Blooming America

Chapter 1589: Before departure

Let's jump in the footsteps of the timeline, and then go back 100 years ago.

"Isn't the control of the Queen of Blades complete yet?"

Catherine looked at the Queen of Blades in the training tank and was lamenting at this time.

According to the research of the hive, this individual named "Queen of Blades" is a special existence similar to the commanding tower. Like the current Catherine Dumbledore, it exists as a "commander tower".

Of course, there are some differences, because the final entity of Catherine is completely incompetent. If there is no consciousness of "Catherine", even the **** with only 5 combat effectiveness can crush this final entity.

But this Queen of Blades is different.

This individual was originally an existence with a very powerful combat ability. If it weren't for Catherine's pre-occupation of this body, there would be a new consciousness in this individual named Queen of Blades.

Of course, it won't be anymore, because this existence can only be Catherine's body. Unable to produce self-conscious existence.

"Yes, our current technology hasn't been able to make adjustments in this area." Jenny was sorting out the information on the other side at this time, and after hearing Catherine's voice, she came back and said.

"This is the first time I heard you say that the technology is not enough." Catherine was a little surprised.

"Of course, it's not that our technology is not enough, but that this Queen of Blades is a bit weird. The other party has a lot of redundant genes. Note, I'm not talking about the useless things that are considered redundant genes of our humans. , But the real redundant genes that don’t matter even if they are removed. We want to identify these genes."

The advantage of having only one individual is to facilitate research. You don’t need to pay special attention to traits or anything. Of course, having no reference is sometimes a difficult thing.

"And it is interesting that although these are redundant genes in this individual, after extracting them separately, we found that these genes seem to be used to make other things..." Jenny's voice made Catherine frown. pick.

"Huh? Genetic Code?" Catherine suddenly thought of this.

"Genetic Code?" Jenny had never heard of this statement, that is of course, because there is no such a movie as "A Superman's Man of Steel" in this world.

" idea of ​​the novel." Catherine explained: "It is probably similar to the gene pool of all races on an entire planet. With this gene pool, you can create an entire race... this way."

Catherine's answer made Jenny's eyes shine: "That's it! You're right. Kate, it seems that's the way it really is!"

"Then our research—"

"——Sorry, it's not that fast, let's say 20 years less. Maybe it can be done."

Catherine looked at Jenny with incredible eyes.

But Jenny shook her head and said: "We have to re-generate this individual. We must also help the Yankee to catch the monster that is still on the run. Of course. Kate, if you can stay and help us, it would be research. It can be faster."

The gene length of the Queen of Blades is unmatched by humans. It will take a long time to re-mapping, at least not shorter than the time for human genetic mapping.

"Uh... you know, I'm going to the moon soon." Catherine's company's recent plan is to build a frontline base on the moon.

In this regard, the federal government has done enough preliminary preparations, and of course the remaining time is for picking peaches.

"...That's it." Jenny spread her hands.

"Eh, forget it, 20 years will be 20 years."

The most important plan now is the Moon Project.

After the first batch of volunteers, Catherine even prepared a plan to build a city on the moon.

Of course, it may be a little too early to say this.

"The first time I go to the moon, I need to do a lot of things, and may stay for several years." Catherine said.

"What about things on earth?" Jenny asked.

"Certainly leave it to Elsa." Catherine looked as if it were taken for granted.

"Ah, poor Elsa, let me mourn for her ten seconds in advance... People are still solving the mess in Japan for you, and you are planning to run away."

Hearing what Jenny said, Catherine was also a little helpless: "Yeah, I'm about to play with Secondary Two Diseases. Being a Secondary Two is actually quite interesting, but who knows what I heard when I just came back, I now naturally It can't be restrained anymore."

Ready to conduct a lunar expedition, this is the news that Catherine heard. But after hearing this news, Catherine couldn't restrain her desire to go to the moon to see.

After communicating with the Holy Grail, Catherine even formulated a very complete preliminary plan...but this plan made Catherine unable to get away. Without Catherine, this plan would be shelved.

So Catherine had to go.

——But Catherine herself is also quite interested in being able to go to the moon.

"Speaking of which, don't you have a way to go to the moon alone?" Jenny thought of Catherine's power.

"That being said, it's not that simple. It's okay on the earth. There are fewer variables to consider, so there is no problem. But in outer space, because gravity and radiation data need to be considered, things are not so It's easy."

Although not going to die, Catherine did not consider turning her body into an indescribable object.

Of course, it is no problem to make a simple push like three-dimensional superposition, but it is still more difficult to let Catherine go alone.

"Speaking of it, my goal has always been the stars and the sea. Isn't it a great thing to be able to travel to every corner of the universe..."

Driving the Star Destroyer and shooting into the soul of Lord Earth seems to be very interesting.

"If we can leave the solar system within a hundred years with our current, it would be a very rare thing to be able to colonize Mars." Jenny hit Catherine without hesitation.

"Hey, I'm serious!"

The dull hair on Catherine's head moved.

"Hmm, if you have time to consider this, it is better to help Dr. Hawking solve the recent near-field interference problem. He said that only you can help."

"Uh...what near field interference?"

Catherine's curiosity was raised.


Acts on.

23333 (To be continued..)

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