Blooming America

Chapter 962: For the devil...

Chapter 962: For the Demon King...

"Um... so comfortable~"

Rubbing the pillow, Catherine smiled happily.

I didn't expect that after my senses were magnified, I would be so comfortable now lying on the bed!

Although the body feels uncomfortable when wearing rough clothes, but on top of such exquisite luxury furniture, this can only be said to be the ultimate enjoyment!

The magnified senses made Catherine ecstatic.

"Do you really hate comfort?"

Elsa hugged the big cat and looked at Catherine curiously.

"Meow~" Catherine muttered as she learned to meow.

"It looks really comfortable..."

Looking at Catherine's expression already explained everything.

"But it's really uncomfortable wearing underwear... and so ugly..."

Catherine frowned, then took off her **** so that she felt better.

"Well, this dress can be used as underwear, Elsa, there is no need to prepare underwear for me in the future."

Catherine yawned.

Because Jenny said that she would be observing for a week, Catherine could only come back wearing this dress.

It's not that wearing a single piece of clothing is enough. There are also human perspiration, dead skin and so on. Although this is very rare for Catherine, it is not without it.

And Jenny just wants to see how this kind of material affects Catherine.

According to Jenny's research on the microscope, this kind of skin-like thing should also have a similar effect on perspiration.

But these must be observed.

"But aren't you in a vacuum like this?"

Elsa's untimely complaining made Catherine open her mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Didn't Jenny say that this thing is part of your body? Your body considers it to be a part of your body, right?"

According to this theory, Catherine is really... well... a vacuum.

"It doesn't matter, others don't know, and wearing other underwear is too uncomfortable."

Catherine shook her head.

At the beginning, Catherine was surprised when she heard this statement. She even asked Jenny if she could give herself a wing and pretend to be an angel or something.

Unfortunately, ideals are beautiful and reality is cruel. Not to mention whether it can fly with wings. The brain structure alone determines that the human body cannot receive newly added limbs. Even if they do, they cannot control it. This is similar to women and men. The feeling between is completely different and the same.

Unless the structure of the brain changes, it is impossible to manipulate the extra fifth limb.

Therefore, Catherine's original dream of the Tentacle Demon can only be a cruel dream...

Originally, Catherine wanted to incarnate herself as a tentacle demon, and then use her minions to make these little girls dying, but obviously, this seems a little impossible.

Jenny is now studying the properties of this product, while Hayflick is studying synthetic methods over there.

After being disassembled, the structure of the repair protein is much simpler. It can be seen that within the next year, there will probably be results.

At that time, Catherine's latest series of plans can begin.

"Sure enough, it's the same as Jenny said..."

Saying such things in a strange tone, it can only be Ada...


Catherine saw the other person's eyes gleaming, and she felt that something bad was about to happen.

"What's the matter, Ada?"

Catherine then asked strangely.

"Well, what? It's not like clothes at all, it's like changing the skin on your body."

Ada looked at Catherine curiously.

"is it?"

Catherine twisted her body.

"I heard, it's even more sensitive~"

Ada smirked and rushed forward...

"Don't! Don't!"

So, bad thoughts or something are the most annoying!

Catherine didn't care at all that she was still thinking about transforming into the King of Tentacles. At this time, Catherine had raised the flag.

After about half an hour, Catherine surrendered.

"I lost……"

Although she still had physical strength, she bumped a dozen times in half an hour, and Catherine didn't want to play anymore.

"Cut, I haven't had much fun yet..." Ada's eyes were shining: "Maybe you can put it on your face, Kate, your earlobe is a wonderful place, but it's still the same now... "

Catherine immediately covered her ears.

Seeing Catherine's ugly face, Ada couldn't help but laugh again.

"Okay, okay, stop playing." Ada's expression finally became serious: "I'm here this time because I want to do something big."

"...?" Catherine didn't know why.

"In fact, it's nothing, Lisa said, her business wants to go to China, I think, can our Victoria's Secret also be able to enter?"

Catherine touched Jenny's forehead.

"No fever..."

She murmured.


Ada is dissatisfied.

"Do you really think so?"

Catherine looked at each other suspiciously.

Ada nodded.

Hopeless! Completely hopeless!

Catherine didn't want to say anything anymore.

"For this... Lisa is already going to China. I think if you are going now, you should be able to catch up. It doesn't matter if you have one more person."

Catherine is not going to persuade Ada.

For things like this, I should let Ada despair over there first.

"Um... well..."


Hurry up and despair of reality!

Catherine thought maliciously in her heart.

But at this time, Catherine thought of Jenny's words again.

The dream of own tentacles is not impossible, on the contrary, it is very possible.

Although it is impossible to add an additional body, there is a way of "compensation".

After certain organs are damaged due to diseases, the body mobilizes the undamaged parts and related organs, tissues or cells to replace or compensate for their metabolism and functions, so as to establish a new balance in the body. For example, in chronic glomerulonephritis, some nephrons are damaged and destroyed, glomerulus fibrosis occurs, and its renal tubules atrophy and disappear. At this time, the function of undamaged or slightly damaged nephrons increases, cell proliferation, Hypertrophy. If one kidney is removed due to disease, the other kidney will become hypertrophy and can even double to compensate for the function of the removed kidney.

When a person is blind or deaf, other organs in his body become more sensitive, which is also part of the compensation.

The main basis of compensation is that most organs have a certain reserve capacity, that is, some functional units are usually in a static or extremely low-function state. Once physiological needs occur, the functions of these cells or tissues will be enhanced. Secondly, organs, tissues and cells undergo hyperplasia and hypertrophy through the regulation of nerves and body fluids, both of which can compensate for lost or insufficient functions. The reserve capacity of various organs is different, but they all have certain limits, and it is impossible to compensate them indefinitely.

According to Jenny, find a place with abundant nerve endings on the surface of Catherine, and then extend the senses of nerves through this place, and then you will be able to have magical touch-although it may be a little different from what you imagined .

According to Jenny, there is a place rich in nerve endings on the girl's body. Although it is private, it must be very useful.

Although this method is complicated, it is indeed possible.

But Catherine always felt that passing through this place might make herself a bit... well, some headaches, so Catherine felt that this method seemed a bit unreliable, but now, Catherine felt that if these guys could be conquered by herself , It's not bad.

I can't bear to let the child do not look for a wolf...

In addition to feeling, and then controlling the movement, this is the troublesome thing. According to Jenny’s idea, it is not that simple to control the external device, but through some other methods, it may be possible to control it, such as directly using the brain Induction-after all, this is a machine, not a body, and a direct method may be better than transmitting a signal through the body through a brief introduction.

However, this induction is not that simple. In the 21st century, this kind of induction technology can be developed, but if you have money, it may be possible, and it is possible to get it early.

So this plan is feasible.

But how do people call themselves at that time?

Catherine suddenly thought of something interesting.

Catherine the Tentacle Demon King?

Hey, weird, this sentence sounds very emotional!

"Well, let's get up..."

Early in the morning, although it was very comfortable to lie in bed, she couldn't stay in bed for a lifetime. Catherine thought for a while and climbed down from above.

Then, Catherine picked up a dress next to her casually, put it on, and got up.

"I guess Lisa will be inspired by the way you are now?"

Ada smiled.

"is it?"

Indeed, there is a kind of alternative feeling...

"Elsa, please contact the Chinese side for me. I want to talk to them about Ada."


So, Ada's itinerary was decided in this way.

Then Catherine left the room.

Although experimentation is very important, I also have a job, especially now, when the new generation of 32-bit game consoles are about to be released, Catherine feels even more necessary.

The new generation of game consoles has only one big core, but the performance of this big core is very developed.

And because of its optimized 3D technology, it can almost reach the level of ps game consoles. Catherine thinks such a machine is also suitable, maybe it can be suitable.

But at this moment, Catherine suddenly heard a news that shocked her.

——Her car was hit.


Originally, I wanted to use "Catherine the Tentacle Demon" in the title, but I heard that it is very harmonious now...

There is one more tomorrow...


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