Blooming America

Chapter 382: 1 stone and 2 birds

The venue is being re-arranged. Tomorrow is the new product display day and Catherine will appear as the host since then. :

,, give up some trouble"

Even so, Catherine still has various things to deal with.

Catherine was slightly disappointed by the research on the ternary computer. But afterwards, she got in touch with a. Although it is very difficult for most people to find a, it is quite simple for Catherine to get in touch with them.

The Soviet Union already has a finished ternary computer, so if a can get that stuff from the Soviet Union, everything will be done. At least the company can skip this most basic step.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you have completed this first step and want to get things done, it is much easier.

From the beginning of its birth, ternary computers have unmatched advantages compared to binary computers.

Smaller size, more toxic efficiency and more stable operating system.

,,Mr. Snake and Mr. Baduwa will be here in one hour. "Elsa looked at the time, and then reminded Catherine.

,, ah, Catherine responded, she was thinking about another thing at the moment.

Regarding a report submitted by Olsen on whether to enter Japan.

Olsen’s document stated that IBm’s computers simply cannot meet the requirements of the Japanese. What they need is not a toy, but a real computer.”

If the Pentium four or four computers can enter the Japanese market, it will be of great help to the company.

After all, Japan can be regarded as the second largest economy in the world, and it would be a great achievement if it can occupy the Japanese market.

Japanese TV companies also rely on domestic sales for blood transfusions, so they have enough confidence to enter the US market. This shows that Japan's consumption potential is huge.

,, but will this really be useful" Catherine murmured.

Catherine really has no confidence in the Japanese market.

The architecture of msx,-and so on was made by the Japanese.

Take ",,98" as an example. 98 is neither in the category of TV-game, nor in the later category of comparison, which is a special product in the history of the Japanese personal computer exhibition.

,, Back then, "Because the software on the computer platform does not require the authorization of the host manufacturer, and the computer is not popular, the sales volume will not be too large. At that time, it is rare for game manufacturers to monopolize certain machine games. In some cases, to make money With enough money, you can even run the same game on 5 platforms (for example, Yisu 1, the 1sR\'1\'x1RFm7\'Fm77aV\'msx2 version is not included in the version of the game console).

These things are messy just listening, let alone getting things done.

Catherine takes precautions. They naturally need authorization to be able to go public, but might Japanese manufacturers use their own rules? What if they stubbornly understand and gather to resist IBm and their own aRk group?

That will only make things messier.

In fact, Japan's computer industry is already in a mess.

As the IBm company launched the first generation of IBm in Japan, and it was immediately welcomed, Japanese copycat companies began to gradually increase, and all kinds of computers also appeared on the stage. Most of the remunerations belonged to 8-bit computers, and there was no operating system, which was borne by m- The responsibility of the operating system The screen resolution is 64 colors and the computing power is low, making it difficult for commercial use.

The birth of language is something Catherine never thought of. In order to save costs, it is obviously impossible for the Japanese to use the x system, and the c language pack is already expensive. So they found a language that is still only in its rudimentary form, and then perfected it according to the model that the Japanese imagined. It became an alternative to the operating system. The deletion of one is that the grammar is quite painful, at least Catherine sees it. .

Not long ago, Japan decided to make an old microcomputer suitable for high-end and commercial use. They went to Fairchild Company to customize their own cpu, and then not long ago, they had already produced the newly completed machine, and the name of the architecture used was actually the same as in history, which is 98". In order to be able to One screen clearly shows Japanese kana, Chinese characters and various graphics, and a special graphics chip is also customized. Although Fairchild's strength is not as good as InTeL, they still have many excellent personnel, which makes the new machine the standard The screen resolution is up to 8 colors.

It is precisely because of seeing the birth of this computer that Olsen has a sense of crisis

,,This is the last chance to enter the Japanese market! Once the Japanese products are exhibited, it will be impossible for us to enter the Japanese market. "

This is Olson's insistence in the report.

Although his favorite is a minicomputer, Olsen is still at work when he is at work.

,, Shouldn't the only enter Japanese market? "

Catherine is also in Spider-Man.

In history, Kouyao has been popular until the beginning of the century. In this strange market in Japan, 98 has always occupied a very important market. Even Microsoft's s98 has a BSP; Catherine remembers that it seemed that the 98 architecture was gradually eliminated after Microsoft announced that sxp no longer supports 98.

In short, under the unmatched superiority of s, the Japanese have to choose their long-standing persistence.

"That's it!" Catherine's eyes narrowed and she had already thought about how things should be done to the Japanese like Bamboo...

"What?! The ugly version of the Stargate system?!" Olsen received a call from Catherine] Brain~Visit Lin, and was taken aback, and then he immediately hung up.

Five minutes later, Olson, out of breath, had appeared in Catherine's office.

"Take a breath Olsen." Catherine looked at the other person panting with shame.

" you really want Microsoft to open a mouth-watering version of the Stargate system?"

Catherine laughed: "Yes, not only that, but our products must be good to reflect the superiority of the Stargate system!"

"Then draw the salary again?" Elsa seemed to have seen Catherine's black belly, and she couldn't help but interject.

"Uh, that's about it. Olsen, we have a lot of time, and we don't want to occupy the Japanese market overnight."

This is a strategy of two birds with one stone, not only to deal with the Japanese but also at the same time. She dared to pack a ticket. After the 98 version of the Stargate system is sold, IBm will definitely break the blood...

"Okay" Olson shook his head: "With a boss like you, our lives won't be lonely."

Olsen made a rare spit.

"By the way, where's Lerella?" After the other party left, Catherine suddenly noticed that Lerella didn't seem to see it today.

"She took time off." Elsa replied.

"Oh... Why didn't Kane see it?"

"He also asked for leave, what happened yesterday" Elsa reminded Catherine.

"I really don't understand what they are doing..."

Although complaining, Catherine didn't care too much that occasionally the other party might have something to do.

What she is thinking now is how to implement this strategy of killing two birds with one stone

"has a problem!"

In June, his elder brother Kane invited home three times in total, but before halfway through July, he had already asked for leave twice.

Larry knows her brother.

"He is a pure workaholic with no trace of it!"

This is how Lerella described her brother.

But the current situation is a bit strange.

It's really weird.

"I didn't show me... or deliberately?" Looking after Kane, Larryla discovered that one of the elites in his brother B hadn't shown himself. This is unreasonable!

Larryla had a sense of crisis inexplicably.

It's different from the tension when Rebecca was captured, but the feeling that something you love is about to be taken away. It's a strange feeling, which makes people feel flustered.

"Annia? Is it her again?" Last time Kane met with each other, Lerila felt something was wrong. But then I kept asking Kane, but there was no result

Her brows frowned, and she seemed to think something was wrong.

The two walked into a western restaurant together, and Lerila quietly followed behind.

"It can be done..."

More than suspicious!

Larry's heart was almost a mess.

I didn't think there was anything in the first few times, but when I saw it now, I felt a little bit uncomfortable.

They are dating! And it has been more than once!

Oh my God, what it meant, Lerella couldn't possibly not understand.

In a sense, Kane is a staid person. If it's just a date, Leroy can still regard this matter as courtesy and social. But the situation is different now. Larry knows his brother best. He actually asked for leave several times within a month, just for this woman, which shows that Ania is probably the goal he has set.

"Excuse me, what do I need?" the waiter asked her.

"A bottle of red wine, a half-rare beef." Although he said so, Lerela didn't notice what he had just said. Her attention was all focused on the two people not far away who were talking and This feeling is too strange.

Lerella has always felt that she is the one who knows her brother best. Even though what he did seemed a bit excessive, it was for his own good. Even for the painful month of special, Lerela could understand the good intentions of his brother. But now, she can't understand the situation at all.

Kane is in love...

Yes, my brother is in love!

There is no doubt about it! And the situation seems to be more "worse" than I thought.

I’m still in the Internet cafe today, and the computer will be repaired tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Obviously only the screen cable is broken, Lenovo really hurts

Thinking about it, the name Lenovo is also a good way to say "Ah.

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