Blooming America

Chapter 945: trivial matter

Chapter 945

Lisa threw herself on Catherine's sofa.

Catherine drove Lisa with a chocolate bar in her mouth.

Well, I don't know why, after realizing that she might have a younger brother or sister, Catherine became interested in chocolate bars.

Well, Catherine felt pretty good with the chocolate bar in her mouth.

However, Lisa didn't know about this for the time being.

Well, will my brothers and sisters be born anyway, maybe they don’t necessarily exist yet...

"Lisa, what's wrong with you?"

Catherine looked at Lisa strangely.

"Um... nothing..."

Lisa scratched her head.

"Probably... it may be because there is no inspiration. I always feel a little uncomfortable recently... Well, it feels as if my art has reached the limit. No matter how little clothes are worn, it will look like that. No matter how few, then. If all the fruit bodies come out, it won't work."

In short, Lisa has already reached her limit, and it seems unlikely that she wants to lower the fabric.

"I said... Lisa, it seems impossible to sell your clothes, right?"

Catherine complained.

"Will anyone like clothes that can't be worn out at all?"

"Huh, how is it possible?"

Lisa smiled.


Catherine looked at Lisa strangely.

"My clothes sell well, and they are also of great market value."

Catherine obviously didn't believe Lisa's words.

"The so-called clothes, you don't have to wear it out~"

Elsa added, and Catherine shrugged helplessly.

"In fact, I have always wanted to make clothes that can be worn out, but also highlight the sexiness and charm of the characters..."

"Then you went astray from the beginning!"

After being complained by two people, Catherine retorted strongly!

"What's wrong?"

"Because from the beginning, you chose the wrong direction. Less and less fabrics can't reflect the charm of girls at all. They are not dressed for the sake of wearing clothes with less fabric." Catherine said: " But the more cloth-less clothes, the more likely it is to arouse the evil delusions of men and the hostility of female compatriots, and because of traditional ethics, we can only wear such clothes at home."

"Really? Although it sounds like nonsense, it seems to have some meaning..." Lisa was a little bit fooled by Catherine.

"Um..." Catherine set up another chocolate bar, and then found a piece of paper among her piles of manuscripts.

"Well, this one is good."

Catherine nodded. Although "Horizon on the Boundary Line" has been used by herself, this series itself is very good, so Catherine also used it.

And this painting by Catherine is the school costume of the heroine Hleison of "Horizon on the Boundary Line" drawn by Catherine in her spare time.

Well, this series has a feature, that is, the school uniforms for girls in this anime are all tights, which completely outlines the charm of women.

"That's it!"

Lisa's eyes lit up, and she seemed to feel something.

The lower part of this dress is a tight-fitting black stockings (actually just like artificial skin), and then there is a tight-fitting dress that fully shows the curve of the body, and in terms of gloves, it also wears black long sleeves. gloves.

"Did you design this suit your own way?" Lisa asked.

"No, why do you think so?"

Catherine asked strangely.

This dress was completely copied by Catherine, and she didn't even bother to modify it.

Well, if there is a difference, Catherine started from the 18x series in her previous life, so the characters look more fleshy.

"Look, this glove—"

Catherine lowered her head, then looked at the white glove on her hand.

Well, Catherine basically wears gloves outside.

"I'm a bee eater, I have nothing to do with Helleson!" Catherine tried to complain.

"Fuck the bee-eater?" Lisa didn't know why.

"Well, forget it if you don't understand~"

Catherine waved.

She also didn't want to make things clear.

But wearing gloves is also a cute point, isn't it?

"Furthermore, clothing can also increase visual impact! If you have gloves, isn't it also a wonderful temptation?"

Catherine spoke without shame.

"Have you ever played with gloves?" Lisa smirked.


Catherine continued to complain.

"Don't learn from Ada, think about everything in that way!"

Catherine couldn't help it.

"Okay, okay. But this dress gives me a lot of inspiration. I used to think that the tights are good, well, it seems that my vision is really good..."

Lisa seemed to be inspired again.

"The tights can outline a girl's figure, but it doesn't have a feeling of exposure, but the clothes themselves give a different and wonderful impact...This is indeed a very good choice."

Lisa squinted at Catherine, and wanted to help Catherine get a dress.

(Strange, what is going on with this kind of expectant feeling...what is going on with this strange illusion?)

But... Catherine doesn't hate the costume design of "Horizon on the Boundary Line", if she can do it, maybe it's not bad...


"I finally found it!"

Hayflick shouted excitedly and comfortably to Jenny.

"Is there anything found in ancient creatures?"

Lisa really didn't expect that Hayflick would really be able to find out.

"Two organisms, these two organisms have given me great enlightenment. I guess that our research is very likely to be related to this aspect. These two organisms are likely to be the original source of the mysterious protein."

Hayflick was smiling.

Then, he took out two pictures of ancient fossils.

"What is this?"

Jenny looked at the picture strangely.

"The sun goddess snails and mythical creatures have worms."

"The Sun Goddess...?"

Jenny doesn't understand paleontology.

"The sun goddess snail is a peculiar creature of round nerve tissue, between the invertebrate and hemi-spine. The round nerve tissue does not have a nerve center, which means that the animal’s ** and nerves are separated.** After tissue necrosis, the ring-shaped nerve will continue to survive, and the "sun goddess snail" is a hermaphroditic, without mating, the new life produced will replace the dead body outside the body, although this characteristic limits its number, but as long as The living environment permits, its ring-shaped nerve and network cell structure will continue to multiply in the shell endlessly and forever. Unless it can be eaten whole and completely digested with gastric juice, it will only leave a part of the neural network. , It can still survive... Well, according to my guess, it's probably like this..."

"There is such a magical life!"

Is there such a magical existence in this world?

"'Mythical beetle worm' is a peculiar creature with a network of nerves, between the invertebrate and semi-vertebral vertebrae, and has a protective shell similar to the "sun goddess snail". The hard shell is formed by secretions in its body. In nature, there are no natural enemies. Unless it can be eaten whole and digested completely with gastric juice, it can still survive as long as a part of the neural network is left. Its final extinction is just like those huge insects. It is due to the jumping-off-like change in the oxygen content in the atmosphere. This is completely similar to my previous guess!"

Indeed, at the beginning, Hayflick thought that the gene in Catherine had disappeared because of this reason, and the oxygen content in the air was greatly reduced, which led to a series of subsequent events.

"The ancestors of this mythical beetle can be traced back to the Cambrian period hundreds of millions of years ago. When invertebrates originated, other animals except insects were still in the low-level evolutionary stage. The original form, relying on its tenacious vitality, has survived countless earth-shaking species destruction, and has survived until the Triassic period tens of millions of years ago. It has gradually evolved into the largest insect in the past and present. But it seems to be very large. Unfortunately, this creature was defeated by nature."

As Hayflick said, he stood up: "We still have a chance, we can change everything! Now, the world is changed because of us! We are omnipotent now! We can do everything now!"

"Uh...Mr. Hayflick, is there any similarity between this kind of life and the genes we now have on Mr. Smith?"

Hayflick nodded: "I guess that this ability should originate from a subspecies or variant of the sun goddess snail or the mythical beetle. This subspecies has more magical functions, and the opponent is even more walking during evolution It was in the front, but unfortunately, in the end, this kind of life suffered the ultimate disaster...If the other party will not be extinct, maybe the life system of the earth has undergone tremendous changes..."

Hayflick went further and further on the wrong path, his research began to run counter to the facts, and everything changed...


After thinking of her new work, Lisa went to study this magical new dress, while Catherine seized the time to get the game engine regulations out, and as a reference, it was udk.

Every game has its own engine, but there are not many engines that can be recognized by others and become a standard. Throughout more than nine years of development, we can see that the biggest driving force of the engine comes from 3d games, especially 3d shooting games. Although 2d engines like ty have a long history, from the "baldur'sgate" series to "ape: rment" (ape: rment) and "ice wind valley" (nddale) until this year "Ice Wind Valley 2" will be released in the summer, but its scope of application is after all limited to "Dungeon and Dragon" style role-playing games, including the ra engine used in the highly anticipated "Nterghts" (nterghts) , They all have a very special purpose, and it is difficult to promote the development of the entire engine technology. This is why the engines of sports simulation games, flight simulation games and real-time strategy games rarely enter the licensing market. It is also difficult to obtain the desired effect using a third-party engine. The "Star Wars: und" (Star Wars: und) made with the "Age of Empires 2" (ageofres) engine is the best example.

The full name of udk is the-unreal-pment-t, translated into Chinese, it is the Unreal Engine scene development tool set.

udk's research and development company is an American company, and Unreal Tournament, which is also one of the 21st century g projects, is the other side's development game.

The udk editor is released for free. Part of the program is not included here. Additional authorization is required for programming.

If someone develops and sells a game with udk, they need to purchase the authorization with the official. The setting of this system is to sell a game corresponding to a license. If you want to develop 10 games, you need to buy 10 sets.

There are so many games developed with udk, which is why Catherine chose the udk development model.

Glory. Glory. Fate, King of the Battlefield, Mass Effect, Alice's Mad Return, Hunting: Demon Forge, Global Mission, etc., all of which were developed by udk.

To develop games, a game engine is often needed.

For example, someone made a 3D flower model, but how to render it. It is unrealistic to write code from scratch. The game engine is written for these people, so just use it directly. Lighting system. Various lighting parameters are very complicated. But it takes a lot of time to develop these basic things for games, so it's most convenient to directly use the interfaces that others have made.

Gates also took a fancy to this point, so he thought of getting a game engine out.

For example, it is unrealistic to develop a dynamic system from scratch. What to do? udk provides a dynamic system that is currently very popular, and it is very stable. The user only needs to specify the weight and other attributes for the model to use it.

The need for a game engine to develop games has become inevitable. As for the engine to be used, it depends on how much money we have in our pockets. If you invest tens of millions of games, you must use the best engine. In the 21st century, udk is the leader in the field of game engines. Masterpieces in all industries are generally developed by udk.

Many companies do not use udk, because their company has developed a game engine and invested a lot of manpower and material resources. For example, Ubisoft, which we are familiar with, develops its own game engine.

Many Japanese companies do not need udk either. For example, in some small games, udk is simply a comparison between elephants and ants, and does not need such a powerful engine.

The code written by my company has poor versatility. single. For example, we only need one kind of light in the game. It is impossible to write 10 lighting attributes when developing the code. This is the most direct way. If other companies use this self-developed code, they can only use this light. There are no other options.

The reason why udk is used by so many companies is that he presets a large number of basic codes. These things are ready to use. This is the versatility is better.

However, udk does not contain source code.

But as Catherine told Gates, this is a castration and then castration.

This system only contains all the tools for developing games based on the Unreal Dynamic 3 engine**, and at most it only comes with a few original middleware Unreal development plug-ins.

But this is enough.

And most importantly, udk is licensed for free when it is teaching and non-commercial, so at this time, Catherine can fully take advantage of udk to develop.

The engine is not something mysterious. Whether it is a 2d game or a 3d game, whether it is a role-playing game, a real-time strategy game, an adventure puzzle game or an action shooting game, even a small game with only 1 trillion, there is such a section Control code. After continuous evolution, today’s game engine has developed into a complex system composed of multiple subsystems, from modeling and animation to light and shadow, particle special effects, from physics systems, collision detection to file management, network features, and more. Professional editing tools and plug-ins cover almost all important links in the development process.

The engine is equivalent to the framework of the game. After the framework is completed, the level designer, modeler, and animator only need to fill in the content. Therefore, in the development process of 3d games, the production of the engine often takes up a lot of time. The max-fx engine of "Marx Payne" took more than four years from the initial prototype nal-ty to the final product. , The development of the h engine took a total of five years and cost 7 million US dollars. Jason Hall, the boss of th company (the developer of the h engine), even said with regret: "If you realized that you made your own engine It would be impossible for us to do such a foolish thing if we had to pay such a high one would have predicted what the market would be like in five years."

It is for the consideration of saving costs, shortening the cycle and reducing risks that more and more developers in the 21st century tend to use third-party ready-made engines to make their own games, and a huge engine licensing market has been formed.

Among the biggest beneficiaries are major online game companies, and online games developed through third-party engines have greatly benefited. However, with the rapid changes in the market, the cost of developing online games with third-party engines has become higher and higher. So game engine developers began to rack their brains to design an engine that can greatly save development costs and cycles. It wasn't until 2010 that the production of the masterpiece na developed by the n engine attracted the attention of the major game industry giants, because it was only then discovered that the masterpiece can be developed at such a small cost and in such a short time.


Three more complete, 1.5w words~

Wandering on the train, spurting blood.

The last 2k was a bit dissatisfied, I am going to modify it...


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