Blooming America

Chapter 919: Gates' progress

Chapter 919 The Progress of Gates

Gates yawned, then looked at the computer screen. Baishuwu (full text e-book download for free)

"I don't know if it can be completed before the start of school..."

On Gates' computer, it is a 3D model.

To be precise, it is a 3D model that has not yet been completed. This model is still very rough.

"It doesn't matter if we eat a little bit, we still have more time, if we can be perfect." Jobs put forward his own opinion, this is also the difference between the two.

"But if it can be completed earlier, it will be more beneficial to us..."

Gates shook his head.

Although it is an unfinished model, without Catherine's capital injection and the technicians Catherine brought over, they really can't do this step.

Although there is still an unfinished three-dimensional model without textures on their computer, this unfinished Hatsune Miku does not affect Gates' enthusiasm for it.

"How is the situation on the voice side?"

"Some small problems have been synthesized, but it is only a matter of time. We can solve them quickly. In this way, we can use software to generate the sound we need."

Gates nodded.

In the end, the sound software was more difficult than Gates had imagined.

At the beginning, Gates first got a glimpse of the doorway, thinking that these technologies were simple and clear, but after learning a deeper level of things, Gates discovered how ridiculous the technology he had mastered.

The current Gates studio has professional linguists and professional mathematicians.

Related mathematical models are being constructed, and some content of related languages ​​will also be studied.

According to Catherine’s idea, this "Hatsune Miku" will not only be able to speak English, but also six languages ​​of Japanese, Chinese, German, French and Italian. On top of this, Catherine will continue to add texts such as Latin. Kind of pronunciation, but that's not now.

Of course, Gates can do a simple pronunciation, and even before, they have been able to make the system read some words aloud-but the pronunciation is not accurate.

After correction by professionals, the system now adopts a new-style pronunciation algorithm, so that it can produce a more complete sound. It's just these technologies that Gates can't handle.

"It's all right for today. It's time to get off work, and neither of us can do anything."

Although somewhat unwilling, what Jobs said is correct.

"That's all..." Gates also shook his head. Baishuwu all text without ads

After the professional technicians came, Gates developed. The technology he currently possesses is really not enough. In the face of these people, his own technology is simply not on the stage.

But Gates then played a special name-his excellent management ability.

The small Hatsune studio has developed in an orderly manner, and these are all due to Gates. Because of this, after discovering that he would get in the way in engineering, Gates has now adapted to this kind of life instead, that is, acting as a manager in the studio, and Jobs will also help.

Not to mention, the company's efficiency has really improved a lot in this way.

But every time an employee leaves work, Gates will always check today's progress-for example, now.

The image of Hatsune Miku is already on paper.

And according to Jobs' ideas, they also commissioned DreamWorks to produce an animation about the two characters of Hatsune Miku.

It's just that this is not a general animation, but an action animation set according to Hatsune Miku's strict size requirements. In the future, Hatsune Miku will also refer to these animations and move in the 3D space.

According to the setting, Hatsune Miku's age is always 16 years old, while the height is m and the weight is 45kg.

Catherine didn't know the height and weight of the original Hatsune. Although she knew Hatsune well, she really didn't care about it.

Without knowing it, Catherine increased Hatsune's height by 4 cm, while his weight increased by 3 kg...

Although there is a big difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional, the two-dimensional design still follows Catherine's opinion and can be used as a reference for the 3d model.

"I'll save the information first."

Looking at the time, it was already six o'clock in the evening. Gates yawned and inserted a data tape.

At this time, the preservation of the system begins.

Although he has a hard disk now, Gates thinks it is better to save two copies of the data. Therefore, every day's data, Gates will use the current data tape to save it when he leaves.

The current capacity of data tapes is not small anymore. With the improvement of the quality of tapes, the software that stores several megabytes of data tapes now has no problem at all, and even larger ones are fine. Therefore, as far as the current mainstream is concerned, data tape is still the most convenient storage medium for large-capacity data.

When there was no U disk and floppy disk, this thing was really good, and the storage capacity was even larger than that of floppy disks twenty years later.

To talk about the shortcomings, it is not without it, that is, the reading speed of the data tape is a bit slow. Because it is a tape, you have to wait for nearly a minute each time before you can get the data. If it is stored, it needs to be read. Five to ten minutes in time.

"It would be great if there was a better storage medium... I watched the CD-ROM, but unfortunately the CD-ROM cannot be read or written..."

Gates complained again.

"Well, it's time to go."

Jobs patted Gates on the shoulder, and the two left the studio.


Over there, the girl who was also named "Hatsune" waved her hands. Of course, this "Hatsune" is not "Hatsune Miku", but "Hatsune Hatsune", which is Otonashi's sister.

The Americans are much more rigorous than the Japanese, and the sound of the sound is very good, so Catherine also agrees to use the other side as the sound source.

But it is not a simple matter to make a sound source. Yin Wu spends at least six hours in a professional recording studio every day. After a day, his voice is almost dumb, so I am worried that my brother’s sister will come to pick up Yin Wu every day. And it just so happened that they found themselves on the same road with Gates and others...

"Two girls are very dangerous outside~"

My sister would say that every time.

"I'm a boy!"

Otonashi would also protest, but this protest had no effect.

"Ahem... Actually, handsome-looking boys are more dangerous. Although I am not a racist, Otonashi... Well, you should be careful about black people."

The Chrysanthemum Brigade is very dangerous, and men are even more risky than women.


Every sound shuddered.

"Speaking of which, the Japanese are really amazing. They are totally optimistic about the second sex..."

Gates said unintentionally.


Otonashi scratched his head.

It’s hard to tell the story of being drugged... and I can come to the United States and enjoy a life that, in his opinion, is almost luxurious. Isn’t it because of this?

Although estrogen does not seem to have any side effects, Yin Wu found out that now, his body does not seem to have the development of male secondary sexual characteristics.

For this reason, Yin Wu Shi also quietly asked the family doctor for help. After the other party checked and found that Yin Wu's male function was very normal, Yin Wu also decided not to think about it.

"But if all men in Japan grow up like this, that's fine..." Gates suddenly said again.


Otonashi was really embarrassed now.

"Yeah, yeah! If this is the case, it will be fine, you know, those short and poor frustrations are really annoying, they are so disgusting, and they think they are good every day, and they have a fat belly. There is disgusting chest hair... It's strange to say why chest hair is so disgusting on Japanese people, but it is so handsome on Schwarzenegger..."

Yinwu shook her head. She didn't want to complain about her sister's "full belly", but he was a little uncomfortable with women's pursuit of celebrities.

Jobs next to him has been very interested in Buddhism and Taoism recently, so at this time, his conversation with them is relatively indifferent.

However, he suddenly said at this time: "We already have a female image, should we make a male image?"

One man and one woman, this should be normal thinking in people's eyes.

"That's a good idea!" Otonashi's sister agreed: "I like listening to Michael Jackson's song from DreamWorks recently. Although I'm still a child, the sound is really good!"

"Michael Jackson?"

Gates also knew such a character.

In fact, when he went to DreamWorks to talk about sound, he had heard of such a paragraph.

That was what happened in "American Idol" a few years ago. Because of some racist things, Michael Jackson was almost brushed off. At this time, the other party used his almost perfect talent to impress the Beatles. The judges of the band moved all the audience.

——Of course, Gates didn’t know the power of Catherine’s phone call.

In the following games, Jackson passed through all the way and was unimpeded. Although he also had a relationship with his own strength, because of Catherine's phone call, other people did not dare to come forward, so in the end the other party successfully won the championship.

"As long as you don't reveal the source of the it shouldn't matter..."

Gates murmured.

"is it?"

The two Japanese didn't know how serious the racial discrimination in the United States was, because they lived in a convenient place for the middle class and the upper class, so they didn't know much about the dark side of the United States.

"I need to plan for specific things..." Gates suddenly thought of something: "Maybe Miss Edson can give us some suggestions..."


The first one, there are two more~

Well, although the new book may not appear even next year, I still want to ask, if it is a new book, what kind of baa do you like?


Baishuwu (full text e-book download for free)

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