Blooming America

Chapter 1010: Calvin's sigh

~Date: ~October 10th~

Calvin's Sigh Chapter 1010 Calvin's Sigh The sigh of the novel name: "Flower America" ​​Author: Call Me Gods Adult Category: Urban Entertainment Flower America

Remember (the text is updated quickly, the Academy of Legends! "Has...paid off the debt?!"

When Calvin heard the news from Iridium, he still felt a little unbelievable. [`Novel`]

But facts are facts.

After hearing that Catherine persuaded the U.S. Department of Defense to use that remote right, Calvin realized that the acquisition of Iridium was premeditated by the other party!

Although Catherine took on Deng's debt, in the end, the other party still acquired Iridium. How can there be such a good thing in this world?

The only fact is: Iridium has a future!

At the first moment of acquiring Iridium, Catherine delisted Iridium.

At this time, Catherine resolutely brought Iridium Star Company into her own management. But this is just the beginning.

Sure enough, after this news, Iridium immediately announced an agreement with American International Group, and the two sides signed a satellite insurance policy of up to 1.5 billion US dollars!

After the two news, the original users of Iridium mobile phones have calmed down a lot.

But things are not that simple.

After these two news came out, starraft also announced that it had re-evaluated the 66 satellites of Iridium, and their lifespan was at least ten years!

This news even made Calvin cover his face—because people here abandoned the Iridium satellite, partly because the satellite is about to expire in a few years, and when the time comes, the problems encountered can be justified. The zombie farm is big!

But now, these problems have been solved? !

Still have a life span of ten years? !

Turns out to be twice the life of the previous design? !

As the helm of Motorola, Calvin immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

I made a shameful big mistake!

At this moment. Calvin was in the same mood as Watson Jr. who had been posed by Catherine.

But if things ended like this, it would be better.

But the problem is that it is not over yet.

Iridium will soon reach a cooperation agreement with American Unicom, and the two parties can communicate with each other. Rely on this communication plan. Both parties can communicate easily.

The signal of the Iridium mobile phone will be specially received by China Unicom's transmission tower. Then it is forwarded to the da network, and the da signal is also transmitted by the transmission tower of China Unicom, and then received by the Iridium mobile phone via satellite.

Then, Apple, American Unicom, Iridium, ib, and General Electric together. Co-promulgated standards for mobile phone cards.

The card is actually a smart card containing a large-scale integrated circuit. The card records the user's personal information of a digital mobile phone. It is one of the important structural differences between a digital mobile phone and an analog mobile phone. The full text of the Supreme Jewel of Urban Cultivation is free to read.

Because Catherine's product was a digital mobile phone from the beginning, not an analog mobile phone, so at the beginning. Catherine's cell phone needs a card.

But at that time, for various reasons. At that time, the card was actually integrated with the Apple mobile phone, that is, a mobile phone is a number, a mobile phone is a number, and a number is a mobile phone.

And this kind of card that first appeared only has one-way receiving function. That is to say, the card can only store user information without access, and the interaction with the user is poor. In addition, the capacity of the card is "petite", which can only store 8k bytes. The most terrible thing is that when the card is operated, the user still Must memorize the code by rote to issue instructions.

Katherine is most concerned about "user experience", so on the second-generation Apple mobile phone, the card of this mobile phone has undergone an essential change.

——The products of this generation are closer to the cards of the future.

Now, Catherine has made great progress in storage media.

At this time in history, the development of 8k cards is even a great thing.

But now, under the leadership of Catherine, although 8k is a very complicated technology, it is already possible.

Of course, the reason for this is that the current generation of Apple mobile phones uses a monochrome sed display. Although there is only a single row, it is already able to display text.

Because of this, the new generation of Apple mobile phones can display users, phone numbers and so on.

But the SMS function is not there yet-that is the next generation communication system. The full text of Mortal Xiuxian Biography is free to read.

After Catherine released this feature, she also announced the redesign of the Iridium mobile phone. The new generation of Iridium mobile phones will also have a phone book function. This convenient function is definitely a big killer. Soon, this product attracted a lot of Attention.

After this dazzling series of tricks, even Calvin began to sigh.

From his perspective, it can be seen naturally that Iridium has completely innovated after this series of powerful methods.

This is completely different from before. ,

First of all, the current Iridium Company does not have the original cost pressure.

At the original time, Iridium’s investment was as high as several billion U.S. dollars, so Iridium’s pressure is very huge. If it cannot make a profit, the company will face a severe form-and this terrible fact turns out in the end. It really happened.

Then, there is no restriction from the major shareholders.

Because almost everyone wants to get rid of this **** debt, except for a few public shares, most of Iridium’s current equity is in the hands of Catherine. More than 90% of the shares are held, which is strong. Catherine can change the company arbitrarily according to her own wishes.

"Really genius thinking..."

Calvin couldn't help sighing.

A woman has built an Internet electronic empire in just over 20 years. Of course, this kind of existence can only be described as a "genius" in the list of the latest chapters of the Legend of Tianyu.

In Calvin's view, the original contradiction of Iridium is simply unsolvable. Not breaking or standing, after the bankruptcy of Iridium, the current Iridium is like a Phoenix reborn from the ashes, showing strong vitality.

Although it is only the beginning, Calvin has foreseen the tremendous impact that Iridium will have on the Ark Group in the future...

——Although Calvin didn’t know, Catherine had some tricks, but just a picture of the "once" Iridium company’s re-emergence process. The strong memory ensures that Catherine’s thinking can extract everything from the brain when needed. The memory needed.

It's just a little bit strange for Calvin.

——Why can the other party authorize Motorola without saying anything when she proposes to request da technology?

Although the two sides have had a short-term cooperation before, it now seems that the two sides have more of an unfriendly atmosphere. Although there was almost no intersection between the two parties before, if the Ark Group authorized da to itself, wouldn't it be a free opportunity for itself?

Motorola also studied mobile phones before, but after the mobile phones with analog systems were developed, they immediately realized that this is a system that has fallen behind the times.

This kind of system is simply vulnerable to da technology that has realized digital communication.

So Motorola chose to retreat, and then paid more attention to the development of Iridium - but the Iridium project failed, and it was completely defeated.

Motorola's design in the civilian market is not deep at all, but even so, the failure of the Iridium plan is enough for Motorola to be painful for a while and comprehend the full text for free reading.

Repeated attempts to enter the civilian market, but Motorola has been facing failure, which made Calvin a little helpless.

Motorola first entered the TV industry, but the TV industry was besieged by Japanese companies, and Motorola was defeated.

But just after the failure of Motorola, the American TV industry, under the leadership of Catherine, put the Japanese together.

New television systems and new patents have made it difficult for Japanese to enter the US market.

After that, Motorola took a fancy to the smart chip market, and Fairchild was also a very good choice at that time.

But in the end, Motorola was killed by Catherine, who kidnapped countless third parties.

The Iridium project was the plan after this. With at&t, Calvin felt that the success of this plan was very likely at the beginning.

——But unfortunately, they suffered a complete failure in the end.

"how should I do it?"

Where is Motorola's future? This is the most worrying thing for Calvin now.

Motorola needs the support of a new profit point, this profit point must be very substantial, so that Motorola can get rid of the embarrassment of pure military industry.

Motorola is not Lockheed Martin, and Motorola cannot be completely in the military industry. This is because of Motorola's limited medical skills.

So a new profit point is necessary.

At this time, Calvin actually liked the phone.

But Calvin was not reconciled to the fact that the core chip in today's mobile phones is controlled by intel. For other companies, this may not be a big deal.

But for Motorola, this is unacceptable.

This is as if it is impossible for Nvidia to use the tk chip produced by MediaTek to make its own mobile phone-although Nvidia does not develop mobile phones itself, but only chips...

But this must be the case. The chips of a and tk are two different fields.

So Motorola must make a chip.

But now, the most advanced chip manufacturing technology is controlled by Intel. Although other places are also working hard to conquer 1 micron technology, Intel has already extended to millimeter technology.

The field of mobile phone manufacturing is bound to be involved by But why... Does Calvin feel a vaguely uneasy feeling?


Three shifts today!

Now the first one~

Houhou~(To be continued, you can search for "" in Baidu to find the latest update of this book! Blooming America Chapter 1010 Calvin's Sigh/du13024/******72.html is written by Lord God Is it beautiful to bloom in America? If you haven’t finished reading it, you can bloom in America: (Keyboard←(Enter key√)(Keyboard→Recommended reading: Fleeing Wife and Blind Date The Evil Emperor's Fugitive Wife 2 Beloved If you like to call me "Flower America" ​​written by Lord God, please open the latest chapter of Flower America for later reading. If you have any suggestions for Huakai America, please send a short note to the administrator .

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