Blooming America

Chapter 1380: This is not called evolution...

The time is ten o'clock in the evening.

The night sky of the Pacific Ocean is different from the cities occupied by light pollution.

The sky of Los Angeles is incomparable to this place.

"Ha~ there are still seven hours..."

Catherine murmured, there were still seven hours before arriving in Hawaii.

Sitting on the highest point of the ship, Catherine looked into the distance.

"But...Jenny, why is my height... only 160 cm in the so-called "best condition"?"

Catherine is exactly what she looks like now, but... her legs have been shortened by 10 centimeters.

"Because this is the best condition, your legs are longer than the average person, and the proportion is larger. If you restore the average person's height, it will be almost like this."

That is 160 cm.

"By the way, this is indeed very good..."

Catherine stances, then punches and kicks, almost in one go, and her movements are smooth.

"But, I always feel a little awkwardly shorter."

You know, usually, because of Catherine wearing high heels, her height is almost maintained at about 185-190 cm, and Catherine also likes the condescending sense of happiness.

But I have to say that the current ratio seems more suitable for the activity, and Catherine's every move is more comfortable.

Of course, this is based on the relationship between the mimicry limbs, because the mimicry limbs are difficult to adapt and change like the human body. It can only accept individual data, unless Jenny and the others send a team to tailor Catherine, otherwise , The limitation of mimicry limbs will be very large.

But Catherine had a solution, opened the menu, and chose a pair of high heels. Hey, the height was immediately pulled back to 180 cm.

"Standard Proportion Human Figure".

This is a concept derived from the cyber body.

The cyber body is a mechanized automatic body. Why can't it be used as a bodyguard or weapon?

Catherine had this concept more than once.

Yes, compared to general bodyguards, the cyber body possesses unparalleled strength and abilities, and the use effect is also very good. If it can be used as a bodyguard, it is definitely better than a general bodyguard.

And to build such a body according to the most suitable degree has become one of the current topics, and it can be regarded as Catherine's trouble finding for Jenny. It saves her to study some strange to scary ideas...

"It's fine to get used to it for a while." Jenny heard a voice over there. "Speaking of which, humans are really strange creatures. A large number of mammals I study are using toes to land, but only humans. Landing the soles of their feet together..."

Jenny on the other end of the phone was complaining.

"Is there anything weird about this?"

Catherine was puzzled.

But when you think about it, it really seems like this...

"Of course it's weird! And it's very weird!" Jenny's voice came: "Because of this, the human body lacks an anti-joint, but humans walk on two legs again, which will make people more unstable..."

It seemed that no matter what she asked Jenny to study, she might always be able to come up with a lot of things that Catherine couldn't understand.

"Humans who lack anti-joints have fewer advantages in evolution...Of course, this may also be the cost of humans walking on two feet, in order to withstand greater pressure..."

Many creatures have reverse joints. But take a closer look, this joint is not a knee joint, but an ankle joint. In other words, for other creatures, many types of creatures are walking on tiptoes, and only humans are a peculiar existence.

"As the top of the food chain. Of course something is different, Jenny..."

Catherine is really interested in biology, evolution, and so on.

But Catherine discovered that following an expert to discuss this issue would make Catherine Alexander.

"But then again, why would you think of studying this?"

Catherine asked strangely.

"Because I am researching, if a human body can be customized to run the fastest."


"In my research, I found that the foot and ankle joint structure of an excellent human sprinter is very similar to a cheetah. Compared to ordinary people, the forefoot of a sprinter is longer and the ankle is closer to the Achilles tendon.

Longer forefoot...?

Catherine pouted.

Doesn't it look like that has become a bigfoot?

"If your feet are longer, you can have longer contact with the ground, which allows you to push the ground better at the start of the race. This is an absolute advantage."

"This structure is like cheetahs and other animals that are good at sprinting, allowing the owner's calf muscles to work better."

"So my'best height' became 160 cm?"

Catherine scratched her head.

"That's it."

"But creatures like cheetahs. When they run, they all seem to stand on tiptoe, right? At least it looks like that..."

"What I just said was the starting point. During the sprint, most athletes touch the ground on their toes, so they break out faster."

Okay, is it better to have big feet or small feet?

Catherine decided not to dwell on this question.

"Kate, I'm going to make you a pair of special running combinations that will allow you to achieve the best speed during bipedal and quadruped running."

Catherine's limbs are mimics, so all kinds of data transformations can be carried out.

Moreover, because of this relationship, Catherine can also achieve four-legged running, which other creatures do not have.

"By the way, Jenny, I have a problem that I miss you. This problem has bothered me for a long time."

It just so happened that Jenny was talking about the most optimized human body.

Catherine suddenly thought of infinite flow.

I have seen many such works in my previous life.

In this life, I have also written such works.

For example, "xx evolution", "yy evolution", "zz evolution", "nb evolution", "s.b evolution" and so on.

In short, in infinite scenes or in the sad end of the day, I kept adventurous, kept saying "I can't die", "I'm going against the sky" and so on, and then... "evolved". The pig's feet crackled and became the new human **** horse...

But... wait a minute, is this thing really evolution?


"Speaking of which, have you seen my "Infinite World"?"

Catherine asked suddenly.

"Um... Rebecca's acting is very good."

Rebecca played almost the whole scene with Tifa, but Catherine, the main character, is all kinds of soy sauce...

"You said, this situation is really evolution? Also, if we lock a group of people together, can we choose truly excellent molecules that can evolve?"

Catherine felt. If I can really create such a world, would it seem good?

"Then you first understand the word n."

This word also means "theory of evolution".

"This vocabulary was not the earliest used by Darwin, at least it was not mentioned in the first edition of "Origin of Species". But after the vocabulary was unified. Later, Wallace, Darwin, and Huxley all accepted this vocabulary... …In biology, n means that as the population changes with the environment, while a large number of populations die during selection, the offspring get better traits to adapt to the environment."

Speaking of which, Darwin, who was a eldest sister outright, ignored the offspring in order to achieve the achievement of "Sister Marriage", which really does not fit the identity of the creator of "On the Origin of Species".

And Huxley can be regarded as a good friend of Darwin...

all in all. This fact tells people that achievements do not necessarily match reality. Gay guys can also write pure men's books, and pure men can also write books and turn into lilies for you to see...

China originally did not have the concept of the word "evolution", but Catherine felt that the "tianyan" used by Yan Fu was n times stronger than "evolution."

When it comes to "evolution", people always think of a biological phenomenon. When it comes to "Tian Yan", it is a kind of domineering side leakage, mixed with the heavens, rolling forward, crushing all surrounding waste wood with only 5 combat power into slag.

It's just that the word "evolution", an exotic word that came through Japan, has been passed down, while the domineering "heavenly performance" is gone. As for Japan, they simply don't use their own vocabulary anymore. Foreign words are directly spelled with pseudonyms, a language used only by women in ancient times.

It's no wonder that Japan is becoming more and more girlish and herbivorous. This is also a very important reason...

Catherine made a major discovery in an instant...

"Although the scenes in your movie... are really in line with'massive deaths'. But the problem is that they have not produced enough offspring to adapt to the environment, and they did not even adapt to the environment in the end... This, I can't really say that it is. evolution……"

Jenny's words made Catherine mess in the wind for a moment.

"They are all in an individual, during a life cycle, major changes have taken place in structure, function, and form, thereby obtaining better environmental adaptability."

Wait, Catherine seems to have read this sentence in middle school textbooks.

In biology, there are really many examples of this situation...

For example, the emergence of insects, the transformation of amphibians, etc...

However, these situations are not called "evolution", there is a special word in biology to describe this situation.


"Yes, yes, it's a pervert."

Catherine's three views shattered.

In short, um, those "final xx", "infinite xx", "armed xx", the names are slightly improper to say meow...should not use the word The scientific term is— -metamorphosis.

Therefore, Pikachu did not evolve into Thunder Qiu, the process is called metamorphosis.

In the same way, the correct statement is not "Agumon super-evolved!" It should be "Agumon super metamorphosis!"

If it is used in the title of the book, those novels should also be renamed.

"Final Metamorphosis", "Super Metamorphosis", "Global Metamorphosis"...

Wait, Jenny is also modifying her mimicry body.

Is this process considered...abnormal?

Catherine's Three Views were completely defeated and could not regenerate! !


Meow, I was photographed getting up early in the morning yesterday, my whole person was in chaos...

When the code is finished, it is almost dead, meow...

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