Blooming America

Chapter 1012: Vladimir's brain supplement ability

What about Motorola, Catherine doesn't know, but what will happen to the physicists in the school district, Catherine is very interested.

Neural computers are more feasible and highly efficient than quantum computers. Apart from the curious research and development process, this research can be said to have no problems. Catherine can't worry about this matter.

And here, after entering 1976, Catherine announced that the school district was preparing to conduct a "voluntary principle" exam for school district physicists.

And the content of the exam... is Landau's position barrier.

There are only a handful of people in the world who can pass Lang Dao's test.

Well, if Catherine is an exception, strong memory and thinking ability can make Catherine do more with less. If you really want to prepare, Catherine will be able to achieve good results.

But there is still a gap between Catherine's achievements and those who really do research.

Catherine had more influence on the exam this time.

Of course, there is also the reason that Catherine wants to eliminate some untrue existences.

Although it was based on the principle of voluntary, Catherine would never believe that such a well-known scientist would turn a blind eye to this test.

Although it is a "knowledge of physics", its difficulty is absolutely world-class, and it is an authority among absolute authorities.

But now, things are not the same thing...

"Lando's position?!"

When Vladimir heard this news, he was also taken aback.

Although he is not in science. But the information in this area is fairly well-informed-after all, Landau is a Russian.

And more importantly...Science knowledge is more important than liberal arts. This is part of changing the world.

But the Soviet Union did not give Vladimir a choice of physics or mathematics, which might make the Americans more suspicious of this side.

In fact. The Soviet Union is in Ark University and Ivy League University. There are spies. It's just that these people are different from Vladimir's "open stakes". Among these people, there are even native Americans who are hidden in the dark.

The goal of these people is to constantly infiltrate various studies. Then understand what Americans are going to do and what the school district’s goals are.

——By the way, an Ivy League university is a university jointly established by the Ivy League schools in the school district.

Soon after the rumors of this exam came out, the school district could be said to be full of mourning.

There are only a handful of people in the world who can pass the Landau barrier.

Even a true physicist cannot say that he can pass the Landau barrier with confidence.

And there is a specialization in the surgery industry. The physics at this time has been very divided, and some people simply cannot pass the Landau barrier.

"Position barrier" borrows physical terms. Because only particles with extremely high energy can pass through the "potential barrier" to reach the new area.

The test subjects of "Landox Position Bari" include 2 mathematics and 8 physics. All those who pass and are approved by Landau will be recorded in a small book by Landau. There are 43 names in total-this is the specific meaning Landau students". Later these 43 people became the best in physics.

In this era, only two Chinese students have passed the “Lando”. The first one passed the exam in two years, and Lando said: “You have read a lot, you can go to teach. He was not accepted as a graduate student. Another Chinese student who crossed the "Land Road" was Mr. Hao, who later became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, according to Mr. Hao's personal introduction, he cannot be counted as a "Landau student". When Mr. Hao took the exam, Landau only took the first advanced mathematics and the last quantum physics in the "Landau barrier". Hao Binglin had a car accident just after the first test, and since then he lost his ability to work and was unable to continue to complete the exam. Naturally, Hao Binglin's name could not be registered on that notebook.

And Catherine, it is naturally impossible for these people to prepare too long.

As Landau said: "You have read a lot, you can go to teach!"

Although Catherine said "Take care of the New Year", from another aspect, it can also be said that Catherine wanted to catch these physicists by surprise.

Of course, if someone really prepares to read Landau's position in two years, Catherine will not let the other party leave like this. Such people really exist, and they are used to teach and decisively are excellent...

Some people say that Landau is actually not "difficult" because Landau's rigorous scholarship has led to so many tragedies.

But as far as Catherine was concerned, this was an excuse.

So Catherine is going to give a special training to the marking teacher.

The exam is scheduled for July 1, and the scoring teacher will start training now and will end on July 1.

And the purpose of these grading teachers is also very simple: as far as possible from the right to pick the mistakes, pick the bones from the eggs, this is what they have to do.

Of course, doing this is not to bite the bullet, but to "pick the bones" from the perspective of physics. This is also Catherine's plan for seeking the best.

Half a year of preparation and a stricter scoring than Landau formed the skeleton of this exam.

Catherine is going to let these people die one by one, one pair to die one pair, and to select true and rigorous elites from them.

"Why do you suddenly think of Kao Lang Daowei?"

——But some people think differently from Catherine. After all, Catherine's thinking is a bit unique... well, or in bad words, it's "offline".

So this makes Vladimir a little confused.

As a Soviet person, although Landau’s reputation is often limited to the physics world, as a person who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in the Soviet Union, Landau still has a certain reputation, and Vladimir is even more famous. Know something about the other party.

Landau’s most famous contributions include the "Landau Ten Commandments": Density Matrix and Statistical Physics in Quantum Mechanics (1927); Theory of Free Electron Diamagnetism (1930); Research on Second-order Phase Transition (1936~1937); The magnetic domain theory of ferromagnetism and the theoretical explanation of antiferromagnetism (1935); the mixed state theory of superconductors (1934); the probability theory of nuclei (1937); the quantum theory of helium superfluidity (1940~1941); the theory of elementary particles Theory of Charge Constraint (1954); Quantum Theory of Fermi Liquids (1956); cp invariance of weak interactions (1957). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1962 for his pioneering theory of condensed matter, especially liquid helium.

So, why do you want to test this "Lang Dao position barrier"?

What about the so-called "voluntary principle"?

Is it to find out some of the physicists who depend on the number, or...spy?

Vladimir doesn’t know how many "owners" there are in the field of professors. This is a secret, and Vladimir is only one of these people. Naturally, he cannot know more secret things. .

And Vladimir had a bad feeling.

He guessed that it is very likely that this so-called "voluntary principle" is to let some clowns among these people take the initiative to call out, and then they can follow the vine and let a check the qualifications of these people who did not take the exam-they Why not take this test that allows them to determine their location in the school district? Is there a special purpose? !

His heart is deplorable, you are a spy, take it away!

Some plots of Vladimir's brain made up, all of a sudden he became vigilant.

Is this really the case? !

"Well, the time for Shalin Ya's appointment is almost up..."

As he was thinking, Vladimir looked at the time, but found that the agreed time was almost up, so he didn't think much about it, so he packed up and left.

Although he is a spy, he can't control other people's affairs.

And now, he has to participate in a social study. This study is necessary for the students of Ark University, although they are different.

Instead of worrying about things that you don’t know, it’s better to take care of your own affairs now...

After all, it is a good thing to do social experiments with Americans. Anyway, they are not from the Soviet Union, and they seem to be very interested in seeing those who are being taken advantage of...


January 8.

Mr. Wu Howe woke up, but he felt refreshed.

Mr. Wu, who has been with bladder cancer for many years, now feels that he seems... rejuvenated?

This is not an illusion.

With such a spirit and such strength, how many years has it been in the United States?

How does this feel?

"Prime Minister, are you awake?!"

Then, he heard a surprise voice over there.

After that, Mr. Wu learned that he had taken a miraculous medicine.

This is a drug from the United States. A reagent costs 10 million U.S. dollars, and I used a total of seven—and the Chinese side bought a total of ten.

And these drugs are not for use but are for research.

However, after turning on the medicine, they found that the effectiveness of these medicines quickly disappeared. Although it was found to be the effect of a certain protein, nothing was found.

At this time, they also realized that if the remaining medicines were not preserved, they would soon expire. At this time, Mr. Wu was critically ill, and they simply gave all the medicines to Mr. Wu. .

And Mr. Wu, that's all right.

The storm caused by the butterfly finally caused a violent storm on the other side of the seashore. Everything is changing...


Stomach flatulence, the exhaust gas is at least one liter today, but there is still a lot of gas, so uncomfortable...

It seems to be dying, this chapter was written on the bed, unable to stand up.

Let’s see the situation tonight. If it doesn’t work, I’ll call 120... (To be continued...)

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