Blooming America

Chapter 1373: Miss Druid?

Although it is not good news, for Catherine, this kind of wonderful temptation still cannot be rejected. (m)//The fastest update M//

It is not a very overkill operation, just cut off the limbs, and then "twist" the tendons and muscles on the mimic material, and the blood vessels and nerves must be connected at the same time to increase the effectiveness of the mimic material.

In this way, it is complete.

It has been replaced with mimetic substances from the hip below.

Mimic substances can simulate the state of the human body, so in normal times, Catherine's body will not be affected at all.

In fact, the body made of mimic matter is even better than the body.

Because mimic substances do not produce conditions similar to muscle strains, they can completely reach the maximum output of the human body that is close to the theory.

"It feels... okay."

Coming down from the operating table, Catherine squeezed the core body's fist.

I can't feel that this is made of mimic matter.

However, as Catherine switched her arm into a blade, the original fist suddenly seemed to "melt" like a candle!

After that, these melted substances gradually combined, and then... became a blade!

"It works well~"

After changing into the **** surgical gown, Jenny walked up to Catherine.

"But I'm not sure how the altered protein will react in this situation, Kate, so you have to turn on the feedback system. I have to test it at any time."

Catherine nodded: "No problem."

"In addition, the albatross biological brain has been injected into the expanded brain system. You can now try to change at any time."

Catherine nodded.

"let me try."

With that said, Catherine suddenly turned into a black human form. The color of muscles and skin disappeared on the body, and then turned black.

Immediately afterwards, these mimics began to wriggle and change forms.

Although it is liquid, this substance has been designed in its changing form. During the change, the blood channel will be as normal as possible, so. Catherine's blood can also circulate in it, and it can accelerate the transformation.

Soon, Catherine's hands disappeared. Instead, it is a pair of huge wings with a feather-like composition.

But in the position of the legs, it has become a row of tail feathers.

"Too much rubbing..."

It looks like a bird...

Catherine immediately switched forms. This time, the wings were still there, but they moved towards the back, while the limbs appeared again.

"Angel form~"

It still looks good...

Of course, this state. The limbs are all in a vacuum, in other words...just furnishings.

The white wings stretched behind her, her golden hair fell down, Quan Yiguo's body was so smooth...

Even Jenny, when she saw this picture of Catherine. All thought that the real angel appeared in this world.

"So beautiful……"

She murmured.

"It feels good."

In this state, the wings are extended to the limit, because unlike birds, the structure of the human body is not suitable for flying, so instead, larger wings are needed.

But for Catherine. Although the bird shape is very good, in order to conform to the fluid mechanics, it is almost invisible to humans. Of course, it can be used to s Druid. In the angel state, Catherine can completely have a lovely appearance. However, in this state, it is difficult for Catherine to truly control the flight.

"I really want to try..."

Catherine couldn't wait to take a flight.

"Of course, but please choose a better place..."

Jenny had to remind Catherine.

"If this state is discovered, it will be bad..."

Unexpectedly, Catherine smiled strangely at this time: "Jenny, you don't seem to know your skills..."

"My technology...?"

Jenny looked at Catherine without understanding. (This chapter was uploaded by netizens)

"Yes, maybe you don't know some interesting things. Now, let us try it out!"

With that said, Catherine's whole person seemed to become dim, and then Jenny discovered that Catherine was like a chameleon, completely integrated with the surrounding environment!


Jenny was a little surprised.

"How did you achieve it? Kate?!"

Although there are such discoloration devices now, in Jenny's view, the human brain cannot handle the rapid discoloration.

"It's very simple, using the extension program I wrote...I wrote it in the extended brain system."

Don’t forget, Catherine used to be a programmer...

Mimic matter can change colors, and Catherine can hide herself in any environment with the help of this technology.

However, this model has a big flaw-that is, the color of the body is "designed" based on the human brain.

Therefore, it is fine to say when it is still, but once it enters a moving state, this kind of simulation will become completely ineffective.

"But what if we have an additional processing system?"

Catherine smiled.

And Jenny understands too.

Indeed, they have an additional new system.

——Expand the brain.

The extended brain system is very unique.

This kind of system is very magical and can assist the human brain to work.

In this mode, Catherine is completely able to make herself "invisible."

Of course, if you look carefully, you can still see the clues, but if you are under the blue sky and white clouds, it is difficult to find such an existence...

"In fact, we can try it now~"

Because the relationship between the mimetic matter has been switched, although there is no limb. But Catherine can't feel the pain at all, and because of the altered protein, Catherine now feels that she is in a "full state" instead.

At this time, Catherine felt more comfortable than ever, because there were so many things she could do.

"Let's go back to Eden together!"

Catherine took Jenny and got on the subway directly. Then came out of the hive laboratory and returned to Eden.

"Kate, did you really have an operation?"

When Catherine returned to the office. Elsa was carrying a large stack of documents.

"Of course~"

It's no wonder that Elsa couldn't recognize it, because the appearance of Catherine left and the appearance of returning, there was no change at all. So much so that Elsa thought that Catherine had repented.

But at this moment, Elsa watched Catherine's hands suddenly turned black, and then slowly melted in front of Elsa, and finally... there was nothing left.

"this is--"

Elsa was stunned, she quickly put down her files, and then circled Catherine three times.

"Really gone...?"

Elsa touched Catherine's shoulder.

In that position, the arm has completely disappeared, as if it had never grown.

"There is something more special..."

Catherine was mysterious, but at this time, Catherine's right arm began to form again.

And then immediately. The change of this right arm started to be a little special...

"This this--"

A 14.5mm six-barreled Vulcan cannon appeared in Catherine's hand.

"Just put in a bullet, this gun can shred any enemy!"

Catherine's evil and sinister smile gave people a chill.

"Of course, we are now asking Poseidon to study electromagnetic gun weapons. Otherwise, Kate's current guns and ammunition are really a bit wasted, even a little meaningless. I can only say that it is a little more convenient, but this convenience It might be good to put it on the battlefield, but it’s not suitable for Kate to use."

Jenny added a little.

indeed. Catherine's current equipment, if placed on the battlefield, would indeed have unexpected effects.

There is no need for guns at all, only ammunition, which means that Catherine will have a great advantage in terms of supplies.

Of course, this is only for the battlefield.

On weekdays, Catherine didn't need such a weapon at all.

"Although this won't work, there are alternatives."

Catherine herself laughed strangely at this time.

"alternative plan?"

Even Jenny didn't know what Catherine meant by saying this.

At this time, Catherine's arm had changed again!

Immediately afterwards, the place where the "fist" was originally turned into a barrel, but at the elbow, a turbo valve was added.

"Try it."

Catherine told the two to step back.

Then, the turbine on Catherine's elbow began to spin quickly.

"it is good--"


After the loud noise, the original glass was already full of cracks...

"Can... shoot bullets?"

Jenny walked up to Catherine strangely.

"Yes, maybe gunpowder bullets are not good, and the energy problem of electromagnetic guns is difficult to solve, but now, there may be an alternative..."

"air gun."

Elsa added.

"Yes, it's an air gun."

There are three main types of power for air guns: spring piston, pneumatic and carbon dioxide.

And Catherine now uses an air gun similar to a compressed air type.

This air gun is also called a pneumatic air gun.

When Catherine was looking for an alternative, she had nothing to do, so she went to Taobao to find existing products and hoped to get inspiration from it.

——Of course, the big Taobao in the United States is allowed to sell guns.

Catherine's real-name system has brought great convenience to the Internet, as it is now.

Because it is a real-name system, the source of guns sold on the Internet can be clarified, so this model is also feasible. And of course Catherine looked at the information on it.

Then, Catherine discovered something that she had overlooked-an air gun.

After understanding this, Catherine thought of this gun that uses compressed air as the power.

Of the carbon dioxide category. Absolutely nothing, this kind of thing uses carbon dioxide, and Catherine can't make carbon dioxide by herself.

Then there is a spring piston air gun.

The power part of this air gun is composed of pistons, cylinders and coil springs. When in use, the spring is compressed by pressing the compression spring rod, and the compressed spring is released when the trigger is pulled, pushing the piston to move at a high speed in the cylinder, and quickly pushing out the gas in the cylinder to the gun bore through the cylinder nozzle. Drive the projectile forward. The muzzle velocity of this type of air rifle can reach 380ms, which exceeds the standard speed of sound, but for Catherine. This speed is not anxious to 1/3 of AK47, which is completely unqualified, and the structure is improved. It can reach more than 600ms, but it can only be a single shot.

In the end, Catherine noticed another type.

——That is pneumatic. The most common type of pneumatic device is called multi-punch type, or pump type.

As the name implies, the multi-ram air gun only injects a little air at a time, but it needs to be pumped many times like an inflator to fill the air in the gun with sufficient pressure, so that the bullet can shoot at a decent speed. Most of the multi-pump air guns are small in size, light in weight, have no recoil, and the ejection power of the gun is medium.

The main disadvantage of multiple pumping air guns is the time required to pump air. If you miss the target with the first shot. Another shot is impossible. As you waited for you to fire the gun sufficiently, the prey would have run away long ago. When pumping up, the first few strokes are easier, and the rest is more laborious. The accuracy of the multi-pump type air gun is fair. In addition to human manipulation errors, there are too many changing factors in the pumping process, which make it impossible to obtain the accuracy of pumping the negative air gun multiple times.

And another single pump pressure type. It's not working at all-as the name suggests, a single pump air gun only needs to pump the air cylinder for each shot. But this thing is used for a 10-meter target with a shorter range, and its accuracy is the decisive factor, and its power is secondary.

However, this is not a problem at all for Catherine.

Since it has already turned the limbs into mimic substances. Catherine thought of a very wonderful solution-directly add a turbo compressor.

"Using a turbo to boost pressure in the back, and using mimic materials in the front to generate bullets, so that it can be launched."

"Of course, what you saw just now is the sniper mode, which uses the turbo to continuously boost and then shoot with great power. In addition, there is also a continuous shooting mode... But in that case, the power will be very small, and Although it is a continuous fire, it is only one shot per second at best... But this is only the first time I use it, and the power is not sure, but don’t expect too much. I think, if you want to cause damage to the human body, maybe Only the sniper mode works. If you shoot continuously, at most people lose the ability to resist..."

As Catherine was talking, she shook her head. Indeed, the power of the gas compression mode is too small. At most, it can be used to beat rabbits, which can only be used for entertainment.

"Forget it, now is not the time to talk about this question..."

Catherine let her arm meet as it was, and then patted her face: "Now, we are going to see the effect of flying..."

"Ah, by the way, fly! Kate, can you really fly now?"

Elsa asked curiously.

"Although I don't know if it will definitely be able to fly, but...anyway, I can't die."

If Catherine starts to fall quickly, the mimicry substance on her body will quickly protect Catherine, and because Catherine's mimicry limbs can be deformed, the core body can be more protected.

Soon, Catherine came to the highest level.

"Perhaps next time, I should build a taller building..."

From a distance, Catherine discovered that in the Eleventh School District, the building under construction by Rockefeller seemed to be much higher than her own...

I feel very upset...

"Well, Poseidon can do this in the future..."

With such a complaint, Catherine the Archdruid began to deform.

Soon, a giant bird whose human form can only be vaguely seen from the body appeared.

The arm of the entire giant bird is nearly six meters long. In the modern world, we have never seen such a huge bird.

"This is... Kate?"

Seeing Catherine transforming into a bird in front of her, Elsa was surprised.

This feeling is really weird, just like this, a person becomes a bird in front of him?

Although Catherine is 170 cm tall, it is because Catherine’s legs account for a relatively large proportion. Without her legs, on this mimicry body, Catherine’s core body appears very petite, so at this time, it can be perfect. Fits among them.

...Well, except when looking up from below, I can see two obvious hemispheres...

"Now, let you see the invisible components I designed myself..."

As she was talking, at this time, Catherine had begun to become transparent.

Miss Archdruid has completely integrated herself and the environment into one at this time...


Elsa was taken aback.

Although Jenny already knew this, Elsa didn't know yet.

After seeing Catherine become like this in front of her, she was really shocked.

"This way we won't see you at all..."

Jenny seems to have a question...

"I can handle it myself..."

As she was talking, Catherine had already activated the albatross's biological brain at this time, and then flew out of the sky calmly.

What is the feeling of flying?

Catherine couldn't tell.

But at this time Catherine can indeed feel that she is now flying in the air, feeling this wonderful world.

This feeling is very wonderful.


Unlike the angry raven she used to use, this time Catherine was flying with mimic matter and her own power. This feeling was as if she was manipulating everything-beautiful and calm.

"Hmm... what should I call myself? Modern Druids? Well, it seems pretty good~"

Catherine laughed a little...


Kidney stones are all speechless...Kidney pain is unbearable...

I dozed off after taking the medicine, sorry, so many updates today...

Finally, when I was doing ultrasound lithotripsy, the doctor asked me to "pull half" and then "pull half" again, causing me to run to the toilet five times, and it was very uncomfortable to hold back. There is wood there! ! ! . . )

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