Blooming America

Chapter 926: Smith's letter to Hayflick

Chapter 926 Smith's Reply to Hayflick

"Dear Mr. John Smith".

Catherine was reading this letter at this time-this letter from Hayflick to the non-existent "John Smith".

The other party wrote several inferences about Catherine's protein, and Hayflick also sincerely hoped that Mr. "John Smith" could keep his secrets. Regardless of the purpose, it is best to conceal everything about "John Smith" himself, otherwise, it is likely to "cause catastrophic consequences."

"If you don't study, don't study it..."

Catherine was not so kind, anyway, as long as the sub-protein can be researched out.

Catherine leaned back on the chair, then put her legs on the desk and became a "person".

"I didn't expect that Mr. Hayflick's sense of social responsibility was so strong..."

Although Catherine believes that people are selfish, Catherine does not deny the kindness and brilliance of people.

The sense of social responsibility of this Mr. Hayflick also moved Catherine quite a bit.

Obviously he also has the opportunity to live long, but this Mr. Hayflick said that he would not inject or use altered protein. The research in this area is only of a scientific nature. The following research is very important. May "release a demon."

"But if you only study sub-proteins, it would be great..."

Catherine had made up her mind.

Although it is not mentioned in the letter, Hayflick has developed a method to produce a large amount of sub-proteins. If a large amount of sub-proteins can be produced, he will sell it for a course of treatment for 10 million US dollars. I am afraid that it is no problem to start with tens of billions.

As for the altered protein itself, Catherine felt that it would be better not to disclose this stuff. If possible, the secret should be sealed permanently.


At this moment, Elsa walked in from outside the door.

"Hmm...? What's the matter, Elsa?"

Catherine was yawning. When she was alone, Catherine realized that she would feel tired. However, when there was someone next to her, Catherine felt a little more energetic.

"It's not me, it's you! Kate, your actions..."


At this time, Catherine realized what Elsa was referring to. Catherine embarrassedly took her leg off the table.

"It's completely gone, I've been watched, Kate..."

Elsa shook her head. Catherine was wearing a mini skirt today, so her carefree gesture had an irreparable impact.

"What are you afraid of, there is no man here..."

A long time ago, Catherine had discovered that the so-called reservedness of women is one set on the outside and one set on the inside.

When in front of a man, women can be implicit in themselves, but when they are alone or when everyone is casual, sometimes they can be mader than men... Well, Catherine's experience of blood and tears.

"Isn't Pu Guanshui a man?"

"Isn't he chasing that Nangong Moon?"

Catherine suddenly felt that the name Nangong was really suitable for the heroine of a romantic drama...

"But he is also a man!"

"It doesn't matter, if he really sees it, I will castrate him, or let others evaporate..."

Catherine smiled maliciously.

"See-See-No, it's nothing, but the nose is itchy..." At this time, Pu Guanshui was taking a leave of absence and sitting in the Starbucks coffee shop in Eureka and sneezed. On the other side, Catherine Nangongyue, the young Chinese chef, was looking at him worriedly.

(Strange, what is going on with this feeling of chills all over the body...)

In Catherine's office, Catherine was sitting upright on the chair at this time, her thighs in stockings were tightly closed and rubbed subconsciously. This comfortable feeling made Catherine feel very good.

"Well... I thought about it, just write this letter!"

Catherine took the letter paper, and she decided to write a letter to Hayflick as this "Mr. John Smith", and then clarify the matter.

In Catherine’s letter, she told Hayflick that in the past, she did not know that she had such a protein in her body, until after her girlfriend died of illness, this "Mr. John Smith" I found this unique place of my own.

Because one of his girlfriends died because of the flu, at this time Mr. John Smith felt that he could do something for everyone, hoping that people all over the world would no longer be troubled by his illness.

Since this Mr. Hayflick has shown great humanistic sentiment, Catherine is also ready to portray this "John Smith" as such a person.

"Our world is so ruthless, but I know what I can do for this world, I don't want to back down, I want to make everyone no longer sad..."

Catherine herself felt a little numb in this way, but writing it down like this fits the identity of the "wife-defying" man she has created.

After all, "John Smith" itself is lonely...

Speaking of it, I am able to create such a role, and I am grateful to Badu. If it is not the other side's way, it would be really difficult for me to create a non-existent person.

"Elsa, please send this letter to Hayflick for me!"

"it is good."

Jenny nodded. Then she took the letter and left.

Although this letter was written by Catherine, it could not be opened in this place. Instead, it had to be sent out in another place...


Joan Malz is a part-time worker.

Although it is such a name, Ms. Malz is actually a black man.

Most blacks in the United States have been assimilated, and they sometimes imitate whites to name them, so that they can be slightly less discriminated against.

As a part-time worker, Malz was employed by a gentleman named "John Smith".

When the other party is not at home, Malz uses the other party's key to open the other party's house, and then takes care of the cleaning.

In fact, this kind of work is very easy, because Mr. Smith is a clean person, most of the time, he only needs to be in charge of Mr. Smith's kitchen.

To be honest, Malz has not actually met this Mr. Smith, because the other party has always been busy, and the other party is also working when he is working here.

But Ms. Malz knew exactly what Mr. Smith looked like—the other party's photo was placed in the living room.

This poor Mr. Smith once had a wife and daughter, but they all died.

On this day, Ms. Malz came to Mr. Smith's house as usual.

Mr. Smith’s house has two floors. On the upper floor, there is the other party’s private room. According to Mr. Smith’s order, he cannot enter the room.

She came to the dinner table first, and there was half of the unfinished bread on it. It could be seen that the other party was walking in a hurry.

"what is this……?"

She suddenly saw something in a strange brown paper.

Then she understood what it was—it was a letter.

"Dear Mr. Hayflick."

This is the wording on the letter, and you can see that this Mr. Smith wrote quite well.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

"Hello, this is Mr. Smith's house."

The other party picked up the phone.

"Is it Malz?"

The other party was the voice of a very magnetic middle-aged man.

"Mr Smith?"

It is not the first time that Malz has heard the other party's voice, because they said the same on the phone when the other party hired themselves.

"Yes. Ms. Malz, did you find a letter on the dinner table?"

"Yes, Mr. Smith."

At this time, Ms. Malz probably understood what was going on.

It seems that today's Mr. Smith suddenly left home for something, but he forgot to take this letter away, so the other party called at this time.

"Ms. Malz, please help me to send this letter to the above address, I have some trouble now..."

Ms. Malz already understood by this time.

According to the other party's order, Ms. Malz picked up the letter and sent it out...

Then, Ms. Malz returned to the room, and then began to do the housework.

However, after finishing the housework, Ms. Malz did not leave, because she knew that Mr. Smith would not be at home during the day. Although she was a part-time worker, Ms. Malz herself always liked to enjoy it.

Turning on the TV at Mr. Smith's house, Ms. Malz switched to her favorite Angel Entertainment Channel, and she began to watch it with relish...


"all the best."

Catherine smiled: "Unexpectedly, the props developed by the guy Gates are quite useful..."

Although the sound is a little distorted, it's the phone itself, so it's really difficult to hear such So through the phone, Catherine did it like this.

Of course, this phone is also a dedicated phone, and the owner is this "Mr. Smith".

Anyway, this mobile phone company is opened by my own home, so I want to cheat on this, it is the easiest...

"Okay, that's all done..."

Catherine smiled and stood up: "Elsa, let's go to the laboratory and see..."

According to the other party, clinical trials will be done next, so it is better for you to figure out some things. At least in this way, you can easily deal with the next things.


The second one today!

There are three more oh~houhou~


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