The angry Zhou Xunfa walked towards Lin Cheng, ready to punish the couple in his eyes with the power that had become stronger due to the end of the world.

An Jing said, "Master, you take the Coke first."

After An Jing finished speaking, a long knife appeared in her hands, and she swung it back at her back.

The long knife was less than one centimeter away from Zhou Xunfa in an instant.

The weapon was so close that Zhou Xunfa unconsciously dripped a drop of sweat on his forehead, and he stopped moving.

An Jing said with a cold face, "Don't get close to us. Teacher Zhou, you don't want anything to happen to you."

An Jing's cold beauty appearance aroused the envy of a group of boys.

'Envy, really envy. The school beauty actually stabbed him, is there anything more outrageous than this! ’

Zhou Xunfa was not in the good mood of other boys, and he could envy Lin Cheng with his real name. He was panicking now.

‘Where did this knife come from, and she swung the knife too fast, I couldn’t see it clearly. ’

“My classmate, please calm down, I have no ill intentions.” Zhou Xunfa said cunningly: “I am for all the students who survived here. There are so many people here, and we don’t know if there is any support from the outside world. We must store as much food as possible. Don’t you think so?”

An Jing did not answer, but repeated again: “Teacher, can you please leave?”

Zhou Xunfa’s forehead was full of blue veins, and he wanted to kill someone, but after weighing it, he found that he might not be able to do anything to An Jing.

After a stalemate of dozens of seconds, Zhou Xunfa changed his expression and said with a smile: "Okay, since this classmate is unwilling to hand it over, it's up to you. However, instead, I can't let you join the group I lead."

"Please leave."

After Zhou Xunfa finished speaking, a flash of pride flashed in his heart.

Through the pressure of the general situation, as long as Lin Cheng and his team don't want to act alone, they will definitely bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

Now since the blood-red rain has ended, there are a lot of zombie monsters scattered around the campus. Normal people will never choose to act alone.

Even Zhou Xunfa himself is no exception. He has become stronger and has become a superpower, but he doesn't think he can survive without the team.

An Jing narrowed her eyes. Let her make the decision herself, she will definitely take Lin Cheng and leave the team directly.

However, the one who makes the decision now must be Lin Cheng, so An Jing looked at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng said: "Since Teacher Zhou doesn't want us to stay here, let's go, An Jing."

"Everything is up to you." An Jing said.

An Jing said, retracting the long knife, and then stood in front of Lin Cheng, saying: "Teacher, then my master and I will leave first."

Zhou Xun made an ugly expression and threatened: "You really don't think about it. A team of more people will have a greater chance of survival. And how long can you two last in the face of zombies."

"Don't worry about it, teacher. We have our own way to deal with these zombies." After An Jing finished speaking, Lin Cheng had already taken a step. And An Jing hurriedly followed.

Zhou Xun stared at Lin Cheng from behind, as if considering whether to save him.

At this moment, a sharp voice sounded.

"Ah, help, save me————!"

Lin Cheng and An Jing also stopped and looked at the source of the sound.

Then, they saw a female student in the crowd being grabbed by a vine and dragged away.

"Master, it's a mutant plant. Do you want to take action?"

Lin Cheng quickly made a decision, and the time-stopping short knife appeared in his right hand. He said, "It seems that this mutant plant has no intention of letting us go."

As Lin Cheng spoke, he saw vines surging towards them.

An Jing's expression also became serious: "Master, although mutants are different from zombies, they will not only attack humans, but mutants can be improved whether they devour humans or zombies. This mutant plant has devoured so many zombies, even humans, it may be very dangerous, please be careful."

Even if An Jing did not remind him, Lin Cheng would not be careless.

The appearance of a large number of vines made the students panic.

At this time, Zhou Xunfa shouted loudly: "Don't worry, everyone, watch me."

Zhou Xunfa's right hand appeared black and pulled towards a vine.

After activating the superpower, Zhou Xunfa's strength can be increased by 1.5 times. With his powerful arm strength after awakening, the vine seemed unable to get rid of it all at once.

However, at this time, another vine came towards him.


Xunfa grabbed the vine with his other hand.

However, there were more than a hundred vines attacking, and another vine attacked.

Zhou Xunfa thought to himself that it was not good.

However, among this group of people, only Zhou Xunfa had the ability to fight.


A student shouted and was about to come forward to help, but a vine easily entangled him.

Most of the other students were also entangled by the vines and could not get away.

Lin Cheng and An Jing were also entangled by the vines.

An Jing raised her long knife and slashed at the oncoming vines.

Although An Jing's strength was not small, it was actually not as good as Zhou Xunfa's after the addition, but the weapon she was equipped with was sharp, and she actually cut the vine off in an instant.

The green liquid began to drip onto the ground through the incision.

This aroused the ferocity of the mutant plants, and more than a dozen vines attacked An Jing at once.

But at this moment, Lin Cheng's time-stopping short knife appeared in his hand, and he slashed at the oncoming vines.

This knife not only cut the vines, but also directly caused the mutant plants to pause for three seconds with the equipment effect of the time-stopping short knife.

These three seconds made a huge change in the battle situation.

The students broke away from the entanglement of the vines.

And Zhou Xunfa pulled the vines away.

An Jing casually swung the long knife and cut off five or six vines.

Three seconds later, the vines suddenly began to shrink and withdraw.

An Jing came to Lin Cheng and asked, "Master, did you do anything?"

Lin Cheng nodded and made a judgment: "My weapon has a special effect. The mutant plant should have been frightened by my special effect."

After Lin Cheng glanced at everyone, he said, "At first, the mutant plant should have seen so many people here and thought there was a lot of food to devour. But after being frightened by my weapon, it should not come again in a short time."

An Jing also said with lingering fear: "I didn't study in Liudao City in my previous life, so I don't know the situation here."

An Jing entered this university by chance, and met Lin Cheng, the zombie emperor in the previous life.

However, An Jing also saw that the water in Liudao City was probably very deep.

It was another mutant plant that had swallowed up an entire school of zombies in less than a day.

It was another zombie emperor like Lin Cheng who was invincible in the previous life.

Lin Cheng was also still in shock. Judging from this mutant plant, he felt that his transformation into a zombie in his previous life might have something to do with this mutant plant.

"Master, do you want to chase?"

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