Blooming America

Chapter 995: 1 day in Vladimir

At six o'clock in the morning, Vladimir woke up to the sound of the alarm clock.

The deep tiredness made Vladimir want to go to sleep, but Vladimir forced himself to wake up.

People are always lazy, but Vladimir is unwilling to make himself so lazy, so from the beginning, Vladimir used his will to force himself to do things he didn't want to do.

After some washing, Vladimir turned on the computer-a newest Apple computer.

The 32-bit system and color screen made Vladimir also feel quite interesting.

Of course, Vladimir can't just wander the Internet like this.

Vladimir browses the daily news and newspapers on the Internet, which is much more convenient than buying and reading newspapers. And on the Internet, you can also see what Americans say about all kinds of news.

Portals also have news, but compared with professional newspapers and magazines, such news is much worse-at least they don't have the authority here.

For the time being, the form of online newspapers is still subscription, but many places have also changed. The electronic version may need to be differentiated from the physical version.

But for Vladimir, it doesn't matter to him. He is from the Soviet Union, and this is the United States.

The reason why Vladimir was sent here, it can be said that it is not for the so-called "study abroad" at all.

The Soviets also knew about this school district model-they also had relevant intelligence in the early days. Although it was stolen from Catherine's side.

And now, Vladimir is here, to a large extent, to understand what Americans do-how their school district operates, and what problems the school district has in its operation. ...

Andropov is not an arrogant person, he is committed to the reform and development of the Soviet Union, for such new things. He doesn't mind "referring" to it.

The Americans were also very cooperative, allowing Vladimir to enter the school district.

Although the nature of Vladimir's work seems somewhat similar to a spy. But Vladimir felt. I live the life of a normal college student every day...Well, although in the school district, the so-called college life is very different from the normal university.

After watching the news for half an hour, it was half past six.

Vladimir put on a sweatshirt. Then he left the dormitory and walked into the opposite school. After jogging around the track for twenty minutes in the stadium, he did another ten minutes of pull-ups, and the morning workout was over.

Go back to the room. It is already.

Vladimir turned on the TV. Then I transferred to the Angel News Channel-when the school district was just under construction, some people believed that the school district should only have a school desk, to highlight the difference between the school district and the outside world, and to train students in a whole new way. But this plan was later considered bad, so it was cancelled.

So it’s okay for the school to watch outside programs and various channels now.

seven in the morning. It's time for the morning news.

Most of the news in this period is from the news broadcast at 7 o'clock last night to the current domestic and foreign events. Because when I was in the United States. It is night here, so most of the news here is international news, so Vladimir likes this news program.

After the show ended, it was already half past seven.

The class time of Vladimir's school is eight o'clock. At this time, Vladimir prepared the books and arrived in the classroom.

"Good morning, Valorja."

Gates called Vladimir by the nickname.

"Good morning, Bill."

Seeing Bill Gates coming up, Vladimir really found it a little bit novel. The other party’s Hatsune studio was very good. During the summer, Vladimir worked at the other party’s place, and that time of working life, It made him feel very happy.

But Bill Gates is not the kind of person who often comes to school. He is a person with a career. It seems that he was forced to come to school by the "Miss Edson"...

"Do you know, I heard that the president will visit our school tomorrow!"

As they were saying hello, the two heard someone chatting next to them.

Gates was obviously at a loss.

And Vladimir is in the school district every day, and he is relatively informed about all kinds of news.

So he said: "President Nixon came to the school district yesterday, and he will stay here for three days."

At this time, Gates was a little surprised.

The school district is so big that even if you are watching the flowers, you can't finish it without four or five days. It is simply a city with only students.

After chatting for a while, Vladimir left the classroom, then went to the cafeteria next to the teaching building to eat early, and then returned to the classroom. After a few minutes, class will begin.

Peter Drucker came to class.

"Modern Management" is a broad and profound knowledge.

This Mr. Peter Drucker is known as the father of modern management and is said to be an advisor to the Ark Group.

Since it is such an authoritative course, it is no wonder that Gates will also come.

Although Hatsune Studio is small, it is considered a "corporate" anyway.

And since it is an enterprise, it is inseparable from management.

Although Gates and Jobs worked together and managed well, they were "wild roads" after all, and what they saw now was an absolute "regular" route.

How could Gates not be attracted?

After class in the morning, there will be no class in the afternoon.

At Ark University, all afternoons are at my own disposal.

But this does not mean that in this school, you can live a leisurely life.

Because there are so many research institutions here, many people follow the professors to the laboratory to do experiments in the afternoon, or they just accept the individual guidance of the professors.

In many cases, several students will get red-faced for a chance to go to the research institute to work part-time.

——The school stipulates that there must be enough work experience and learning experience every year. And it is inspected once a month.

If the standard is not met, the first month is a warning, and the second month is a second warning. And wait until the third month-sorry, you will be dropped out of school.

And these experiences can't be mixed up casually.

Ark University upholds the idea of ​​"human nature is evil". It will never give the students a chance to take advantage of the loopholes. Sometimes they even find those professors and research institutes to understand the situation. At the same time, they will combine the student's report, and then give the student's daily score.

Of course, it doesn't have to be a place like a laboratory.

Even working on the streets, even cleaning the streets. This is also to be done.

Actually, freshmen. They must take turns in charge of the sanitation of the school’s streets, and they must clean the streets by themselves every day.

This behavior is not due to the habit of American universities, but from Catherine.

Perhaps it was affected by the previous life. Catherine thought. The students taught by the university should not be the kind of self-righteous "college students."

The so-called "college students" are no different from ordinary people.

If these people cry everywhere because they can't bear the hardships, choose to quit, or blame others, then this kind of education is a failure.

So Catherine's first requirement for these students is to be able to endure hardship.

honestly. Catherine thought that she had suffered from hardship in her entire life.

The clothes that I wore when I was young are inaccessible to others. You have to be careful and patch up when you wear it yourself. Every week I can have 50 cents of pocket money, and I'm happy here.

As for toys, they are all made by oneself.

(Perhaps because of this, Catherine developed all kinds of vices like this now?)

Many educations are unique among school districts.

It's not just Ark University, there are also different ways of learning in other places.

For example, the schools supported by Rockefeller are taught by managers dispatched by Rockefeller. What these people learn is different from other places.

For Vladimir, the last time he took part in the social survey, the report on food safety in the school district was also one of the topics-it doesn’t have to be work, but he can do research and write reports by himself. of.

Those who can enter Ark University can be said to be elites. But even the elites need to be spurred.

Innovating in practice, learning in practice, this is the "pragmatism" of Ark University.

Everything is created for the purpose of cultivating dedicated talents.

Although only universities are being built now, in Catherine's heart, there is already a plan to build Ark Primary School and Ark Middle School.

It would be best if we can fully realize the integrated education from small to large.

——Of course, whether such education is effective may have to wait a few years before it can be seen.

Because the research reached a critical time, Gates left after finishing the class.

At this time, Vladimir was preparing for his October topic.

Planning for an afternoon, this is not all the difference.

After dinner, Vladimir went online and entered the chat room of the school district.

——This is also a good place for students to recruit their own staff to do research and find organization.

If there is something you don’t understand, come here to ask, maybe you will have an answer.

Vladimir came here not to understand this, but to understand some dynamics of these just wanted to understand some of the differences between the school district and the outside world, and then Its feedback to the Soviet Union.

After dinner, at eight o'clock, Vladimir started exercising again, going to play ball and go running.

When it was ten o'clock, he returned to the room, took a shower, and then fell asleep.

This is Vladimir’s day.

"This is the end of today's action."

And next door to Vladimir, the daily work of a group of people is also over...


My stomach is still uncomfortable, and my whole body is free...

If you update, you can write as much as you can...

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