Blooming America

Chapter 1006: Holk and the car

~Date: ~October 08~

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Holk feels deceived.

The reason for this is because when he saw this so-called "hydrogen generator", this thing was just theoretical.

And the future that Catherine portrayed to Holk... it wasn't just that.

As the vice president of General Motors, Holk has long been very dissatisfied with General Motors.

So he wants to leave there and develop his own business.

And the future that Catherine described to Holk is also very good...

Uh, so Holk was tempted.

But until now, Holk was embarrassed to discover that the future that Catherine described to him was still written on paper... Well, to paraphrase researchers, it is under study.

But Holk can't help it. This technology is very attractive. It can make the gasoline engine's efficiency comparable to that of diesel, and it can also make the energy non-clean. Such a beautiful future car is indeed very beautiful.

——Although Holk didn't know, the experimental team pulled out by Catherine even adopted it after Catherine informed Holk of the entire car plan.

The school district covers various research institutions, and there are many related to machinery. Catherine directly selected some related to automobiles and new energy, and then used large funds to pool them together, and then they were formed. Such a laboratory.

But actually...who knew this was a magical thing?

But Holk couldn't help it.

At GM, Holk is ready, and he has completed the series connection. As long as he raises his arms at that time, at least one-third of GM’s people will go with him—and these people are all companies. Backbone.

This is the promised future, and Holk's actions seem to be beginning to attract attention. He has only this way.

More importantly, Holk has signed a contract...

Has developed to such a point. It is absolutely impossible for Holk to regret it again. The only way now is to go all the way to the dark.

Holk sighed after taking a look at the research on the new technology. It was so decided.

Although this new technology is not reliable, but the company's preparation of funds or something. But they are all in place.

After I take people away and set up the company, the venture fund will immediately inject 500 million US dollars in venture capital.

Then this venture capital will be a few years later. Will let the Ark Group "buy." The other party will succeed the venture fund to become the company's major shareholder.

...As for now?

Sorry, Catherine thinks it's better not to make her head for the time being.

Let the other party not know the details of this new company, and also ease the relationship between himself and General Motors, killing two birds with one stone.

To put it bluntly, this is actually a game where the left hand changes the right hand.

However, after Holk saw the plan of the new company, he was thinking about the future development of the company.

The current new technology is still in the research process. And not as Catherine promised to be able to use it at the beginning, so her plan will also change accordingly.

All Catherine's cars will use Beep Boy as the car's control system.

y's safety performance is beyond doubt. Used on a sports car, to ensure that the sports car can not exceed the speed-of course, if it is demolished or cracked, there is no way.

According to Catherine's idea, a transmitter is required on every road segment, and then the maximum speed limit on the road can be synchronized to y. When that time, this system can make the vehicle absolutely not speeding and achieve the best condition.

This idea is very good, and definitely solves the traffic problem from the root cause.

——At least the government is very satisfied.

This is also a discovery of Holk.

Catherine likes to cooperate with the government... Uh, no, she likes to pit the government.

Federal government, local government, when Catherine started her business, she first thought of these people, and then tied the new company with them.

Before thinking about winning, thinking about defeat first.

Catherine believes that in the car market, she can’t afford to lose. This is not a filming of a ticket-making nature, nor is it a personal computer market with a high fault-tolerant rate. This is the car market in a traditional industry.

Therefore, Catherine's request for Holk is to use the Beep Boy's control system and the configuration and plan of the new car to impress local government departments, and then use the bundled cooperation with the other party to bring herself a series of orders.

Catherine prefers to do business at the national level, which is somewhat different from the thinking of ordinary American capitalists.

This originated from Catherine's previous life-because at that time, the country's business was the most profitable.

And at this time, Catherine also liked doing business with them the most, and even doing the same carriage, and then fooling each other to drive the carriage for herself...

Uh, it can't be said to be flicker. In this cooperation, didn't everyone win a win-win situation?

The US state government, local government, and federal government are actually three lines. Catherine attaches great importance to the last one. However, in terms of the control technology of this car, the first two are the first two to please. So at this time, Catherine simply Let Holk out.

This was also the first test that Catherine gave Holk.

The ability of this person depends on the performance of the other person afterwards.

"From a comprehensive perspective, this is a clean, high-tech new car that can automatically limit the maximum speed and effectively reduce the probability of accidents..."

Holk is defining Catherine's new car.

Because it is still in the development stage, at this time, Catherine is not planning to launch many brands, but first to launch the most distinctive brand that best reflects her own advantages. This is Catherine's current plan.

After the popularity rises, it will be fine to develop vehicles of various levels and distinct prices. And now the user group Catherine is targeting is actually the middle class and above.

Although Beepboy is used in many brands of vehicles, the car control is still very rudimentary. Although the speed limit function is used, it is not complete.

As for what Catherine proposed this time, it is a new plan that is more complete and can even be applied to the entire American highway system.

To be honest, Holk is quite at ease about this plan. In his opinion, if his new company is established, it cannot be on par with GM and other companies for the time being. Even if there is funding to support it, the new company’s After all, the foundation is weak, and Holk has a guilty conscience when facing GM's all-out killing.

But if it is to take the path of new technology, the other party has absolutely no research on this, and when the time comes, it will be one step ahead.

—— Catherine has not forgotten how Motorola fell in history, clinging to the old technology and the Iridium plan, resulting in various tragedies...

At that time, the g** technology was already mature, while Motorola was already outdated.

"Now, the accident rate in Los Angeles can be reduced to 50%, and those damned drag racing parties can also converge..."

This is when Holk was promoting his plan and he heard some complaints.

Well, some time ago, I don’t know why, there were a lot of racing parties in Los Angeles. These racing parties did not stop until the last time a Maserati was involved in a car accident and was... er, just by the owner’s car. After pk, this drag racing trend was curbed.

Speaking of which, Holk used that opportunity to prepare to join forces with Catherine.

But unfortunately, some things are not based on human will. After discovering that he had been placed in a row, Holk bypassed the company and directly found the Ark Group and Catherine Edson. Holk is here now.

"When will the reactor see the finished product?"

This is not the first time Holk has asked a question, but Holk can't help but want to ask when his plan is being carried out up to now.

The real name of Catherine's technology is "automobile waste heat cracking hydrogen production reactor".

But so far, there is no real product for this technology.

"The theory is feasible, and our technology is also feasible. Now as long as we find a suitable catalyst and give us a week, we can deliver the perfect product to you!"

These are the words of the researcher.

Since the other party had already said so, Holk naturally couldn't continue to make trouble. If he asked for trouble, he would add trouble.

"Let's contact the factory first..."

Holk shook his head, and now I'm still in touch with Intel, a full ternary computer numerical control machine tool, which is the most advanced and safest machine tool. The machine can guarantee 99.9999% safety, a stable ternary computer, in most cases, it is very safe.

Of course, if someone had encountered the 0.0001% accident rate, it could only be said that this person's luck was really great.

I heard that we are going to use new carbon nano materials to make a new industrial master The new machine tools made with this kind of machine have higher precision...

Holk's new factory naturally requires new machines. These machines alone are worth more than 500 million US dollars.

After contacting the machine, Holk has also begun to prepare the company's registration information.

As long as Catherine gives an order, the new company will be registered, then the machine tools will be in place, the products will go online immediately, and then production will begin, and negotiations and cooperation with the state and local governments will also begin. And all of this, All at the same time!



If you find out that we suddenly have an update one day, it is definitely not our tj, it is only possible that we have died!

Roar, work hard to code wording!

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