“This chakra!”

Uchiha Uchiha stopped the water under this vast and majestic momentum.

I couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

The pupils in his eyes instantly appeared three black hook jade.

Spinning around the pupil at a rapid pace.


Uchiha Wanye snorted coldly.

A stronger momentum suddenly erupted from his body.

Uchiha Uchiha stopped the water and his body gradually fell under this momentum.


The bones in the body made a crisp sound.

“Under this pressure, the body can’t move at all!”

Uchiha Uchiha desperately urged his body.

But desperate to find under this pressure.

No matter how hard I struggled, I could only shake my body slightly.

Uchiha Uchiha’s body was gradually pressed lower and lower.

This is also normal.

Uchiha Uchiha stops the water because of his powerful blood chakra eye combat power, although it is not ordinary.

But after all, he is just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child.

Chakra is composed of a combination of physical and mental strength.

The Chakra reserve in the body of the current Uchiha Uchiha Shuishui.

At most, the last one is particularly good to endure, which is remarkable.

Under Uchiha Wanye, Chakra, who has broken through the limits of the shadow level.

Naturally, there can be no more movement.

Uchiha Wanye suddenly retracted all the momentum exuded from his body.


Uchiha Uchiha stopped the water and began to gasp sharply.

“Think about it yourself!”

After Uchiha Man Ye left his last words to Uchiha Shuishui.

He carried Futao Yugito in one hand.

Holding a scroll in one hand.

Rush in the direction of the Land of Fire.


“Whew, it’s arriving!”

Carrying Yukito Uchiha Manye, he looked at the tall wall standing not far away.

Gently breathed a sigh of relief and said flatly.

“You bastard, pervert, hurry up and let me go!”

Futao Yugito struggled on Uchiha Wanye’s right shoulder.

It’s a pity that now her body has been bound by a crimson rope.

And also tied up extremely sexy.

“Be quiet, you are my prisoner now, do you want me to take off my socks and gag your mouth with it this time!”

Uchiha Wanye said a little impatiently.

In fact, when he was halfway there.

It was already expected.

Futao Yugi woke up halfway.

So when passing through Oto-nin Village.

It cost a lot of money for a woman to tie a wooden figure with a rope.

When the woman tied up Nio Yugito.

Uchiha Wanye was stunned.

I just have to be that kind of ordinary binding.

It’s not this kind of bondage.

But eventually in the woman’s dissuasion.

Under the turmoil with your own heart.

Uchiha Wanye made the gods send no trouble, and the woman was tied back by the wooden man.

Along the way, Uchiha Manyo carried such a Yugito.

Non-stop shuttling between the mountains and jungles.

There were no people along the way.

At that time, I will reduce a lot of trouble for Uchiha Wanye.

And just halfway through the journey.

Futao Yugito woke up.

Kept cursing at Uchiha.

Uchiha Wanye didn’t pay attention at first.

But Yugito’s mouth gushed and repeated scolding.

Pervert, bastard, evil thief a few words.

It really blew up Uchiha Manye’s head.

At that time, Uchiha Wanyo immediately tore off a large piece of clothing.

First, it was stuffed into Yugito’s mouth.

And prevent it from spit out and also use the remaining cloth.

It was tied up firmly around Yugito’s mouth.

After that, Uchiha Wanyo’s days can be considered over.

It’s just that later Uchiha Wanye rested in the middle of the night.

Grabbed two fat chickens and started making a barbecue.

When Uchiha Man Ye was feasting.

Futsuo Yugito had tears of remorse left at the corners of his mouth.

Seeing this, Uchiha Wanye loosened the restraints in her mouth.

The remaining roast chicken was fed to Yukito Nio.

After receiving a guarantee from Yugito.

Uchiha Manba did not block Yugito’s mouth again in the back.

I didn’t expect to wake up.

Yugito began to scold again.

Sure enough, a woman’s mouth, a deceitful ghost.

At first, Uchiha Wanye felt that it would pass if he endured it.

Anyway, it’s about to reach Konoha.

But Uchiha Wanye obviously overestimated his psychological endurance.

“If you don’t say it, don’t say it! Really!”

Nio Yukito muttered in a low voice.

“What did you say?”

Uchiha Wanye asked suspiciously.

“Nothing, that… I ask you wait a no. Yes, will hand me over to Konoha… Who deals with? ”

Futsuo Yugito looked at Uchiha Manyo with tears in his eyes.

Wallowing and whispering.

In fact, Yukito himself is not strong in his belongings to Yunnin.

From the moment she realized it, she was a father or motherless child.

Originally, I couldn’t even solve the problem of food and clothing.

By chance, she was valued by a ninja lord and said that she had a special physique.

In the end, he successfully accepted the Nioi and Brigade.

Then you don’t have to worry about food and clothing anymore.

But almost everyone treated her like a monster.

It caused her to have a lot of psychological shadows.

In the end, she succeeded and understood each other with her charisma.

became the perfect human pillar force.

Everyone in the village began to admire her.

But the Yugi people are basically reluctant to return to the village.

Because there Yukito will feel.

All have a long thorn.

Deep in her heart.

It was stinging her all the time.

So Yugi people can generally patrol outside.

Definitely won’t go back to the village.

Over the years, Yugito has repaid the former adult’s food, clothing, and housing.

Tasks are carried out almost all the time.

And all the money earned was donated to the villagers.

Now Yuki is eighteen years old.

It has already completed 70 D-level missions.

105 C-level missions.

167 B-level missions.

A-level missions 130 times.

S-class missions 17 times.

She was so tired all these years.

These days on the way to be bound by Uchiha Manyo.

I felt extraordinarily relaxed.

In his heart, a different kind of emotion arose in Uchiha Wanye.

Yugito doesn’t know exactly if he likes Manyo.

Or because it was just because staying by his side could enjoy that relaxed atmosphere.

will have this strange feeling.

Yugito couldn’t figure it out, and he didn’t want to delve into it.

All she wanted to know now was that Wanye had brought herself behind Konoha.

It’s just an attitude towards yourself.

“It should… It won’t! ”

Uchiha Wanye deliberately paused for half a sound before jokingly saying.

“You’re really a bastard!”

Yukito heard Uchiha Wanye’s first half of tears already flowing.

Hearing the second half of the sentence, he cried with joy and reprimanded.

She didn’t believe Uchiha Wanyo would lie to herself.

Or that she didn’t want to believe that the current Uchiha Wanye would lie to herself.

Because this is the last bit of hope in her heart now, for good things.

She would never allow ego to let it go out.

Uchiha Wanye saw Yugito’s pitying appearance.

Slowly ripped a corner from his clothes.

It will be corrected by the wooden man.

Gently extended the palm of his hand grasping the fabric to Yugito’s face.


Yugito suddenly clenched his teeth.

Closed his lips deadly.

She thought Uchiha Manba was going to gag her again.

The fabric gently touched Yugito’s face.

The prying lips she imagined didn’t happen.

Uchiha Wanye quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Immediately put his palm away.

The wet cloth was crumpled and thrown into the woods.

“Don’t cry, I’ll loosen you later!”

Uchiha Wanye said flatly.

But there was still a slight wave in my heart.


Futsuo Yugito muttered with a smile on his face.




[ps: Ask for flowers!! Ask for a monthly pass!! Please urge more !! Ask for a tip!! The author is stable for more than seven chapters every day, and today I have prepared twenty chapters, and as long as the data is still rising, it will continue to explode!! 】

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