Uchiha clan land.

Under the blooming cherry blossom trees.

Standing was a very handsome young man who looked seventeen or eight years old.

At this moment, the young man was caressing the trunk of the cherry blossom tree with one hand.


“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye +0.3!”

A cold, mechanical, voice prompted in Uchiha Manye’s mind.


Uchiha Wanye after hearing the prompt in his head.

I looked at the cherry blossom tree in front of me with some surprise.

Uchiha Manyo is a traverser.

More than ten years ago, he traveled to the world of Hokage.

And his identity is Uchiha Fugaku, the cousin of the current patriarch.

That is, Uchiha Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke’s uncle.

When Uchiha Wanyo was seven years old.

The strongest check-in system is turned on.

You can check in once a day from anywhere.

And get the rewards given by the system.

And the place to check in is offside special.

Then the rewards obtained are also more generous.

At that time, Uchiha Manyo was turned on after the system.

It coincides with the festival that Uchiha worships his ancestors.

Uchiha Manyo by chance.

At the Nanga Ancestral Hall, where Uchiha worships the ancestors of previous generations.

Started my first check-in in my life.

What made Uchiha Manyo happy.

He actually obtained a pair of nine-hook jade reincarnation eyes at the first check-in.

You know, even Chakra ancestor Datuki Kaguyahime.

There is only one Nine-Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye on her body.

Except for her…

No one owns it anymore.

And Uchiha Wanye check-in acquisition is a pair.

At that time, he obtained the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye Uchiha Manyo.

And did not swell.

After observing his own nine-hook jade reincarnation eyes.

Sure enough.

He just opened the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye.

And in Konoha.

and these extremely sensitive times.

The three wars have just ended.

All families must be suppressed.

And Uchiha ……

It must be the first to bear the brunt.

To know that after this soon after.

Orochimaru defected, the fourth generation ascended the throne, the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Uchiha was isolated, and the clan was exterminated!

This series of things….

It’s all about to happen.


Before the extinction of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Wanye must improve his strength!

If you want to enhance your Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye.

You must take advantage of check-ins.

to improve your nine-hook jade reincarnation eye.

Of course the reward of the system.

It will not be limited to improving the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye.

Often some other abilities are acquired.

So Uchiha Manyo.

It’s all over Konoha.

Started your own check-in journey.

The entire village of Konoha.

Except for some extremely private forbidden places.

Uchiha Manyo has not been.

Basically any place with character.

Uchiha Manyo has signed on it

Until now.

Uchiha Man Ye has been signed in Konoha for more than ten years.

“Open the System Panel!”

Uchiha Wanye said silently in his heart.

One can only be made by Uchiha Wanyo.

The light blue panel that you can see appears out of thin air.

[Host; Uchiha Wanyo].

[Level: Shadow Level].

[Evaluation: Almost no one in the world says anything about your opponent. 】

[Special ability: Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye 28.9%. Currently unlocked: Elementary Six Paths, Heavenly Hand Power].

[Ability: Seeing and smelling color domineering, armed color domineering, overlord color domineering, all control except S-class, forbidden art multiple shadow avatar art, thunder law thousand birds…].

Uchiha Manya looked at his dazzling array of system panels.

Nodded in satisfaction.

Closed the system panel.

“Oh, my own big brother!”

Uchiha Wanye suddenly shook his head.


The pride in his eyes also disappeared instantly.

Right now.

The Third Shinobi War is coming to an end.

But in fact, when the third Shinobi World War had just begun.

Uchiha Man Ye turned to his cousin.

Uchiha Fugaku asked.

I want to go out with my people.

It’s a pity that it was ruthlessly rejected by Uchiha Fugaku.

In fact, according to Uchiha Wanye’s current age.

It is long overdue to be put into battle.

Because in times of war.

Children over the age of ten in many countries.

It’s time to go into battle.

This is also because of the establishment of the Shinobi Village.

This is the case with a seemingly stable order.

If only it was during the Warring States period of that year.

Even six-year-olds.

Also to be pulled into battle.

So Uchiha Manyo successfully participated in this third ninja world war.

No matter how it should be, it should be taken for granted.

It’s just a pity for his own cousin.

Uchiha Fugaku refused.

Even their own children were put into battle.

But they did not want him to go to the battlefield.

It is said that because Uchiha Fugaku both died in battle during the mission when he was a child.

He pinned his trust in his mother’s cousin.

That is, his own father here.

His father had no heirs.

Treat Uchiha Fugaku closer than his parents and children.

And supported Uchiha Fugaku to become the patriarch.



Uchiha Manyo’s father.

He died the year after Uchiha Manyo was born.

And Uchiha Wanye’s mother.

He also died due to advanced age and difficult childbirth.

Uchiha Fugaku has never repaid his father’s kindness to him.


So for Uchiha Nan, the father and son of his adoptive father.

Uchiha Fugaku almost gave it.

Everything you can give.

So this time when Uchiha Wanyo applied to participate in the Third Shinobi War.

Uchiha Fugaku refused without hesitation.

And also a piece of order.

Let Uchiha Manyo be the head of the Uchiha Guard Detachment.

Let him patrol Konoha with people every day.

Originally, Uchiha Wanye wanted to argue with him.

But Uchiha Fugaku did not let go.

But when he saw the Uchiha Guard.

Uchiha Wanye suddenly considered.

Now the combat power of the Uchiha Guard is extremely scarce and scarce.

Once the ape above flies to the sun, he makes himself and others trip something.

I’m afraid that the Uchiha family is unable to handle it now.

And unable to deal with what is happening in the village.

The influence of the Uchiha Guard will also diminish in the village.

In the end, the Uchiha Guards, who had separated themselves from the villagers because of law enforcement problems.

I am afraid that the power will be taken back by the ape flying sun.

And Uchiha’s people.

Naturally, he will also be resentful of Konoha.

At that time, I am afraid that it was the time when the Uchiha clan and Konoha fought.

Uchiha Manba didn’t want to be in a river with Konoha’s blood.

He’s not afraid of three generations or anyone else.

Now the strength of Uchiha Wanyo.

It is already the top level in the ninja world.

Not to mention being able to press the entire Konoha fight.

At least carry the pressure of Konoha.

It’s not a problem to kill with your clansmen.

It’s Uchiha Wanyo who understands.

The Uchiha clan with deep roots in Konoha.

He will never go with him.

At that time, the foundation of the Uchiha family in Konoha was still shallow.

Uchiha even has god-like powers.

And those Uchiha people, under the temptation of Konoha’s great power.

Still unwilling to follow Uchiha and leave.

And now Uchiha Wanyo’s influence and strength.

It’s not as good as Uchiha’s.

And the Uchiha family’s involvement with Konoha is also more behind.

At this moment, even if he burst out, he surprised everyone’s power.

It’s just a futile effort.

As long as the ape flying sun chop can come up with real power power.

Most of the Uchiha people will turn away in an instant.

After all, they have grown up in Konoha for generations.

The bond with Konoha is too deep.

If not cornered.

No one would want to leave Konoha.

At that time, Uchiha Wanye shook his head helplessly and accepted Uchiha Fugaku’s appointment certificate.

“Lord Wanye!”

A voice came, immediately interrupting Uchiha Manyo’s memories.

Uchiha Wanye fixed his eyes.

I saw one wearing a Uchiha uniform.

A young man wearing a ninja brace.

Hurriedly came to his side.

“What’s wrong?”

Uchiha Manyo asked.

“Report to Lord Wanye! The war is over, Konoha is victorious, and our team is about to return. ”

The young man immediately prayed.

“Oh! Is it? Let’s go, come with me to greet! ”

Uchiha Wanye heard that the war was over at this moment, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then he quickly said to the young man in front of him.

Sure enough….

As he expected.

The Third Ninja World War.

It’s going to be over.

“Yes, Lord Wanye!”

The young man replied respectfully.

Then he came behind Wan Ye.

Uchiha Wanyo took the young man with him.

Together they went to the gate of Konoha.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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