Blooming America

Chapter 987: "Mode switch"

"There is such a magical thing?"

After listening to Catherine's explanation of the magical rubber ball's ability, Jenny's eyes widened.

"However, I am not sure whether the s protein can make things like carbon nanotubes..."

As a one-dimensional nanomaterial, carbon nanotubes are light in weight, have a perfect hexagonal structure connection, and have many unusual mechanical, electrical and chemical properties.

But carbon nanotubes are not something that can be synthesized under natural conditions.

This is a purely man-made object. Whether this man-made object can be synthesized by human protein is still unknown.

This thing is not much bigger than an amino acid molecule. It is almost impossible to synthesize.

"We don't need carbon nanotubes. If we have carbon nanotubes, can we use carbon nanotubes to achieve our goals?"

Catherine retreated to second place.

"If carbon nanotubes are provided in the raw material, maybe it can be..."

Jenny murmured.

"As long as it is something that can be synthesized, we can synthesize it. As long as we can find the right raw materials, it's fine."

As long as the corresponding materials can be found, the s protein will piece them together-of course, in the order established by itself. However, it is not impossible to change this order slightly.

Perhaps this is a bit troublesome, but at least the current cost can be reduced to one-tenth or even less.

"The s protein can now be synthesized in the laboratory. Although the amount is very small, it may be used in the future..."

Jenny's words undoubtedly relieved Catherine a lot.

If the next research can be concise and convenient, for yourself. It will undoubtedly be excellent news.

——At least one's own "supply" can be greatly reduced.

The special existence of s protein can generate a peculiar messenger RNA. Because it cannot be identified, this messenger RNA will treat any material that can be "obtained" as a part of the organization, and then synthesize it.

It's as if this was originally an assembly robot, capable of recognizing materials and then synthesizing them.

But suddenly one day, the identification device of the assembled robot is useless, and the robot will continue to work according to the established procedure. Even if a person is caught by a machine, they will be "assembled" and "processed" as parts of a car.

But in the field of synthesis, this is a very wonderful processing method. This method can use the power of cells to synthesize some products that are difficult for humans to synthesize. Although it cannot be recognized. But as long as some strange materials are not added, the "synthesis" of products can still be carried out.

It's like the robot with no recognition ability, as long as the product itself is still there. Then this kind of robot can carry out the normal production of the product.

The "produceable" range of s protein is very wide, so there is no need to worry about it.

Of course, the s protein also has its limitations.

This kind of protein itself is impossible to produce carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes are a kind of magical thing, but this kind of thing. Nor can it be easy for the human body to produce.

So if you want to synthesize, it's in the raw materials. What is needed is not just the "carbon element", but the finished carbon nanotubes.

That’s not to mention, there are differences in the types of carbon nanotubes, and there are also differences in quality between carbon nanotubes, so what the final product will be may not be certain.

Unless there can be standardized and unified carbon nanotubes, it may be easier to study.

"By the way, Kate, I'll tell us what happened just now."

"Which mode does that switch or something?"

Catherine asked.

Catherine was still a little inexplicable about the mode switch the other party said, but at this time, Catherine basically understood what the other party said.

"Yes, mode switching."

Jenny began to explain to Catherine.

"Alternative protein should have several states, otherwise, when you are growing up, why does the alternation protein not play a role in restricting your growth? And why do you still have normal menstruation? These are all because your alternate protein is in When you grow up, you exist in a'growth state'. When your body begins to develop, the replacement protein often fails, just to make your body develop more perfectly."

Sometimes, being too perfect can cause defects, so at that time, the altered protein itself is in a growth mode, so it will not affect Catherine's body.

After hearing this, Catherine almost understood.

"I have also done experiments on Ada, so I have proved this view even more." Jenny said: "During the experiment, I have made more detailed findings. In addition to the growth model and the current one, your alternation protein To maintain the mode, there should be another state-that is the pregnancy mode. That is, the pregnancy mode."


Catherine was embarrassed and speechless.

"what's going on?"

Catherine asked.

"Otherwise, Kate, what will happen to you if you are pregnant? Will the replacement protein kill your baby?!"

Jenny asked back.

"Pregnancy or something, it's the most annoying! This is absolutely impossible! And absolutely impossible!"

Catherine is angry max!

"An analogy! An analogy, Kate. If it were really at that time, it would be impossible for your body to'kill' the child..."

"Then you let Ada get pregnant?"

Catherine looked at Ada strangely.

"No, it's just a later existence." Ada shook her head.

"After more...?"

Catherine seemed to understand, but her face blushed.

"Well, it should be the state of four modes. I injected Ada with an excessive amount of lactotrophin, but the altered protein injected into Ada's body was deceived by this lactogene, and I mistakenly thought that Ida's physical state It was in the state after giving birth to the baby. So her body has undergone a very big transformation and changes to her. Ada's body has stopped menstruation, and at the same time when I stop injecting lactogen. Ada's body is changing protein Under the action, the body state has changed-it is worth mentioning that the repair protein does not seem to have this ability, which should be unique to the alternation protein. After all, the repair protein is a secretion of the alternation protein in an emergency. It’s a substitute, so the insufficiency can also be explained."

It turned out to be so.




Jenny looked at Catherine, and Catherine looked at Jenny.

But finally, Catherine couldn't help it: "Hey, I don't want to be in that state! Don't look at me like this!"

Catherine is serious!

"But Kate. Didn't you say that menstruation is a very troublesome thing? And, if you change to the front, we can produce more alternation protein, right? Alteration protein is probably produced by the cells in your body. So we might be able to send such a new product, right?"


Catherine was speechless.

indeed. Provide experimental materials every day. Catherine had a feeling of collapse.

But would it be better if it were provided in another place?

Catherine felt that if it could be so. It should be a good choice.

But... Catherine was still a little unacceptable.

At this time, Catherine would always think of cows and other creatures... Hey, we are not like that!

"Is it really unacceptable?" Ada tilted his head: "But if it's Kate, I'm actually not sure if my inference is really correct. Maybe like the film, it must reach a certain concentration. , Will it be realized, right? Hmm... it should be when the concentration reaches a certain level. Your body will automatically switch to that state, and then you will be able to persevere..."

"...Then what if I want to be in this state?"

Catherine asked again.

"If you stay in that state. Isn't it? In that state, you don't have to worry about the days of the month, right?"


Catherine stared at Jenny, but did not speak.


Jenny also scratched her head speechlessly.

"Well, if you reduce the blood concentration to a certain level, you can switch states...probably."

"What do you mean by probabilities!"

Catherine was dissatisfied.

Jenny scratched her head helplessly: "In Ada's body, because the altered protein is gone soon, her body quickly returned to normal. I'm not sure about this..."

"After you are sure, please talk to me about this problem."

Catherine couldn't help but say so.

"But in this case, the replacement protein you provide in a day will be more effective than the replacement protein you provide in a month. Don't you want to accelerate our research? What we need now is more in-depth research?"


Catherine was silent.

"Let's talk about this later, at least not now..."

Catherine finally postponed the matter.

In any case, Catherine was full of bad things in her mind at this time. She didn't even have any dedication to the world's name. It was too shameful.

"Well, well...oh, yes, Mr. Hayflick recommended me a book, maybe you will also be interested... and the author seems to be an interesting person too..."

Jenny suddenly threw a book to Catherine and some of the author's remarks and opinions, in my opinion, are very novel and also make people suddenly open up. Maybe we can also have some wonders. The discovery may also be. "

"Is that right?"

Catherine looked at the cover.

The title of the book is "The Selfish Gene"...


Every day I talk about milk or something. I was taken away. I just wrote it like that before I knew it. Fortunately, I retreated from the cliff... Forgive me =. =!

The second one is sent!

There are three more!

Struggling to code words!

Tickets are called ~ (to be continued)

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