The high-ranking people of Konoha at the meeting were all shocked by Uchiha Manyo’s words.

I want to refute it, but Uchiha Manye’s statement is the truth.

After all, Niao is really that once someone else’s ancestor gave it to Konoha, and then Konoha gave it to the enemy country.

Now Uchiha Wanye has once again snatched back what belongs to them from the enemy country, which is reasonable and reasonable.

When the people on the scene fell silent again, the ape flying sun chop broke the silence again.

“Indeed, as you said, the Uchiha clan, the custody of the two tails is also justified, but Wanye! Because you forcibly seized the second tail of the Land of Thunder, the Land of Thunder has begun to declare war on us! ”

With a gloomy face, Sarutobi took out a roll of paper letters from under the table, and pushed it to Uchiha Manyo, and when he picked up the letter, he said cautiously

“If we don’t hand over the two tails, the Land of Thunder will go to war with us once and for all!”


The words of the three generations exploded in the hearts of everyone like a nuclear bomb.

Now that the war has just subsided, is it time to start again?

For a while, except for the Hokage’s staunch support of the patriarch, all the patriarchs began to panic.

War is something that no one likes except those who gain it.

“Uchiha Manyo, for the peace of Konoha, you hand over the two tails!”

“That’s right, our words just now were really serious, I’m sorry Uchiha Manyo, but please be sure to hand over the two tails!”

“Uchiha Wanye, just hand over the two tails! By the time of World War III, my family was already more than half dead and wounded, and I really couldn’t go to war! ”


The smaller and neutral patriarchs of Konoha discouraged Uchiha with bitter words.

During the three wars, the small and medium-sized ethnic groups in Konoha suffered too many losses, and basically did not gain any benefits except for some verbal awards.


The ape flew into the sun, looking at Uchiha Wanye, who was wrapped in everyone’s fishing boat, and an eerie smile rose on his face.

This time, of course, his purpose was not to get Uchiha Wanyo to call the two tails out and then return it to the Land of Thunder to stop the war.

Every time a war breaks out, it must be because of profit.

The big cake of the tailed beast, the three generations still want to swallow it in one bite, although the current Konoha has a lot of combat power loss, but only one fight with the country of thunder, it is still more than enough.

The most important thing now is to cage the second tail to your own body first.

Uchiha Wanye did not speak for a long time, but the fishing boat in front of everyone turned a deaf ear, and after thinking for a long time, he slowly spoke with a cold face.

“I can take the war launched by the Land of Thunder!”

As soon as these words came out, silence instantly returned to the field.

“What if you can’t?”

Sarutobi asked with a frown.

“If I can’t solve the war launched by the Land of Thunder, I can’t help but give up the two tails to stop the war, and even give all the ninjutsu I have learned.”

But on the contrary, if I can solve the war launched by the Land of Thunder, then Nio will always belong to Uchiha from now on, and the third generation of Hokage must apologize to me! And to quit the position of Hokage. ”

Uchiha Wanye stared at the ape flying sun, and slowly said to everyone.

“Apologize? What apologies do I make? ”

Ape Flying Sun asked very suspiciously.

“Have you forgotten what I did when I went to the Land of Thunder?”

Uchiha Wanye sneered and said.


After hearing Wanye’s words, Ape Flying Sun Chopper immediately choked.

“You don’t deserve it! This time, I just want to use this to get you to let go of such a burden in advance! ”

Uchiha Wanye said in a golden voice.

“Hinata, I think you still agree to come down, after all, with the current Uchiha alone, it is impossible to stop it!”

After Shimura Danzo heard Wanye’s words, he couldn’t hide the joy on his face, and kept encouraging the ape flying sun.

The conditions proposed by Uchiha Wanye were simply beneficial to Shimura Danzo.

Now Shimura Danzo suddenly felt that the slap he had just been slapped by Wanye was nothing.


Ape Fei Richo looked at Tuan Zang’s appearance, and smiled with a gloomy face.

He didn’t know Shimura Danzo’s thoughts.

“Ape fly! You take it! As long as we don’t give him the help of sending a soldier and a pawn, I don’t believe that the Uchiha clan can take the wrath of the Land of Thunder!” ”

Shimura Danzo continued to instigate.

“So what if he does?”

Sarutobi asked with a calm face.

“If he does, I’ll eat this Hokage Dooka on the spot!”

Shimura Danzo pointed to the cloak on the ape flying sun’s behead, and said forcefully.

Although both conditions are beneficial to him, it is more important for Nio to return to control of Konoha.

After all, he has already made arrangements, and even if he does not want to abdicate when the time comes, he will have to retreat.

Danzo is also not afraid, Uchiha Wanye’s strength is otherworldly.

With his personal experience just now, his Chakra is at most to the point of reaching the point of his former teacher, the second-generation Hokage.

His teacher of space ninjutsu died in the battle with Yunyin, and he did not believe that Uchiha Wanye could resist.


Although Sarutobi Hinata does not want to listen to Shimura Danzo’s advice, he is bound to win the second tail, and this win is too big.

With a gloomy face, he said to Uchiha Wanye again.

“Yes, I will take this bet, but in this battle, you can’t ask anyone in Konoha for help except Uchiha’s people!”

Although he himself can directly not send ninjas to support Uchiha Manyo, but in words, there will be some hard to blame, it is better to put this rule on the surface.

After Uchiha Fuqiu heard Ape Flying Sun’s words, his face changed drastically, and he just wanted to stand up and speak.

Uchiha Man Ye then held Tomichu’s arm and gave him a reassuring look.

After seeing Wanye’s look, Uchiha Fuqiu’s face was fierce for a long time, and finally he regained his calm and sat weakly in place.

“Yes, I accept it!”

Uchiha Wanye said indifferently.

After hearing Uchiha Wanye’s reply, everyone present began to gloat in their hearts, but no one dared to laugh out loud.

Just now, Uchiha Wanye’s fierce appearance was still deeply imprinted in everyone’s minds.

The large meeting was concluded with a last polite remark from the three generations of Hokage.

Today, all the patriarchs of Konoha have remembered one name, that is.

Uchiha Wanyo!




[ps: Ask for flowers!! Ask for a monthly pass!! Please urge more !! Ask for a tip!! The author is stable for more than seven chapters every day, and today I have prepared twenty chapters, and as long as the data is still rising, it will continue to explode!! 】

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