Blooming America

Chapter 575: Stay up late to play games and prevent addiction

"It's started! It's started! Come on! Let's slay the dragon together!" A player named Terry logged into the game.

The name of Gates's character in the game is Terry, and his current profession is lv50 reloaded dragon knight and lv45 defense warrior, a pure "meat".

On the battlefield, Gates first charged into the enemy's encirclement, and then let his teammates output.

So Gates, who knew how important his position was, didn't want his homework to affect this battle.

One is, Tu Long.

The team led by Gates is going to kill the dragon this time.

"Mage! Is the mage ready?" As a meat shield, Gates is also the captain of the team.

There is no such an organization as a union in the game. Katherine wants to set it up, but the people at Blizzard seem to have a deviation from this.

However, there is a similar organization in the game, and that is the mercenary group.

Terry is now the head of the mercenary group.

The maximum number of the mercenary group is 100, but so far, the number of the highest mercenary group is less than 50, and even fewer people can gather together. Terry's mercenary group has attracted a total of individuals, and now there are 21 people, which is a rare situation in the game.

Terry looked at the team.

The swordsman named Gao Li is the team’s dps. Although he doesn’t seem to spend a lot of time playing games, he is very lucky to have a handful of level~

Weapon, sword of light.

This weapon that can cause "maximum health damage of 1%" per attack is definitely the best choice for killing dragons.

In addition, there is a very rare dancer named Angela in the game. This dancer has a variety of dances, these dances can give the team extra buff" ability bonus, making the battle easier, because of the high charm, so every time you dance, the opponent’s skills can also bring more attributes. , Is definitely the nanny among nanny ~ but the only drawback is that it cannot be supplemented.

There is also a full-level magician in the team, named Elquet. Every time Gao Li sees each other, he has to talk a lot about "fate" with him. It seems that this "El Quétt" is a character in the anime "fate".

But Gates didn't seem to have seen this character in it. "Aikur, I'll hand it to you later." Terry said to the most powerful priest in the team, which is exactly the chief priest.

"May the light point to your way."

The character of Aikul is the person who plays the deepest role in the team, and the tone of the opponent each time is as if it is really brought into the game.

"Open brush~Open brush~"

El Quette next to him was yelling unconsciously.

This guy is the most unconscious person in the team.

"Everyone, let's go, we must cut off the head of the evil Black Dragon King this time!" Terry also had a sense of substitution.

What "Magic World" is playing is a kind of life, a kind of life different from the current world. This kind of novel experience is the reason why Terry is so attracted to this game.

In this world, he seemed to have really come to a continent in another world, and then became an adventurer...

Although the maximum number of the mercenary group is 100 people, when on the same battlefield, there are only 30 people at most. This is because of the limitation of the system function, it is impossible to have more units. In that case, the system must be stuck. .

"Gulkadan, you go to the front to investigate."

Terry sent the barbarian Gulkadan to walk in front of the team.

No way, there are no scouts in the team for the time being, so this barbarian with the reconnaissance skill "Beast Intuition" was sent to the battlefield.

Along the way, the team naturally crushed the past without a doubt, because it was a dragon slaying, so everyone was fully prepared.

"Black Dragon Nose! Everyone! We have found the Black Dragon!" Terry was very excited.

Kill the dragon! It's finally time to slay the dragon!

Then, leading the team, everyone entered the battle mode together, and on the opposite side was a huge creature, a black dragon covering 16 squares.


There is no more.

"You were attacked by the Dragon's Breath from the Black Dragon King, causing 9999 damage to you."

"You are dead."

Then, everyone appeared in the cemetery.

Terry: "..."

Gao Li: "..."

Elquet: "..."

"Who... can tell me what happened?" An **** was blocked.

"!" ** was also blocked.

"What kind of **** setting!" On the computer side, Catherine had already patted the table with dissatisfaction.

One more step, she had to collect the "dragon blood" needed to become a true ancestor, but at this time, such a painful thing happened.

A giant dragon actually knocked everyone out in seconds!

"How did the people at Blizzard design the game! How can it be repaired!" Catherine was also in hysterics.

"Kate, there seems to be an extra task.

Elsa next to her seemed to have discovered something.

"It seems that there is an extra team mission for a mercenary group?"

She also posted the black words online.


"I have that too!"

Task name: The Mystery of the Black Dragon King.

Description: The Black Dragon King who appears in the Dark Mountains has unmatched power. This power is even more powerful than other dragons. But why?

"We should go to the nearest town to find clues."...

This is the experience in the game.

If you get a clueless clue, just look for it in the nearest city. If you can't find it, you can go to the tavern to ask for clues about the mission. This system is very human and Catherine is very satisfied.

For Catherine, solving puzzles or something is the most annoying! This is not a puzzle game, why bother to get such an element up!

But now, it makes Catherine very satisfied.

Because it's a team task, it's fine to follow along. Catherine just followed unknowingly and the time came to 12 o'clock.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, who is going to continue to complete the task with me?" Team tasks are not the same as individual tasks. As long as someone in the team completes them, they can all be completed. But for this kind of task, the more people the better, so Terry asked his comrades like this at this time.

In the end, 7 people stayed and prepared to stay overnight.

Catherine is also going to sleep, but Elsa seems to be very interested in the game.

"...Elsa, if you want to play, please help me and control the characters."

Catherine pointed to another computer next to Elsa.


"Unless it's going to fight the black dragon, otherwise don't call me" Catherine fiddled with her nightcap, and then lay on the chuáng.


Elsa's enthusiasm for the game is obviously far more than Catherine.

"I slept……"

Catherine just got down.

Tomorrow is the weekend, yes, but Catherine has to go to Los Angeles. Because "Ling Hún Reaction" is about to be released, Catherine has to go and watch it.

"The Wizarding World" is a good game for Catherine, but I want to say that Catherine can sink...that's impossible.

According to Catherine, a game needs at least as powerful and expandable as "The Elder Scrolls", playable as "World of Warcraft", and beautiful characters like "Dynasty Warriors". This is Katherine. The minimum requirement to be able to stay up late to play games.

Shen mí?

At least it will be possible when we have brain bō technology in the future. As for the current computer?

Sorry for such a picture, it is only used to pass the time, Catherine lay on the chuáng, and then covered it with a quilt.

Her hair was wrapped in a nightcap, so when she was sleeping, she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable with her tangled hair. Catherine fell asleep very quickly. "Um..."

By the time Catherine woke up, it was already 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day, but Catherine looked at Elsa. At this time, Elsa was still sitting in front of the computer.


"...Oh, Kate said she was awake?" Elsa had two thick dark circles under her eyes, and she obviously stayed up all night.

"Hasn't slept all night?" Catherine looked at Elsa.

"Play with them a little bit~" Elsa yawned.

Elsa has internet addiction? !

This thought suddenly appeared in Catherine's mind.

Sitting in front of a computer playing games all day makes Catherine feel very dangerous.

"Elsa is not allowed to stay up late!" Catherine said to Elsa immediately.

"Uh okay" Elsa, who originally planned to say something, swallowed the last half sentence after seeing Catherine's eyes.

" Now you go take a shower, and then stay for me to sleep on the chuáng! You know?"

"Okay." Elsa shrank her head when she looked at Catherine like this. This action looked very cute on Elsa, but Catherine was still cruel.

While Elsa was going to take a bath, Catherine sat in front of the computer.

The current team has long been disbanded, and the next situation is to solve the black dragon, but there is obviously no way to solve the problem.

But not everyone has time, so the battle plan is scheduled for the next week.

"It looks like an anti-sink mí system should really be built..."

Catherine suddenly thought of the painful thing that would abhor the vast majority of game lovers in later generations.

Catherine found that sometimes it seemed to be really useful?

"You just have a good night's sleep." Catherine locked the computer with a software lock. She didn't want Elsa to be in the game...@.

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