Blooming America

Chapter 1016: The murder caused by a paper (Part 1)

“I’m standing in the supermarket and want to buy bacon, but I don’t know if I want Danish or English, smoked or non-smoked. And I can choose white bread, brown bread, seeded bread, malt bread, etc. Thick slices of bread and thin slices of bread. Lettuce, there are long-leaf lettuce, nèn-leaf lettuce, and cabbage lettuce. As for tomatoes, there are cherry tomatoes, traditional tomatoes, plum tomatoes, and organic tomatoes... Damn, it really takes a sandwich Is it so complicated?"

The above is one of Shalinya's diary in the school district.

The reason is because Shalinya wanted to make sandwiches, and then went on a picnic with her friends at school, especially thanks to Mr. Vladimir who had helped her.

Compared with the outside, the food types in the school district are much less, so at this time, Shalinya chooses to go to the supermarket in Eureka to buy things.

And what was born from this was Shalinya's first topic-choice.

Hmm... a new subject after the first subject that was shot down.

Shalinya’s first subject was a social experiment, examining the choices of relationships between people, but unfortunately, the school district did not support this experiment for the time being because Shalinya needed a large laboratory and One month of closed study life.

The student experiment sounds a bit nonsense, but in the school district, it's definitely a different thing.

In the school district, students are all elites and future innovative talents.

American education is elite, and its elites do not come from the bottom. Rather, it comes from the upper class and the mainstream class. These people have unique identities from the beginning.

Some people say that the United States is a "popular" education.

But they have not noticed that, apart from the elites themselves, most of the elites in the United States come from immigrants. The "elites" from the lower grassroots are very small.

Although this era is the time when the American class has the greatest mobility, this does not mean that the American elite class is unstable. They are still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

As for the Divano School District, it can be said that it was established with the support of these people.

Their experiments and investigations. It is not meaningless, on the contrary, many seemingly unexpected experiments will make people feel bright. Then let people have new ideas.

However, this is not the case for studies that are too nonsense or involve too wide a range. For these studies, the school district will also carefully consider them.

Hmm...For example, something similar to the Stanford University experiment may cause serious consequences. It needs more attention. Even if someone volunteers, that doesn't work.

"People living in Western countries are addicted to choices. Want to buy a T-shirt? Thousands of tricks for you to choose. Want to buy toothpaste? Please sit down first, we have to choose for a while. Many people think that having many choices is a good thing. It symbolizes our freedom, freedom, and ability to control our own destiny. But these advantages also have a dark side."

""It's None of My Business"-How Choice Makes Us sī".

This is a survey report jointly conducted by Sociology and Management.

This is also a large-scale social survey and experiment that Shalinya spent a whole semester in the last semester.

When choosing sandwiches at the supermarket. Shalinya suddenly had such an idea. After that, the idea began to sprout, and then it developed into this wonderful idea.

In the school district, such things happen all the time. In an environment of enthusiastic learning and innovation, it is easier for students to have a sense of historical mission and social responsibility, as well as a learning innovation.

The psychological advantage is huge. Although no one tells them on the surface, it is in their own hearts. They even feel that they are the proud sons of that day. The social resources they have and the social environment they live in are all with high IQ and high technology.

Therefore, their ideas are more active than the Americans outside.

And Shalinya’s experiment. It is one of the proofs.

When her idea was told to Vladimir and her sociology mentor, they all thought it was a very good idea. Then, the following topics began.

In experiments, Shalinya found that when Americans think of the concept of choice, they are less concerned about the public interest and less sympathetic to disadvantaged groups.

Her survey showed this view vividly: endless choices will make us pay more attention to personal management, and at the same time will express the meaning of "people's destiny is our own responsibility". Their lives have nothing to do with the state government or public institutions, and even if they fail, they are self-sustaining. Faced with the various choices at hand, Americans are more inclined to make their own decisions.

With the help of her instructor, Shalinya recruited several batches of volunteers, then divided them into several groups, and asked students in different groups to watch videos. The content was that one person was doing various trivial things, such as opening letters, choosing CDs, or eating chocolates. . Half of the students need to press the button when the actor makes a selection; the other half need to press the button every time the actor touches the mō object. As long as students think of the concept of choice, Suwanee can change their views on public policies that need to sacrifice their personal interests for the benefit of society. Compared with ordinary peers, students in the "choice" group are less willing to support the affirmative act (a policy that provides more opportunities for disadvantaged students). They are also less willing to support the restrictions on violent video games, the ban on vending machines around schools, the levy of gas-guzzling cars, or the proposal to require owners to install good sound insulation materials.

Shalinya's mentor is a famous American sociologist, Thomas J. Falaro.

The other party attaches great importance to the results of this research.

"All these policies restrict individual freedom to some extent, but they can reduce inequality, violent violations, obesity, environmental pollution, etc.. In every proposal, students can see clear evidence to support it, but they have thought about the choice beforehand. Of students are more likely to oppose the proposal."

This is the judgment written by Mr. Falaro.

And whenever he saw this judgment, Vladimir always had a faint sense of refreshment in his heart, although he didn't understand why.

"This effect is a double-edged sword. Students in the'choice' group may underestimate proposals that emphasize public interest, but are willing to support proposals that promote individual rights, including allowing singles to adopt children and legalizing marijuana."

"Choosing will also change the students’ perception of other people. After watching the same video and pressing the buttons according to the same rules, my student Shalinya asked 54 students to read six short articles about people’s difficult situations. For example, a heart attack, a car accident, a failure to obtain a degree certificate, and physical abuse. During the research process, we found that students in the'choice' group were more likely to feel that the victims in the story were self-inflicted. Although this view is politically conservative It's more common among students, but if you have thought about choices beforehand, liberals will also "gloriously" in this way."

Of course it is impossible for Shalinya to make such a judgment. In fact, Shalinya is only interested in the experiment itself. She prefers to see experiments that will produce results rather than such a small study.

However, Shalinya never expected that it was this experiment that had caused a series of important changes.

When the large-scale jointly signed survey was released, it was sent to Ark University, and then to the US magazine "Science".

The experiment was not just conducted once or twice.

After that, Farallo repeated experiments in the outside world. In one experiment, Farallo also led 26 American students into a small room. Some of them needed five pens, five chocolate bars, and five key chains. Or choose one of the five greeting cards, while the others only need to describe an item selected by the experiment operator. In another room, they will read an article about "Poor Rock", a seven-year-old Malian boy who is poor and hungry and can only live on the help of charitable organizations.

"The encounter with Rock was obviously caused by the environment, and he couldn't control it himself, but the students in the "selection" group were still more sympathetic to him. Compared to normal students, they were less likely to be touched by Rock's experience and morally more. They don’t feel the need to help him, and of course they are even more reluctant to donate money. Even if they do small things like choosing pens or key chains, their attitude will change so much."

This is the definition of Farallo.

One stone rises up a thousand layers of waves.

This article caused a huge sensation throughout the United States.

Especially on the Internet.

"The Disadvantages of Capitalism", "The Indifferent American", "The Serious Consequences of the Commodity Economy", "The Lack of Morality", "The Ugly American"...

In the Dikai community and, which has been bought by the Milk and Bread Group, one article after another began to appear. The media also seemed to notice this seemingly interesting thing, and began a critical moral journey— -Coincidentally, no matter which country, it is very fond of this kind of tune, so this topic is heated up.

Some people feel that this matter seems to be magnified. Some people, including A, feel that something is wrong, but it seems that this matter seems to be limited to the relationship between morality and goods, and has not caused any important impact for the time being~www.wuxiaspot. com~ there is no way to interfere.

And if you interfere casually, the impact will not be good in the future...

But it seems that just letting it go is not a solution?

In the end, A decided to let the "temporary work team" take the initiative to "snatch" the news. Because A also understands that what they are talking about is not just a problem for Americans, it is the root of inferiority that is common to all mankind.

If it is eliminated at will, such news will only become darker and darker, so it will become the consensus of all mankind, and it will be fine... Well, in their opinion, at least let people on the Internet agree with it.

To guide public opinion, this is A's mastery after playing with the Internet for many years...


Yesterday I had diarrhea again, my whole person was smecta...

But it seems to be better today...

Hmm, try hard code~! .

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