The old man was buried in a graveyard, and the old man was buried in a graveyard.

Gourmet tablecloth (growth equipment)

Level: 1 star (0/100)

Equipment effect: The food placed on the tablecloth can be multiplied by 100 times every day

Attribute value: Strength 50 points, Defense 50 points, Speed ​​50 points

Growth space: SS

Current level: Level 1 (0/100)

Lin Cheng blinked his eyes. This equipment is useful, but it doesn't seem to be of much use.

After all, in terms of food, those that are quietly stored are almost enough to last until others adapt to the end-of-the-world environment and establish a new production system.


Lin Cheng suddenly thought of something and asked, "Anjing, after the end of the world, will the meat of those mutant animals have higher nutritional value than ordinary meat?"

"Yes. The meat of mutant animals, the mutant plants themselves, and the fruits they bear can all promote the growth of superpowers, but in three dimensions."

'It seems that this is a long-term operating equipment. '

Lin Cheng's eyes lit up and he made a judgment on this equipment. If there is mutant meat or edible mutant plants, or mutant plant fruits, then this equipment can be used to directly multiply it by a hundred times.

However, although the blood rain has come, not all animals and plants will immediately become as powerful as the mutant plants that Lin Cheng had seen before.

Unknowingly, more than ten minutes have passed, and Tiger No. 1 has arrived at the destination and began to slow down slowly.

At the normal speed of Tiger No. 1, as long as it does not encounter the road conditions full of traps before, Tiger No. 1 can actually take Lin Cheng and others to run through these three places in less than two hours and then reach the villa area.

When he got outside the swimming pool, Lin Cheng opened the virtual vision map.

There were no green or blue dots in the swimming pool, only four black dots... Hey, four?

Lin Cheng was stunned and found that there was one more black dot.

Lin Cheng shook his head slightly: "This is not a bad thing."

One more black dot means one more possibility.

Lin Cheng looked at the new maid who was still sleeping and said, "You all wait here this time, I will go in by myself."

Judging from the combat power of the maids, if several people get together and complement each other's abilities, it will be very safe unless they encounter a high-level zombie of level 3.

The virtual vision map can confirm that there are no black dots around, so Lin Cheng only needs to deal with the two black dots in the swimming pool.

Leaving the maids behind, Lin Cheng entered the swimming pool.

Watching Lin Cheng leave, Xu Feili suddenly asked: "An Jing, I have something to ask."

An Jing looked at Xu Feili and nodded: "What do you want to ask?"

"In addition to purification, the master's ability also has another ability that can prevent zombies from actively attacking. Don't you think this ability is very similar to the psychic ability?"

"Hmm?" An Jing looked thoughtful. It must be said that the thinking direction proposed by Xu Feili was indeed something An Jing had never considered.

Psychic abilities are ultimately about influencing from the spiritual level.

And Lin Cheng's zombie affinity, to put it bluntly, is not the influence on the spiritual level, so that the zombies will not actively attack him.

"It is indeed possible. No..." An Jing suddenly realized something, she said: "If this is a psychic ability, then the master's situation is just like..."

"So, the master has actually been using this ability uncontrollably." Xu Feili said.

If it's just like this, it can only be said to be a passive ability that has no effect on humans.

But An Jing felt that Xu Feili came to ask her about this matter specifically, and it should be more than that.

An Jing thought of a possibility, frowned and asked: "Do you think this ability will erode the master's mental state?"

Xu Feili nodded and said her guess.

"Zombie affinity is to avoid being attacked by zombies. Conversely, guess, is it to use the ability to convey to the zombies that you are the same kind of zombies?"

"And this ability really won't have a subtle change in the user himself like 'I am a zombie'?"

"You have been following the master since the end of the world. Have you noticed that his behavior has changed... Especially after he was promoted to a level 2 ability user." Xu Feili said: "Since the mental ability will affect oneself when it is not controlled, then at level 2, this effect should be further improved."

"...Change..." An Jing felt that there should not be much change,

She said, "There is no obvious change. The effect of psychic powers will be greatly weakened when there is a huge gap in ability. The master's three-dimensional values ​​are very different from those of normal psychics. Even if he uses his powers uncontrollably, he should have enough resistance."

"That's good. I think I'm just overthinking it." Xu Feili said.

An Jing had a bad idea in her heart.

Although the effect will be greatly weakened when there is a big gap in ability, it is impossible to be completely unaffected if it is used continuously.

'At least, it seems that the master has no changes in this regard for the time being. '


After Lin Cheng entered the swimming pool, he found that the surroundings were quiet, there was no blood, it was very clean and quiet.

And the more this was the case, the more it showed that this place was not right.

Lin Cheng came all the way to the inside of the swimming pool, but looked at the pool with some surprise. There were three big trees growing vigorously.

Unlike the mutant plants he had seen before, these three big trees seemed to be just ordinary big trees.

However, these three big trees not only grow in the swimming pool, but also bear golden fruits on them, which indicates that they are mutant plants.

Lin Cheng looked at the panels of the three mutant plants.

Apple Tree

Race: Mutated Plant

Level of Power: Level 2

Panel Strength: Strength (0) Defense (50) Speed ​​(0) Power (100)

Ability: Power Fruit, Water Storage and Growth

The panels of the three apple trees are the same. Of the two powers, the Power Fruit is the fruit that can slightly increase the power attribute, which is the golden apple hanging on the branch at this time.

Water Storage and Growth means that as long as the three mutant apple trees absorb water, they can continuously increase their levels. This power can be said to be extremely powerful.

However, looking at the panels of the three apple trees, you can see that although they have the supernatural power of water storage and growth, they have no possibility of being used as combat power.

There is no strength value, no speed value, only defense value. Lin Cheng feels that even if they reach level 9, the power fruits on the tree will be stolen by ordinary level 1 psychics, and even ordinary humans before the end of the world can pick apples.

Lin Cheng touched his nose. This mutant apple tree feels the same before and after the end of the world.

"But who planted the apple tree here..."

"It's me."

A voice responded to Lin Cheng's mumbling.

Lin Cheng raised his head and looked at the mutant apple tree, and found that there was still a person standing here.

A girl came around from a section of the tree and looked at Lin Cheng on the apple tree.

That face, those two swords.

Lin Cheng didn't expect to meet Nangong Yu here.

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