Although Ning Qiang can use her superpowers to clear mines, Lin Cheng thinks it is a waste of time to clear mine traps one by one.

And superpowers can use more than just superpowers.

Lin Cheng said, "Since superpowers can be used, superpowers may also be used."

"Superpowers?" Xu Feili had never heard of this and asked, "What are superpowers? Is it different from superpowers?"

"It's different from superpowers. Anyone with superpowers can use it. But it's easy to get started. Find someone else to teach you when you have time. Now I'll show you."

As Lin Cheng spoke, superpowers appeared above his head, and then he aimed at the entire road and fired directly.

The supernatural power activated and destroyed all the small circles along the way with an unstoppable momentum.

The whole road was filled with continuous roars, which almost stunned Xu Feili. She said, "Isn't this much more powerful than supernatural power?!"

"You misunderstood." An Jing explained, "It's just that the master's supernatural power is different from that of ordinary people. Generally speaking, this kind of power is normal."

As An Jing said, the light condensed above his head and then shot towards the building next to him. A fist-sized hole appeared in the building

Although the destructive power of An Jing's supernatural power is also acceptable, it is far inferior to Lin Cheng's supernatural power.

"It seems that I did misunderstand. However, is this also a fighting method for supernatural people?" Xu Feili asked, "It feels like it can replace ordinary firearms."

"Now I understand why you have Gatling here, but you prefer to use supernatural power."

Xu Feili said with emotion. At the same time, they also sighed a little. Compared with them, the superpowers in the military were too well protected, so they were like domesticated pets and lost their fighting skills.

Lin Cheng's superpower destroyed the ground like a dead tree and rotten wood. Not only the traps, but also a deep scar was blown directly on the ground.

After trying it once, Lin Cheng looked at the situation and said, "Let's change to another road. This road can no longer be driven normally."

Although Lin Cheng's attack cleared the traps, it also made the entire road unable to allow vehicles to pass normally.

Although it is possible to switch to running mode for Tiger No. 1, in that mode, maids like An Jing will be bumped again.

Lin Cheng and his team then changed a road, but when they turned the corner, they found that this side was also covered with traps.

Everyone looked at Lin Cheng, and Lin Cheng was a little speechless and said, "There is no way. It seems that we can only fight all the way."

Lin Cheng's superpower destroyed the traps on this road again, and then Lin Cheng took back Tiger No. 1 and chose to walk over.

However, there were more traps than Lin Cheng expected.

When Lin Cheng and his team walked to the next road, there were still a lot of traps.

"I can't stand it. Why are there so many traps?" Ning Qiang said dissatisfiedly.

Lin Cheng shrugged and said, "Let's go."

On the next road, Lin Cheng and his team still encountered traps.

On the next road, Lin Cheng and his team still encountered traps.

After clearing traps all the way until noon, Lin Cheng and his team finally didn't encounter any traps.

Lin Cheng and his team breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Cheng's expression was subtle, and he asked, "Feili, didn't you encounter any traps on the road when you came?"

If Xu Feili and her team also encountered traps of this level when they came, then it stands to reason that this off-road vehicle would not be able to drive in.

"No, it should be that the distance on the master's side is close to the journey of the zombie, and the road to the shelter is fine." Xu Feili explained.

Lin Cheng was speechless, and he had a lot of resentment towards this zombie.

Is this zombie just setting up traps for nothing?

Dong Yingxue suggested, "Master, it's already noon, why don't we find a place to rest first."

"Well... okay, let's rest first." Lin Cheng also felt that he should rest, and it was lunch time.

Lin Cheng turned over the map of the virtual vision, and then found that there were hundreds of green and blue dots in the nearby buildings.

Lin Cheng looked to the side and found that it was a garden community, so he said, "Let's go inside and rest."

As soon as Lin Cheng and his friends entered the community, these green and blue dots gathered together. They gathered around Lin Cheng and his friends, as if they were observing them.

An Jing looked around and said, "Master, someone is watching us. It should be a human survivor."

As soon as An Jing finished speaking, he saw people everywhere starting to

Figures appeared one after another.

One of them said, "Get out, you are not from our community, don't come into our community casually."

Others also said, "Get out, get out!"

Lin Cheng frowned slightly.

Just then, a gentle voice sounded.

"If you don't mind, come to my house." The speaker was a man in his forties, his eyes were clear and his mouth was smiling.

As soon as the man opened his mouth, he was immediately accused by others: "Hanshan, why are you pretending to be a good person. The community is our community, and everything belongs to the people in our community."

"So I invited them to my house, and my things are always my own, right?" Hanshan said.

"What a good guy, no wonder his wife and children ran away on the first day of the end of the world."

One person muttered.

"As long as they only eat at your house, live at your house, and use your house, I don't mind."

"That's right, unless they only eat at your house, live at your house, and use your house. Otherwise, I will never agree to let them enter our community."

An Jing couldn't help it, and was about to step forward to let this group of people experience the consequences of disrespecting the host.

However, Lin Cheng noticed that there was something strange around him, but he pulled her and said, "No problem, we just plan to rest here for noon, and we will leave after noon. We will bring other things ourselves."

"Since he said so, there is no problem."


The people around heard it, and they didn't say anything anymore, and soon dispersed.

However, Lin Cheng knew that they didn't actually go back to their own place, but were watching near the gate. As long as other people came to the community, they would probably be treated the same as Lin Cheng.

After the people left, An Jing said dissatisfiedly: "Master, are you just going to let them go? They insulted you and should be punished."

"I understand your feelings, but this place is not right." Lin Cheng said: "Let's see the situation first."

An Jing frowned and paid attention to the surrounding situation. Then, she quickly realized something and said: "Master, are you saying that there are no zombies or mutants around here?"

"Well, there are no zombies or mutants. Isn't this strange?" Lin Cheng said.

At this point, Lin Cheng and his team have been far away from the range of the mutant plants before. Logically, there should be zombies.

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