Blooming America

Chapter 1350: Mrs. Thatcher's speech

Perhaps Catherine's guess is correct. (.)

Because soon, these people began to have a lively discussion.

And at the core of all the issues discussed, there is one: the "Soviet Issue".

The matter returned from last night.

There was a riot in Hawaii.

And the beginning of this incident was related to the Soviets.

In this incident, Soviet agents even took away two American citizens, which is even more surprising.

The unscrupulous and bold behavior of the Soviets also made these people feel uneasy.

But while Catherine was in this, she also read unexpected feelings.

——It seems that you do such "unscrupulous" work yourself, right?

There is no doubt-it is true.

Of course, Catherine has never taken the initiative to attack, she is "self-defense counterattack."

Even if she took the initiative, Catherine would never let others know that she did it herself.

...Well, like the time I went to Monsanto.

Catherine had made up her mind a long time ago, and that is to let all the dirty and tiring work be done by the Heart of Sun Calling.

Like the Rockefeller event on September 11.

If it weren't for the terrorist attack that broke out temporarily, Catherine would definitely have to shirk everything to the Heart of Sun Calling-this would help them earn some prestige by the way.

For the Western world, the Soviet Union issue is obviously a matter that can be repeatedly discussed.

As it is now.

Everyone seems to have become experts on Soviet issues when facing Soviet issues. They come and go, and they talk very lively.

Of course, this group of capitalists must be the most concerned about the Soviet Union.

"The person who knows you best is your enemy."

This sentence is most appropriate here.

Catherine didn't discuss it much.

She has been in a relationship with Buffettra.

Although seele was not organized by Catherine into the original Antarctic plan, it is now a secret association. It seems very interesting.

And the name "Soul Seat"... isn't it handsome and cool?

Of course, Catherine would not be so stupid to discuss such issues in such a place.

But at this time, it's a little bit more ties. It's still possible.

On the other side, the discussion reached the most lively place at this time.

"Papa Papa!"

Afterwards, there were waves of clapping hands. (.)

At this moment. Mrs. Thatcher actually made a speech!

"I am very happy to be here this time to tell you some questions about the Soviet Union. In fact, from various levels, we are all constraining the Soviet Union..."

Upon hearing this, Catherine and Buffett also stopped, and they followed each other's speech.

"The Soviet Union is a country that poses a serious threat to the Western world. I am not talking about a military threat. Essentially, there is no military threat. Our countries are well equipped, including nuclear weapons."

Mrs. Thatcher was passionate in her speech.

She did not pause at all, but continued: "I mean the economic threat. With the help of planned policies, coupled with a unique combination of spiritual and material stimulus, the Soviet Union’s economic development indicators are very high. Its citizens The growth rate of GDP used to be twice as high as ours. If we take into account the abundant natural resources of the Soviet Union. If we operate it reasonably, it is entirely possible that the Soviet Union will squeeze us out of the world market."

"Therefore, we have been taking action. The aim is to weaken the Soviet economy and create its internal problems."

Don't say this, Catherine probably knows something too.

Her eyes did not focus on the British Prime Minister who came here in secret. But looking around.

At this time, Mrs. Thatcher seemed a little happy.

"Our main method is to drag it into the arms race. We know that the Soviet government abides by the principle of equal armaments between the Soviet Union and its NATO opponents. As a result, the Soviet Union's equipment expenditures accounted for 15% of the budget, compared to about 5% in our countries. This naturally caused the Soviet Union to tighten its investment in the production of consumer goods for residents. We hope to arouse large-scale dissatisfaction among Soviet residents. One of the methods we use is to'leak' the number of weapons we have. Intentionally exaggerated to induce Encourage the Soviet Union to increase its armaments."

"But... the recent compromise between the Americans and the Soviets has led to loopholes in our strategy. Again, I hope you can persuade President Reagan to increase the size and number of armaments, not an agreement that can ease the Soviet Union's breath. "

Of course Mrs. Thatcher would not consider the Soviet Union, but another aspect... Why should she consider the United States?

Her suggestion just now was to a large extent that "a dead friend does not die a poor way", but because the Soviet Union really threatened the interests of Western countries, what she said was also an uncontrollable nod.

——And Bush Sr. looked like an old god, as if what the other party said had nothing to do with him.

"Another important aspect of our policy is to take advantage of loopholes in the Soviet Constitution. The Soviet Constitution formally allows any republic to join the republic—with a simple majority of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic—as long as it intends to quickly leave the Soviet Union. Of course, due to the cohesion of their party and powerful departments, this right is actually difficult to realize for a long time. But this constitutional loophole still leaves the possibility of implementing our policies in the future."

In fact, Mrs. Thatcher did not say one more thing, that is, the so-called anti-missile defense system.

Most experts at this time actually opposed the construction of an anti-missile defense system. The reason is that its investment is huge and not very reliable. The Soviet Union can pierce the anti-missile "shield" with a "spear" with less investment (about 1/5 to 1/10).

Countries led by the United States proposed to develop an anti-missile defense system, with the goal of hoping that the Soviet Union would also build a similarly expensive system.

It turned out that the Americans had pitted themselves-Andropov didn't bother to take them off.

"Moreover, we have now got an important piece of information-after a round of purge. The Soviet Union has undergone drastic changes. Someone who has been helped by us may succeed, and with the help of him, we can realize our ideas. This is from my expert think tank. Evaluation Opinions-I always have a very professional think tank on Soviet issues around me. I also promote and attract useful talents from the Soviet Union to emigrate abroad as needed."

Probably because this is an internal gathering, Mrs. Thatcher's speech is very casual.

Others seemed to be at a loss about this matter, but Catherine knew what was going on.

After the last 9/11 incident. Yeltsin disappeared-it is said that he was imprisoned in the Gulag.

At this time, the other person was on the same footing.

This person's name is...

"This person's name is... M. Gorbachev."

"My think tanks commented on this person: they are not cautious enough and easy to be induced. He is extremely vain. He has a good relationship with most of the elites in Soviet politics, and he is deeply loved by Andropov. Therefore, through our help . He can hold great power."

"Originally, we still had an ally, but unfortunately, greed blinded his eyes, so we still need to find an existence in the Soviet Union that can help us..."

Okay, okay, why is Mr. Yeltsin's sense of sight so serious?

Catherine couldn't help but vomit.

Unexpectedly, when I just came here, I encountered this kind of thing.

This is really...

At this time, amidst a round of applause, Mrs. Thatcher came down.

"It seems that it's over."

"The rest will have to wait until the dinner."

Buffett explained that.

"The remaining time. Why don't we take a look at the manor together?"

"my pleasure."

Catherine and Buffett avoided everyone.

"Down with the Soviet Union will not really bring us human welfare. Even, sometimes it will make our domestic form worse. Without enemies, the forces that originally united will be scattered, and people's spirits. Also. I will get tired."

At this time, Catherine made another remark.

Of course, her audience is only Buffett.

In ancient China, this sentence actually has a very good summary: "If you go out, you will be invincible. If you enter, you will be unable to help your family. The country will perish.

"Seele as an organization. Its ultimate purpose is to liberate productivity, develop productivity, eliminate exploitation, and eliminate polarization...cough cough...or to improve production relations and change the social structure..."

Catherine said smoothly, accidentally speaking out the "essence of socialism" summarized by Tian Zun. So, she added a patch at the back.

"Very ideal idea."

Mr. Buffett nodded seriously.

"But why can an organization like Seele do this?"


What kind of power do you have?

A tone equivalent to strength is the foundation of respect, and Haikou, which is being praised, is not a bird at all.

"Because we have extraordinary powers, we have superheroes, and we have great technology... From a technical level, we don't lack anything."

"Does that ‘a’ mean seele...?"

Mr. Buffett’s brain replenishment succeeded...

But Catherine followed the other side's thinking and smiled mysteriously.

"Yes, the medicine codenamed'a' comes from the speaker of seele."

"I... can I see the speaker?"

Buffett asked immediately.

"Of course there is no problem at all... and, I think your opinion of the speaker will definitely be very profound."

Catherine thought of a very cool way to meet Buffett.

Does that seem interesting?

Of course, it must be kept secret for him now...


Five more complete!

ps: Part of the content of the speech comes from "How We Disintegrated the Soviet Union" by Mrs. Thatcher. (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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