Blooming America

Chapter 1332: The house of everything finally opened?


Catherine watched the TV, Lawrence had already left, and then she was about to start talking about business. (Net m full text novel update fastest)

"It's me, Miss Edson!"

Lawrence's voice was cautious.

"Well, I am calling you about an existence named SEELE..."

Catherine smiled...Soul Seat, such a name is definitely cool.

If according to Lawrence, there are really ultra-cheap products with a conversion rate of 16%, then Lawrence will obviously also become a standard-compliant existence.

Without gallium arsenide, the cost of solar cells will be greatly reduced.

In other words, even a place like China can afford it.

There is no need to build pipelines, as long as each house has a solar tree.

1 billion Chapter 1332 The house of everything finally opened? People, based on a family of five, each solar tree is 5,000 US dollars, which is a trillion-dollar project.

As far as the world is concerned, this is definitely a very scary factory.

SEELE's first long-term goal is this, is it swollen?

Catherine is not a philanthropist or anything, but a future that is more in line with her intentions is obviously better.

Spread your own existence in the name of charity.

Pure culture cannot bring anything.

However, the subtle changes in consciousness created by economic means are genuine.

It's like Japan.

The gradual Westernization of Japan's culture is actually due to the side effects of the Western economic invasion of Japan.

It's like China in the future. Culture is always spread along with economic invasion.

Catherine was actually hitting this idea.

Then, as Catherine once planned.

"Of course, as a secret organization, our SEELE can't be exposed so quickly. Forget it, let's talk about the specific things when you come back... In short, let's blow the air first. I am going to merge Golden Dragon Energy into Poseidon Heavy Industries. Chapter 1332 The House of Everything Finally Opened?"


Lawrence over there was a little surprised.

"Yes. The merger. Poseidon Heavy Industries will become a focus of our future development."

Catherine did not tell Lawrence that Seele will control the entire Poseidon Heavy Industry.

All the people who are favored by Catherine will join this SEELE. Then, become a part of transforming the world.

Companies and full holdings, this is for Catherine. It's not that important thing anymore.

On the contrary, if you can make something more amazing... it is obviously better. (M)

The Ark Group is already very strong now, and no matter how strong it is, it is likely to make the federal government feel uncomfortable.

At this time, once Catherine had the current technology and status, she would create a completely different world.

As long as the core is not lost.

"Hey, it's a pity that there is no EVA in this world, nor is there any element and psychic energy, otherwise, this must be very interesting."

But now it looks. It seems not so realistic...

Perhaps in the world a hundred years later, this may also be an illusion.

But it is undeniable that the human world is driven by fantasies one by one.

In Catherine's view, in the next thirty years. This is the age of consumer culture.

For women, this is not a good time.

The process of women being knocked down by consumer culture is also a process of self-dwarfing.

The so-called "traditional women" who do not participate in "labor" and are only supported by others have no social status. The superficial prosperity is also dependent on the glitz of others, which can be given to you or taken away.

Labor creates value, labor creates beauty... well, although it is a good fantasy. But it seems that this can only be achieved in the future...

Everyone has the love of beauty, and only when technology can turn the world into handsome men and women, can Catherine speak this sentence with great momentum.

As for now... Catherine is just a small ambition.

Putting down the phone, Catherine immediately became proud.

"We must start acting immediately!"

She said this to Elsa.

"I think you may have to wait. Thirty seconds ago, someone knocked on the door of the House of All Things. What shall we do?"

The House of Everything, which is Catherine's base for Canaan.

In normal times, Canaan and Daze Maria both rested inside.

"Of course it passed immediately!"

Catherine said impatiently.

"Um... well, if that's the case..."

"Well, you go first, I'll be there soon."

The controller is next to the office, and Catherine asks Elsa to connect directly to the controller, and then she arrives.

She instinctively felt that this time, something good seemed to have happened... 咚咚咚. "

Justin knocked on the door here.

"House of Everything".

The name is strange, but according to the instructions here, this place... seems to be able to do everything, right?

At least, it seems like this.

After her sister disappeared, Justin had been looking for her for a year, but... they all failed.

And what made Justin even more terrifying was that when he went to report the case, not only was there no one to deal with the case, but there seemed to be people who wanted to create some...accidents for Justin.

He realized that something unexpected happened to his sister.

For this reason, Justin had to start looking for his sister.

But so far, it has failed.

At this time, Justin saw this strange sign with a spider web.

He knocked on the door here.

However, after waiting for five minutes, there was still no response inside.

really. It's impossible for such a place to exist...

Justin laughed mockingly.

I am too naive.

How could there be people in such a place full of cobwebs?

It is obviously very dilapidated here.

Now this place is nothing at all.

Then he was about to turn around and leave.


At this moment, the door was opened.

"Hello, this is the House of Everything..."

A woman with naked hair, wearing a bathrobe. It seems to have just finished taking a shower.

No wonder, it's taking a bath!

But Justin never knew, in this bathroom. But it is already full of spider webs...

"Hello, is it possible to place any orders here?"

Justin asked immediately.

"Of course, as long as we can do it. Anything."

Justin yawned.

"Please come in first... now the boss is not here, my name is Al... It's Maria Ozawa. If you have anything, you can talk to me."

Then the two settled down.

At this time, Justin sat opposite Elsa.

At this time, the two people began to question and answer.

"Excuse me, your sister's name?"

"Christine Sumer."

"The missing time?"

"November 21 last year... After leaving home in the morning, I never came back... Wait, this is the information I have compiled."

Justin handed over a document that had been sorted out.

Then, Elsa, who became Ozawa Maria, took the file.

To be honest, Elsa thinks this kind of detective game is nothing fun.

But since Catherine is going to play. And it's the first time in a few years that it opened for business. Of course, this should satisfy Catherine's psychology a little bit, right?

So, Elsa focused on starting work.

"The disappearance on November 21 last year... From October 1 to March this year, there were 121 cases of disappearance, including men and women, old and young......"

The information Justin compiled is quite detailed?

A total of 121 men and women are missing. They were all found out?

"What these people have in common relatives..."

Eh... Is there really a big case? !

Originally did not believe this, but at this time, Elsa discovered that this seemed to be a...big case.


At this moment, Canaan walked out of the back room.

"Is there a case? Seeing that I'm not late yet..."

Canaan's hair is also wet.

Originally, this cyber body should still be in the process of maintenance. But for this incident, Catherine used it.

"Canaan, look at—"

Elsa handed the documents to Catherine.

"A major disappearance... This happened in Israel? It's hard to imagine..."

Catherine frowned.

These 121 people have nothing in common. The only thing that connects them is that they are all alone. Several of them are orphans who have entered the orphanage.

"How did you collect this information?"

Canaan asked immediately.

"It's hard..."

Justin was still a little wary in his heart, so he didn't tell the rest.

If the person concerned knows that he is investigating this information, the trouble he faces may be even greater.

At this time, Catherine immediately made a decision: "Okay, we will investigate this matter!"

Very interesting, the House of Everything is finally about to open!

Such a great thing, it must be great!

Then, Justin's expression was not good.

"I'm ready to get bad news, I don't know where you are..."

"Don't worry!"

Catherine slapped the other person on the As long as there is no news, this is the best news. With me this time, I will find your sister even if I dig three feet in the ground. This is the house of everything, as long as it is a commission, no matter what kind of work, we will take it-as long as it is within our ability. "

Thinking of this, Catherine smiled mysteriously: "Speaking of which, our current commission completion rate is 100%~"

Elsa covered her face.

But this is also right, because they really haven't opened yet...


For a stable update, I decided to save the manuscript!

Two changes a day are guaranteed!

There is one more tomorrow...

PS: Saving manuscripts or something, I hate it the most...RQ! ! !

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