Konoha, the marching army occupied more than 70% of the blocks within the village.

Only some remote paths and mountain roads leading to the periphery have not been completely blocked.

The handling of the Third Generation and the verbal battle between the two sides have been pushed to the peak.

One by one, their eyes were red, staring at each other's enemies on the opposite street.

The missionary-like degree of insanity assimilated a large number of people, regardless of the spectators.

Everyone has a herd mentality. Whenever they encounter something that most people agree with, even if they hold opposite opinions in their hearts, they often don't say it out, but just blindly agree with the group.

Little do they know that the truth of the whole can often be deliberately guided. At this time, the people who first convened the team can play their due role.

After establishing the authoritative discourse power, they began to instill their own, or the hidden will of the family ninja above and behind their heads.

Without affecting the integrity of the topic, try to distort the target into what the actual controllers of Konoha want.

The Hokage advisory group appeared, passing by some not-so-important characters, the friends that the three generations had made over the years, and were allowed into the dungeon by the guard ninja.

"Hiruzen, it's been a while since we last met. How did you end up like this?!"

Utatane Koharu stood outside the cell door, looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was sitting in the cell with an old look.

"Maybe it's fate, bad luck, nothing to say."

The Sandai looked up and saw that the person coming was Utane Koharu, then he spoke and replied

"I didn't expect you to come. Where's Mitomon En? He didn't even come to see Hiruzen being executed?"

Danzo opened his eyelids a little, but didn't see the person he wanted to see, so he asked.

"He didn't know what expression to use to face you, Danzo! You are the culprit for Hiruzen's fall to this point! Do you know that?"

Utatane Koharu has a hot temper and she was not in a good mood when she saw Danzo. She could have turned a blind eye to Danzo pretending to be dead, but this guy was not honest at all and had to jump on her face.

Isn't this asking for a scolding? What is he doing?


Danzo sneered, stood up, and looked down at Utane Koharu, who was half a head shorter than him, and said:

"It's ridiculous. If it weren't for Sarutobi Hiruzen's indecisiveness, which allowed the Uchiha clan to become powerful and take down Uchiha Manye in the early years, wouldn't there be all these things happening today?"

Danzo refused to repent, or rather, he didn't have the word regret to say. In this life, the only people who made mistakes were others, not himself.

"It's unreasonable!"

Utane Koharu shook her head and stopped talking nonsense with this hopeless guy. She turned the topic back to the Sandai:

"Hiruzen, listen carefully, don't admit to any of the crimes committed by the Anbu ninjas, just leave the rest to us, I will make sure you have a worry-free life for the rest of your life!

You are the Hokage of Konoha, there has been no precedent of executing a Hokage since the establishment of the village, this precedent cannot be set, and it must never happen!"

After a few words of comfort, Utane Koharu left in a hurry.

Uchiha Manye was watching, and everyone present knew it, but from his indulgence and the chaos in the village, it was hard to tell that he did it on purpose.

Although it was unknown what Uchiha Manye was up to, they were sure to take the sugar-coated bullet today!

As for the bullet, I hope that Uchiha Manye will not turn his face against him after he lifted a rock and smashed his own foot.

"You just watch them die?"

Soon after they left, Danzo spoke.

"Uchiha Manye deliberately let her in, so she was destined to be fine. In Konoha today, if he didn't nod, do you think the guards would let her in?

There's nothing wrong with finding something for her to do, so that she doesn't have to collide head-on with Uchiha Manye and lose her life in vain."

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes. He knew what Danzo wanted to do without having to guess. He might have had some ideas in the past, but now, the third generation was completely exhausted.

In this life, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not come to the ninja world in vain. He sat on the throne of Hokage that countless people prayed for, and he had all his children and grandchildren.

The war had destroyed him, but it also made him.

The periphery of the village.

The streets were empty, and the shops on both sides were closed or closed. Even the shops that still had old customers only had two or three cats and kittens.

They couldn't think of making this money today.

Compared with the depression in the periphery, the inner circle was making a lot of money. All kinds of snacks, snacks, and drinks were almost sold out.

The streets and alleys were full of people at a glance!

All kinds of dirty words lingered in the surrounding streets for a long time.

On the way to meet Kakashi, Hatake Sakumo happened to meet Orochimaru, who was called back by Uchiha Manye.


"Well, what do you think about the Fifth Hokage?"

Orochimaru also had a headache. It's not that he didn't want to sit on the Fifth Hokage, but he had joined forces with Uchiha Manye and traveled all over the mountains and seas of the Ninja Realm. He had seen all kinds of strange things and bloody boundaries in the outside world.

His heart was no longer bound by the position of a village shadow in Konoha.

Although he had to admit that this position was very tempting, he, Orochimaru, was also a person with his ultimate goal. He didn't really want something that didn't help him much in his research on immortality.

The heart of a scholar had been screaming in his heart, and he couldn't come back no matter what.

But the scene of Sarutobi Hiruzen admitting that he was wrong in person, and the fact that Konoha was far ahead under his leadership, was... The governance of the Super Third Generation, from head to toe, to veto everything of Sarutobi Hiruzen, is the only thing Orochimaru wants to do after his defection.

Eternal life can be pursued at any time, but there is only one chance to sit on the position of Hokage.

Because it is like a play, Orochimaru is extremely entangled.

He is not young this year, and in a few years, he should have passed the peak of his strength. Orochimaru is not sure whether he still has the courage to pursue immortality by then. Sarutobi Hiruzen was so high-spirited at the beginning, but since he sat on the position of Hokage, all he had in his eyes were the daily necessities, family, children and relatives. Everything is dragging the Third Generation into the abyss.

"I don't want to get involved in this matter, you should make your own decision!"

Hatake Sakumo didn't get involved. Orochimaru's affairs, his ideals, and ambitions, can only be decided by Orochimaru himself.

Uchiha Manye, the two have known each other for so many years, and they know each other's character. If Orochimaru really doesn't want to, he won't force it.

"It's really troublesome. I'll go by myself. He said,"I'm leaving. See you then!""

""Okay, bye!"

Having said that, the two turned their backs to each other and walked away.

Guard building.

Anbu ninjas suppressed the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the former Konoha advisor, Shimura Danzo, and left the dungeon.

When they appeared outside the gate, Orochimaru arrived at the scene. When

Shimura Danzo saw the newcomers, the calm lake in his pupils slightly rippled. Although he was surprised, he didn't say a word.

Now, he has been abolished by Uchiha Manye, and all his strength and meridians in his body have been scrapped. A layer of seal has been imposed between cells and spirit to block the extraction of chakra. In

Danzo's heyday, this barrier was naturally ignored, but times are different. He is now a prisoner of Konoha, and can do nothing except let people wantonly squeeze him.


Finally, Sarutobi Hiruzen called out, his most proud disciple.

""Long time no see, Sarutobi-sensei!"

Orochimaru nodded, with a fake smile on his face, showing no emotion.


When the people present heard Orochimaru's name, their faces changed, and they subconsciously took out kunai from their ninja tool bags and went on guard.

The villagers of Konoha had almost forgotten Orochimaru's vicious reputation, but the Anbu ninjas of their department, who issued killing orders day after day, would remember every ninja who defected from Konoha even if they turned into ashes.

"Orochimaru, you dare to come back! Do you think this is a place where you can come and go as you please?"

Although Mito Kado En is old, he still retains some of his former heroic spirit. His on-site strength is among the best, so there is no reason for him to hide behind the Anbu ninja.

Orochimaru is definitely not his opponent, but you also have to see whose territory this is.

Uchiha Manye of the Konoha Guard is watching upstairs. If Mito Kado En retreats at this time, who knows how people will deal with it. After coming back for a lifetime, who climbs to the top, isn't it for the sake of life?

Another thing is that with Uchiha Manye around, his life is at least a little bit guaranteed. As long as he doesn't betray the interests of Konoha, Manye will not allow a traitor to attack the elderly in the village.

"Why, do I need to report to you when I return to the village?"

How could Orochimaru take this half-broken old man seriously?


Mitomon Yan was so angry that he subconsciously wanted to take action

"Enough! Stop it!"

The third generation was the same as always. Even though he was a prisoner, he never gave up. The breath of the superior and the roar of the powerful force, once heard, temporarily calmed the situation on the scene.

"Sunslash You……"Mitomon Yan looked at him in confusion, not knowing what he meant by doing this.

The third generation didn't say anything extra, just gave him a look that made him quiet.

"Orochimaru, are you ready to come back this time?" Sarutobi

Hiruzen didn't finish his words. Among the people present, only Danzo could understand. The rest of the people were all confused.

"I don't know."

Orochimaru told the truth. There was no need to play tricks with the Third Hokage.

The reason why he stood here now was to see Sarutobi Hiruzen admit in person that he had misjudged the person.

And admit his own incompetence!

Minato was such a good person. The position of Hokage was basically a must for him.

It just wouldn't be the Fourth Hokage.

Who didn't know what Sarutobi Hiruzen did back then? What was his purpose? It was nothing more than bullying. Minato didn't have a team, so he helped him to stabilize the power in his hands so as to sideline this young man.

The Third Hokage did it, and he did it exceptionally well. He was even so good that he could kill Minato, who was considered the perfect successor to the Hokage.

"But this was before. After meeting you, I think I should have figured it out. Sarutobi Hiruzen, I will personally prove how outrageous your choice was!"

Orochimaru's eyes became more determined. It was just the fifth Hokage. It's not like he had never fought for it in the past. At that time, although it was the fourth generation election, it was not bad to catch the last train of the fifth generation.

"Orochimaru, I'll wait and see……"

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally looked at his favorite disciple and closed his eyes:

"Let’s go, it’s time to get on the road!"

"Hiruzen, Orochimaru……"

"The Konoha Guard is right here. Do you think he can make it here alive without Uchiha Manya's permission?"


He waved his hand to interrupt the subsequent conversation, and the scene slowly started to move forward in a tense atmosphere.

Uchiha Manye appeared, walked out of the guard gate, and came to the side of Orochimaru who was watching Sarutobi Hiruzen leave.

"It's time for us to leave, Godai."

Manye had a rare opportunity to tease Orochimaru.

"Hehe... it's still early, no rush."

It's not clear what Orochimaru is resisting, but Uchiha Manye heard what he said to the Third Hokage. The number one Hokage's tool man is likely to have no escape.

As long as the position of the Hokage does not change, Uchiha Manye does not need to be too anxious about other things.

In the square in front of the Hokage building.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo were brought in, the atmosphere on the scene was once again pushed to the peak.

The villagers standing on both sides of the road were completely divided at this moment. One side cheered for the Third Hokage, and the other side, it was very unlikely that they would rush forward and stab Sarutobi Hiruzen to death on the spot.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you must die a miserable death! Give me back the lives of my wife and children. Without you, Konoha has suffered such torture over the years! How dare you live in this world!"

"You can even sell out Sarutobi Hiruzen's border defense map. You are the Hokage of Konoha. Are you worthy of the border ninjas who have sacrificed everything for the village over the years?

What were you doing when they sacrificed? Bah! People like you are simply insulting the title of Hokage!"

"Give us an explanation, Sarutobi Hiruzen! Don't play dead for me!"

"Open your eyes and take a look. Are you worthy of the village that has pushed you to where you are today?"

"What can you give in exchange for the lives of the Konoha heroes who died for your dirty thoughts?"

The villagers who shouted"Go Sarutobi Hiruzen, die" kept throwing rotten vegetable roots and leaves into the escort team.

The hatred for the Third Generation was completely over the top. If it weren't for the patrol ninjas who were in front to maintain order, the atmosphere at the scene would probably have been bloody.

The condemnation from the victims was louder and louder, almost drowning out the villagers standing behind Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"The person on the other side, don’t go too far!"

"The Third Hokage must have had his reasons for doing this. Everything you have today is only possible under the leadership of the Third Hokage!"

"The Second War, the Third War, if there hadn't been the Third Hokage, Konoha wouldn't be what it is today. You guys wouldn't know where you're going to die, and yet you still have the nerve to talk nonsense here!"

"Brothers, kill these ungrateful bastards on the other side!"

"You complain about this and that day after day. Have you ever made any effort to build Konoha? Apart from having a head full of paste, what is the difference between you and a beast that can only scream and jump?"

The people on the other side of the street fought back without showing any weakness, using the glory of the Third Generation and constantly exaggerating the facts.

The Third Generation was almost praised to the sky by them, and now they didn't know that someone was coming, and they thought that whoever opposed the Third Generation would have a problem with Konoha.

Without him, Sarutobi Hiruzen, everyone present in Konoha today would have their families broken up. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Idiot on the other side, who the hell are you calling a beast? Just because you follow someone who is worse than a beast, you think you are superior?

When did your eyes go blind?"

"Even if I am a blind man, I am still a thousand times better than you, a bunch of ungrateful ungrateful bastards. Without Konoha, you wouldn't be where you are today. Without the Third Hokage, Konoha wouldn't be where it is today!"

After the team that was holding down the Third Hokage and Danzo walked out of the crowd, there was a huge quarrel behind them.

The escort team was moving a little too fast. The remaining rotten roots and vegetables that hadn't been thrown away would be thrown away anyway, but throwing them at the guys on the opposite side would give them a sigh of relief. If there's no profit in the business, why not do it?

It was a mess down there, with shouting, cursing, beating and smashing.

The sound waves from the villagers' roars were so loud that even with three or four layers of earthen walls outside the Hokage Building, they couldn't stop the sound from penetrating.

They were led into the Hokage Building, to the conference hall.

Behind the long circular table sat the heads of the villages and ninja clans.

After the war subsided, they hurried over to the meeting room. I just managed to come back from the Third Hokage disposal meeting this morning.

No one dared to disobey Uchiha Manye's words. It didn't matter if they didn't listen, the family just had to change the patriarch.

I believe that behind them, there are many relatives and friends, all of whom are looking forward to this guy dying soon.

Looking at the Third Hokage and Danzo standing in the central area of the conference room.

The people present were silent for a moment, and then the scene was not much better than the quarrel between the Konoha villagers outside. After a little more than ten minutes of arguing, no one could come up with a reason.

Whether the Third Hokage is dead or alive has never had much to do with them.

Ran here Taking sides is just to show their own attitude.

The current scene is just a small scene.

The big scene is still to come.

Dealing with the Third Generation involves the interests of the entire village, from ninjas to ordinary people, although most people just come to watch the fun and plan to leave.

But once the emotions on both sides are aroused and the conflicts continue to erupt, there is no turning back.

Compared with ordinary people, ninjas are the key to determining the direction of things.

The retail ninjas walked out of the large number of spontaneously organized people, and got stuck in the gaps that the patrol ninjas and the Anbu ninjas had no time to guard.

A large number of ninjas rushed to the square in front of the Hokage Building and stepped on He charged forward, aiming at the heads of the villagers.

Under everyone's gaze, he rushed into the Hokage Building.

There were those who petitioned the Third Hokage, and there were also those who criticized the Third Hokage for dying sooner.

Arguing was not enough, and many ninjas with a good mouth started fighting early in the morning. Can't they beat you if they can't argue with you?

Water and fire escape techniques were released, and the fragments of the explosion hit the crowd. Fortunately, there were peripheral ninjas waiting, so no big deal happened.

But if these people interrupted, half of the Hokage Building was directly turned into a dangerous building by various escape techniques.

The conference hall was forced to move.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, it was difficult to relocate, so they could only bring the Third Hokage to the square and directly transition to the final public trial stage.

"Punish the murderer severely! Sarutobi Hiruzen, the blood debt must be paid with blood!"

"Nonsense, the Third Hokage was wronged, don't believe the one-sided words of the Uchiha clan!"

"Only you blind guys would turn a blind eye to what Sarutobi Hiruzen did. Without the Uchiha and the ninjas fighting bravely on the front lines, would you still be standing here alive today?"

"Outside the village, there are piles of corpses. Where did they come from? You can't see them, right?

There is no guard team. They stayed up all night to lead us to the refuge. You think the dead people are not you, right?"

"You useless people living in the inner circle? Your lives were saved by us, the people on the outer circle!"

��The war started again.

At the same time, Uchiha Manye and Orochimaru brought the ninjas who were implicated by the Third and Danzo in the Uchiha attacks to the Hokage Building after they were resurrected. The deathly aura spread in the queue, revealing the faces of the people present, familiar yet unfamiliar.


"What is this!"

"Hiss~, it’s so cold, is someone dead?!"

"What, dead person!"

"Orochimaru——! Why are the Konoha rebels here? Where are the village ninjas? Where did they go? How could such dangerous people be allowed in?"

After Uchiha Manye and others appeared, the scene became a mess.

The noise, accompanied by exclamations, spread to the entire square.

Driven by some timid people and some people who were courting death, adverse reactions occurred after touching the bodies of the dead who were resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation.

The death energy entered their bodies, scaring many people with weak mental wills half to death. The icy death energy entered the body, arousing the self-protection mechanism of the nearby people. When facing unfamiliar things, people's instinct is to run! The chaotic situation did not last long.

The clan's jonin came forward and used escape techniques to pave a path to the endless army of the dead. The thick earth walls were arranged in a regular pattern, from short to high, pushing away the nearby people.

As long as they were isolated, the direct contact between the Impure World Body and the villagers would have little impact from the death energy.

Uchiha Manye and Orochimaru took the lead and walked at the front of the team.

The person in charge of the rear guard was Hatake Sakumo. As for Kakashi, because of the Anbu's mission, he was forced to separate from the ninjas who were returning normally. What a false alarm!

""Minister Uchiha, who are these people?"

Hyuga Hiashi, representing all the high-ranking officials of Konoha, asked Uchiha Manye

"Let them speak for themselves!"

Man Ye stepped aside and gave the stage to the army of the dead who walked away from the Tongtian Road.

Lined up in a neat row, these dead who came here were all defective products made by Orochimaru through cloning technology.

The advantage is that it is a zero-cost business, which completely solves the defect of the living sacrifice of the Impure World Reincarnation.

The problem is that the strength of the ninja who descended as a clone is reduced to the extreme, and it can even be said that there is not much difference between it and having no strength at all.

"I am a Chunin from Konoha Anbu, Team A, Team 7……"

"I am a Root Ninja, Captain of the Fire Team 3, Rank Jonin, Codename Owl……"

"I am Konoha Anbu……"



One by one, people spoke up and briefly introduced themselves to the Konoha villagers below the stage, so that these people who were not familiar with the Anbu and the Root organization could have some general knowledge.

They had too much to say. It would be difficult to finish talking about the deeds of the Third Hokage and Danzo even if they talked for three days and three nights.

The first thing to start with was the past of Hatake Sakumo.

Too many things happened at the election meeting that year.

Hatake Sakumo gave up the mission to protect the village ninjas, forcing Konoha to suffer a major loss of reputation.

The turmoil that was once set off made Konoha restless for more than half a month.

This matter is also funny. It happened to be the election of the Fourth Hokage. At that time, there was no sign. There were only two candidates who were the most popular at the time.

Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, and the other was Hatake Sakumo.

He was not from the lineage of the Hokage, but a rising Kage of the Hatake clan. His swordsmanship suppressed the ninjas of the Wind Country for nearly ten years. He was also the one with the highest voice at that time.

At that time, although Minato was somewhat famous, his reputation was still far inferior to that of his two predecessors.

Few people who are involved in politics have clean hearts. The position of Hokage was unlikely to be given to the third generation, and it was against tradition to give it to an outsider like Hatake Sakumo.

In addition, Danzo at that time had never given up his ambitions for the position of Hokage.

After a few rounds of back and forth, they joined forces to set a trap for Hatake Sakumo.

Regardless of success or failure, as long as the team suffered losses, the two of them could take advantage of the situation.

Originally, they just wanted to suppress Hatake Sakumo's reputation, and didn't really want him to die, but who knew that he would be so strong that he would calm down the fishing reel that the third generation and Danzo of the village could suppress at any time at the cost of his own death.

After listening to Hatake Sakumo's story, the remaining villagers who were still shouting in the square were pinned to the ground and beaten by the elders beside them. The older people were all those who had personally experienced the incident that year. They only felt that the interests of the village were damaged, and they had no idea of the game behind it.

He only vented his dissatisfaction and resentment about the injustice of the world. Even if Hatake Sakumo died, he would only be ridiculed by the world.

What they hated was never Hatake Sakumo, who harmed the interests of the village, but that they were not ninjas.

It was because they had seen the light that they were so disappointed now.

The story started with Hatake Sakumo's shocking revelation, followed by the revelations of the Root ninja.

The oppression of the village by the Root and the upper-level ninja clans were well known.

It was just that Danzo had always given enough money and used the unfavorable benefits to open the way, so he had never been rejected.

The blood research data of the Root, except for those left by the second generation and the prisoners of war looted from the enemy village during the war, were all from various clans. For some insignificant benefits, they used their own clansmen to make a direct exchange with the rights and interests in Danzo's hands.

At the beginning of the human experiment, the person who organized it was none other than this dark man of Konoha who was never known to outsiders.

In addition to the children who were deliberately abducted by Danzo (Zhao Lihao), most of the missing children were from small and medium-sized clans. They also took part in the trap for Orochimaru and paved the way for Minato. They were considered to have done their best.

Details of the Third Generation's suppression of various clans and Danzo's secret collaboration with them were constantly exposed.

The villagers of Konoha in the square were in an uproar. The old people who knew that the Third Generation was not a good person were prepared, but the young people who died for the Third Generation regarded him as a savior.���The Lord's people were so angry that they wanted to spit out blood.

Later, Orochimaru came out and filled in the details of the year. Danzo's compromise and large-scale research on wood-style cells pushed Danzo ahead of the Third Generation and became the well-deserved first on Konoha's must-kill list.

Then there were some things related to the Fourth Generation, the victim of the Nine-Tails Rebellion that night.

That day was also the moment when Minato was completely desperate for the village.

The various ninja clans suppressed their opponents and the Hyuga clan directly let the Third Generation block the door.

Danzo joined hands with the Third Generation to block the Uchiha clan from the door. The Sharingan

Magatama in the Nine-Tails' eyes made the Uchiha clan have an unwashable connection.

But no one thought about it. If the Uchiha had this power or ability, why would they be forced to the point of the Third Generation?

After the truth about the Fourth Generation's death was completely revealed, the square exploded.

This Hokage, who was elected by the people of Konoha in peacetime, died in such an unclear way. If you don't get angry, you are not human.

The villagers are not blind to the changes brought by Minato. Compared with the old man, the third generation, the villagers are more familiar with Minato, who has only been in office for a year.

The third generation is so high and mighty that even Konoha ninjas can hardly see him, let alone others.

Then, there was the incident when Konoha's periphery was attacked by foreign enemies.

In order to suppress Uchiha, the third generation and Danzo did everything they could, and even let the death warriors pretend to be ninjas from other villages and assassinate their own compatriots.

Countless families were broken up on that night. The periphery was also at that time, and the Nine-Tails Rebellion was united. The omnipresent presence of Uchiha made the villagers of the periphery push people away with their own hands.

Then came a dark time.

The second generation of Konoha is not as easy to talk to as the Uchiha clan members who are suppressed by Uchiha Manye.

These people were merciless in oppressing and exploiting the people below.

Except for those who were protected by the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, who hadn't suffered from bullying?

If the war between the ninja clans and the entanglement of interests between the ninjas had nothing to do with the villagers below, then this time, the third generation almost put labels on the villagers and sold them by weight. If it doesn't concern them, they can still stay out of it, but once they are involved, the people below will turn against each other faster than turning pages of a book.

The truth of the past was revealed one by one, and the square, whether it was those who hated the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen or those who supported him, were all on the same front at this moment.

With Sarutobi Danzo and Shimura Danzo, these two dragons and phoenixes, Konoha would not worry about not declining. With them, Konoha would be able to fight against each other.

There is no need for foreign enemies to invade, the village's own strength can kill Konoha itself.

The last thing is the invasion of the Akatsuki organization.

The Kage of a village, dignifiedly cleared the way for the enemy.

Or the Hokage of a village, invited the enemy in and joined forces to oppress his own people in Konoha Village.

The Super Shinra Tensei and the movement of the Chibaku Tensei were all sensed by ordinary people.

��The ninjas who knew the truth were all afraid.

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