Blooming America

Chapter 956: Gates and Vladimir

~www..《》~Chapter 956 Gates and Vladimir

When the report was finished, these people started talking for themselves.

"I heard that the school district is going to adjust school uniforms. This is really unexpected. But I don't know if such adjustment of school uniforms is really as magical as the rumors?"

Vladimir pricked his ears when he heard the news.

Adjust school uniforms?

This Vladimir also checked the information when he was on the Internet. It seems to be that... Well, school uniforms seem to be very popular in Japan. I heard that many Japanese schools have adopted this kind of school uniforms.

Vladimir is almost an acquaintance in this small circle.

He was a little strange, so he asked: "Why are these school uniforms used? This school uniform is popular in Japan, isn't it because of the Japanese themselves?"

"Well, the Japanese have round legs, so they need to adjust school uniforms, but why do we wear that? Uh...I have seen school uniforms like that before, and I think it's a little... well, a little feminine. So, this way It’s better not to come here..."

Someone muttered.

"Feminine? It's because the Japanese are inherently small? Isn't it just a tights? What's the big deal?"

These people are laughing here.

After Vladimir learned of the incident, he shrugged and left.

Then, Vladimir was about to go back to the dormitory. At this time, Vladimir's cell phone rang suddenly, and Vladimir also opened the antenna, and then picked up the phone.

At this time, the nsa agents were also mobilized, and everyone was nervous. At the beginning, they entered the phone line and eavesdropped on the conversation between the two.

"Valoka, have you eaten yet?"

It is Gates who speaks.

Valodya, this is Vladimir's nickname.

"not yet."

It is different from the implicit in the East.

In Western countries, asking, "Have you eaten?" This is not a polite statement, but a statement to treat. At this time, the convenience is that you are going to treat you, not that you are greeting.

"Oh, Jobs and I happen to be in the school district right now, where are you, let's go eat together!"

Gates' voice is very relaxed.


Vladimir smiled and hung up the phone.

For the character of Bill Gates, Vladimir also finds it very interesting.

In the beginning, both sides met at Burger King, when Gates was used by Vladimir.

But Vladimir didn't realize that Gates turned out to be his classmate!

Not only classmates, but also classmates!

Although the other party did not come often because of their entrepreneurial status and their special status in the school, after only a few contacts, Shuangyi became friends. Over the past year or so, the friendship between them has gradually grown. Deepen it and become what it is now.

And Vladimir simply asked them to call himself by the nickname "Valoka".

Although the other party can accept it as a "little capitalist", everyone unexpectedly gets along...

Soon, Gates came in his six-seater car.

The second school district is mainly college students. Some of them already have a driver's license and can drive by themselves. People who buy cars like Gates are not too few-American cars are very cheap...

"Valoka, here!"

After the other party met, Vladimir got into the car, and he was sitting in the last row.

——No way, in front of him is a pair of gorgeous sisters...Well, it looks like this on the surface, although one of them is still a boy...

In the front, Steve Jobs and Gates were sitting.

The three-row six-seater car has a large capacity and is very convenient at this time.

"Hey, where shall we go to eat?"

Gates is in a good mood now, so he decides to treat him to a good meal.

The reason why Gates is in a good mood is because this morning, they realized the simple 3D projection of Hatsune Miku. They used the principle of flat projection to finally create the current product with 3D effect.

And Catherine recently purchased a series of 3D technologies. The source of these technologies is naturally Badu. With these technologies, Gates' development has been smooth, and on the other side, Michael Jackson also agreed to come out loud. Source, so things are already going on perfectly at this time.

"It looks like you guys are very happy?"

Vladimir couldn't help but ask what they looked like with interest.

"Yes, our research has made breakthrough progress, and we have been able to show 3D products!"

Hearing what the other party said, Vladimir was a little silent.

The technology of the United States is too powerful. Such a powerful technology gives Vladimir a feeling of... fear.

Yes, fear.

The Soviets also have it, and the Soviets also have the Internet, but at this time in the United States, Vladimir really understood what computers and the Internet represent.

People across the United States can be connected in an instant.

Moreover, on the Internet, the other party still has absolute control. If there is no news, there will be no more information, and then no relevant information can be found on the Internet...

——Catherine was very tight on public opinion at the beginning, so this is natural.

"What's the matter with you, Valodya?" Gates who drove didn't notice Vladimir's deepness, but Otonashi, who was sitting in front, noticed it carefully.

"I just want to know, what kind of research are you doing?"

Although I have asked many times before, but to be honest, Vladimir really doesn't understand what they do.

"In layman terms, it's 3D technology. More accurate, it's audio synthesis, 3D modeling and 3D projection, and game development..."

"3d modeling?"

"In general, 3d modeling is to build a model with three-dimensional data through virtual three-dimensional space through three-dimensional production software. 3d modeling can be roughly divided into two types, nurbs and polygon mesh... Well, because we will use these two types for the time being. Modeling method. Nurbs has a good application for fine, flexible and complex models, and is suitable for quantitative production purposes. Polygonal mesh modeling is based on ramen, suitable for renderings and complex scene animations. In general, each has its own advantages ."

Well, the layman watched the excitement, and Vladimir's professional explanation made Vladimir stare.

"When you finish eating, I will take you to see our products. I promise you will be shocked by our products."

"I look forward to it."

The two sides found an Indian restaurant, this is Jobs's proposal.

Then, both sides finished the curry and went back.

"Oh, this car is so handsome!"

Before they got there, they saw a strange car on the road. This car looked very handsome. It was painted in red, and it was fast but very stable, which was quite eye-catching.

Gates was quite interesting, and then he changed lanes and prepared to pass.

"What kind of car is this? Why can't you hear any sound?"

They were a little strange, but they still didn't find anything.

On the other hand, Baduwa, who felt good in the other car, was in a good mood. He smiled at the other side, and then he speeded up despite the rules, quickly overtook the car, and then threw away Gates.

"Hey, this guy!"

Watching the other's movements, Gates curled his lips.

Soon, Gates took the other party to his studio.

Then, the pair took Vladimir to a strange room, and then Vladimir saw a prism like a pyramid.

"It's coming soon, the time to witness the miracle..."

Gates turned on the machine, then turned off the light, and then smiled mysteriously.

"this is?!"

At this time, the image of a cute girl appeared on the prism, and then danced beautifully!

"3d technology!"

This is what Gates said about 3D technology!

He became excited immediately.

Then, Vladimir surrounded the prism and discovered that although the picture cannot be said to be 360 ​​degrees, it is indeed 3D, and the pictures on the left and right are actually different!

"It's not a projected picture, it's a real 3d..."

Vladimir thought of the classic "Soul Reaction" movie he had watched a few days ago. Oh, yes, there is also the recently popular "Star Wars", which has that kind of 3D projection technology.

At this time, Vladimir was very keen on such 3D technology.


At this time, Baduwa, who had a close relationship with a few people, came to Eden.

"Mr. Baduwa is coming to you again today in a new car, Kate."

Elsa opened Catherine's door, and at this time, Catherine turned her feet into a herringbone shape and placed it on the table.


Elsa glanced at Catherine in a daze.

"Uh, this, I am wearing a tights, I am not afraid to run out~"

Catherine smiled wryly, then waved her hand.


Elsa remained silent.

"...Well, I'm going to meet Badwa now."

Catherine put on her coat, and then stood up.

"Miss Edson, I think you will be very happy today."


Seeing the other person smiling, Catherine understood that she couldn't.

"I think you should follow me to the garage to have a look, you should understand."


New car?

Catherine is a little weird but still keeps up.

Then, Catherine saw a red sports car that pulled the wind.

"This is an electric car...Well, that’s not correct. Let’s put it this way. This is a fuel cell car with excellent speed and high torque and horsepower. The'fuel tank' has a large reserve. I think you will like Miss Edson..."

Fuel cell vehicles?

Catherine looked at the red car strangely.

"This is your new car?"


The second more complete~

I didn’t change the dormitory, so I can surf the Internet, hahahaha, codewords~


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