Blooming America

Chapter 1299: Xia Zhihua (3)

A heavily armed soldier hurried across the ruined wall, and then hid behind the wall. (M)

"Request support! Request support!"

The soldier's equipment is quite advanced, but similar to the American special forces.

However, the soldier's left hand is not equipped with a y computer, and there is a sign of the sickle and hammer, which shows that this soldier is not a US military.

The soldier looked nervous.

In a short period of thirty minutes, they suffered a catastrophe.

Death falls from heaven.

From being divided, to being interspersed in depth, to finally being wiped out, the enemy force exerted its highest efficiency...

From the initial sniper that caught people off guard, to the sudden appearance of the enemy, they were quickly divided and attacked.

And the bullets of these people are very weird. Chapter 1299 Xia Zhihua (3), can even penetrate their body armor!

This is definitely specially made!

That group of people came for them!

In this soldier's impression, there has never been such a thing.

In fact, they are already very careful.

In order to prevent a surprise attack by the U.S. military, they were careful and slow along the way.

And after knowing that the "key" disappeared, they also dormant for a while.

If it wasn't for that person to contact them suddenly, they wouldn't be dispatched either.

But just on the road, something went wrong.

"Damn it, get out of here..."

The soldier glanced in the distance, at least no one had caught up yet.


Before he put his head down, he was shot and fell to the ground.

At this time, the soldier also noticed that what he heard was not the sound of a gun, but the sound of a bullet exploding in his chest after the bullet hit him.

He rang this sound, and it was this kind of bullet that exploded violently that gave them the most terrifying blow at the first moment...


One kilometer away, a young girl with short white hair and amber pupils. Take the C10 sniper rifle back.

"Although it is a cyber body, the efficiency is still not bad. Chapter 1299 Xia Zhihua (3) is really good."

The girl stood up.

"It's just that the current'Canaan' is probably going to be wanted in Saudi Arabia. I hope Miss Edson will not be angry..."

"But I really didn't expect Miss Edson's sniper skills to be so strong. Last time, the feeling of lifting heavy weight, even I had never been like that..."

The girl yawned, then turned back.

"This is Nova, the target has been cleared... a beautiful siege. (M

Balalaika looked at the news and reports of the Mithril ambush and the siege of Alpha Squad, and couldn't help but nod.

Let the soldiers hide in the tunnels dug in advance, and then deploy snipers one kilometer away. When the enemy approaches the target, shoot, stop the team, and then all the ambushers come out... The Americans seem to have a way to let every soldier contact in real time during the battle... It seems to be the effect of that y... Except as a palm Computers can also communicate with each other.

When every order was issued, the soldiers were able to receive the news as soon as possible.

"But speaking of it, the most remarkable thing is the opponent's sniper. Continuously sniping at such a distance, the hit rate has remained above 90%... and it turned out to be a bullet that will explode..."

Balalaika frowned.

This feeling...Why give yourself an illusion of deja vu?

On the battlefield in Iraq. Balalaika had seen such a great sniper.

At that time, Balalaika confronted the opponent for a long time, and finally the opponent took the initiative to retreat, which made Balalaika breathe a sigh of relief.

"The war thing...ha."

Somehow. Balalaika suddenly thought of his past.

I dreamed of becoming a shooting athlete in the Olympics and worked hard, but in the end, I joined the army and became a soldier.

"The country needs you".

So, balalaika is here.

Some things can only be exchanged if you abandon your dreams and your future.

But... the guy named Yeltsin made Balalaika a little uncomfortable.

Especially when this guy in the party becomes his immediate boss.

"It looks like it might make us go south. This is really troublesome. After all, there is a'Captain America' on the opposite side..."

Balalaika murmured, but suddenly thought of something. She lowered her head.

Her tone seemed very low.

"Sean... Conte... The identity of a reporter is really convenient, huhu~"

Fatima gave a sly smile, then put down the phone.

This makes Rashid puzzled.

But the girl said that she could help her find a wife, and Rashid followed in confusion.

"What happened?!"

Brad asked immediately.

When he learned that Wang Shaotang was the wife of this Arab named Rashid, Brad's heart was almost twitching.

But this Fatima told him that he wanted to find Wang Shaotang. Then you can only follow her.

and so. Brad is here.

"It's nothing, it's just that Mithril has just done an incredible thing."

The girl who only showed her eyes was obviously very excited.

"They ambushed and then killed the Soviet Alpha Squad."

Rashid looked blank, but Brad seemed to want to ask something.

"It's not bad to borrow this identity. It's not worthwhile that I brought Rebecca here too..."

Fatima murmured.

Then she said: "Now, our goal is to the south. Now we need your help, Mr. Brad."

"What are you going to do?!"

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Brad's heart.

This guy who calls himself a "reporter" is obviously not that simple.

"Of course... to ambush the Americans..."

Brad almost suffocated!

"...Just kidding." The girl suddenly said like this: "Since the Alpha Troop has been eliminated, the next one may come over. It should be the Moscow Hotel. They are more difficult to deal with than the Alpha Troop. But among them. Empty, I guess, Americans will definitely not give up. If something wrong happens, it must be here..."

"Let's jump. Jump on the beam, clown or something~ I like it the most~"

The girl named Fatima murmured, but for some reason, Brad felt a sense of incongruity in his heart.

I always feel...something is wrong.

But what is it?

The problem is with the girl. But what is wrong with this girl... the American West.

The time is 10 o'clock in the morning.

Weiner von Braun walked into Poseidon's laboratory.

In this year's time, von Braun has become the chief expert of the Poseidon Weapons Laboratory.

Weiner von Braun was born in Germany in 1912. During the Second World War, he was a well-known German rocket expert and played a key role in the birth of the V-1 and V-2 missiles. At the end of the war, Braun and his research team surrendered to the United States, and in 1955 he acquired American citizenship. Braun continued to engage in rocket, missile and aerospace research in the United States. Won a series of medals, medals and honorary titles. In 1969, he led the development of the giant "Saturn" rocket, which sent the first manned spacecraft "Apollo 11" to the moon.

Since then, he has been improving the Rockets.

The Saturn VII carrier rocket currently used by NASA is similar in capacity to the Saturn V used for the first time, but its efficiency and safety have been greatly improved.

The space shuttle, which was put into operation two years ago, was also developed by von Braun.

Just after that. He joined Poseidon.

Braun's vigorous expression seemed to look like a middle-aged and young man in his 30s and 40s.

Under the action of the protein code-named "A", Braun is free from the pain caused by cancer. Get a new life.

—It’s worth mentioning that before that, Fairchild, where Braun was located, was the earliest parent company of Fairchild, but now Fairchild belongs to Motorola, and Fairchild is also due to The company is rigid and cannot make ends meet.

They have no way to retain experts like von Braun.

However, someone can keep him.

The investment budget of up to 1 billion U.S. dollars and the miraculous medicine to return to the youth are enough to retain this great genius with enough talent.

On Braun's desk. Keep such a copy of information.

"Specifications: 13.96 meters long; 1.89 meters wide

Range: 4000 nautical miles (7400 kilometers) at full load

Launch weight: 58068 kg

Throwing weight: 2722 kg

Launch method: three-section propulsion; solid fuel

Guidance system: inertial, can receive NAVSTAR satellite guidance, can accept GPS positioning

Warheads: 10 warheads of W-87-21 independent multiple re-entry vehicles with an equivalent of 475,000 tons (consider installing warheads with steerable re-entry vehicles)

Circumference deviation value: 0.066 nautical miles (122 meters). "

This is the data of a new generation of Trident.

Braun, on the other hand, wanted to design a set of trident-type missile nemesis.

That is countermeasures.

They need to counteract.

Therefore, they need this new type of missile.

Of course, it's not just for this reason.

This is just an attempt.

Although Braun has now lost the urge to research weapons and the like, this is also one of the necessary conditions for him to get the 1 billion fund.

Perhaps this 1 billion is nothing to the Pentagon. UU reading

But for von Braun alone. But it has extraordinary significance.

Landing on the moon...

No, it's more than just landing on the moon.

Perhaps mankind can also realize a kingdom in space.

Isn’t it a good thing that humans can live in a free universe?


Braun cared slightly about Poseidon's laboratory.

What are they...what are they trying to do?

Yesterday asleep…

There will be updates in the evening! RQ! !

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