Blooming America

Chapter 1591: Moon development (1)

Name: Karin, age: 24 years old, graduate school: Ark University. The first major: Space Architecture; the second major: Department of Biology.

Before enrolling, Karin signed a contract with her. When she was in school, she was a company entrusted trainee. After graduation, she will work as an employee of the company.

Of course, although it is a commissioned training, after a certain number of years of work, Karin can also leave here, and her education will not be considered invalid, and even her experience will be appreciated by others.

In the United States, student loans have always been a headache for many students. Some people may not be able to fully pay their tuition until they are 40 or 50 years old. But in the school district, if you sign a contract with another company, you can become a commissioned trainee of this company, and they will also be responsible for paying the tuition.

Of course, this entrusted training is somewhat different from the traditional meaning, because companies like this are all companies and groups that have caused great repercussions in society. In fact, at the earliest time, Catherine only used this method as a plan for self-produced and self-sold talents, but now, it seems to have become a great method.

Karin is one of them.

Originally, the school district almost implemented a free system, but the efficiency of free is not high, so later, it became another method similar to loans that is also being implemented.

Of course, this model has to face another problem, that is, student loans.

Fortunately, when they are here, they have another solution: that is to reduce or exempt loans by becoming Wei Peisheng.

In fact, these are not very important, what is important is the following things.

Today is a very special day for Karin.

Because from today, she will go to the moon, and in the next three years, she will survive on the moon.

Yes it is. Moon.

Not a fantasy, but the real moon.

Karin was one of the first six people to go to the moon, responsible for the ecological architecture and structure of the moon.

"Miss Karin, the final inspection is about to begin." Inside the office. A staff member handed a card to Karin.

"Okay, I'll go over now." Karin took the card, and then looked at the file she had. Because we will not be on the earth for three years, the problems here need to be solved one by one. Karin has a lot to deal with, especially the opposition from her family.

Karin, 24, can be said to be a pretty woman, but in the most precious years, Karin is now ready to spend on the moon, which is really unacceptable.

Many Americans are immigrants from different countries, and their cultures are also different. Many things cannot be generalized. Some parents don't care much about their children after they reach adulthood, and some parents such as Karin... well, sometimes it can be a headache.

But Karin didn't think so.

She believes that her action is to dedicate her life to all mankind. It can open up a whole new living environment for mankind, a mere moon. What is it?

After packing, Karin came to the organization of the medical team. Before entering the moon, she needed a final physical examination of her current physical condition. After that, it is the dress to enter the moon.

Just after checking, Karin saw Levin who came out with him.

"Hey, Karin." Raven and Karin were the same year. But in Karin's view, he is just a relatively immature little boy.

"Raven, what's the matter." Karin smiled and looked at Raven, this cute boy.

"You... are you going to the moon too? I heard that your family is very opposed to it?" Levin asked.

"Yes, I have already made a decision." Karin said.

"But I heard that when you go to the moon, you seem to be wearing a special spacesuit. You have such a beautiful appearance... It is very likely that you will be wrapped in that black helmet for three years." Lei Wen wanted to say. Stop again, what he wanted to say is obviously not this.

"I think I am more interested in the future of our world than I am alone. And Levin, didn't you also participate in this project? Why are you?" Karin Fanwen said.

"Uh... just because of interest." Raven touched his face.

Raven is different from Karin, but what happened to Raven in his childhood. But it created his character. Probably because of the problem of appearance, in elementary school, Levin often encountered all kinds of unpleasant things, especially things like being touched by a strong man on his face and butt.

Gradually, Levin developed a withdrawn character.

If he can completely close himself, to Levin... he is really not repulsive.

Having said that, Levin looked at the plan in his hand.

Their mission this time is to go to the moon to survive.

Of course, as far as current technology is concerned, it is more difficult to create a completely isolated living space, especially if it is still on the moon, which is even more difficult.

----So, why can't you choose another solution?

Just like the previous moon landing, how about taking the spacesuit as the smallest ecological environment?

This plan appeared.

Under such circumstances, they can survive even in an airless living environment like the moon.

Of course, the poor people under the ground who have been closed to live and think that the world has been destroyed are also an important reference sample. These people were used by the evil government and now serve as a sample of the company.

But these people are not experimenters. They are the forerunners for the earth and mankind. Of course, they are unlikely to encounter poor people such as Camille. Correspondingly, their living environment will be much better.

It's just that the first group of people like Karin and Raven, of course, are unlikely to have a too comfortable life...

This time, they are going to ride on the Saturn VII rocket. The company has completely bought the drawings of the Saturn series of rockets. This Saturn VII is designed and built by the company itself, and it is completely dependent on the financial resources of the Ark Group. Only completed and in a few days, Saturn VII will also take Karin, Levin and others into the moon. Of course, Catherine will also be there. And Catherine's cheating ability can also make the Saturn VII carry a lot of things. This is the purpose...

Now, all this has just begun...


Recently, someone talks about the relationship between this book and another book, and I don’t know what’s going on.

Maybe it was written by someone about the irrigation plot, I didn't pay attention, it has nothing to do with me


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