Blue and White Society

Chapter 437: The way to break the demon

  Chapter 437 The method of breaking the demon

  After Mo Poor fell asleep, Wei Lan quickly treated her injuries and sent her down to rest.

   There are still peripheral personnel below to continue to recuperate her, so as to restore Mo Poor's state as soon as possible.

   After awakening Ibuki, Formalin implanted all of Ibuki's terrifying imprint on the Zerg into D's heart demon through spiritual sensing.

   After gaining one more source, the swarm really split up.

  Different from other mind demons, the killing method of the mind demon Zerg is violent soldiers, which makes it impossible to be walked by the dog. It only needs to separate a wave of insects to deal with the extra sources.

   Its heart demon body, it is likely that it has not moved at all since it found a place to take root at the beginning.

  After the division of troops, the pressure on the members of the commune was indeed much less.

   But the pressure here is low, but the formalin side is under a lot of pressure, because the demon of D has adapted a very **** ability: teleportation.

  When the swarm came, D's heart demon instantly flashed several meters away, and instead of confronting the swarm head-on, he wandered crazily.

  The problem is that it doesn't fight Zerg, but it has to fight Formalin.

   From time to time, he turned around and came back to attack Formalin, and Formalin had to face the passing Zerg attacking him by the way.

  Formalin didn’t bring a snake, so he had to stick a knife in his forehead. In case of crisis, the air wall instantly hammered the handle of the knife to trigger the starving ghost effect.

   During the fierce battle, he was hit with a knife in the middle of his forehead. Blood flowed from the wound, diverted to both sides, dripped left and right from the bridge of the nose, and went straight into the mouth, forming a symmetrical blood line.

  Every ten seconds, with a clang, he viciously struck the handle of the knife with the air wall, and a wave of chocolate beef candy exploded from his body.

   Then frantically stuffed the food into his mouth, swallowed it whole, scolding D's heart demon while eating.

   "Didn't you kill me? You DD, why are you running away!" He just finished cursing.

  D's heart demon flashed back with a whimper, and slashed formalin with a knife.

   Before the formalin could catch it, it slipped away again and got into the swarm of insects.

  Formalin lamented in his heart, D's heart demon adapted to flicker, which meant that without absolute characteristics, the Zerg had no solution.

   You know, this is just a pseudo Zerg! It just has super reproductive ability and resource collection ability.

  But the heart demon of D still chooses to use the ability to avoid battle.

  It means that the heart demon of D believes that even if it is a pseudo-Zerg, conventional methods cannot resist it head-on. It can be resisted for a while, but not for a lifetime. The only way to survive is to run faster than the bugs.

  D's heart demon's strategy cannot adapt to absolute characteristics, and some will only be some non-characteristic abilities, or some kind of strategy strategy.

  Abilities and strategy skills that are not characteristics, it means that they can be "reduced by one force".

   Zerg is just such an enemy that cannot be tricked.

  They can continuously collect resources to strengthen them. Any method of hard resistance, unless it is an absolute defense that does not damage at all, is fattening the Zerg and weakening itself.

  If it can’t devour you now, then it can develop enough. It gets stronger as it fights, and you get weaker as you fight.

With enough energy, it is possible to create ultra-high-power bugs. Even if each one can only devour one-hundredth of the target, the demon of D who cannot adapt to the absolute characteristics, any defensive ability means that sooner or later it will be destroyed. Consumed.

   Because its defense is limited.

   It can only choose methods that don't fatten the Zerg...Run.

   And if others fatten the Zerg, then it can't help it.

   Such a helpless choice made Formalin deeply moved.

  D’s choice of heart demon shows from the side that there is no possibility of tricks in dealing with Zerg. It is not the kind of existence that can restrain the opponent to death with a little knowledge.

   There is no strategy of closing your eyes, poking your deaf ears and living.

  Even if the Zerg has weaknesses, it must have absolute strength.

   If you want to truly solve the Zerg, you must crush it with absolute characteristics.

   Fighting Zerg with normal abilities is equivalent to slow death. There is no absolute characteristic, and the only thing left is to continue to delay the death period.

  Even non-characteristic Zergs are like this, formalin can hardly imagine how unsolvable the genuine Zergs were back then.


  During the fierce battle, a bug slammed past Formalin, stretched its limbs, and instantly cut off one of Formalin's arms.

  It wasn't fatal enough that he couldn't save it.

   Completely surrounded by insects, and only one person, formalin persisted for an hour, and finally got injured.

   One has two, he lost one arm, and about half an hour later, he was bitten off half of his waist.

  Three hours later, both legs were gone.

  The swarms of insects nibbled at each other step by step, and the formalin suffered thousands of minor injuries. If it hadn't been for the continuous supply of sugar to seal the bleeding, he would have been unable to move for a long time.

  Six hours later, it was dawn, and there were more and more bugs. Formalin felt that he could hardly protect the food.

   Yes, his fighting style is a combination of air walls and starvation effects.

  Even without hands or feet, he can use air instead of hands to swallow food.

  As long as the food is not taken away, he can remain immortal.

   Ordinary suicides don’t have a lot of food, and most of them are sweets. In this way, eat it and use it up quickly, eat it again, use it up again,

   This cycle goes on and on, and formalin has one of the best protracted combat capabilities in the company.

   "Formalin, are you okay?" Luo Yan asked concerned in the communicator.

  Formalin only needs to procrastinate, but Luo Yan not only has to stick to his position, but also has to fight out from time to time to find insect nests.

  Thanks to the fact that his inner demon was also implanted into 'D', and Luo Yan's personal strength is extremely strong.

   Only then did he visit several insect swarm gathering points, but unfortunately, Luo Yan still couldn't find the female insect.

   "I'm fine..." Formalin said.

   "To be honest, how long can you hold on?" Luo Yan said seriously.

   "Less than half an hour..." Formalin said honestly.

   "Damn! I just can't find the mother worm! There are more and more worms..."

  Luo Yan was in a hurry, time was running out, and the formalin was about to run out.

It is impossible for him to pin all his hopes on the plan Mo Poor said, so he is very eager to find the female worm. As long as he finds the female worm and detains it with the best metal, the female worm that cannot adapt will not be able to be exposed again. soldier.

  But I can’t find it!

  When Luo Yan was in a state of desperation, a little girl walked out from the underground passage of the safe house.

  The little girl's left breast is protruding, and her right breast is flat. It is Mo Qiong.

   "What the **** is this! Wei Lan!" Mo Poor is now mostly healed from his injuries, very energetic and full of energy.

  But the left chest protruded as high as a palm, as if it had grown a bamboo shoot, which made Mo Poor feel very unfriendly.

  Using a knife to cut open the clothes, I saw a threaded silver horn growing out of the left chest, and a small black flame on the tip of the horn.

   This is clearly the horn of the Zerg absorbing energy, and it is a super energy intercepting field.

  At this moment, it actually merged with the sun scar on Mo Poor's left chest. This handwriting can be seen to be sutured by Wei Lan.

   Wei Lan is very weak at the moment, and after a night of fierce fighting, she is not less than a hundred wounds.

  Seeing Mo Poor's return, he squeezed out a smile and said, "After disinfection, I transplanted it for you. Look, I have one too."

  Mo Poor looked and saw that there was also one on Wei Lan's chest, but it was in the middle of the two peaks, which made the black flames on Wei Lan's body also concentrate on the single horn.

   "Why did you sew here!" Mo Qiong said angrily.

   "You happen to be missing an organ in your left breast, so let me make it up for you, and transplant another one on the other side, won't it be symmetrical?" Wei Lan said with a smile.


  Mo Poor grabbed the horn, pulled it out cruelly, and forcibly tore it off, blowing out white gas.

   "Does my main body have to bear it... Move it to my head." Mo Poor said.

   Wei Lan inserted the needle and thread quickly, and the unicorn suddenly seemed to grow on Mo Qiong's forehead.

  Mo Poor looked left and right and said, "Where's Luo Yan?"

   "He went to find the worm's nest, and he will support Lord Gou by the way, and he should be back soon." Wei Lan said.

   "Send me the appearance of the demon." Mo Poor said.

   Soon, Wei Lan connected with him spiritually, and transmitted the appearance of the Wicked Demon Mother Worm that Ibuki had seen.

  Mo Poor positioned himself, and a throwing knife rushed out, spanning hundreds of meters, and shot an ordinary bug.

   "That's not a female worm... What Ibuki has seen is just the appearance of the heart demon just appeared, and now it has probably changed... such as the reproductive form."

  Mo Poor shook his head. If he knew what the eggs looked like, he would definitely be able to locate them, but she didn't even know an egg.

   "Mo Poor!" A loud roar suddenly sounded.

  Mo Poor's whole body trembled, this was the voice of Lord Gou.

   Outside the encirclement, Lord Gou and Luo Yan rushed in together.

   Lord Gou swept away the insects with a 40-meter long stone pillar, and black flames were still burning on the big stone pillar.

  Seeing Mo Poor, Lord Gou rushed over and hugged Mo Poor, but unfortunately it was only up to Mo Poor's chin.

  But Lord Gou didn't care, she was extremely excited, and laughed loudly: "You are so lucky! That's great!"

   "You thought I was dead?" Mo Poor laughed.

   "How could it be! By the way, let me show you a treasure!" Master Gou rolled the stone pillar mysteriously.

   Mo Poor grinned, pointed at the stone pillar and said, "Is this the Spirit Island?"

  Grandpa Gou nodded and said: "I stayed up all night, and I finally finished burning it."

He turned the stone pillar over, pointed at it and said, "Here, your tombstone, I thought you were dead, but there is your grave on the spirit island heart demon... Hahaha. I used black The flames burned all night, and the whole island is almost burned, but your tombstone can't be destroyed, I can only carry this thing... Eh? Where is your grave?"

  Master Gou's expression changed, and he searched over and over on the wreckage of the spirit island, but he couldn't find Mo Poor's grave.

   "You still keep my grave specially?" Mo Qiong said speechlessly.

   "This tomb will never be destroyed. I guess it will take Lingdao to be completely burned to ashes. It was still there just now! Why is it suddenly gone..." Master Gou was surprised.

   Mo Qiong was puzzled, and only found out after hearing Master Gou's detailed explanation.

  Because too many partners died, Lord Gou didn’t want to go to the Spirit Island to pay homage because of the dead partners, so that the inner demon was directly the Spirit Island.

  Before, Mo Poor took the risk with his own body, and Lord Gou thought he was going to die, so there were more graves of Mo Poor on Lingdao, and the last words Mo Poor said to Lord Gou echoed.

   Lord Gou always wanted to destroy the tombstone, but the whole island was almost burned down, but the tombstone was still there.

  The tomb of Moqiong, which was thought to be indestructible, has now disappeared directly.

   "Because you're sure that I'm not dead, so the thought of worrying about my death was corresponding inner demon manifested and disappeared..." Mo Poor said.

  The two looked at each other, their eyes lit up.

  Grandpa Gou made an inference: "The demon is a subjective will, and objective facts can crush it. So turning the demon into a misunderstanding, and then solving it with facts can eliminate the demon?"

   "At least some demons can be resolved in this way." Mo Poor pondered.


  (end of this chapter)

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