The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

When An Jing and Jiang Jingyu left the villa, the other maids were tidying up the room.

While the maids were tidying up the room, Lin Cheng sat on the sofa in the living room and looked through the newly acquired SS equipment.

Player backpack (strength type growth equipment)

Level: one star (0/100)

Equipment effect:

1. It has one hundred equipment grids, and each equipment grid can store one piece of equipment.

2. The equipment stored in each space can use the effect of storing equipment after wearing the player backpack.

3. The attribute values ​​of the equipment stored in the player backpack cannot be superimposed.

Attribute value: Strength 100 points

Growth space: SS

Current level: Level 1 (0/100)


Originally, Lin Cheng was still thinking about how to deal with these SS equipment after obtaining more equipment, but now it is much simpler with the player backpack.

After that, the equipment obtained can be put into the player backpack according to the attribute bonus and whether it is necessary for combat.

As for what to do after more than 100 pieces of SS equipment, we can only say that we will figure it out when the time comes.

Moreover, after the equipment level is increased, the grid of the player backpack may also increase.

After Lin Cheng equipped the player backpack, he found that this backpack was not heavy and would not affect the battle.

After thinking about the player backpack for a while, Lin Cheng took out the time TV.

"Let's see what's going on with Teacher Ye..."

The time TV began to lock the target, and soon, Ye Tongling's situation emerged.

After seeing the content of the time TV clearly, Lin Cheng was a little stunned.

Ye Tongling's current situation is not good.

At this time, Ye Tongling was not guarding the female students taken away downstairs, but in a room with dim sunlight, and her hands were still handcuffed.

Ye Tongling in the time TV looked out the window with dull eyes.

Lin Cheng was a little curious about what happened, so he adjusted the time.

After many adjustments, the time was fixed at nine o'clock this morning. At this time, Ye Tongling was not locked in the room, but was still walking outside.

Walking with Ye Tongling was Hanshan's wife.

Ye Tongling carried rice on her shoulders, while Hanshan's wife was empty-handed.

The two walked all the way, talking and laughing.

"Teacher Ye, thank you for helping me carry the rice. I didn't have the strength to carry the rice back by myself."

"It's okay. Although everyone's physique has improved now, not everyone has become as strong as me."

As they became superpowers after the end of the world, everyone's attribute values ​​have changed. However, not everyone can get an increase in strength.

Especially since Hanshan's wife still lives in a high-rise building.

Hanshan's wife thanked him again and again.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Ye."

Judging from this part alone, Hanshan's wife did not have any flaws.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Ye Tongling and the others quickly came to Hanshan's wife's current residence. Ye Tongling, who came up with rice, did not breathe a breath.

At this point, neither Ye Tongling nor Hanshan's wife showed any abnormality.

However, after entering the house, Lin Cheng saw a strange scene.

After the two entered the house, the time TV also put the camera inside the house.

However, this room at this time was completely different from what Lin Cheng saw before.

There were obvious bloodstains on the hall, walls and sofas, which looked extremely scary.

But Ye Tongling seemed not to notice it and just walked in.

"Teacher Ye, please sit down for a while. I'll pour you a glass of water."

Ye Tongling put down the rice and said, "You're welcome. I still have to protect the students, so I won't stay."

"Drink a glass of water, or I'll feel bad."

"Okay then."

Ye Tongling sat down on the sofa.

At this moment, she seemed to be oblivious to the obviously abnormal scene around her.

Hanshan's wife handed over a glass of water.

Compared with the environment in this room, this glass of water was very clean.

After a few minutes, Ye Tongling said she wanted to leave. When she stood up, several soldiers with guns came into the room.

After they went in, they were quite shocked when they saw Ye Tongling's situation in the room.

At this time, Ye Tongling still had a puzzled look on her face.

Then, Ye Tongling's expression changed drastically. She looked around, as if she realized the inappropriateness of the environment at this moment, and made a sharp cry.

"It wasn't me."


I don't know why this is the case here."

"It's really not me."

"I didn't kill anyone."

Ye Tongling kept explaining to the soldiers, but no one listened to her.

Finally, it was what Lin Cheng saw now.

Lin Cheng adjusted the time-lapse TV, focusing on the changes in Ye Tongling's expression after she entered the room.

"Although Teacher Ye dared to fight zombies after the end of the world, it doesn't mean that she can fully adapt to such a bloody scene. And the expressions before and after don't match at all."

"In other words, it should be affected by Hanshan's wife's supernatural power. "

Lin Cheng didn't know what the ability of Hanshan's wife was, but judging from the scene before him, it was probably an ability that allowed others to see specific illusions.

Therefore, Hanshan had mistakenly believed that he had killed her before, and underestimated the enemy.

It must be said that Hanshan's wife was indeed a ruthless character beyond Lin Cheng's expectations.

First, she extinguished Hanshan's revenge, and now she framed Ye Tongling for murder, and even didn't care about his son's life or death before.

Lin Cheng looked at Ye Tongling who was locked in the room, and muttered to himself: "Although this matter has nothing to do with me...but..."

Ye Tongling is the evaluation panel of SS, Lin Cheng didn't mind taking her in as a maid.

However, Lin Cheng felt that the situation was not irreversible.

According to the military's management of the shelter, although it was like raising a Gu, with this kind of ruthless woman, a monster that was good at disguise, and all kinds of assorted residents in the shelter, but judging from the attitude of the military shelter to send rice to the survivors, Lin Cheng thought that they should not make a hasty judgment.

And the whole thing itself was full of doubts.

Why did Ye Tongling kill Hanshan for no reason?

In addition, Ye Tongling had many strong witnesses in this matter.

"No matter how Hanshan's wife framed Teacher Ye. As long as there is someone on Teacher Ye's side who can prove her alibi and the time doesn't match, the military will naturally doubt the truth of the matter. In the end, as long as they think about whether it is related to the supernatural power of the supernatural person, things will most likely turn around."

"And witnesses are what Teacher Ye has the least of. "

Ye Tongling, who has been working as a security guard for other students downstairs, has been meeting with students frequently. As long as they are willing to testify, there will be no problem on Ye Tongling's side.

After all, the time of death of the body is not right.

Hanshan died yesterday, and Ye Tongling went to Hanshan's wife's house today.

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