Blooming America

Chapter 1329: purpose!

"Freemasonry? This is really interesting. (Net m full text novel update fastest

When Jenny heard the news, she obviously felt amused.

"My grandpa is also a Freemason."

"Of course I do."

Catherine thought it was funny.

"Speaking of which, why did you suddenly come to my office today?"

Jenny ran over like this with a look of excitement, absolutely...nothing. Good thing.

At this time, Jenny suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Of course it's for good things."

As she was talking, a gun suddenly appeared in Jenny's hand, and then Jenny pointed the muzzle at her head.


Both Catherine and Elsa were taken aback.


The bullet was shot out.

However, after the bullet was shot, Catherine was almost stunned.

It stands to reason that even if Catherine has a protective film on her body, she will at least be knocked down in such a situation. Maybe the skull will be crushed.

——After all, this is too close now.

Therefore, they have no way to solve the problems they are facing now.

But... when Jenny, who was okay, laughed at Catherine, Catherine was a little stunned.


"To be precise, it is version 1.1 with upgraded functions. We have now joined the current product. It has very powerful functions. When faced with this kind of attack, it can quickly become like tempered carbon nano. The tube is as hard as the fiber."

Jenny's words. Catherine was shocked.

This is... this is too bad.

According to this statement, even if it was attacked by grenades, artillery and other equipment, Catherine might not have any problems at all.

"Kate, what do you think?"

Jenny looked like she was asking for credit.

"Very... incredible."

Catherine stood up, then turned twice in front of Jenny.

"But... I always feel something is wrong..."

Catherine seemed to have found something strange.

Jenny seems...a little fatter?

Yes, compared to the last time I met, I am a bit It's a little bigger.

"Hmm~ It seems you have found out Kate."

Just saying this, Jenny's "face" melted quickly, and then. (m) Become a black carbon fiber.

"I added this layer of protective material on the surface of the skin, and the effect is not bad."

Catherine was under a lot of pressure. She seemed to have an illusion that Skynet sent troops to eradicate herself...

Ok. That's how it feels.

In fact, when Jenny's face began to melt, Catherine almost couldn't help jumping up.

"This is really...hehe..."

Catherine wiped her sweat.

"In this case, husband, big breasts..."

The sentence after Jenny seems to be in Japanese.

"How about it, Kate, do you want it?"

With that said, the black substance had adhered to Jenny's face, and then changed back to Jenny's face.

"This... is really okay..."

Although the effect is outstanding, it comes from the feeling of the Terminator. But still let Catherine have a kind of Alexander feeling.

Well, this feeling is indeed very... awkward.

Of course, Jenny's approach can actually raise the safety factor to a higher level.

In many cases, Catherine can even move without a cyber body.

Directly relying on Catherine's changes. She can directly pretend.

"Speaking of which, the existence of the cyber body, Kate, do you really want to promote it?"

Jenny suddenly changed the subject.


But why did Jenny suddenly change the subject?

When Jenny stopped talking, Catherine felt a little strange instead.

In the 1960s, two NASA scientists, Manfred Collins and Nathan Crane, once proposed a bold idea: to expand the human body through technical means such as machinery and drugs. It can enhance the physical performance of astronauts and form a "self-adjusting man-machine system" to adapt to the harsh living environment of outer space. In order to clarify this point of view, they took the words "cybernetism" (s) and "organism" (sm) at the beginning of the words to create the word "cyb" (cyb).

The term "cyber" in the term "cyber body" can be said to be of the same origin as cyber.

Catherine thought for a while, and then said: "This promotion is necessary. The next step of Poseidon Heavy Industries is to launch the prosthetic body."

If there is an electronic brain, Catherine also wants to promote this technology. But unfortunately, it seems that there is no such technology as electronic brain for the time being...

After all, that is the ultimate combination of nanotechnology and biotechnology.

It may be simple in anime novels, but in reality, this is a very difficult technique.

The realization of this technology can even be called a "revolution."

But even if there is no such electronic brain technology, it is enough to have prosthetic technology.

"The'cyborg body'...Highly speaking, it is a closely-combined and unified functional body composed of humans and man-made objects. It seems that today, the cyberbody can be described as using medical, biology, bionics and other technologies to deal with The organism controls and does not separate each other to form a harmonious and stable system. It is also often expressed in science fiction works as various biochemical or robots similar to humans, and our "prostheses" can be said to be the technology of this kind. Realistic version."

For example, the mechanical prostheses in "Robocop".

But what Cyborg shows is far beyond the concept of a cyber body.

Cyborg even looks at it broadly. It doesn’t have to be a person. For example, the human-computer interconnection in The Matrix can also be counted as this type.

"Cyber ​​body is just a new technology, why do you value this technology so much, Kate?"

Jenny was puzzled.

"No, this is more than just a technology."

Catherine objected to Jenny's opinion.

This time, Jenny was attracted by Catherine instead.

"In the past philosophy, humans are distinct from animals and machinery, which are'non-human' things. This is the primary program for human beings. When the theory of evolution was first introduced, the people resisted it. The abandonment of machinery and machinery emerged after the Industrial Revolution. All the thoughts that return to nature want to maintain this program."

Closer, genetically modified is similar. But Catherine is preparing to adopt a "cold and noble" strategy for genetically modified technology, which has a different effect.

"Right. It's like this..."

Catherine suddenly took out a book.

"Cyborg Manifesto: Feminism in Science, Technology, and Socialism in the Late 20th Century."

The author is a person named Donna Haraway.

This work was originally supposed to be published in 1985, but now it has been advanced to 1980, but Catherine only saw this work last year.

But after seeing this work, Catherine was deeply impressed by the concept.

Haraway pinned his hopes on the new social order. In her theory, the Cyborg myth is not only to construct a pluralistic society with fuzzy boundaries and conflicting elements, but also an appropriate metaphor about women.

"Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" is considered to be the pioneering work of science fiction. The protagonist in the article is an'artificial human' monster assembled by a scientist using human stumps. Although the techniques are not high-tech enough , But we can still attribute it to the category of Cyberge."

Frankenstein... well, this guy is Frankenstein...

"In the writing of this female writer, the image of this male monster actually shows a very strong femininity. It does not know its own identity or what its value is, and it is deeply hurt because of it-this is actually a metaphor The marginalized situation of women in a patriarchal society."

Catherine waved her fists.

In the United States, a woman wants to be successful, far surpassing a man.

If it wasn't because I had my own special memories and abilities. How could Catherine reach this point just by relying on her ability.

"And Haraway believes that the ideal Cyberge will not be like it, expecting its father to redeem it through Rehabilitation Paradise-in a patriarchal society, this kind of redemption is basically manifested as a good marriage. Husband. In her vision, Cyborg actively ended women’s fear, anxiety and loneliness, because in Cyborg society, the distinction between men and women is meaningless, and the boundaries between men and women will be blurred. They don’t have to be male vassals, and the meaning of their existence does not lie in having children. For example, in the "Matrix" virtual world, they can directly reproduce offspring through data exchange."

Catherine's "The Matrix" has never been officially published, here Catherine is just an analogy.

"Of course, you can also choose not to have children, but to keep your life forever, that is, to achieve immortality. This is all possible. So Haraway said:'I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess .'"

"It's a wonderful concept."

Jenny also looked at the content of the book.

" I agree."

Catherine also nodded.

The cyber body is like the cyber.

For women... it will be a liberation and change.

What Catherine needs is such a liberation, such a change, because of such a change, can Catherine be able to create the future that Catherine wants.

No matter how nice the current society says, discrimination is always discrimination.

"Oh, by the way, Jenny, I plan to form a more interesting organization... Remember what I told you about Seele?"


Third today!

By the way, despise the feeding play, sharing the bed with the play... it's right across from me! How can it be repaired! Lovers or something, the most annoying. (Welcome to your support is my greatest motivation.)

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