Blooming America

Chapter 1311: The Fruits of Autumn (7)

autumn. (.)

Harvest season.

But Holloway now feels the cold like winter.


He had already hidden it so well, but at the most critical moment, he discovered that he was placed with one!

That **** girl is hiding in the song of the sky!

What is Song of the Sky?

The best submarine in the world has the most defensive armor in the world, fierce firepower, the advantages of an underwater mothership, and the most important intelligent system.

The Pentagon has always wanted this stuff.

In other words, Holloway has always wanted this stuff.

Therefore, he tried his best to convince the Pentagon.

As long as the "Song of the Sky" can be taken away without knowing it, Chapter 1311 The Reality of Autumn (7) will no longer belong to the Ark Group.

This is just the beginning.

The success of the Ark Group is enviable.

But in contrast, Edson is not a big family, because of the family background, Catherine can be called the existence of relatives, only her parents and an aunt.

Oh, Catherine had a twin brother and sister a few years ago.

The foundation of the Ark Group is also very shallow. Perhaps there are many geniuses among them, but compared to Rockefeller, relative to Morgan, relative to Boston and other consortiums, it is not enough to look at.

Because of their shallow foundation, but also because they have terrible technology.

When the temptation to have an infinite lifespan, coupled with the lobbyists from Rockefeller. Holloway agreed at the time.

The feeling of going from old age to youth is simply wonderful and indescribable.

The old body was rejuvenated, and the old body, which had been declining, became strong again.

Just like a young man...

he wants

But he never thought that the other party had already calculated it.

When he arrogantly shot Sheffield and wanted to receive "Song of the Sky", he was slapped fiercely by Chapter 1311 of Autumn (7).

It's already calculated.

All actions of the other party. There is only one lead the snake out of the hole.

And the naive Holloway, but it was already a hit.

Catherine Edson has set a trap for them.

And these naive people. It's just so naive and it's hit.

Perhaps others have subconsciously ignored this matter, but Holloway paid special attention to it. (m)

——Elvinson was attacked.

And... he is dead.

Holloway also watched the live broadcast at the time. Although a large-scale terrorist attack broke out immediately after this incident, for Holloway, this incident is even more important.

"Elvinson is dead, and the Ark Group is liquidating his enemies..."

Yes, maybe Rockefeller is very strong.

However, what they are "strong" is only their apparent strength.

The Ark Group holds the current top technology.


Yes, they can indeed develop humans with super powers.

Perhaps the entire Rockefeller consortium is powerful. However, the controller of the Rockefeller Consortium, to put it bluntly, is still an ordinary person.

They can't deal with an existence that is not afraid of bullets and has infinite power.

It's like... Black Man.

Holloway suddenly thought of the previous outbreak.

"Black Man", this is a special existence.

The Pentagon's existence for the black man. Also very curious.

No, it's not just curiosity, they also feel a threat to Black Xia's existence and...greed.

"Xiamen use martial arts to offend bans, Confucianism uses literature to disrupt law."

The latter sentence may still be useful in modern times. What the well-known elites often do. But in the first half of the sentence, with the improvement of human science and technology, personal physical fitness has become less and less important, so there are few.

Perhaps the Pentagon officials who are Americans do not know these two sentences, but they probably already have similar thoughts in their minds.

The Black Man is the "Xia".

Have super physical fitness and the ability to not be afraid of any blows, as well as that even more amazing armed.

These are not even available in the US military.

However, Hei Xia possesses such ability.

Hei Xia, being watched by many people, they also want this ability.

However, in the long-term research process, modern technology seems unable to explain this ability.

What is the reason for the existence of Hei Xia long ago?

In the beginning, Holloway was also very concerned about this.

However, afterwards, Holloway gradually made his own discovery: Black Man seems to be inextricably linked to the school district.

Afterwards, the information that Holloway found was only about Black Man and the Hive Lab.

From the news on the other side, Holloway knew that Catherine Edson's ontology was in the Hive Lab.

"Cyber ​​body", this is a kind of magical existence. Holloway didn't believe in the existence of such a body at first, but such a body really exists.

Remote controlled body.

Obviously it is fake, but it can live like a real person, but it can be as powerful as a real person.

Even because it's not your own body, you can still rehabilitate unscrupulously. This is the power of the cyber body.

At that time, Holloway began to speculate: Could Black Man be a powerful cyber body?


Only this possibility can explain everything!

Moreover, in the current era, a thin piece can make a seemingly thin person block the bullet that hits him. Holloway has only one kind of material in his mind-tempered carbon nanotube fiber.

It is precisely because of the existence of such fibers that Holloway guessed. Hei Xia is very likely not a real "human", but just a body.

After all, there is only the Hive Lab that can supply such materials.

Sheffield is a very enthusiastic person for mecha. Holloway used Sheffield to test the opponent, and he concluded that the Ark Group has the ability to mass-produce such materials, although the quantity is very large. less. But it can be used to build a "super soldier".

At the last banquet, Holloway affirmed his guess.

What kind of existence is "Joker". Holloway knew very well that maybe the Joker did not have the powerful physical qualities of the Black Man, but the Joker relied on his magical and weird body and movements. But it can easily control a well-trained special soldier.

However, this kind of clown, in front of Edson's cyber body-he didn't know it was the main body -, was so fragile and small, even in the end, he had to take hostages in an attempt to escape.

And when the opponent left, the quick and decisive kill made Holloway even more amazed.

That is real power.

I have to say that although Holloway's guess was wrong, he got the key to the core.

--all of these. It's really the technology that Catherine Edson has.

In the real world, only they have such powerful technology.

"Elvinson is dead...the next...who will be the next? Bourdo? Crischi?"

He was terrified.



Catherine looked at Sheffield who had stood up again, then applauded.

"How do you feel, General Sheffield?"

Catherine smiled and looked at the existence that was almost paralyzed.

And now. The opponent has become a human with super power.

"It feels... great..."

Sheffield's seriousness, full of fanatical expressions.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, I just feel that my body is burning and my soul is boiling!"

A red military uniform does not seem to be the equipment of the US military. But when worn on Sheffield, it is indeed handsome and tall.

...Well, in fact, this is the costume of General Vega from Catherine S's "Street Fighter" series.

But it looks good on Sheffield.

Of course, based on Catherine's urinary sex, if there is no "remodeling" in this dress, then it is really unreasonable.

In fact, this is an enhanced suit.

It's actually the same as the "clockwork bandage" developed earlier.

But one advantage of this suit is that it is made of artificial muscle fibers.

And this kind of fiber can assist in output, and it can also become extremely hard.

In other words, Sheffield will become an invulnerable strongman after wearing this suit.

He even had a fight with Hei Xia.

Of course, unlike the existence of Wesker, Sheffield's own body has only been implanted with some auxiliary control electrode induction systems, and has not undergone large-scale transformation.

If Black Xia is strong in the body, then Sheffield is strong in the equipment outside.

Speaking of it, both sides use two different methods inside and outside to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body.

Catherine’s own reinforcement is actually similar to Sheffield’s, except that Catherine’s body is a "protective film". This layer of material attached to Catherine’s surface is almost invisible and can only be seen when the color changes. Out of these differences, even when the color changes, Catherine does not seem to be wearing clothes, but as if she has a tattoo.

Catherine's body has not undergone any reinforcement nor has it undergone any transformation.

"I want... revenge!"

A look of hatred flashed in Sheffield's eyes.

Of course Katherine knew that Sheffield was the target of hatred.

——The Holloway who shattered his trust and love with a single shot!

The former boss is now his mortal enemy!

He wants revenge!

He wants revenge!


It's not that I don't want to update, it's really too cheating...

There are updates.

Guaranteed 6K, no more pigeons if killed! RQ! ! !

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