Brain Storm

Chapter 1023: Media and space

"As long as the deity's perception of spiritual power rises to that level, the deity can make the spiritual power appear light. Dust ← Yuan ↑ Wenxue Xue? Net"

"What do I need to do?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"First you have to know what light is made of, what its components are, and what's in the structure of space."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"During this period, you must use microscopic vision beyond human senses to touch that world, so you cannot use human macro vision to observe, because then you can only observe these from a plane perspective, you must obtain a kind of transcendence The micro senses of one's own senses, observe the world in the form of a micro life. "

"Do you mean elemental life?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"If divided according to elements, it can be divided into innate elements and acquired elements ..."

During the conversation between Xiao Yi and Ming Lei, Lu Xuexin was drowsy when she heard it. Xiao Yi pointed to the bed beside her.

"Go and take a rest." Lu Xuexin nodded when she heard what Xiao Yi said.

"What is the innate element?" Xiao Yi was still asking at this moment.

"The deity, in fact, is spiritual power. It is yang that produces self-circulation, and yin that does not produce consultation."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi was completely beyond his knowledge of this point.

"Spiritual power is everywhere in the universe. If you talk about oneness, the spirit represents space in the initial stage."

"When you reach Dao Sheng II, this spirit represents the positive spiral force, the reverse spiral force, and the repulsive and gravitational forces."

"When Daosheng III is reached, the universe will evolve thousands of worlds, that is, planets like Earth. Of course, after Daosheng III, this three represents no longer one evolution, but infinite evolution."

"Ming Lei, what's the mental power you said into white light?"

"As long as the deity has enough mental power and density is high enough, it will turn back into material and can be ignited."

"For a world, low density is virtual, and high density is real."

"Density can only appear outlines, but high density can appear solid."

"Is the light virtual?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Holy deity, light is a heat transfer in human cognition, but what are the media that can transfer heat?"

"Is it metal?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"When the sun burns out, it will turn into a white dwarf, and then emit a strong gravitational force."

"In fact, the essence is that there is something that can emit a strong magnetic field and is extremely heavy."

"Metal and wood burn together, what will be left in the end?"

Hearing the question of Ming Lei, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment.

"I can't think of it." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"In fact, it ’s very easy to understand that it is bound to leave incombustible materials, that is, metals, easily combustible materials, are taken away by inertia. During the process of material volatility, it can provide rising power itself You can take all the microscopic matter away. "

"For example, a planet that originally had civil gold will naturally volatilize it once it enters the combustion stage."

"Finally, all the civil engineering is removed, leaving the last metal, which is like the process of the sun turning into a white dwarf." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"But there is still a lot of metal in the space?"

"Don't you forget the eruption of energy?" For humans, it may be a planet or even some huge planets, but it is actually just a dust to the universe. "Hearing here, Xiao Yi is now stunned.

"Light, however, is the radiant effect of energy that ignites matter, and it is only for life."

"Why?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"Not all heat emits light. Even in the dark, it has temperature."

"And what exactly is this temperature? Actually, in my understanding, that is, the transfer of matter."

"When the temperature is high, the material transfer is faster, and when the temperature is low, the material transfer is slower."

"In my opinion, the so-called temperature can actually be a measure of the speed of material transfer."

"Different substances have their own absolute zero, which is the zero boundary value of volatility and condensation."

"Is everything all matter?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"The deity, the foundation of the universe itself is formed by the transmission and convergence of matter."

"And energy is actually an effect created after the microcosm of matter, or potential energy, or radiation."

"For example, in nuclear pollution, uranium will exceed the air standard in the air, but the human eye can hardly see any difference. It can only be judged by instruments. Words are deadly. "

"Isn't this thing used to make the atomic bomb?"

"Of course, the same principle is used to make stars, and black and white holes are also full of such substances."

"It's just that for us who can elementize, they only provide us with energy."

"But the ordinary human body is not a lightning element, so once you touch this kind of thing, the inside of the body will be burned. Because it is the flame of the micro world, it is hardly felt, but it will permanently affect human health."

"So what exactly is it?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Then let's analyze it." Ming Lei made Xiao Yi nodded silently.

"First of all, the birth of heat is due to the transfer of matter. The faster the transfer rate, the higher the temperature. On the contrary, the higher the temperature, the faster the transfer rate of the substance. Actually it should be the same thing. Just like energy and matter, they are the same thing, but they have two different characteristics. "

"Accelerating the speed of combustion, it is natural to obtain the speed of transmission. For example, the engine of a spacecraft is to provide a combustion aid in a specific environment, and it can spray high pressure."

"In fact, this is the relationship between points and surfaces. Surfaces provide combustion to provide combustion-promoting ionic gas, and points provide particle compression injection."

"The explosion of nuclear weapons must also require the same combustion support, not to mention that the explosion itself is a kind of combustion."

"When the combustion reaches a certain point, fission naturally occurs. This fission actually interacts with the sun. Matter splits and splits again. Therefore, a large number of gases, ions, and a large number of ions are born for a short time. There are violent high temperatures, high temperatures and gas production. It reflects that the gas in its own space will continue to have a chain reaction, and then an explosion will occur. A highly destructive shock wave, light waves and even electromagnetic waves will be affected. "

"So light is the heat transferred between the space media."

"This medium is actually a space element."

"Minglei, what you are talking about is material level. Does it have anything to do with my current mental strength and the lightning element?"

"The deity of your spirit can theoretically capture any energy in space and make it an element."

"Is there any difference between element and energy?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"The element is actually energy, but the fire element should be called fire energy, and the earth element should be called earth energy, but the statement is different." After hearing this, Xiao Yi came to his senses.

"If I want to make light, what do I need to do?"

"First of all, you have to understand the two essences of light, one is the light in transmission, and the other is the origin of light."

"We also need to talk about what the light element is. The light element cannot be the light in transit. The light in transit can only bring thermal energy like the light element."

"And the light element needs life characteristics, so its circulation system cannot be too simple."

"So its true origin should be the little suns that are constantly reflecting."

"Of course, if you don't need the eternal property, it can also be a simple storage unit, like a tool flashlight used by humans, but once it is consumed, it requires energy conversion."

"Enn." Xiao Yi nodded.

"So the way we make light is actually the original way, the sun way."

Just as Ming Lei and Xiao Yi said this, Lu Xuexin was still resting.

Suddenly, the white light flashed, and the next second Xiao Yi found that the window was strange, Xiao Yi only felt that he was flying.

Xiao Yi is no stranger to this feeling.

"My dear, we have entered the space channel."

"What the **** is going on? Aren't we going to Anshui City? How can we get back into this space channel?"

Then only felt the darkness around him for a moment, but Xiao Yi found that he and others seemed to be in the abyss, and the surrounding space was dark.

Just a little hesitant, just listening to the "bang", the carriage was already on the ground.

Xiao Yi in the carriage was a bit weird.

Because even with such a strong shock, Xiao Yi didn't feel the vibration from space.

With the bang, everyone in the car woke up.

"Xiao Yi, what happened?"

"Unclear, but we just passed through a space-time tunnel just now."

The next moment, Xiao Yi walked towards the door, and then opened the door to go out.

The weird thing happened and the door couldn't open.

"What's going on? Why can't the door be opened?"

Xiao Yi suddenly came to the window, but suddenly Xiao Yi found the dark space outside, and the carriage was speeding at the moment.

What surprised Xiao Yi was that a group of people in black flying around the carriage, all wearing silver masks, uttered a strange trembling sound.

Xiao Yi didn't know if it was laughing or what he was doing.

"What are these people? Why are we holding a sickle, then we have been kidnapped by death?" Lu Xuexin frowned.

"Look at it, it looks like we're at the show."

I don't know how long it took, but the carriage entered a black city.

Then he stopped, and before Xiao Yi wanted to understand, how the car stopped.

The next moment, the carriage carriage flew up again.

In the sight of Xiao Yi, a purple space door appeared.

Seeing this door, Xiao Yi frowned.

"The deity judges the color, and I think it should lead to the devil."

"Is the Devil Realm?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"What are they trying to do? Abduction?"

"Unclear, let's believe they are kidnapped."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi found that the carriage became transparent, and then the whole carriage turned into a purple fireball, and it flew in the void.

With the strange sound of "Woohoo" coming around, Xiao Yi found that those who looked like death had disappeared.

The next moment, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin, and then Xiao Yi was startled.

"Xue Xin, are you okay?" Lu Xuexin, who appeared in front of Xiao Yi, had now become a ghost. "

"I'm fine, it's just that this hand is now transparent. What the **** is going on."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi discovered that Lu Xuexin was about to disappear.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi directly released the lightning element without hesitation.

"Boom", lightning elements flooded the entire space instantly.

Then Xiao Yi felt only a flower in front of her, but Lu Xuexin appeared again in front of Xiao Yi, while the surrounding carriage was still there.

"It's ... so dangerous." Xiao Yi was a little scared at the moment.

"Minglei, what exactly was that just now?"

"The deity should be a kind of refracting power, but now?"

"Our deity, now we are a self-circulating energy system, whether it is time or space, it is ours."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately pulled the landing Xuexin towards the door compartment.

Xiao Yi found that the car door still couldn't open, and then a flash of light flashed, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin broke through the door.

Then came to the carriage corridor.

With the move, Xiao Yi found in the passage. There were actually many people, but they were still still and felt this strange atmosphere. However, Xiao Yi came to the small living room subconsciously. Sitting with Xia Weier.

At this moment she was sitting motionless.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned.

"Minglei, what should I do?"

"My dear, please later." At the next moment, the light flashed, but the light flashed over the entire carriage.

The next moment, Xiao Yi only felt that the surrounding space was suddenly full of light.

Then Xiao Yi found that everyone was alive again.

"You ~ ~ Why are you here?" Xia Weier said in surprise.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Don't you know what happened?" After hearing this, Xia Wei'er looked around in confusion, then looked at the guard who was moving towards her. "

"What happened?" Captain Lu came over at this moment.

Xiao Yi pointed to the space outside the glass window.

Xiao Yi felt a little weird at the moment, but at this moment the outside world was a dark, red space.

"Are we crossing the space-time tunnel?" Xia Weier asked in confusion.

"It seems yes, but I don't know why we came here."

"Where is the coachman?" Xia Weier frowned and asked her guard.

"No need to find a driver, it's gone." Xiao Yi frowned.

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