Blooming America

Chapter 1376: Clue


Catherine folded her wings and stopped smoothly on the cruise ship.

Because in the process of change, the body will turn black again, so it must be stopped before it can continue.

After the core body wandered aimlessly for a while, when Catherine came back, she had no idea where she was.

But fortunately, at this time Catherine saw a cruise ship, and she stopped directly on it.

The clothes turned into a white dress and golden hair was spread down, and a lovely Catherine was born again.

"Um... it seems to be luxurious here..."

Catherine was hovering on the cruise ship. The waiters didn't seem to realize that Catherine was not their passenger. When Catherine passed by, they greeted Catherine in Chapter 1376 in a friendly manner.

There is a swimming pool in front of the ship, and many tourists gather here.

"It seems interesting."

Catherine's eyes rolled, and then flashed into a corner of no one. When she came out again, her dress had turned into a tall swimsuit.

The fiery figure attracted the attention of the audience when the girl came out.

The curvaceous figure, slender legs, and long golden hair all made the visitors pay attention to him.

It's a little pleasant.

Catherine looked around, and a pleasant feeling came to life.

The young man who was looking at the magazine under the parasol looked at his absent-minded man who was about to dive, looking back, as if he wanted to see clearly, but accidentally fell...

Catherine blinked, then came to the platform.

Catherine hasn't seen such a scene for a long time.

For Catherine, her personal space is always the highest. Whether it is going to the beach or somewhere, Catherine will always cover a large area.


He jumped down from the small springboard, and the cool water instantly soaked his whole body.

Mimicry [Limb] fully amplifies the senses, so that the feeling of comfort is refreshing.

Although she has long hair as indicated in Chapter 1376, the girl's swimming style does not seem to be affected at all. She is like a mermaid swimming in the water.

After swimming in the water, Catherine was refreshed.


At this moment, two men walked towards Catherine while whistling.


Catherine's good mood disappeared in an instant.

The two expressions nx, the muscular brother Guigui, instantly turned Catherine's good mood into a negative number.

"Hey, rl, do you want some fun work? I promise to make you happy both physically and mentally!"

Not only is in a good mood, Catherine’s sun value is also rapidly declining...


She grinned at the two of them.

The two brothers who came here with a molesting mentality did not seem to expect Catherine to be so refreshed. They smiled and hugged Catherine and headed towards the first class cabin of the cruise ship...

"Finally there is a place to live..."

Catherine rubbed her neck.

Then, she looked at the two brothers who were locked in the cabinet, hugged face to face, and then tied together, and then closed the cabinet.

"Sorry, because I really don't have a place to live. Originally, I planned to give you money, but compared to yours, these two kinds of money are not bad, right?

But these two brothers probably couldn't hear it, because they slept soundly.

"Hmm... If you can get some small props from Jenny, it seems good at this time..."

Watch-type anesthetic, produced by Conan, one shot must sleep...

If there is such a thing, it will definitely be much more convenient now.

"So it's towards Hawaii?"

Catherine looked at the other party's ticket.

It seems that I have never come out to play alone like this.

Maybe this will be a very interesting thing?

Catherine felt that it would be nice to be able to play like this occasionally...


a Agent Rhodes put the document on the table.

"According to our investigation, the terrorist organization that has emerged recently, the supporter behind it, is likely to be this mysterious seele."

The Heart of Calling the Sun, in the eyes of organizations such as A, NSA, etc., this is a very extreme terrorist organization.

Moreover, this organization is very dangerous.

Unlike other organizations, what this organization does is very...special.

It is completely different from the organizations that clamor for jihad.

Just like last year's 9/11 incident.

From the standpoint of this incident, Reagan adopted the word "drag". Although many people were dissatisfied, this trick worked.

But this action has absolutely no effect except for incurring the hatred of the American public.

However, this sun-calling heart is different.

The goal is ambitious, the means are fierce, and the organization is tight.

The most important thing is that its goals and means are very much in line with what people think of as heroes.

And more importantly, this organization has a very unclear, but very huge source of funding.

However, they have never been able to investigate the source of this funding.

Until recently, they found a strange term.


What does this word stand for?

An organization? A plan? Still a conspiracy?

It wasn't until they found another person, at this time, that they had something to gain.

This person's name is... Buffett.

Yes, it is Buffett.

Through Buffett, they got the information they wanted.

After various methods, they learned that Buffett had talked about Seele in private on the phone more than once.

But because Buffett uses a dedicated channel under the Ark's mobile, even nsa can't detect it. They can only solve these things through bugs.

Fortunately, Buffett does not have professional security such as fan b. Otherwise, their bugs may be difficult to install.

Through this approach, they learned that Buffett is likely to be related to this seele.

On the phone, Buffett also mentioned a "Miss Alice Phil" and "Zhu Yue".

These two names are nothing.

More importantly, on the phone, Buffett also mentioned... the heart of the sun!

In other words, this organization is likely to be related to the seele now!

So at this time, Agent Rhodes began the investigation in this regard.

However, when Mason heard this information and the name inadvertently, he frowned.

On the other side, Hudson glanced at Rhodes without a trace, then picked up the coffee on the table and began to sip.

"According to my speculation, Warren Buffett is very likely to be a peripheral member of Seele. This organization must be a premeditated and destructive organization. Although I don't know what they are planning to do, I can be sure that the day is called. Behind the heart of the heart, it is very likely that this strange seele."

"I believe I heard it right, Rhodes. You said Buffett is a peripheral member."

Hudson took off his glasses.

Rhodes was stunned, then he nodded, and then he took out the tapped recording.

"I listened back and forth three times. There are twelve members in Seele, and Buffett is a peripheral member who exists as an observer. Little "Who would the core member be?" Rockefeller? Morgan? Or a descendant of Jesus? "

Woods complained mercilessly.

But Rhodes did not back down.

"Maybe, maybe not, but the evidence is here now—"

"Do you know who Mr. Buffett is, Rhodes?"

Hudson interrupted the opponent.


Rhodes's voice was much lower.

"With Mr. Buffett's status, do you think there are any organizations in this world that need to be made to the extent that the respected Mr. Buffett begs others?"

Rhodes shook his head.

"Let’s not discuss this mysterious organization, the purpose and the leader behind the Heart of the Sun. This is what we need to find out, not to stare at a certain gathering or sorority organization of a certain rich man, do you understand? , Rhodes?"

"Hey, Rhodes, in this case, I would rather believe that Freemasonry is the real world behind the scenes, rather than a strange organization that doesn't know the so-called."

Woods added.

"The materials and recordings are here for me. We don’t need this for now, Agent Rhodes, I hope you can concentrate on our original work... Well, I’ll give you three days off, maybe you are Because I was so tired, I had unrealistic delusions..."

"This is not a delusion!"

After hearing the other party's words, Rhodes refuted angrily.

"Well, it's not a delusion. These days, you can take a good rest for a while. Maybe you can go fishing with your wife on the beach. All in all... I'll give you this first."

Hudson took out the fake note.

"I know you work hard these days, but the body is the most important thing, Agent Rhodes."

Rhodes was a little discouraged: "Okay..."

He shook his head, then took the fake note, and left the office.

However, Rhodes did not give up.

He has checked this Seele's news back and forth many times.

For this news, UU reading Rhodes spent three days and nights working without sleep and food before getting relevant information from Buffett.

Through which recordings, he inferred that the Seele organization must be behind the scenes.

But... he lacks evidence.

Evidence...Where is the evidence?

"Alice Phil, who is she? And that strange name...Zhu Yue?"

Rhodes has already decided.

Although the above gave himself a holiday, he has to rely on his own strength to pull out the black hand behind the scenes!

Suddenly I found out that I lost it for a few days, and it was a little difficult to pick it up... There is one more tomorrow...

During the adjustment of work and rest time, otherwise it will be sad...! !


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