived in your consciousness. Now, who do we live in?"

"Although the universe is large, you can also see that it is not suitable for the reproduction of civilization. Wisdom seems to be unable to produce sparks ~ ~ Hey, captain, I think it should have reached a certain limit. It will be difficult to extend. "

"Yes, otherwise, how could there be Pangu plan."

"Father, what is Pangu's plan?"

"Creating the world, looking for more rules, letting different rules appear in a world, and then generating new rules."

"But is this possible?"

"Why not. Someone has done it, but we have no way to go back in time. They have reached the end of time and created the Space-Time Administration there."

"Yes, the universe has been mastered, but we can still obtain the rights of other universes. The universe is infinite, but the world in which we live is limited."

"But where do we eventually go?"

Hearing this, Xiao Changyun laughed.

"You still have a long way to go. For the time being, you haven't reached the end. When you feel that you have reached the end, you are not far from death."

"Are we going to die like this?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised at the moment.

"The world will be destroyed. Why don't people die?"

"Then our bodies are broken, can't we replace them?"

"Then if you let you change your body every day, will you be happy?"

"Why change every day?"

"For a long-lived life, one year passed in the blink of an eye, and they have a new concept of time."

"So powerful?"

"Is it terrible? One year passed in the blink of an eye, and when he woke up, he had been chopped into firewood and put in his home and burned to ashes."

"Is it great?"

"The power of high frequency is the greatest, just like me." It looked a little proud to look at everyone's face.

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