Blooming America

Chapter 947: Electric cars in Badwa

Mother Emma's plan to create a man is probably still early. //**//

She needs to take medicine for a few months first, and then wait until the body recovers to the best condition, then she needs to do the things that adults love to do with Daddy Bruce, and then wait nine or ten months, Edson’s There can be one or two more members in the family...

In the spring of 1975, it was quite far away.

In fact, at this moment, Baduwa came up.

Speaking of which, Baduwa's "future plan" has gone smoothly. Although there was no decent result, it was very useful. At least at this time, many companies interested in the plan expressed interest in the other party.

Take the research of electric vehicles.

This is the second of Badu's "Eight Future Plans to Change the World".

Electric cars actually appeared as early as the 19th century. As early as 1873 in the second half of the 19th century, British Robert Davidson produced the world's first practical electric car. This is more than 10 years before the Germans Daimler and Benz invented gasoline engine cars.

It can be said that the development of electric vehicles was earlier than gasoline vehicles and was the absolute ancestor!

The electric car invented by Davidson is a truck with a length of nm and a width of 1800 nm. It uses a primary battery that reacts with iron, zinc, amalgam and sulfuric acid.

After that, starting in 1880, rechargeable secondary batteries were used. The development from primary batteries to secondary batteries was a major technological change for electric vehicles at that time, and thus the demand for electric vehicles has greatly increased. In the second half of the 19kt period, it became an important product of transportation. This is the glorious page of electric vehicles in the history of human transportation.

Electric buses drove on the streets of France and London in 890. At that time, the internal combustion engine technology for vehicles was still quite backward, with short mileage, many breakdowns, and difficult maintenance, while electric vehicles were easy to maintain.

In Europe and America, the heyday of electric vehicles was at the end of the 19th century. In 899, Frenchman Comengina drove a 44kw dual-motor-powered rear-wheel-drive electric car to create a record speed of kbkm per hour.

Among the cars made in the United States in 1900, there were 155 electric cars, 1,684 steam-engine cars, and only 936 gasoline-engine cars. After entering the 20th century, due to the continuous advancement of internal combustion engine technology, the Ford Motor Company T-car came out in 1908. The mass production of cars by mass production in assembly line made gasoline-powered cars popularized, resulting in the existence of steam engine cars and electric cars in market competition. The lack of technical and economic performance caused the former to be eliminated by ruthless years, and the latter to shrink. *.**/*

The period from 1885 to 1915 was the first golden age of electric vehicles. During this period, because the vehicle internal combustion engine technology is still quite backward, the mileage is short, the fault is many, and the maintenance is difficult, and it is far less than electric vehicles, so electric vehicles are generally recognized in this period.

In 1967, General Motors and Ford Motor Company respectively developed new electric vehicles, which became the beginning of a golden age for electric vehicles after the 20th century. Since then, General Motors of the United States built an EV-1 electric car assembly plant in Lansing, near Detroit; Citroen and Peugeot converted their existing models into small electric cars. Taking this as an opportunity, the world has set off an upsurge of electric vehicles.

Catherine guessed that Baduwa’s plan should have been influenced by this trend.

"It's really comfortable, the vibration felt compared to the car is almost non-existent."

Catherine twisted her hips with a smile.

Catherine was still wearing the clothes Lisa made for herself yesterday. The body parts were tightly wrapped in latex and then contacted with the seat. At this time, the human body's feelings are the most sensitive.

"how do you feel?"

Baduwa sat in the front row.

Baduwa’s experiment was also carried out in the school district, so the two are actually very close.

Sitting on the test electric car, Catherine was heading from Eden to the other party's laboratory.

"Your dress is so beautiful and sexy, Miss Edson."

"Really? I plan to modify it and promote it to the school district as a school uniform."

Catherine took off the coat that was the same as the dress and put the clothes on Elsa's hands, while Catherine was just wearing the tights inside.

"Promote to the school district..."

Baduwa thought for a while, but didn't know what to say.

"Hmm...Have you heard of Japanese school uniform adjustments?" Catherine asked hurriedly.

Baduwa nodded.

"My clothes have almost the same function. Of course, it can't be so fancy. The design will be a little simpler."

At this time, Baduwa nodded his head like Ming Wu.

After all, since it is to adjust school uniforms, it must be tights. How can loose coats be used to adjust physical fitness?

"We are now focusing on low-carbon environmental protection. I think electric vehicles are the mainstream of future development. This is the inevitable development of ours.

Baduwa spoke confidently about his expectations for the future.

"Indeed, electric cars are very comfortable, and the quietness alone makes people feel very peaceful."

Catherine squinted her eyes, very comfortable.

"Speaking of which, why is the design of the trunk of an electric car different from that of a normal car?"

Elsa looked at the long, large, tall trunk at the back, feeling a little strange.

"We use lead-acid batteries, and if the electric engine needs enough horsepower, it's a little bit troublesome. So when designing, we had to widen and enlarge the trunk. In fact, there are all batteries inside."

"In fact, it doesn't look like the appearance of a gasoline car, but in fact, the inside of an electric car has undergone extensive transformation.

Baduwa explained this to Catherine.

"It's a pity that it's not bulletproof, and it doesn't have a heavy body..."

Catherine shook her head. From the appearance of this electric car, it had a very "light" feeling. This feeling made Catherine feel a little unreliable.

Without "heavyweight equipment", Catherine always felt that something was missing.

Moreover, the car is too light. In the event of a car accident, the car itself may not be able to stand it.

"Electric cars have limited horsepower. All our research is about how to develop lighter cars, not the other way around. So if you really want to make such a heavy electric car, the result is definitely no way to drive it... "

Badu sighed.

"Mr. Baduwa, is there any difference between your plan and the plan that ordinary manufacturers are studying?"

Elsa also knows about Baduwa's plans. Some plans such as lightning storms are indeed amazing, but there are other plans where technology is not so "high".

Take this "electric car" project.

"Speaking of speaking, the difference is still very big. Our current plan is geared towards the development of the next 20 years, so we adopt some new technologies and conceptual technologies..."

"And speaking of...well, I think in some cases, seeing is believing should be the best."

Baduwa is somewhat unclear.

"By the way, Mr. Baduwa, don't you have a three-dimensional technology research?" Catherine asked.

Baduwa nodded: "Although it has been going on, it is still far from my request, and there are not many people who are interested in this company..."

Catherine tilted her head, just as she was studying this now.

"What kind of research results do you have?"

Catherine asked.

"In this regard, we are mainly studying air medium projection, but later I found that our technology is not very effective, so we thought that it can be replaced with other types of media... Well, there are some technologies in the research, but because ······Uh······Because of funding, there may be some problems with the arrangements for this year's research..."

Baduwa should have thought about the embarrassment that his technology might encounter from the beginning. After all, his plan was indeed a bit weird.

There are some plans that Baduwa can persist, and some plans are able to win over some manufacturers, but some plans are no longer enough.

"Insufficient funds..."

She had a good idea. She tapped her chin with her finger, and then said: "Then I will acquire all of your technologies in this area, how about it?"

Badu was silent for a moment, probably because she didn't know that Catherine was actually saying this.

"To be honest, I also have a similar plan in the company. I think your plan can complement my plan, but your research and development is temporarily stopped, and this technology will gradually lose its use value... Well, if I just use the waste like this, there will probably be no problem, right?"

Catherine was a rich man, and Baduwa knew this.

If you sell the technology to the other party, maybe you can really make a fortune?

Although Badu’s plan has been going on, the Pentagon now has no surplus, so after being fooled at the beginning, their support for Badu has been less and less in the past two years. , So Badu's future plans are likely to face this problem.

If you can get rid of one or two burdens at this time, maybe you can still support it.

"Speaking of which, if Britain signs the "Financial Treaty", it will be almost the same, but those nasty guys just don't sign it! It's damn...

Baduwa couldn't help complaining.

It's all Britain's fault!

Um... It’s not wrong to say that, financial tax is a big head, and the ultimate benefit is likely to be hundreds of billions of funds. If there is such a large amount of funds, Baduwa’s plan or something, then It's all trivial...

But now, Baduwa can only sell his skills to Catherine. Although it is to make wedding dresses for others, it is also helpless...

Three shifts today, I'm working hard as much as possible.

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