However, he did not take advantage of his speed to run away. Instead, he looked at Luna, as if waiting on purpose, and let Luna come forward to grab the ball.

Luna was overjoyed, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

This time, he would not hold back, and he must give Li Yun a profound defeat.

Just when Luna thought he was going to break the ball, even Rocky saw Li Yun's strange behavior and thought he had made a mistake and was happy for nothing.

What no one expected was that he used his two legs like a magic trick, flicking the ball left and right and magically slipped through Luna's legs.

"Spreading your legs so wide, you're not a gentleman at all, Ace."

When he was about to pass Luna, Li Yun even imitated the other person's words in a very sinister way.

After entering the FLOW state,

Li Yun felt that his ball sense had improved dramatically!

This kind of ball sense was really smooth, Li Yun was really happy.

Luna, who was easily passed by Li Yun, remembered what he had just said to Li Yun and couldn't help blushing.

The football seemed to be a part of his body, allowing him to control it.

"What? Fried meatballs!"

Luna, who was originally sure of winning, suddenly shouted, and couldn't believe that Li Yun would have such a ball sense.

"What a smooth fried meatball! That kid's ball sense is really great."

As the absolute midfielder of the national team, Cavazos believes that his ball sense is one of the best in the world.

After seeing Li Yun's ball sense, he had to admit that

Li Yun's ball sense is better than his.

The Japanese kid is a rare talent, Cavazos' eyes are full of desire,

After the game, he will definitely invite Li Yun to join the national team,

Anyway, Li Yun hasn't said that he wants to play for Japan yet, so Cavazos feels that he still has a chance.

"This talent is really enviable."

Blake's dead fish eyes lit up again, with envy in his tone.

"Luna, that guy, is really embarrassing this time."

Silva saw Luna being defeated by Li Yun again and again, and couldn't help but sneered.

"What an enviable genius!"

Loki, who was originally a little disappointed, also envied Li Yun after seeing his fierce operation.

To be honest, "breakthrough" is actually the basic ability of every offensive player, and almost every player who makes a living in the frontcourt can do it.

However, in fact, there are very few players who can really use the skill of "breakthrough" to the extreme and master it. These players are like magicians on the court, and their skills are amazing.

However, compared with other ordinary players, there is a most critical and essential difference between them: the ability to get rid of opponents in a small range and the ability to pass continuously.

When facing the opponent's defense, these top players show unparalleled skills and wisdom. With delicate footwork and excellent sense of rhythm, they can easily change direction and accelerate in a very small space, thus quickly getting rid of the opponent's entanglement.

This ability to get rid of opponents in a small range makes them extremely threatening on the offensive end and can create more scoring opportunities.

In addition, these players also have the ability to pass continuously. Not only can they successfully break through a defensive player, but they can also continue to pass multiple opponents in subsequent attacks.

This ability to pass continuously requires extremely high ball control skills, speed and judgment, and also requires players to have enough confidence and courage to try.

By passing continuously, they can break the opponent's defense and create better shooting opportunities for themselves or their teammates.

Rocky believes that the reason why these players who have maximized their "breakthrough" skills can stand out is precisely because they have excellent abilities to get rid of opponents in a small area and pass through continuously. These abilities make them the most threatening attackers on the court. Li Yun's ball sense was already at the pinnacle before, and now that he has entered the new FLOW state, his ball sense has become even more unpredictable. In this state, no one can know what Li Yun will do next, nor do they know where he will break through. This makes opponents feel very confused and helpless, because they cannot predict Li Yun's actions and can only defend passively. .

"Everyone, Li Yun is rushing over here

Who of you will stop him?"

Loki said with a smile when he saw Li Yun rushing towards them.

"Damn, why is this guy rushing towards me?"

Silva frowned, his mouth turned down, and his face showed an extremely reluctant expression.

"I don't want to sweat, remember to support me."

Silva joked.

He didn't want to be passed by Li Yun like Luna,

As a superstar, he still wanted to save face.

"Hurry up."

"Are you afraid, Silva?"

"I didn't expect you to be afraid sometimes."

Loki and the others saw Silva was a little timid, and said with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"I, Silva, am not afraid of anything, just watch how I deal with Li Yun."

After that, Silva quickly pressed towards Li Yun.

"Come on, come on. "

Li Yun's eyes were flashing with various ice-blue numbers, which kept jumping and sneered.

Li Yun did not give Silva any chance to get close.

A clever turn and pull of the ball, the football that was in front of Silva's eyes the previous second, seemed to be ready to roll to his feet, but the next second, Li Yun's left foot pulled it a little and it instantly came behind him.

In desperation, Silva could only use means to prepare to pass the ball alone.

Silva decisively released a shovel and flew towards Li Chu fiercely!

Li Yun could not dodge and fell to the ground.


The electronic referee's whistle sounded in time, blowing Silva's foul.

Decisively gave him a yellow card as a warning.

"What the hell is this move! How dare you use such a despicable method!"

"Is the world's top players only know this kind of dirty defense! This tackle is obviously aimed at people! "

Qian Qi and Yi Sheng immediately ran up and saw Li Yun being tackled by Silva.

They could not tolerate such a thing and immediately went up to argue with Silva.

I have been playing in Guangzhou these days and I am not in a good state to write a book. The book may be a little watery, please forgive me.

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