What is it like to travel through time? If Qin An wants to describe it, it is the feeling of someone putting you in a drum washing machine and rolling for an hour.

I want to vomit....

When the light appeared before his eyes again, everything was familiar and strange.

Walking through a group of classmates in front of him, it was clear that they had been getting along for such a long time, but Qin An felt as if he had not seen them for ten years.

Just as he was immersed in memories, an angry face appeared in front of him, and this younger and earlier face was getting closer and closer to him.

Huang Fangfang, the director of education, grabbed his wrist and pulled him back from the railing.

"Who let you smoke here?" It is clear that it has not yet entered menopause, but the tone is like reaching late menopause.

Qin An opened his mouth, and wanted to explain that he had just crossed back and didn't understand anything, but seeing Huang Fangfang chattering and squirting saliva from his mouth, he still closed his mouth with interest, who knows if she has an infectious disease.

This scene, he seems to have experienced.

He can't remember the specific day, he can only vaguely remember that when he was on G1, he leaned on the railing in a daze, and then he didn't know which day he killed smoking in this position where he was standing.

The one who smoked when he leaned over was gone, but can you put out the cigarette before you leave?

The fire is a trivial matter, but the cooking smoke slowly rising from the cigarette butts on the ground was seen by Huang Fangfang.

That day, Huang Fangfang's relatives may have come to visit, and their temper was particularly hot-tempered, and after discovering the cigarette butts on the ground, they immediately put this matter on Qin An's head.

Then pulled Qin An to the playground in front of the whole school teachers and students to kill chickens and monkeys, and then brought to the teaching office to criticize, and then if memory serves, it is a review of up to 3,000 words, and then it is a set of standard procedures, asking parents to then leave a record of reporting criticism on their clean resumes.

That was the first time Qin An covered his handprint with red clay, but he didn't expect that because of such a funny reason, he thought that his first time would be dedicated to buying a house or a car.

What's even more ridiculous is that obviously as a pheasant school, the teachers tacitly stocked and dealt with it, and they became the only students in the class who were punished at that time.

The dramatic scene came from the third year of his GZ, his results suddenly improved by leaps and bounds, and GK was admitted to the undergraduate with the first score in the whole school, with a total score of 120 points, and he was the only student admitted to the undergraduate class at that time.

He is also the student with the highest GK overall score in the history of the school, but he is still a student who has been processed.

Recalling that when she first arrived, Huang Fangfang couldn't wait to drag him to the playground to show the public, highlighting her status in school.

On the way, he also met Li Yiming, deputy director of the teaching department, and Li Yiming glanced at him coldly, silently, as if he was incorrigible.

Then he and Huang Fangfang together with Qin An performed a two-person mixed doubles on the eardrum.

Qin An ignored him, fusing everything from the two lifetimes in his memory.

After GK, Qin An entered the best local university, but unfortunately he was too young to understand the importance of majors, and chose Chinese department.

Although his GK score stands out in a 9, he can't help but be seen after he actually enters college.

So after graduating, it was not easy to find a job sitting in an office in a company, and since then I have lived a life of working overtime day and night.

Although he has been cursing the boss for being a guy who picks the door to the point that his son has no P-eyes, Qin An still worked diligently until he was reborn.

Before being reborn, he became the boss of the company's marketing department with his seniority and diligent work attitude.

Then when doing PPT, the eyes were black, and then they were reborn.

No wonder 996 is the original sin of modern society.

Taking a deep breath, he sobered up and returned to his mind, and as a former executive, he knew he needed to stay calm.


Qin An asked himself, and what answered him was a handful of sand, and a handful of sand brought by the breeze through the playground blurred his eyes.

Tears welled up.

When Li Yiming was educating Qin An, he had been silently observing him, and Qin An's performance at this time made him very satisfied.

Students are born at the bottom of the school food chain. You should be afraid of the teacher, the more afraid the better.

Especially like him and Huang Fangfang, as the two giants of the school's teaching office, students should see them like mice seeing cats.

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and soon realized that he should not use this expression, Li Yiming resumed his stern posture, pulled down his face, and said to Qin An in a deep voice.

"Now you know to cry? See if you dare to smoke at school next time!

When Qin An heard Li Yiming's words, he was a little speechless.

He turned his head and looked at Li Yiming strangely and asked.

"Who smoked?"

"Oh, I was so scared that I cried, and my mouth was hard!" Li Yiming thought that he had caught Qin An's sore foot, and asked sharply, Qin An did not answer, looked at Li Yiming with a mentally retarded eye for a moment, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and turned his head back without saying a word.

Li Yiming was irritated by Qin An's eyes, and although he didn't understand what he meant, he could see from his eyes that it was definitely not a good meaning.

A punch hit the cotton, glared at Qin An indignantly, and threatened.

"There are times when you cry."

At this time, the phalanx of the morning exercise has been arranged, and the students of each class have arranged tofu blocks in the playground.

As soon as the music of the morning exercise started, it was interrupted by Huang Fangfang, and then the menopausal woman picked up the microphone.

"Stop! Look at this side. She savagely stopped the students' daily physical workouts and spewed out with microphones.

"Yesterday I said at the morning meeting that you are not allowed to smoke at school, and if I catch it, you will be dealt with seriously!"

No one from the school answered him.

Huang Fangfang continued to talk to herself, stretched out her finger to point at Qin An, and then pointed to Qin An and asked Qin An's head teacher.

"Teacher Liu, this student is from your class."

Liu Feier, who had just graduated from school, quickly nodded.

After getting an affirmative answer, Huang Fangfang continued to point at Qin An, and said with a stinking face: "It doesn't matter if you take my words as wind in your ears, I will let you know today whether what I said counts or not." Teacher Liu, this student in your class I now decide to give him a school-wide report of criticism and record the file. I'll take her to the teaching office now! "

Change to other qualified teachers in the school, this time will definitely rush up and Huang Fangfang to theorize, let his subordinates show mercy, for a student, recording files is a very serious punishment."

But Liu Feier has neither qualifications nor experience.

Looking at Huang Fangfang blankly, watching her like a policeman who caught a thief, she took Qin An off the podium with a twisted momentum.

Qin An also did not struggle and honestly let Huang Fangfang pull, his little arms and legs could not fight Huang Fangfang, and the struggle would only make her more excited.

In life, who can not be wronged?

It's just that.... Qin An thought in his heart

whether he would have to go back to the road he had traveled in this life, maybe with the experience of his previous life, his grades could be better, and the university he was admitted to might even be 211, 985

But so what, after entering the society in the future, can a good college diploma completely change your life?

If getting into a good university doesn't necessarily change your life path, do you want to stay here?

Qin An thought about it, and an idea came up in his heart that was contrary to modern society.

If you can save the past few years of study, rely on the advantages of your own rebirth, and enter the society early, it may be a better choice for yourself.

And in other words, he has already experienced university life, and some useful knowledge has long been mastered in his work.

What I lack in the future may really be a certificate, that piece of paper, really heavy or? Not necessarily.

Huang Fangfang pulled Qin An, galloped all the way, and soon arrived at the office of the teaching office.

"Get in." That tone was like treating a prisoner, and he very unceremoniously stretched out his hand and pushed behind Qin An's back.

Qin An walked into the dimly lit office, and then saw Huang Fangfang take out a thick book from the brushstrokes Li.

After opening it, he asked Qin An's name, student number, class and other information, and after writing it in the book, he wrote something in his pen, but Qin An did not look carefully.

He took out a box of clay and pointed to the spread page, and ordered.

"Cover the mudra."

Qin An did so expressionlessly.

Huang Fangfang saw Qin An so cooperative, and the gloom on her face finally subsided a little.

Closing the booklet, he opened his mouth with another warning.

"Remember not to do anything that violates the school rules in the future, otherwise you will not be able to go to college after receiving a sanction, and the sanction will remain in the file for a lifetime."

"No, Director Huang." Qin Anyun replied lightly, and then there was a shocking word.

"Director Huang, I want to ask, what should I do about the withdrawal procedures?"

Huang Fangfang looked stunned, her mouth was open, no matter what, she could not have imagined that the student in front of her, who had been cooperating all the way, would actually say such words, thinking that she had misheard her and asked.

"What did you say?"

"I want to drop out." Qin An repeated what he had just said, only this time it was more concise.

After confirming that she had heard correctly, Huang Fangfang suddenly slapped the table and roared.

"What do you say! You say it again! The

sudden words startled the other teacher in the office.

"Director Huang, something happened." The startled teacher asked in a weak tone.

Huang Fangfang gasped, her eyes widened, she was extremely angry now, in her opinion, the reason why Qin An asked this was clearly threatening him.

Qin An still looked at Huang Fangfang in a state of violence with a calm and calm face, but he wisely did not continue to speak, who knows if a woman in menopause will do anything irrational.

The two looked at each other in silence for a while, probably because their eyes were wide for a long time and their glasses were a little dry.

Huang Fangfang took the lead in giving up the act of staring at Qin An with wide eyes, and said loudly.

"Do you want to drop out of school? Good! You go and invite your parents here, as long as your parents agree, I will sign your withdrawal immediately! "

On the issue of calling parents again, Qin An actually doesn't care, since he made this decision, he has thought of a way to convince his father.

The only problem at the moment is that I don't remember the landline number at home, mobile phones are still a luxury in this year, and his father Qin Qinghua does not have a mobile phone.

"I don't have a phone at home, Mr. Huang, I'll go home first, and I'll call my dad over tomorrow?" Qin An said in a consultative tone.

"You think the school is somewhere, come and go when you want." The light roar was not enough to relieve the anger, Huang Fangfang reached out and pushed Qin An again.

Pushing Qin An almost slipped and steadied himself, Qin An frowned.

"Teacher Huang, if you have something to say, what does it mean to move your hands and feet."

"What qualifications do you have to talk to me like that?" Huang Fangfang replied very domineeringly, pressed him against the wall, and drank.

"You give me to stand here honestly, I'll call your homeroom teacher over now and see what kind of students he teaches!"

Then angrily flung the door.

Qin An was a little crying and laughing, didn't he just want to quit school, how could he still be punished for standing.

Qin An stood for a while, feeling that his calves were a little sore, so he simply pulled over Huang Fangfang's chair and sat down, not caring that there were other teachers in the office.

This was for most of the class, until he heard Huang Fangfang's hurried footsteps at the door, Qin An pushed the chair back and obediently stood back to the wall.

Then I saw Huang Fangfang and Liu Feier walk in.

As soon as she saw Qin An, Liu Feier immediately straightened her face and said with disgust.

"Qin An, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I just want to drop out of school." Qin An said with a smile.

"You still said !!!" Liu Feier grabbed her hair and shouted.

Huang Fangfang left for half an hour, not only did her anger not subside, but she seemed to be even more angry at this time.

Stretching out his finger to point at Qin An, his voice was already a little hoarse, and he still pulled his throat and roared.

"Teacher Liu, look at the students you brought out, they are still unrepentant and are still threatening me!"

Liu Feier hurriedly explained. "Teacher Huang, you dissipate your anger, it's not like this, Qin An is usually not like this."

"No need to explain it for him, doesn't he want to drop out of school? I'll let him drop out of school, Teacher Liu, you will call his parents now. Huang Fangfang roared and interrupted Liu Feier's explanation.

"Qin An, don't stand stupid, quickly apologize to Teacher Huang." Liu Feier was so anxious to stomp her foot at the moment.

"Why do you say such stupid things, you won't be able to go to college after dropping out! Do you think about your father, did he raise you so easily alone?

"It turned out to be a single-parent family, no wonder children are taught like this." Huang Fangfang suddenly realized and shouted, as if a single-parent family is a very evil thing.

Qin An listened calmly, with no intention of explaining at all.

"You kid, you're talking, what do you want." Liu Feier originally thought that if Qin Qinghua was mentioned, Qin An would obediently obey, but it can be seen that Qin An did not have the slightest reaction, and he was so anxious that he almost cried.

Qin An looked at Liu Feier's appearance and felt a little interesting in his heart, if according to his psychological age, he was several years older than Liu Feier.

But children are children, according to biological age, they are indeed still children.

Qin An did not continue to entangle with the two, and said without humility.

"Teacher Liu, it's better to call my father according to Director Huang's request, I'm not on a whim, I've been thinking about this for a long time."

"What do you think, do you know as a child what matters? For you, you should study hard at this age. Liu Feier did Qin An's ideological work.

"Drop out? It's easy for you to say now, but what to do in the future, have you ever thought about how you can live without knowledge? "

I can go out and work." Qin An said lightly. "In a while, I will turn 16 years old, and the labor law stipulates that anyone over the age of 16 who relies on his own labor income as a source of livelihood can be regarded as a person with full capacity for civil conduct."

"Do you know what else to say? It's easy for you to say a part-time job, but at your age, what kind of work can you do, what can you do? Liu Feier persuaded bitterly.

Qin An looked at Liu Feier's eyes and said with a sincere and serious expression.

"Washing dishes, sweeping the street, cleaning toilets, moving bricks, waiters, as long as I am willing to endure hardships, I can still do a lot of work." If you're lucky, give people bookkeeping, and I can do it too.

"Drink, you still give people an account, multiplication performance in the still know?" Huang Fangfang choked on the side.

Qin An was also not angry, and looked at Huang Fangfang with a smile with mentally retarded eyes.

"Then remove the bookkeeping job from my future possibilities, I'll pick big manure and farm, Mr. Huang, so you have no opinion, right?"

Qin An's successful answer aroused Huang Fangfang's anger, and she roared hysterically.

"Teacher Liu, this kind of student is hopeless, don't talk nonsense with him, call his parents and go through the withdrawal procedures for him!!"

Liu Feier swayed around in Huang Fangfang's anger, but unfortunately, whether it was Qin An or Huang Fangfang, she couldn't figure it out, so she could only helplessly walk out of the office to contact Qin Qinghua.

Qin An didn't know how Liu Feier contacted Qin Qinghua, and in less than twenty minutes he saw Qin Qinghua enter the office in a hurry, still wearing a work uniform.

After Qin Qinghua entered the door, he did not look at Qin An, and bowed like Huang Fangfang and Liu Feier to apologize.

Huang Fangfang snorted coldly and said incomprehensibly.

"I can't stand it, Father Qin, this kid in your family has great skills, I think you'd better take it back."

"Teacher Huang, you dissipate your anger, Qin An has just G1, how can you not read it, this kid has good grades, it's a pity not to continue reading." When Liu Feier saw Qin Qinghua coming, she felt that she had found a helper, and hurriedly continued to help Qin An say good things.

Huang Fangfang still didn't buy it, and looked at Qin An coldly without saying a word.

Qin Qinghua patted Qin An's arm angrily at this time, frowning and asking.

"What the hell is going on!"

Qin An raised his head, looked at his father, and said calmly.

"It's nothing I just don't miss it, Dad, I'm not joking, I mean seriously."

Qin Qinghua's reaction was the same as Liu Feier's

: "You are a child, what do you know!" You're not going to college? "

Hmm" Qin An nodded, his attitude extremely resolute.

"No, it's pointless."

"How could it be pointless! Qin An, you must not be impulsive, it is easy for you to sign out of school now, but it is difficult to come back if you want to! Liu Feier said anxiously.

"Obedient, listen to Teacher Liu, and admit a mistake with Teacher Huang." Qin Qinghua said on the side.

Qin An was silent for a while, typing the manuscript in his stomach before slowly speaking. "Dad, Teacher Liu. I know you're doing it for my own good, but I really don't want to live like this.

I really don't miss it, I'll work hard to support myself.

I don't do anything illegal, even if I start from the lowest level of work, I don't complain, I just want to work early and live according to my own ideas. The

people in the room were all silent when they heard Qin An say this, and as soon as Qin An's words came out, everyone knew that Qin An was not gambling with Huang Fangfang, nor was it a whim, but he had really thought about it.

After a long silence, Qin Qinghua spoke first, even though he knew that Qin An said this after thinking, but as Qin An's father, he still couldn't accept Qin An's thoughts, and said patiently.

"Qin An, Dad used to suffer losses after work because he didn't study, Dad, I don't want you to regret it later."

Now in society, you can't even find a serious job if you take a first Chinese.

Even if you are young and motivated now, you can do some heavy work, but when you are older, there is no preparation and no medical insurance and social security, how will you live when you are old?

"Dad, there are more people in this society who don't have diplomas, and many of you older generations don't have diplomas, and they don't all live well." Qin An's tone was relaxed.

"Can society compare with before?" Qin Qinghua raised his hand angrily, but looking at Qin An's stubborn appearance, this slap never fell.

Qin Qinghua stared at Qin An for a long time, looking at his stubborn and determined appearance.

Finally let out a long sigh and shook his head.

"As you like, you're also older, don't blame me if you regret it later..... Hey"


But as soon as these words came out, various farewell words followed, and the classroom became lively again.

Qin An accepted everyone's blessing, waved his sleeves, and did not take a cloud from 9.

When I left the school gate, I saw Qin Qinghua waiting at the school gate at this time.

Seeing Qin An, Qin Qinghua's expression was serious, but he did not scold, but just said lightly.

"Let's go, go home."

Qin An didn't say a word, silently following behind Qin Qinghua.

On the way home, Qin Qinghua did not say a word to Qin An again.

Qin An can understand Qin Qinghua's mood very well, although he was a single dog before his sudden death in his previous life, let alone give birth.

But Qin An still has the ability to think differently, if his own child suddenly says that he wants to drop out of school, he is estimated to be able to break his leg.

But thinking about it, Qin An didn't mean to speak, because he knew that no matter what he said now, he would have some meaning to add fuel to the fire, and if he said something wrong, he would inevitably be beaten up.

If an adult male in his early 30s is violently beaten by old men in his early 40s, it is very humiliating to imagine.

After returning home, Qin Qinghua still did not talk to Qin An, silently made lunch for Qin An, and then went back to work in the factory.

If it weren't for Qin An's incident today, Qin Qinghua would never have taken leave during working hours.

When Qin Qinghua went out, Qin An could finally eat his first meal since his rebirth quietly alone, and now 3 hours had passed since his rebirth.

The meal is very simple, just a stack of mixed greens and a stack of salt fried fish, Qin Qinghua's cooking style has always been heavy oil and salt, but it is indeed very cooking.

After lunch, Qin An leisurely turned on the TV with his big ass.

Switched to the sports channel, and luckily broadcast the Mosaic team game live today.

During the Great Lady Ombing, the mosaic team, as the home team of flower planters, will never miss as long as there is a game sports channel.

Qin An finished watching it with interest, compared to the basketball style before rebirth, Qin An still prefers the current style of play, muscles collide with muscles, rather than floating outside to shoot three points, although he can't tell whether this is the progress of the times or a regression.

For an entire afternoon, Qin An was alone at home with nothing to do.

I even slept leisurely for more than two hours.

After waking up, Qin An had been thinking about his future direction.

After sorting out his thoughts, Qin Qinghua also came back from work.

"Dad, you're back." Qin An heard the door opening, took the initiative to walk out of his room, took a pair of slippers for Qin Qinghua, and shouted softly.

Qin Qinghua's attitude did not mean to forgive Qin An, and he replied without saltiness, and went into the kitchen to make dinner.

Qin An was not bored and returned to his room.

Half an hour later, Qin Qinghua pushed open the door of Qin An's room, made a straight face, and spoke in a stiff tone.


Qin An obediently got up from the bed and followed him to the dining room.

On the dining table in the dining room, there are two plates of dishes and a bowl of soup, and two bowls of dry rice that have been laid out with chopsticks.

Qin An walked to the table and sat down, and as soon as he picked up the bowl and chopsticks, he heard the tone of Qin Qinghua's voice.

"Dad asked you a job, and you'll go to work in a few days."

Qin Feng raised his head and glanced at Qin Qinghua in surprise, thinking to himself. It is estimated that Qin Qinghua did not worry less about his own affairs today, and found a job for himself so quickly.

After thinking about it, he spoke. "Dad, don't bother others, I can go out and find it myself."

"What reliable job can you find yourself? You stay at home these days, reflect on yourself for a few days, and don't go around making a demon. Qin Qinghua said unceremoniously, in his eyes, Qin An is still a child who cannot take care of himself.

Qin An closed his mouth rationally, did not argue with Qin Qinghua, and lowered his head to grill rice.

The first day of rebirth passed like this, ordinary and unusual.

In this day and age, the Internet is not yet widespread, and there are no smartphones. Qin An rarely went to bed early and got up early.

I read at home during the day and go downstairs at night to move my body.

On the fourth day, Qin Qinghua came back from work, not with a straight face like in the past few days, and his mood looked good.

When Qin An saw his expression, he could probably guess what was going on, but Qin Anle pretended to be stupid and did not poke him.

After dinner, Qin An wanted to go downstairs to do activities, but he was stopped by Qin Qinghua, pulled Qin An to sit on the sofa, and then moved a chair from the restaurant and sat opposite him, posing as if he were talking for a long time.

"Your work has been arranged, and tomorrow you will go to the hotel as an apprentice." If you don't study now, you will learn the craft well, and you will be able to support yourself in the future.

"What hotel?"


Qin An nodded, Juchun Garden Shi Rongcheng's old hotel, before Qin An was reborn, it opened a number of branches, which is a time-honored brand in the local area.

However, for this job, Qin Anli was very unhappy.

Qin An did not open his mouth to refuse Qin Qinghua's arrangement, an ordinary family like Qin An, there are only so many directions of normal life.

The best way out is to come back to the public examination after graduating from university, or a state-owned enterprise. As long as there is a formal establishment, then this life is basically food and clothing.

The second is nothing more than entrepreneurship and business, this is riskier, but in Qin An's view, regardless of whether it is a big business or a small business, the second is the most suitable for himself, because of freedom.

The last one is what he is facing now, he is in a state with neither a diploma nor a technical age.

Part-time work is definitely inevitable, but this is only an expedient measure, the most important thing is to stabilize Qin Qinghua now.

If according to Qin An's own ideas, even if it is best to work closer, there are so many restaurants downstairs in the community, you can do things earlier before eating.

Don't worry about being late, he can also do some of his own things in the afternoon and evening free time.

It's a good idea, and in the current situation, he can't say what he thinks anyway.

Qin Qinghua had just been stimulated by his withdrawal from school a few days ago, and if Qin An stimulated him again now, Qin An glanced at the seven wolf belts on Qin Qinghua's waist, and it must hurt to pump on his body.

He shook his head and pushed his messy thoughts out of his mind first, then nodded in compromise.

Listen to Qin Qinghua first, with his current situation, this arrangement is indeed good, if he wants to start a business, he also needs start-up capital.

There is no way to ask Qin Qinghua for money, work part-time to save some money, and then start from a small business.

This night, Qin Qinghua nagged with Qin An for a long time.

The content of the above is to let Qin An do things carefully, listen to people's opinions more, be diligent in his hands and feet, and must not be lazy.

Qin An pretended to be a good baby and nodded frequently as he listened.


The next day, before dawn, Qin An was woken up by Qin Qinghua.

After washing, he was taken out the door, and before leaving, Qin An looked at the wall clock, it was not yet half past five.

When Qin An arrived at Juchun Garden, Qin An, led by Qin Qinghua, entered Juchun Garden through the back door, and then went to the kitchen of the hotel.

The kitchen is already hot, the cooks are already working, and Juchunyuan also makes breakfast.

Qin An was led to a middle-aged master.

"Master Lin, this is my son Qin An, I will trouble you in the future, if you are disobedient, you can beat you casually."

When Qin An heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Master Lin glanced at Qin An up and down, always with a seemingly innocent smile on his face, and his expression was proud.

After Qin Qinghua finished speaking, he was also polite and said.

"Okay, I see. If the child is handed over to me, you can rest assured, I have to work now, if it's okay, the child stays, you go first.

"Good, good. Then trouble Master Lin, I'll go first." Qin Qinghua responded busily, and before leaving, he did not forget to say something to Qin Feng loudly.

"Listen to Master Lin's words, work hard!"

After Qin Qinghua left, Master Lin led Qin An around the huge kitchen at random, and he was introduced.

He gave him some basic rules of the kitchen and recruited a young man in his early twenties.

He ordered, "Xiao Zhang, this is a new apprentice, you will take him with you in the future."

Xiao Zhang hurriedly looked at his face and said yes, and when Master Lin's front foot just left, Xiao Zhang's back foot hooked Qin An's shoulder familiarly.

With a pure Helan accent, he asked with a grin, "Brother, what's your name?" "

Qin An."

"How to write."

"Qin of the Qin Kingdom, An of peace."

"Oh!" Xiao Zhang's eyes lit up, and he laughed and said, "Coincidentally, my name is Zhang Ping, and now we are brothers of peace."

Qin An almost spewed out a mouthful of salt soda, how can this person be self-cooked, so that the kung fu of such two sentences is about to form a CP with himself.

Qin An laughed dryly twice, and did not refute it.

Xiao Zhang asked again, "How old are you, I see you are very young."

Qin An replied honestly, "It's 16 soon."

Xiao Zhang was slightly surprised: "So young, why did you come out to work at such a young age, did CZ graduate?" "


"It's good to have CZ graduation, you don't look at the simplicity of the chef's line on the surface, but doing our line also requires culture, if you want to test in the future, then there is also a written exam."

Qin An nodded perfunctorily to indicate that he was taught.

Xiao Zhang saw Qin An's low-eyebrow and pleasant look, and his vanity as a senior of Juchunyuan was immediately satisfied, and he patted Qin An's shoulder and comforted.

"It's okay, now you can't even go to the exam, the lowest certificate also has an age limit there, not to mention that you still have to stay up for seven or eight years, there is still more time, you can learn more from the master and me when you have time, stupid birds fly first." In and out of the words, it was like treating Qin An as a scumbag who could not pass the GZ exam to become an apprentice.

Qin An didn't have anything to explain to him, and nodded with a smile.

Xiao Zhang did not intend to let Qin An go just like that, and Qin An also knew for the first time that a man could talk so much.

Pulling him to constantly inquire about the situation at home, more detailed than JC's household survey, it took more than ten minutes of interrogation.

It wasn't until he heard Qin An say that he was a local that he shut his mouth sluggishly, turned his head and put on a businesslike attitude, arranging Qin An's morning work.

"The morning shift time is 6 o'clock, the kitchen doesn't need you here, what you have to do during this time is to wash the dishes, and when you are free at noon, you will follow me and watch, you can't move anything in the kitchen, only Master Pan who brought us can you move, understand?"

Qin An nodded.

Xiao Zhang tilted his head a little and ordered. "You come with me now and change into your overalls."

Xiao Zhang led Qin An to a dressing room, which should be a dressing room for the kitchen, and densely packed white overalls hung on three walls.

Xiao Zhang pointed to the overalls on the wall and said.

"You choose a suitable one to wear, the changed clothes will be hung in the original place, remember not to put anything valuable in your pocket, if you lose it, the hotel will not be responsible."

Qin An said, choose a suitable overalls and change them, the clothes here should all help the cook, and there is no such thing as anyone's clothes.

The masters all have their own lockers.

When he finished changing his clothes, he was led by Xiao Zhang to the kitchen washing room.

There were already people working in the washing room, and Xiao Zhang immediately shouted when he saw someone.

"A Bing, this is a new apprentice, you keep an eye on it when you work."

Xiao Zhang pointed to Qin An beside him, did not take the initiative to introduce the idea of a new colleague to his colleague, and left the washing room.

It was still the young man called A Bing who took the initiative to step forward and greeted Qin An with a smile.

As a veteran of the workplace, Qin An certainly will not be so blind, and introduced himself with low eyebrows.

"Brother Bing, my name is Qin An, you can call me Xiao An or Anzi in the future."

"Okay." Brother Bing took off his gloves and patted Qin An's shoulder gently, "Just do a good job when you come." "Reach out and point to the countertop and sink where you wash the dishes" The gloves are over there, the dishwashing club, don't I need to teach you?"

Qin An nodded with a smile and quickly entered the working state.

The dishes and chopsticks of the hotel should have been cleaned when they closed the day before, and this round in the morning is mainly to re-rinse the bowls washed last night to prevent water stains and water odors from remaining on the bowl.

Don't use dish soap, just go through it with clean water and dry it.

Although the procedure is simple, it cannot hold the quantity, and it is a lot of work to re-rinse all the dishes and chopsticks in the entire hotel.

After washing, there will be special people to take them to various restaurants in the hotel, and not all the dishes and chopsticks will be left in the kitchen.

The rest of the unused ones were put back into the disinfection cabinet in the kitchen by Qin An and A Bing.

Qin An sat in front of the sink for nearly 2 hours.

Until half past seven, the manager of the hotel came to the back kitchen, and everyone gathered for a short meeting.

After the meeting, Master Lin left Qin An alone to tell the manager about the situation, which was probably the child of an old friend, who wanted to learn the words of Balabala such as cooking.

The manager nodded, recruiting an apprentice, this point of face hotel master is still there.

"Okay, then you will work the day shift from six in the morning to five in the afternoon." If you are busy, you also need to come over at night to help, and after a while, the hotel will be busier than the New Year, and overtime pay will be calculated for you.

The salary is 800 yuan a month, three meals are eaten in the back kitchen, you are a local, I will not arrange a dormitory for you. "

The manager surnamed Li explained Qin An's treatment and work content clearly in just a few words.

Qin An had no objection to such scheduling and treatment, and as for the overtime during the year, Qin An secretly calculated the time in his heart, wondering if he was still working here at that time, not necessarily.

After the meeting, it is still relatively leisurely for the vast majority of employees in the kitchen, and there are fewer guests in the morning.

The idle people each found a place to rest, or take a nap or go about their own business.

Qin An casually took the [Soulmate] who didn't know who it was, and started the time, and saw it all the way to nine o'clock.

Someone patted him on the shoulder and said in his ear, "Hey, newcomer," and

looked up to see a middle-aged man with a chubby face.

The middle-aged man looked at Qin An with a smile and asked. "You're the new apprentice."

Qin An nodded.

The middle-aged man introduced himself. "My surname is Pan, and you will follow me in the kitchen in the future."

Qin An then realized that it seemed that Master Lin did not intend to bring himself personally, but he had no opinion on this.

After understanding that the person in front of him was his master in Juchun Garden in the future, Qin An immediately got up and bent over. "Master Pan is good!"

"Good, good, good, you too. The young man looked clever. Master Pan was obviously very satisfied with Qin An's reaction, and his first impression of Qin An was quite good.

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