The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"I'm sorry. But there's no food. What should we do next..."

"We can only go out to look for it..."

"But there are zombies outside. We can't get out at all."

Suddenly, a girl said, "I have a way."

A light suddenly appeared above the girl's head. This was a supernatural power.

"This, isn't this the chosen power that Zhou Xunfa is using?! How can you use it, Ye Zi!"

The girl's eyes were full of anger, and she said: "This power is not the chosen power at all. I guess you can use it too. I'll teach you later! With it, we don't have to worry about those stinky men invading us, nor do we have to worry about the threat of zombies. We women can fight on our own. It's best to kill all men. There is no good man in this world!"

"But not all men are bad. Didn't Lin Cheng help us kill Zhou Xunfa just now and save us?"

"Saved us ≠ helped us, We asked for food just now, but he didn't give us any. All men are the same, they can't be trusted. And he has a lot of girls with him, he must have threatened them in a similar way to Zhou Xunfa. If we meet them in the future, we have to kill Lin Cheng and save them from Lin Cheng! "

"No, killing him is too easy, we have to cut him into pieces to vent our anger."

"Now it's the end of the world, we girls have to help each other to avoid being ruined by the evil hands of men! You have been deceived once, can you be more careful and don't be deceived by men."

After hearing this, several girls not only did not agree with it, but also thought that this girl was a little crazy.

"Ye Zi, to be honest, isn't this idea too extreme?"

"Not extreme, I..."

The girl was about to say something, and suddenly, the ceiling above cracked.

A figure fell from the crack.

Nangong Yu held the hem of her skirt and landed lightly. Then, she looked at the girls present, tilted her head, and asked, "Have you seen a red-haired monster riding a tiger?"

"No... I haven't seen it." Several girls were shocked by Nangong Yu's aura, and their cheeks began to turn pale.

"Okay." Nangong Yu turned around and prepared to leave from the door.

At this moment, Ye Zi suddenly came forward with a look of surprise, grabbed the girl's arm, and said, "Wait."

"What else do you want?" Nangong Yu turned around and asked in confusion.

"Sister, you are also a woman. In this end of the world, we women should cooperate with each other and kill all the men who plot against us without leaving a single one."

"...Are you an idiot?" Nangong Yu said this after a moment of silence, and then a long sword appeared in her hands.

"I heard that idiots seem to increase physical defense. I'll try."

Nangong Yu said, swinging a sword at Ye Zi.

Blood splashed out of the room.

Ye Zi, whose chest was pierced, lay on the ground with an unwilling look on her face.

Nangong Yu gently wiped the blood off her face, and then said, "It's a pity that idiots don't increase physical defense."

Nangong Yu looked at the girls over there again, and raised the blood-stained sword in his hand slightly.

When they looked timid, Nangong Yu retracted his sword and said, "You don't seem to be idiots."

Then, Nangong Yu turned around and left here.

The girls who stayed behind looked at each other.

Then, a thought came to mind...

"Not agreeing with Ye Zi's idea just now must be the most correct thing I have done in my life."

If they had agreed just now, and agreed with Ye Zi's idea out loud, they might have been killed by Nangong Yu as idiots the next moment.

"By the way, what is the idiot she mentioned?"

"I don't know."

"Let's not delve into it."

"Yeah, I just feel that the man has a problem with his brain..."

Although it was only a brief contact, the girls also felt the abnormal nervousness in Nangong Yu.

Outside the door

Nangong Yu had a puzzled look on his face.

‘I didn’t expect that my sense of crisis was inaccurate this time. I just felt that there was something dangerous inside…’

“Forget it.”

Nangong Yu whistled.

A huge Saker Falcon fell from the clouds.

Nangong Yu jumped lightly and landed on the Saker Falcon’s back.

The man and the bird disappeared into the clouds.


“Master, just now when we went upstairs

Is it to save people?"

"I think so. With Zhou Xunfa's personality, the girls who followed him would probably be forced to do something. There must be some who were unwilling, so I thought that there might be people imprisoned by Zhou Xunfa in the light spots inside."

Lin Cheng shrugged and said, "I didn't expect that I was wrong. There are indeed people imprisoned inside, but it turned out to be all of them. From this point of view, Zhou Xunfa really has no charm at all..."

"To be honest, he is too greasy..." An Jing said.

Lin Cheng thought about Zhou Xunfa's usual virtues and couldn't help shaking his head. Then he said, "Of course, it may not be considered as saving, after all, I don't plan to share the food with them. "

Lin Cheng and his companions walked for more than half an hour. Although they saw the streets full of damaged vehicles and traffic accidents caused by vehicles, they did not encounter even a single human or zombie.

Ning Qiang asked in confusion: "Senior Lin Cheng, we have been walking for a long time, but the frequency of encountering zombies is too low... No, we didn't encounter any at all!"

Lin Cheng said: "Ning Qiang, have you forgotten the mutant plant I defeated before? Now the zombies and humans nearby have been eliminated by the mutant plant, so we naturally won't encounter them."

Ning Qiang blinked and said: "It seems to be true. However, is this a bad thing? After all, killing zombies can get crystals and equipment, just like the rewards for killing monsters in the game!"

Lin Cheng suddenly asked: "Ning Qiang, do you think it is a good thing to have zombies to kill?"

"That's right, Senior Lin Cheng." Ning Qiang said with a smile, trying to liven up the atmosphere.

As a result, Lin Cheng said: "Since you think so, I'll leave it to you. "

"What? Leave what to me?"

Lin Cheng pointed at several zombies approaching slowly in the distance. These zombies were all ordinary zombies.

However, their appearance was different from the ordinary zombies that Lin Cheng had encountered before.

Five zombies, one of which was shining with metallic luster, with sharp iron spikes on its arms, and two zombies with abnormally fast walking speed, much stronger muscles in its legs than in its upper body, and strange body proportions.

Ning Qiang compared these five zombies and found that they were very similar to the evolutionary forms of the level 2 zombies mentioned by An Jing before, so she said: "They don't seem to be level 1 zombies, but level 2 zombies?"

An Jing nodded and said: "Yes, they are level 2 zombies."

Ning Qiang swallowed and said uncertainly: "Senior Lin Cheng, are you serious? Let me fight these level 2 zombies?"

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