Blooming America

Chapter 1001: test?

I was wondering, at this time, Bruce Lee suddenly came over a few steps, and then shouted to Cheng Long: "Cheng Long, come here, Miss Edson wants to see you."

what? !

This foreigner actually met himself? !

Cheng Long was a little surprised.

In fact, it was Catherine on the other side who was even more surprised.

Cheng Long's name, in the 21st century, in China, it can be said that no one knows and no one knows. Such a figure came to the United States at this time? !

How can it be said that it does not surprise Cheng Long?

…Uh, speaking of it, I seem to have given Cheng Long’s "Who Am I" to Bruce Lee.

Thinking of this, Catherine couldn't help but feel sorry for this "sufferer".

After all, Catherine knows Cheng Long better than Bruce Lee.

In the real childhood of her last life, Catherine grew up watching each other's movies. Although she is not a star chaser, she is indeed full of affection for each other.

At this time, he actually saw Cheng Long when he was young.

"Your name is Cheng Long?"

Catherine tilted her head and looked at each other.

"I have a stage name called Chen Yuanlong, but my real name is Hong Kong students."


Why isn't the last name "Fang"?

Catherine suddenly thought of the other's son.

"You won't bring all the Seven Little Fortunes here, do you?"

Catherine complained.

"You also know the Seven Little Fortunes?"

Bruce Lee was really surprised.

It stands to reason that the Seven Little Fortunes in Xianggang should not be famous, but now, even Catherine Edson also knows the existence of the other party?

"Uh...I once traveled to Xianggang, and I heard about it."

Catherine opened her mouth and said nonsense.

Cheng Long's parents first worked in the French consulate, and his father was a cook and a fan of Peking Opera. Cheng Long liked fighting very much when he was young. Fight with foreign children because he lives in the consulate area on the top of the mountain. Almost all the people nearby are French and Americans. This situation continued until his first grade in elementary school, and he couldn't upgrade due to frequent fights and disturbances. In addition to fighting, Cheng Long also likes watching martial arts movies. At that time. Martial arts films were popular, Cao Dahua and Yu Suqiu were the most popular stars at the time, and Cheng Long admired them. I want to go to the mountains to learn art. One day, his father took Cheng Long to the Mirador Mansion in Tsim Sha Tsui to visit the Peking Opera martial artist Yu Zhan Yuan, who was the father of the martial arts actress Yu Suqiu whom Cheng Long admired. Cheng Long saw the students here practicing diligently, feeling very envious, and asked his father to let him practice martial arts here.

Thus, Cheng Long became a member of this place, and became the Seven Little Fortunes with Hong Jinbao (Yuan Long), Yuan Kui, Yuan Hua, Yuan Bin, Yuan De, and Yuan Biao. Master Yu Zhanyuan's education method is basically the strict and hard practice of the old play rules and disciplines the children to do things. The way to practice is to hit and punish. Within four days, Cheng Long regretted it. In the first days, Cheng Long often cried secretly at night. After his father sent him to the college, he flew to the Australian American Embassy.

In 1971, due to the large loss of opera audiences, Yu Zhanyuan's "Chinese Academy of Drama Studies" finally could not be maintained. Brothers like Cheng Long and Yuan Biao had to make a living on their own. At that time, these actors and actresses from theatrical troupe followed the path of entering the film industry to become dragon and tiger martial artists.

And it was at this time that Cheng Long quietly changed.

The change of Bruce Lee's destiny turned Mr. Zou's Jiahe into a dream factory, leading to a series of chain reactions.

And as a result of this reaction, Cheng Long came to the United States.

"It looks good..."

Catherine nodded to each other.

At this time, Bruce Lee seemed to understand something... Did Miss Edson think this guy was good? Want to be popular with the other party? !

And this time. Cheng Long was also very excited.

But Bruce Lee understood that Cheng Long's excitement... not enough.

Catherine Edson, the representative of this name, is by no means just one of the best in the film industry, the other party is also sitting on tens of billions of funds...well...well...big rich woman...

Catherine had rarely filmed for a long time, but this time. The other party actually took a fancy to Cheng Long at a glance!

Seeing Bruce Lee winking at himself unexpectedly, Cheng Long was a little surprised.

Does this female boss really want to praise herself? !

"You guys... show me your hands, right?"

Catherine knew that Cheng Long was not the opponent's opponent, but Catherine still wanted to see the opponent's skills.

In case I met a parallel importer with the same name and surname, it would be embarrassing.

But the other party could be brought back here from Xianggang by Bruce Lee. I'm afraid this also shows the potential of the other party, right?

"Come on, let's try."

Bruce Lee also greeted each other.

Cheng Long nodded, and then walked over. The two sides bowed their hands and started fighting.

And Catherine also sighed with emotion.

Finally, this delusion has come true!

Um... not complete, not complete yet!

Catherine suddenly thought of another person-Li Lianjie!

If the other party can PK with Bruce Lee, maybe it will be fun too?

But at this time, it seems that Shaolin Temple doesn't know where it is and wants to watch such a movie... well, it's still early...

But if there is that opportunity in the future, Catherine says she can’t even give it a try.

Cheng Long was quickly taken care of by Bruce Lee.


Catherine nodded.

But this is not over yet.

"Why did you think of coming to America?"

Cheng Long sorted out his thoughts, and said: "At that time, I heard that Mr. Bruce Lee was about to recruit a team to come to the United States, so I wanted to try it. Then the master also encouraged me to follow suit, and I came. "

Cheng Long's master is Yu Zhanyuan.

"Seven Little Fortunes" is a Peking opera and a theater troupe, and it is the general term for Yu Zhanyuan's proud students. Many people think that the "seven little blessings" refer to seven people such as Cheng Long, but in reality there are more.

"You are in America, what do you think of movies?"

Catherine asked again.

"The film made by the Americans has a high technical content. We in Hunan and Hong Kong do not have such excellent technology, and the film industry in the United States is also very developed. There are many opportunities and a lot of money..."

Listen to this big boy who is only twenty years old. Catherine couldn't help but smile.

Originally at this time in history, in 1975, Xintiandi Company was established and signed Cheng Long to arrange for him to shoot one or two films, namely "Guangdong Little Tiger" and "Northern Kungfu". But the box office was dismal.

Later, Cheng Ziqiang joined Luo Wei to work in a film company in Hong Kong. Recommend Cheng Long to Luo Wei, Cheng Long shot for Luo Wei is a large-scale production of ancient dragon works, the Shaolin series ("Shaolin Wooden Lane"), but they are not interested.

Almost a year later. When Wu Siyuan planned to shoot "Snake Shaped Hand", he borrowed from Luo Wei (Cheng Long) to shoot, and then "Drunken Boxing" two humorous kung fu comedies, revealing the dynamics of Cheng Long's lively elves.

In 1978, that was when Cheng Long became popular.

And Cheng Long's style. It was formed at that time.

But now, what kind of results can Cheng Long, who followed Bruce Lee, be able to achieve?

Catherine looked forward very much.

But Catherine also wanted to see the other party's own understanding of martial arts.

"What do you think about filming in the United States?"

Catherine asked again.

"Most of our team is engaged in martial arts coaching... Filming has not yet been..."

This is what Cheng Long and his companions complain most. Although the salary is very good, they have ambitions when they arrive in the United States. If they can be the protagonist and become a favorite in the United States, then it will be worth it.

But this is the current situation in the United States. Discrimination among various races is serious. It is impossible for Cheng Long to start from scratch here. He needs at least one stepping brick.

Historically, after "Drunken Fist" became popular, Luo Wei let Cheng Long write and direct and perform "Laughing Fist" and achieved good results. At this time, many film companies sent out invitations to Cheng Long to join, and Jiahe finally won. Cheng Long's first work in Jiahe "Junior Brothers" was a success, and then Jiahe planned to arrange for him to film "Killer Trench" in Hollywood, USA. "Cannonball Speed ​​1,2", "Very Long Detective". However, filming in foreign countries was under the direction of foreign directors, which prevented him from playing, so these films were not popular at the time.

After that, his films went international, which was later conceived, and it was only in the 1990s that he became internationally renowned.

Asked so much. Then it should be the topic.

Catherine said: "If I wanted you to design a martial arts scene, what would you do?"

Cheng Long was taken aback when he heard Catherine's words.

The other party fell silent afterwards.

Obviously, Catherine's conversation was very touching to the other party.

"Well... I'll give you an hour from start to finish. You come to design a scene, there is nothing, and then I will come back in an hour... Well, what I want to see is yours, not others. ."

Catherine wants to see Cheng Long's style!

If you destroy Cheng Long by yourself, I am afraid that many fans of Cheng Long in the 21st century will have to travel through time and space to come back and kill themselves...


But Catherine also felt that Cheng Long's style was unique. At this time, if the opponent's style could be established, she could use him with confidence.

The current Cheng Long is still immature, and Catherine does not know that the current Cheng Long has most of the knowledge of martial If the other party is too deeply influenced by Bruce Lee and changes in style, That's not what Catherine wanted to see.

Cheng Long's talent is very good. Like Bruce Lee, he shouldn't be just an actor, he can be even better.

"Work hard."

Bruce Lee also chuckled at each other, and then he and Catherine both left.

Only Cheng Long was left alone to think about it.


Third today~


There are two more!

Non-stop, non-stop~

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