The sky is full of clouds, and the sky is full of clouds.

Jiang Jingyu looked at Lin Cheng's virtual vision map display and said, "The arrangement of these black spots always feels like a long snake. Could it be that there is a giant snake-like creature in the air now, and on its back, there are so many superpowers, zombies, or mutants?"

Jiang Jingyu's analysis makes sense, and Lin Cheng is also thoughtful.

Lin Cheng thought for a moment and said, "I'll go up and take a look."

"Go up? Use Tiger III?"

"No, just jump over."


Lin Cheng's answer startled the maids.

Then, Lin Cheng turned over and got off Tiger I, and then jumped up with amazing power the moment he landed.

Lin Cheng's body was like an arrow shot into the clouds, and disappeared in front of the maids in an instant.

Lin Cheng penetrated the black cloud and came to the top of the cloud.

Then, what appeared in front of him was the truth of the black spot displayed on the virtual vision map.

This is a huge swimming dragon.

The dark purple dragon scales are like armor, the sharp dragon claws are like spears, and the long beard is like a floating jellyfish in the air.

The Thunder Dragon is more than a thousand meters long.

If you look at it this way, it should be just a black spot in the virtual vision map, not the densely packed black spots that are arranged like long snakes.

However, if you look closely, you will find that there are a lot of dandelions on the back of the swimming dragon.

The information of these dandelions is exactly the same as the dandelion split that Lin Cheng saw in the community before.

However, the dense number of dandelions is not worth mentioning at all compared with the panel of the swimming dragon.

? ?

Race: Thunder Dragon

Power Level: Level 3

Panel Strength: Strength (500) Defense (500) Speed ​​(500) Power (500)

Ability: Thunder Dragon Alienation, Dragon Son and Grandson

Evaluation: SSS


This Thunder Dragon is the strongest creature Lin Cheng has ever seen, no matter its attributes or other aspects.

Even the zombie king Dong Cheng is inferior to it.

When Lin Cheng floated up to the sky, the Thunder Dragon also noticed Lin Cheng's existence.

Purple light balls appeared around the Thunder Dragon.

Purple thunder was wrapped around each light ball.

The Thunder Dragon's huge lantern-sized beast eyes stared at Lin Cheng with coldness and ruthlessness.

"I didn't expect that tiny humans could come to the sky at the same height as me. This is really annoying."

"However, you are so tiny that you are not worthy of my attack."

Along with the airflow, Lin Cheng was blown by the wind pressure and fell to the ground again.

When Lin Cheng landed on the ground again, a huge dragon roar sounded from the sky.

This sound instantly spread to the entire Liudao City.

In Liudao City, twelve figures trembled slightly at the same time.

Each of these figures was a dragon man covered with purple dragon scales.

Their heads were like dragons, but their bodies were like humans, but each dragon man was at least four meters tall.

If Lin Cheng was present, he would have seen the panels of these dragon men, each of whom had reached the late level 2. Compared with the team of the zombie king Dong Cheng, these dragon men were more terrifying.

"It is the king who is calling us."

"Fight for the king."

"Kill, kill, kill."

Above the sky, the Thunder Dragon called out its twelve bloodline warriors with a dragon roar.

These bloodline warriors were traitors among the twelve humans selected by the Thunder Dragon. By abandoning their human identities, they obtained the bloodline bestowed by the Thunder Dragon's supernatural powers.

Not only are their lives in the hands of the Thunder Dragon, but their bloodline will also continue to influence them, making them loyal to the Thunder Dragon.

They even abandoned their own names and called themselves simply Lei Yi, Lei Er, Lei Twelve.

According to the ranking, the bloodline warriors who are ranked later are more powerful.

The bloodline warriors ranked higher will choose to join forces because they are relatively weak.

At this time, the twelve sons and grandsons of the Thunder Dragon received an order from the Thunder Dragon to find a human in Liudao City.

The appearance of this human was directly presented in their minds through the Thunder Dragon bloodline.

"This human deserves to die for disturbing my king's rest!"

"Kill, kill, kill, only by killing can we wash away his disrespect for the king."

Their loyalty to the Thunder Dragon made their expressions extremely violent, and they began to look for Lin Cheng everywhere.


When Lin Cheng landed, the strong wind brought by the thunder dragon caused the ground to shatter like a spider web.

However, other than that, Lin Cheng did not suffer any injuries, not even skin injuries.

Lin Cheng could also see that although the thunder dragon despised him extremely, it had no intention of killing him, probably because it thought it was too insignificant and was too lazy to kill him.

"Master, are you okay?"

The maids saw Lin Cheng coming down and asked with concern.

Lin Cheng stood in place, stopped the maids from coming over, and said, "Don't come over, stay away from me."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, he took out pills from his portable pharmacy. They were strength enhancement pills, speed enhancement pills, and defense enhancement pills.

Through the pills, Lin Cheng once again raised his attribute values ​​to the same level as the last time he faced the mutant plants.

But in fact, Lin Cheng's current attribute values ​​are much higher than before.

On the one hand, it is the bonus of joy value, and on the other hand, when he fought the zombie king Dong Cheng before, Lin Cheng obtained a large number of level 2 crystals.

Although it was not possible to raise Lin Cheng's level to level 3 in one go, he reached the level of the late stage of level 2.

A time-stopping short knife appeared in Lin Cheng's hand.

Then, the Synchronic Avatar began to appear behind him.

The body of the Judge wrapped Lin Cheng and rose from the ground.

Compared with before, the Judge's body was much larger, already more than two hundred meters.

Then, Lin Cheng rushed into the air under the Judge's wrapping.

In addition to fighting, the Synchronic Avatar can also form a posture similar to armor to wrap the psychic.

Lin Cheng rose from the ground, penetrated the clouds, and came to the Thunder Dragon again.

The Thunder Dragon's cold animal eyes stared at Lin Cheng, who seemed more deterrent than before, and said: "I didn't expect that humans could have such a powerful power. It surprised me a little."

The Thunder Dragon was a giant python that mutated during the bloody rain of the end of the world.

After the mutation, the Thunder Dragon gained wisdom, and then developed a disgust for humans who also had wisdom.

Tiny humans have wisdom that surpasses other animals, which makes Lei Long feel very annoying.

So, Lei Long gave his blood to twelve humans, asking them to insult, ravage, crush, kill and other brutal actions against the humans in Liudao City.

Moreover, Lei Long raised dandelions on his back, and a large number of dandelions fell to the ground and corroded the humans.

Lei Long was jealous and disdainful of humans.

However, when Lin Cheng came to Lei Long as a judge.

Lei Long had to admit one thing.

"Human, you do have the ability to fight me."

With such a huge body, Lei Long could no longer regard Lin Cheng as a weakling. After all, in Lei Long's mind, big is strong!

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