The two bear children, the Konoha Dark Ninja who were responsible for sending him two back, really wanted to throw people at the gate of the guard and run away by themselves.

The brain thinks so, but the body can be very honest.

The two little guys they are carrying now, there are ordinary people, completely alive is a cub species, can’t be touched, can’t beat, and can’t be scolded.

Try changing to ordinary people, during the wartime alert period, forcibly breaking into the gate of Konoha, deliberately disrupting the transportation of the army, and impersonating the number of the front-line ninja.

But if you can’t have the slightest relationship with the Uchiha clan, today these two people in the dark department can make Naruto and the parents behind Sasuke peel off their skins.

“There you go!”

The dark part responsible for carrying Naruto, pushed down the colleagues next to him, the dead Daoist friend is not dead and poor, the tool man must have the consciousness of being a tool man!

The newcomer in the dark department who was pushed forward by him, dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, the official level crushed people, not to mention that the person is still a medium forbearance, he only entered the dark department, the foundation in all aspects is thin, and the strength is far inferior, the captain, and this vice team is high, don’t mention the seniority.

If it weren’t for the accident of the three generations, the dark department had received a lot of rectification, and there was a shortage of people everywhere, with his strength to endure, I am afraid that he would not be qualified to enter the dark department directly under Konoha.

On the day he was chosen, his parents contacted Shili’s father and fellow villagers, and they all came to the door to set up a banquet, and the cowhide blew to the sky, completely ignoring the newlywed’s own wishes.

If this dark work is lost, the cow that his parents originally blew out will become a slap, and one round will be pumped back.

For the sake of their own future, for the face of their families, the great grievances, and the newcomers in the dark department, they all have to break their teeth and swallow them into their stomachs.

Honestly report the results of the incident to the Uchiha clan, the gatekeepers on the periphery.

After spitting out everything in relief, the newcomer team member of the dark department, with a feeling of apprehension, was like a sculpture, motionless pestle on the edge of the gate of the Uchiha clan.

When the rear deputy team saw it, they hurriedly followed, standing side by side with him.

People have done this point, if he still stands still, after Uchiha Fugaku comes out, when he sees him like this, I am afraid that he will jump into the Yellow River, and I am afraid that he will not be able to wash it.

Not long after the time passed, Uchiha Fugaku hurried over after receiving the news.

Uchiha Wanye didn’t move, he knew that few people in Konoha wanted to see him now, strength was on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was the fear of him, the current god of the world.

“Two, Inuko and Naruto, you guys are in trouble!”

Far away, on the way to Fugaku, he opened his mouth to apologize.

The child does not understand things, and he is the reason for being an adult, and he is responsible for the loss.

“Patriarch Uchiha, you are too polite, we did not take good care, the personnel of the dark department were not enough to investigate, and we failed to find the noble workers in time, and mixed in, this is our dereliction of duty in the dark department!”

This is a big truth, not a deliberate compliment from the vice captain of the dark department.

The front-line transport unit let the two children mixed in, if it wasn’t for the number error, and really sent Naruto and Sasuke to the front line, then it would have broken the sky.

Over the years, Konoha has indeed been overly peaceful, and the war alert has not been able to wake up the alarm bell in everyone’s heart.

The huge investigation team, there is not even a upper patience, the middle patience handles big and small things, and the strength between the middle and lower patience is big and small.

It is not uncommon to have mental calculation and no intention to prevent it, and to endure in the yin and die.

No one could have imagined that there would be children who dared to go to the front.

“Three Six Three” Today’s Konoha has long been not comparable to the past, and the eight-year-old child going to the battlefield cannot happen unless it is a moment of life and death.

“Where, this time it was the dog who did something wrong, after I go back, I will be strictly disciplined, he is free every day, we will make an appointment, I will personally bring the dog to make amends for your sins.”

Fugaku’s words startled the two.

Is this something that the wealthy patriarch can say?

Uchiha still wants to attack them?

After being reparated by Uchiha Fugaku, they still have their lives and live in Konoha?!

For a while, the two were anxious, opening their mouths as if refusing, but after the words came to their lips, they couldn’t say anything.

Under the public, when the Uchiha clan refused Uchiha Fugaku’s invitation in the face of the people, they were afraid that they would not be able to let the Uchiha die on the way back.

His face turned red, and he didn’t hold back half a word, and finally he could only nod mechanically to indicate his agreement.

It’s over, something big is going to happen!

After handing over the person to Uchiha Fugaku, the two members of the dark department, the old and new, walked back to the gate of Konoha in a daze, thinking about countermeasures along the way.

The head of the Uchiha clan came to visit these nobodies, is this like words?

What kind of medicine is sold in Fugaku gourd, and what is the meaning of visiting them?

Many doubts surrounded the two of them, and they didn’t even slow down when they returned to their posts and sat down dumbly.

“What’s wrong with you two?”

Looking at his subordinates like this, the leader of the dark squad responsible for investigating the Konoha ninja threw the matter to his colleagues, and ran to touch the fish himself.

What happened to his teammates now, no matter how he said it, was pitted by him.

“Patriarch Uchiha, say you want to visit us when you have time?”

The deputy team replied dumbly.

“Say it’s to take the child and make amends for us!”

Newcomers are replenished in time.

“What do you say?!”

As soon as the dark captain’s footsteps stopped, the eardrums sounded noisy, and the blood with irregular heart rate was beating rapidly in the heart, speeding up the blood flow throughout the body.

A burst of tumbling blood qi rushed straight to his mind, and then his body twitched, which once again frightened people.

But this time, he really didn’t pretend, he really fainted.

A sentence from a big person, the human brain below to make up, can really scare people to death.

Even if it is a normal polite sentence, in their eyes, it contains a great secret, and they are deeply afraid that they will interpret it incorrectly and bring inexplicable disaster to their families.

These little things, Uchiha Fugaku naturally will not know, what he said before is indeed some polite words, as for whether he will come to the door to make amends.

His words were released, and the people of the clansmen present could hear it clearly, if he broke his word, Fuyue’s future patriarch’s face would be put there.

It’s just that in terms of time, it will drag on for a while, now the wind and thunderstorm, the soldiers and horses of the four major countries Shinobi Village are mobilized, as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, the courage on Fugaku’s shoulders is still very heavy.

To Sasuke, Naruto, these little things to make amends at the door, naturally they will not have time to go until the end of the war.

“Wanye, brothers Ai and Bi have broken through the natural danger of the border mountain range, and now they have led the team to kill it, I need to go over!”

After placing Naruto’s two children, who were still sleeping, he wanted to speak to Manyo, but on the way to the door, he received an urgent report from the border line.

Uchiha and Yunnin are both old rivals, and the strength and characteristics of each other, as well as the boundaries of blood stains, are also nine out of ten.

The main force against Yunnin has always been Uchiha and the Hyuga clan.

During the three battles, the two brothers Ai and Bi had the Watergate containment, so they did not give the two of them a chance to charge.

Now that the water gate is gone, Fuyue, the second-in-command, must go up.

“Big brother, are you sure?”

Uchiha Wanye looked at him and said.

Fuyue’s strength is enough, but because it is all hiding strength, there are not many battles with shadow-level masters, and every time he is basically playing soy sauce, taking care of the assistance.

“Don’t worry, the two brothers Hinata will also come with me, Yunnin is menacing, if we don’t block them out of the hinterland of the Land of Fire, the army of the Land of Thunder and the ninja cooperate, then it will be a big trouble!”

Fugaku didn’t dare to say the words, now that Konoha has lost its human pillar power, Uchiha Wanye definitely can’t move casually, the four major battlefields, all the tribes of Konoha now, go all out to go up, and if you don’t settle the base camp, no one can let go.

It just so happened that Uchiha Wanye filled this empty need, so that the clans of Konoha had enough energy to free up their hands to clean up these demons and monsters outside.

Uchiha Wanye pressed, they no longer needed, worried that after the main force of their family left, the family would let their own people be killed, or they would be attacked by enemy village ninjas.

Today’s Konoha, it can be said that whoever depends on it dies!

Konoha, as the pivotal core of a war machine, once activated, there is no turning back.

The army was pulling out, countless shurikens, detonation charms, and kunai, mixed with grain and grass, were transported to the front battlefield in trucks.

There was Tuan Zang, a traitor, and the first dark bunker defense line on the border not only failed to prevent the enemy army from breaking in, but also took them into it.

Konoha, the clansmen rushed to the front one by one, and Uchiha Wanye stayed behind in the family and sent away one person after another.

The clan land, at a visible speed, was cold and thin.

He knew what Tuan Zang dared, but he couldn’t stop it.

Because all this is happening now, when Uchiha Manyo decided to upend the existing situation in Konoha, he expected today.

Konoha infighting, the rest of the four big countries, it is impossible to just watch like this, not mixed with a kick, where will they have in the future, the position of the big brother.

The Land of Fire is strategically located, and there are only one or two people around who are hungry for its body.

If you don’t take advantage of the infighting between Uchiha and Hokage and Konoha’s vitality is greatly damaged, isn’t it a godsend opportunity to bury this God-given opportunity in vain?

Unlike five years ago, when the three wars were over and countries were resting and recuperating.

That year, a major event happened in Konoha, the Nine Tails lost control, and the shadow of a village, plus the death of the Nine-Tails Pillar Force, should have been a good opportunity for the ninja villages of various countries to attack.

It’s a pity that that year, the three wars ended less than a year, the resource reserves consumed in the past, as well as the dead ninja vitality army, could not be replenished in time, and many conditions were limited, and that battle could not be fought.

Now for three generations, there is also the crazy Na Uchiha of Danzo, and the people were driven out of Konoha by the Uchiha clan.

Shimura, as well as the two races of Sarutobi, have successively destroyed the clan, the strength has been severely damaged, the two major ninja clans have lost the ability to fight again, although Uchiha is the victorious side, but if you want to crush the two clans, I am afraid that it will consume a lot.

It is precisely because of this that Shikoku Shinobi Village will be provoked by Danzo’s seemingly absurd, but in fact inevitable, and bite the bait that you can know at a glance that it is a trap.

Under the four-nation alliance, no matter how strong your Konoha is, can you still turn the sky?

Not to mention, there are Danzo and Sandai in the back, pulling the hind legs of Konoha.

At that time, the four-nation coalition army will break through the country of fire in one fell swoop, even if the three generations and Danzo recapture Konoha, it will be in vain.

It seems that the shadow of the Shinobi Village of Shikoku on the fifth layer was actually caught by Tuanzo, and pushed the boat along the water to promote today’s situation.

The biggest beneficiary is still Danzo, because from the beginning, he never expected that those wastes of Shikoku would be able to defeat Konoha under the leadership of Uchiha Wanye.

After witnessing the exchange that night, Tuanzo completely gave up the fluke mentality.

Deliberately concealing the intelligence of the Xiaoxiao organization, and not revealing to the outside world, the slightest level of strength of Uchiha Wanye is the only set among the nine truths and one false that the group hides to the four countries.

Moreover, this hand is still playing Yang Mou.

No matter how powerful Konoha propaganda and Uchiha Wanye are, the rest of the Shinobi Village of Shikoku cannot believe it!

The regions of the four countries are in a state of separation from each other, and it takes time for the transmission of news.

Even if Uchiha Wanye defeated Yun Shinobu or Iwa Shinobu in the frontal battlefield, he could be regarded as hitting the arms of Tuanzo.

What Tuanzo wants is that Uchiha Wanye leaves the village, he doesn’t leave, Tuanzo is still not happy!

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t go, there is Shikoku Shinobi Village to contain, Konoha’s guard force will definitely weaken to the extreme, with Uchiha Wanye alone, although he can hold the village, but he is only, only one person!

Give Izanagi the opportunity to rewrite reality, and Danzo can use this technique to create a miracle for this world.

The rest is left to the ape flying sun.

No matter whether Uchiha Wanye can leave the village and achieve today’s situation, Danzo has already succeeded halfway.

The latter thing depends on whether God gives a chance!

Danzo was preparing, so was Uchiha Manyo, and, before he started planning, everything was done.

There are still three generations of what Tuanzo has done, in order to resurrect the Thousand Hands Pillar.

Uchiha spot, not in the scope of consideration, this guy was reborn in the soil, whether he will listen to them, and control it is unknown.

Only the pillars know the roots, and it is also the best, and the only choice.

Uchiha Wanye is too strong, so powerful that even three generations can’t look up to the realm.

It’s just that everything the two did was doomed to be in vain.

As early as many years ago, in order to prevent Madara and Obito, Uchiha Wanye made trouble for him, so he took the first step and reincarnated the pillar and the second generation to the dirt.

For these two past Hokages, Uchiha Wanye did not trust very much, and besides, he may not have controlled these two great gods at that time.

Dove occupies the Magpie’s Nest, catches the soul between the pillars in advance, and the Uchiha Wanye in his hand is invincible from the beginning.

The reason why Tuan Zang allowed these moths to be engaged in was also to fish him out.

Instead of running around the world by yourself, it is better to wait for an opportunity to let Shimura Danzo and send him to the door yourself.

Konoha Guard.

When cleaning up the three generations, the guard naturally returned to the hands of the Uchiha family, and Uchiha Wanye also sat back in the position of the head of the guard.

During the war, Konoha’s large army of ninjas, opened the front line, and the village was empty at once.

Especially in the inner perimeter of Konoha, a large area of various ethnic lands, a huge house, and now there are only a few ninjas who watch over the house.

Yu Zhibo’s clan, more than seventy percent of the clan left, Yun Ren is not an idle person, where does Yu Zhibo dare to raise it.

Hinata’s situation is not much different from Uchiha.

Two races against one village, in the entire history of the ninja world, only these two giants can do it.

“Minister, after the patrols of the village guard team have decreased, there have been more thefts in the periphery!”

Murami Wataru reported, pushed open the door, and strode in.

People are left by Uchiha Wanye, Murami Wataru is still a subordinate until now, no way, the upper limit of talent is here.

Under the front line ninja cannon fodder, more of him is not more, less of him is no less.

For people like him, there are still quite a few guards.

In this regard, it was Uchiha Wanye who came forward and left some retail ninjas.

Family ninjas, even if Uchiha Wanye wants to stay, they may not be willing to stay. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The days of killing enemies on the battlefield are not always available, and the Ninja World War, which means killing, naturally also includes, battle merits.

Who can pass up the opportunity to make a contribution?

People who are afraid of death, not nothing, but you are afraid of death, as ninjas, from the moment of birth, they are doomed to their future fate.

“How many teams are left behind?”

Uchiha Wanye just came back, all aspects of the news, may not be able to know, Murami Wataru.

“Eleven or twelve squads.” Murami Wataru had already been ready, and was asked by Uchiha Wanye.

“Who is in charge of the current patrol team in Neiwei?”

Twelve squads, a team of three, supporting thirty-six people, relying on this single number, staring at the periphery of Konoha, it is simply whimsical.

It is not enough for the guards themselves, they can only hit the attention of the inner perimeter.

After the outbreak of the war on the front line, Konoha’s ninja were almost moved, and the four countries attacked at the same time, and the number of manpower gaps was too large, so that the highest strength of the hometown was only Uchiha Wanyo.

The remaining upper ninja did not add up to more than one hand, these are still not enough frontal combat strength to the logistics ninja, and the only one left by the hospital, the upper ninja level medical ninja.

The rest are the sealing squad personnel, all of them belong to special ninjas, and they are left behind just in case, the front line is defeated, leaving some tinder for Konoha.

Ninja school, open as usual.

Because most of the family members and adults left, the small clan, who had already scattered ninjas, all lived in the school.

There is no one in the family, although these people are children, but they are also ninjas, and they have overwhelming strength in the face of children of the same age, even adults.

If it is not strictly supervised, the child moves, and if it is not light or heavy, it is easy to make a human life.

“The upper Shinobu left behind in the dark department, right?” Murami replied uncertainly.

“I went out, now there are not many people along the inadequacy, inner neighborhoods, places that need to be patrolled, I’ll go and see, can I ask a group of people to come back!”

Uchiha Manyo stood up, talked to Murami Wataru, and after going, pushed the door and left.

Although it is not his authority as the head of the guard, he should have to mobilize the inner perimeter manpower, but at special times, special treatment.

Shimura Tuanzo, this old Gou King, may touch it back sometime.

If Wanye is in a crowded place, and he makes a move, it is easy to cause panic, at this time, if there is no nearby ninja, go to the scene to organize the evacuation.

It is estimated that when the front-line soldiers return, Konoha will also have to renovate it.

Shimura Danzo is an unscrupulous person, if he sees that the villagers of Konoha can be contained, how can Wanye’s hands and feet, according to his nature, not be used.

In his eyes, the Konoha ninja are not individuals, let alone the villagers below?

Beyond Konoha.

After changing clothes, Shimura Danzo, and ape flying sun chop, easily bypassed, the guard post on the periphery of the village, quietly touched, near the village.

“Tuan Zang, have you thought clearly? If you go any further, there will be no turning back! ”

Ape Flying Sun slashes at the last moment, reminding Tuan Zang.

He didn’t want to, this guy dropped the chain at a critical time, the group hid and died, if he didn’t summon the first generation, then everything would be over.

From Uchiha Wanye’s hands, before the possibility of escape, Sarutobi had already calculated it.

This probability is not yet as he is the face of Uchiha Wanye, digging a hole and burying himself high.

“Just worry about yourself, the old man doesn’t need you to worry about it.”

Shimura Danzo replied arrogantly, with deep single eyes, looking at the scenery of Konoha.

The village is still as green as when he left, flowers and plants from the village where they live, surrounded by gifts from nature.

“How’s it going?”

Tuanzo makes final preparations 0…..

Technique, dirt, sacrifice, one lot, the formation uses a scroll engraving, no need to be like the original big snake pill, you also need to do it yourself.

This in the hands of the third generation is still given to him by Tuan Zang, and between the second generation of Thousand Hand Pillars, one of the relics left to his disciples back then, Ape Flying Sun Chop did not ask for it at the beginning, so he cheapened Tuan Zang.

Unexpectedly, what he disdained in the past has now become the last lifesaver for the two of them.

Dirt rebirth, in such a short time, it is impossible to learn in three generations.

Scientific research and learning ability, the big snake pill above the ape flying sun, when he learned the rebirth of dirt, also spent a year or two.

At present, the three generations of old and frail in all aspects, far from the prime of the past, it is impossible to learn from him in this life, and he can only take shortcuts!

“Tuan Zang, I’m not old enough yet!”

“It’s hard to say?”

Three generations are no better than Tuan Zang, the body transformed by the big snake pill, the blessing of the Sharingan, and many years of research on the first generation of cells, giving Tuan Zang a chance to rejuvenate.

Although it was a mistake at the beginning, it was also for this reason that Tuanzo discovered the phase between the cells between the thousand hand pillars and the Sharingan of the Uchiha family.

After fusing the intercolumn cells, Tuan Zang gradually found that the consumption of Chakra using the Sharingan was significantly reduced, and the passive engulfing of Chakra by the Sharingan also improved significantly.

A circle of cloth bags was untied, and the regiment hid in front of the ape flying sun, revealing his true appearance after being transformed.

“Tuan hides you…”

Seeing that Tuan Zang was no longer human, Ape Fei Ri opened his mouth wide, he didn’t guess what the face of his old friend under the bandage was, but after really seeing it, he was still scared.

The human body transformation that the big snake pill studied at the beginning, Ape Flying Sun Chopper knew, but the transformation of his disciples was also based on the preservation of human beings, and the human cartilage experiment was done.

The study of the big snake pill is right or wrong, Ape Fei Ri Chop does not know, but from that day, he made it clear that he did not support him to continue like this, and the concept between the master and apprentice had gone against the opposite.

“Why, this scares?”

Tuan Zang smiled, it is his current honor, the way he laughs, it is really not flattering, who looks like this ghost in the middle of the night, it’s best not to come out blindly and wander around, it’s too attractive.

“You’re really crazy.”

Ape Flying Sun was silent for a long time and expressed his opinion.

“Perhaps, but the power is obtained, where will there be a price? Nikcho, now you are really weak! ”

Whether it is strength, or the attitude of being invincible in the past, the current doctor of ninjutsu no longer possesses.

The former Shinobi, after three generations of old age, has died in this world.

The three generations no longer argue with him, what is the difference between today’s Shimura Danzo and the big snake pill in Konoha that was driven out by his own hands?

Konoha, night falls.

The three generations of the two are very patient, and the day is not the time to start, although this is only a small impact, but for the sake of the final overall situation, the group that has gambled on everything, no matter how small the opportunity, it is impossible to play back.

The patrolmen of the guard team have directly expanded from twelve squads to sixty-four after Uchiha Wanye personally went through the relationship.

The inner perimeter is still a thick bottom of the house, and where the slap is beaten, fifty-two patrol teams are piled up, and each squad shifts are still once a half-day.

According to the existing manpower, it takes half a month to complete the shift.

It’s crazy!

The files of these people, Yuchiha Wanye has checked, there is not a single one who is not a related household, up to the heir of the Konoha organ, down to the captain of the dark team, there is no gap that they can’t knock open.

When Uchiha Wanye arrived, the group of people all shivered, obviously Manye’s murderous name had gone far and wide, reaching the point where everyone in the Konoha ninja clan knew and everyone knew about it.

In order to save snacks for these second ancestors in the family, the major ninja clans have not been cruel to their children.

You can not recognize anyone in Konoha, only this killing god, you can’t help but know.

Otherwise, at that time, no one will know how their own family does not have it.

In the guard building, the electric lights were on, and Uchiha Manye was sitting in his office, looking through the front-line war reports.

On Yunnin’s side, Fugaku took the Uchiha clan, and after arriving at the front, the battle line obviously improved.

After the two brothers of Hinata arrived, the situation was completely controlled.

It’s just that Ai and Bi of Yunnin Village, except for the beginning, when Wang was against Wang, they had a face to face with Fuyue, and then there was no shadow.

Fugaku’s reply was also a reminder to Manye, and according to his judgment, most of the two people went deep alone and killed Konoha.

The four-nation coalition army, Konoha’s forces are too scattered, withstanding the attack of the front, and the rear defense must be weak.

No matter how strong Konoha is, it is not strong enough to beat the world’s ability with the power of one country.

Ai and Bi, it is impossible to go all, the two join forces to deal with it, Fugaku and Hinata Hiashi brothers, it is a little reluctant, if they are all gone.

Without the shadow-level masters to contain it, Fugaku three people to enter, Yun Shinobu army, it will simply be a slaughter, at that time, even if they take it, Konoha base camp, they will not have the strength to fight again.

Once the Konoha soldiers and horses return to defense, when the time comes, they will get the meat in their hands, and they may have to spit it back.

After reading all the battle reports, Wanye estimated how many masters there were, and when he directly killed Konoha, there was movement in the periphery of the village.


Uchiha Manyo closed the file without hurry, stood up, went outside the office, and knocked on Muramiwata’s secretary’s desk.

Tuk tuk!

“Hmm…” Murami Wataru, who was sleeping, was disturbed, turned his head in a different direction, avoiding the source of the sound, and continued to sleep. 0.2

This kid, that is, met Wanye, otherwise according to his virtue, he may let the enemy silently wipe his throat when he goes to the battlefield.

The standard does not even know how he died!

“Wake up!”

After extracting the water vapor in the guard building, and condensing his fingertips, he nodded at Murami Wataru’s eyebrows.

The biting cold, burrowing into the brain pulp, the cold water dew along the fingertips of Uchiha Wanye, slipped, about to drip on the heart of Murami Wataru’s eyebrows, only to see his body suddenly tremble, and in the next moment, the person slipped off the table.

The backhand swept over the waist, the fingers moved slightly, pulled out the ku wu, stepped on the wall with a back foot, with the power of the countershock, jumped behind wanye, the kun wedge pierced straight to the back of his head.


A crisp sound.

Uchiha Wanye sent a back, turned around, stabbed himself with a bitter blade, and when he was about to strike, he raised his hand and poked out a finger.

The blade collided with the Wanye index finger, and immediately cracked an inconspicuous crack.

When Murami Wataru realized what he had done, the sagging kunai turned into nail-sized fragments the moment he moved, and disintegrated one by one.

“Ministry, ministry… Long! “Murami Wataru’s hand holding the weapon is soft.

“The reaction speed is good, but the vigilance is too bad, and I called you twice before I could get up!”

Murami Wataru’s smooth move directly made Wanye, his previous impression, his senses changed.

“I’m very sorry, Minister, I slept too hard, you weren’t hurt just now, did you?”

The drowsy head, after seeing Uchiha Wanye, the heavenly sleepiness had to give him death.

It’s that the head is not completely awake, otherwise he would not be able to ask such words that are not brains.

“If you can hurt me, then how unjustly should those Ninja Realm powerhouses who died in my hands?”

Wanye looked at him funny.

“Uh… It seems to be too…”

Seeing that the minister was not angry, but joked with himself, Murami Wataru temporarily sighed.

Go to work and sleep, let the boss catch it, his heart is still pounding now.

“Minister, look for me at this time, you are…”

After the joke, it’s time to get down to business.

“Notify down, foreign enemies invade, let the guard patrol, take the outer villagers, hide in the nearby shelter, and send someone inside to notify you!”

“By the way, the strength is not enough to endure, don’t go out, after taking the villagers down, you yourself will hide.”

“The next battle is not something you can participate in!”

The order was given, and Uchiha Wanye’s figure also dissipated.

The person who remained in the guard was his shadow avatar, and the body had been squatting outside the village from the beginning.

Just waiting for these guys from Tuanzo to come to the door.

Side Hell Reflection Nos. 1 to 3, except for No. 3, stayed in the clan land to protect Naruto Sasuke and them, and the rest went to hunt down Kurojie.

That’s right, this undead Xiaoqiang also touched it back today.

Most of the cowhide candy with soil is also nearby.

In Konoha Village, hundreds of people in the middle and lower levels of Shinobi, shuttling and jumping on the roofs of village houses, knocking on doors door to door, waking up sleeping villagers.

Uchiha Wanye’s order, no one present dared to disobey yin.

Gave them the order, they had to do it anyway.

Foreign enemies, Wanye are all blocked, if it is in the backyard, there can be an accident, he must not catch a few guys to come out and ask for the crime afterwards, Konoha will not want to be peaceful in the future.

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