The driver's seat was covered in blood. Her body was still pressed by the bus. Ye Tongling immediately stepped forward and used both hands to move the bus a little, and then she quickly pulled Lin Yuanmei out.

Unfortunately, Lin Yuanmei was almost paralyzed at this time and couldn't move at all.

"Tongling, I can't do it anymore. I feel like my bones are almost broken. Even if you take me away, I probably won't survive. It's so noisy here, it will attract zombies. Go quickly."

Ye Tongling obviously didn't want to leave like this, so she wanted to pick Lin Yuanmei up, but was rejected.

"Don't save me. On the contrary, I hope you can kill me. I don't want to encounter zombies before I die, and then be infected and become a new zombie."

Ye Tongling shook her head and said, "Yuanmei, don't say anything. You can survive. You will definitely survive."

"...Tongling, let me bother you one more thing before you die. Tongling, you are a responsible person. However, in this world, your sense of responsibility will one day bring you trouble and even threaten your life."

"As a friend, I hope that at some point in the future, when someone wants to use your sense of responsibility to threaten you to do something, you can decisively refuse the other party."

After Lin Yuanmei finished speaking, she suddenly reached out and touched Ye Tongling's red tassel spear.

Ye Tongling refused. She was worried that Lin Yuanmei would do something stupid with the Red Tassel Spear. She said, "No, Yuanmei, you will definitely survive. Don't do anything stupid now."

"Tongling, let me see your equipment. I feel that this Red Tassel Spear seems to be helpful to my current situation."

"This..." Ye Tongling hesitated for a moment, but still let go of her hand, unwilling to miss any opportunity to save Lin Yuanmei.

However, the next moment, the moment Lin Yuanmei got the Red Tassel Spear, she dragged it and pierced her chest.


Ye Tongling was shocked by this scene and shouted loudly, then hugged Lin Yuanmei and kept shaking her.

"Are you okay! You must be okay!...Yuanmei."

Ye Tongling stopped shouting.

She had to accept a fact.

Lin Yuanmei was dead.


Ye Tongling picked up the Red Tassel Spear and stood up suddenly.

Behind Ye Tongling, a figure slowly approached.

This is a girl who looks quite charming.

She has a slim waist, a beauty mole on her lips that adds to her charm, black ponytails, flat bangs, and a crazy look in her eyes.

The girl slowly approached Ye Tongling with a sword in both hands.

Ye Tongling waved at the girl, and the blood on Lin Yuanmei's body turned into arrows and shot towards the girl.

Facing this fierce attack, the girl raised the long sword on her left and waved it gently.

The invisible sword energy carried the air flow and shattered the arrows made of Lin Yuanmei's blood.

"This attack is not directed at me... Are you testing me? Testing whether I am the murderer who attacked you?"

The girl smiled and said, "Then I'll tell you the answer directly. It was indeed me who destroyed the bus you were riding just now."

"Who are you and why did you do this————!" Ye Tongling gritted her teeth. The attack just now was launched by Ye Tongling avoiding the girl's vital points, which was to test whether the girl was the attacker.

When the girl displayed the invisible attack, Ye Tongling confirmed that the girl was indeed the attacker who destroyed the bus just now.

"Is the reason important? Well... maybe it is indeed important." The girl tilted her head and said, "I just want to try it."

"Since this power has been awakened for no reason, and that kind of monster has appeared, it will make people want to try out the extent of their own supernatural powers."

"Can I cut the passing vehicles in half?"

"Can I cut the people in the car in half as well?"

"Is it just this simple idea that drives me to act?"

The more the girl said this, the more angry Ye Tongling felt.

"Are you crazy? What do you think of human life!" Ye Tongling's roar was almost deafening, but it did not touch the girl.

At this time, the girl tilted her head and looked at the bus.

The bus was emitting fireworks, and people came out of the bus one after another.

Although less than half of the girls were still alive, Ye Tongling still felt relieved that they survived.

The next moment, Ye Tongling's expression changed drastically.

Because the girl in front of her raised her long sword towards the surviving girls.

The next moment, invisible attacks swept towards these students who were not sure whether they were lucky or unlucky.

However, at the critical moment, Ye Tongling blocked the girls and interrupted the sword energy.

The girl said, "You stopped me again."

Ye Tongling waved the red tassel spear behind her and said, "Run away quickly, this guy is a lunatic, she will kill you."

The students survived the car accident, and their emotions have not yet calmed down, and their fear of death has also been magnified.

After hearing what Ye Tongling said, they hurriedly ran behind her, without even considering whether Ye Tongling would be killed when facing this mysterious girl.

Ye Tongling held the red tassel spear tightly, looked at the girl, and stared at her with his eyes fixed on her.

The murderer who killed Lin Yuanmei was in front of her. If possible, Ye Tongling would definitely want to kill the other party immediately.

However, after struggling for a moment, Ye Tongling just remembered the girl deeply in her heart and decided to give up the plan to avenge Lin Yuanmei and other students who died immediately.

‘My first priority is to take them away now. I can’t let anger cloud my mind. ’


On the time TV, Ye Tongling used the blood of her friend’s death to create a series of metal arrows formed by blood, constantly covering other students to escape from this crazy woman.

And this crazy woman did not catch up with Ye Tongling and the others after they evacuated. She just stood there and watched Ye Tongling and the others go away quietly.

Ning Qiang muttered: "This woman is completely a crazy woman."

Compared to her personality, Lin Cheng paid more attention to the girl's ability. But without the panel, he really couldn't tell what the girl's ability was.

Cutting? Air slash? These are all possible.

An Jing, however, looked solemn and said: "Master, I know who this woman is."

Most of the people An Jing knew were famous figures in the end times. After all, An Jing didn't have a wide circle of friends after her rebirth.

Lin Cheng asked curiously, "Is she someone you met in the end times?"

"Strictly speaking, I just know her, but I don't know her."

"She is the great sinner imprisoned in the Seventh Heaven in the Human Empire, the blood-stained sword lady Nangong Yu."

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